Eternal Existence

Chapter 554: Eight-patterned Golden Rope Formation

"If you don't want it, forget it. You can find a place to sell it later." Chen Feng said with a pout.

Then Chen Feng knocked down all the remaining high-level officials in a few seconds, and then stepped forward and stepped heavily on the body of the Sixth Master.

"The famous robbers' nest in the Liangjie Mountains is so weak?" Chen Feng whispered.

"Boy, no matter who you are, if you offend our Black Wind Village, you can't even think about leaving Liangjie Mountain. Our boss is a human immortal." The Sixth Master threatened.

"A human immortal still becomes a robber, you are trying to scare me." Chen Feng said with force, and a sound of broken bones, and the Sixth Master screamed again.

"Boy, tell me your name." The Sixth Master shouted again.

"You don't know it even if I tell you." Chen Feng shook his head. Then he ignored the other party, but released his spiritual sense to search the robbers' nest. Soon Chen Feng found some looted cultivation materials.

"Hey, there are quite a lot of things, but they are too mixed, and there are not many good things." Chen Feng shook his head, but the smile on his face never stopped.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Just as Chen Feng was looking around, several items from the pile of cultivation materials flew up and quickly entered the Longevity Tower.

"I like these things." The tower said lightly.

"Things that you like are all top-notch." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing, but he didn't say much, and then waved his hand, and all the piles of things entered the Longevity Tower.

"I'll sort them out slowly when I have time, and I hope I can find some good things." Chen Feng smiled.

When Chen Feng came to the valley again, the robbers had already run away. The empty valley and the surrounding houses felt a little strange.

"These guys ran fast enough, it seems that we should go to the other two places." Chen Feng said as he took off and began to fly quickly among the mountains.

"What's going on? What happened?" At this time, the teleportation array of the second largest stronghold of the Black Wind Village suddenly flashed, and the Sixth Master and others appeared in the teleportation array in a panic.

This situation alarmed the Third Master and others in a short time. Soon, the injured monks of the Sixth Master were carried out, and they were treated while asking about the situation.

"Sixth Master, what happened? Did the Fire Cave attack us? That's not right. If they did, they would definitely not spare your lives. Or did you offend someone?" The Third Master started asking immediately.

"It was a young man, only one person, who beat us all and looted everything in the stronghold." The Sixth Master gritted his teeth and said.

"What, so many things were taken away, who is the other party?" The Third Master's face changed.

"I don't know, but I think the other party will be here soon."

"Have you offended them?"

"Hey, don't we offend enough people every day in Black Wind Village?"

"That's true. Okay, you should recover quickly, and I will notify others to prepare for the battle."

"Let's go to the boss and the others at the same time. The other party is not easy to deal with, and I can't tell their strengths and weaknesses."

"Could it be that the other party is a human immortal? As long as he is not a human immortal, I will make him come and never return." After the third boss finished speaking, he began to summon his subordinates to arrange defenses.

"It should be here. There is actually a barrier. It seems that this robber's nest does have a master." Chen Feng said and punched the barrier from a distance.

The barrier shook, and it seemed that a big water ball appeared in front of Chen Feng. The punch Chen Feng threw had a force of 5 million jin, but it did not blast open this layer of barrier. All the power spread from a point to the surface of the water ball, and finally completely dissipated Chen Feng's power.

Pa pa pa pa!

In places that Chen Feng couldn't see, many of the crystals used to set up the barrier had cracks, but this time Chen Feng's attack was enough to alert everyone.

"This guy came so fast." As soon as the third boss gathered people together, he felt the space vibrating, and knew that the other party was coming to kill him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng punched several more times in succession, increasing his strength to 8 million pounds, but still failed to break the barrier in front of him, but some weak monks in the barrier were shocked to bleed and fainted on the ground, and the flowers, plants and trees inside turned into ashes.

"It seems that it won't work. I have to use magic weapons." Chen Feng waved his hand and took out the four-sided spirit whip, and smashed it heavily on the barrier.

"No, it's a holy weapon." The third elder was still somewhat confident, but now he saw the magic weapon that Chen Feng took out, and immediately became guilty.


The huge impact force made the barrier swell up suddenly, just like a child blowing colorful bubbles, and finally exploded with a bang, turning into countless fragments, and all the spiritual stones at the foundation of the barrier were shattered. The chaotic energy generated by the broken barrier caused the ground and space to explode continuously.

I don’t know how many people were affected this time, and they rolled on the ground screaming.

Roar, roar, roar!

With a loud roar, these bandits haven’t made a move, and immediately several huge monsters rushed towards Chen Feng.

“Hey, this bandit nest actually has a mountain-protecting monster.” Chen Feng couldn’t help laughing, and waved his hand. The four-sided spirit whip whistled and rolled, and immediately a huge monster was pulled out, falling to the ground and not knowing whether it was dead or alive. This was still Chen Feng controlling the power, otherwise this would be enough to smash the monster into meat paste.


Chen Feng attacked again, slapping another giant blue wolf away with a slap, but more monsters rushed over. These were all big monsters, and some of them had even cultivated magical powers. For example, a cat-like monster opened its mouth and lightning bolts appeared, and a giant tiger swung its tail and produced sharp wind blades.

Chen Feng was a little impatient, and the four-sided spirit whip in his hand shook, and the power of the holy weapon spread out, and the frightened creatures within a few miles trembled. Then, every time Chen Feng swung the four-sided spirit whip, a monster would be pulled out. Finally, Chen Feng was ruthless and killed several big monsters. The remaining monsters were finally terrified. No matter how the monks below drove them, it was useless. They all roared and fled into the distance.

"It's your turn." Chen Feng fell from the sky, and the four-sided spirit whip in his hand slammed on the ground. The earth trembled, and a huge deep pit appeared in front of everyone. I don't know how many buildings and caves collapsed around.

"Friend, where did you come from? Please forgive us if we have offended you in any way." The third boss said loudly. At this time, the third boss also secretly complained in his heart. The holy weapon that the other party took out was too powerful. Even if he used the strongest means, it might not work.

"It's okay to forgive. Take out all the things you have looted over the years, and I can spare your lives." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Arrogant, who do you think you are? You think you are amazing just because you have a magic weapon. I want to see how much power you can exert." As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, many people were angry. If these people handed over the things they had robbed with great effort, it would be a death sentence. So several people immediately attacked Chen Feng.

These people were all monks who had survived the thunder tribulation. One of them waved a treasure fan made of bird feathers at Chen Feng, and immediately a thick tornado rushed towards Chen Feng like a dragon.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Four-Direction Spirit Whip easily broke the opponent's tornado. Then Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed a flying sword with cold light in his hand.


The cultivator gritted his teeth and wanted to self-destruct his own life magic weapon. This was a trick of killing one thousand enemies and injuring eight hundred of himself. The flying sword successfully exploded, and countless sword energy mixed with fragments shot out in all directions.

However, after all this dissipated, everyone found that Chen Feng was gone, and the cultivator who self-destructed the magic weapon retreated to the side with a pale face.


Chen Feng suddenly appeared in front of everyone out of thin air, and the Four-Direction Spirit Whip in his hand swept around, and all the cultivators who had just taken action flew backwards.

"Friend, wait a minute, we can talk it over." The third boss shouted anxiously.

"Haha, it seems that you attacked me first just now." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After hearing this, everyone cursed in their hearts. It was clear that Chen Feng jumped up first in the matter in front of them, and now he said this again.

"I can give you a few treasures. Please stop for now. We can sit down and talk." The third boss's face was full of smiles.

"Oh, really? I wonder what treasures you can give me. If I kill you all, all the things here will be mine." Chen Feng laughed.

"I don't think you want us to fight to the death. As for the things, I think you will be satisfied." A subtle look flashed in the eyes of the third boss.

"Tell me about it." Chen Feng said with interest.

"A holy weapon. As long as you leave, I can give you a holy weapon." The third boss gritted his teeth and said.

"Too little." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Add a bottle of heaven-level elixir."

"Heaven-level elixir, one bottle?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and showed a mocking smile: "Okay, take out the elixir and let me see it."

"Wait a moment, friend, I will send someone to get it." The third boss said hurriedly.

"Hahaha, forget it. I wonder if you are tired of pretending. You have almost finished the preparations in this short while. Hurry up and start." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

The third boss's face changed, and he had a bad premonition in his heart, but he still gritted his teeth and shouted: "Start!"

Eight golden ropes sprang out from the ground, forming a golden cage that trapped Chen Feng in the middle.

"Hahahaha, my eight-pattern golden rope formation can even tie up human immortals. I wonder if you can get out now. If you start, I will be in trouble. But now you just wait to be captured." The third boss saw Chen Feng was surrounded in the middle and laughed immediately. At the same time, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The third boss was still very clear about the power of these eight ropes.

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