Eternal Existence

Chapter 551: Dark Scripture

"This person, no, it's a demon beast." Chen Feng couldn't help but retreat repeatedly. If the power of the Longevity Tower hadn't suddenly been transmitted to him, Chen Feng might not even have the strength to stand.

"Good demon beast, it's an incarnation." The voice of the tower was secretly heard.

"What level?" Chen Feng asked immediately.

"Shangxian, this kind of power should have ascended, but I don't know why it was sealed here. The main body can't come out, so I can only use means to condense the body into an incarnation." The tower said.

"Incarnation!" Chen Feng was secretly surprised. Just an incarnation is so powerful, so how powerful would it be if it was the main body.

"Who are you?" Although Chen Feng's heart was at peace, he still pretended to be panicked and asked on the surface.

"Don't you already know?" The black-armored boy said with a smile, and then sat casually on a crystal stone protruding from the ground.

"He can sense our conversation." Chen Feng said in his heart.

"Don't worry, the other party has no ill intentions." The tower's voice was also a little solemn, as if he was a little uncomfortable facing this level of existence, after all, the Changsheng Tower has not yet recovered enough strength.

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions." The black-armored boy said with a smile, showing his white teeth.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, then strode forward, sat opposite the black-armored boy, and looked directly at him.

"Not bad." The black-armored boy glanced at Chen Feng, with an admiring look in his eyes. This was a very wonderful picture. Obviously, the other party was younger than himself, but those eyes were full of insight into all the falseness of the world, making Chen Feng feel that everything in his body was clearly displayed in the other party's eyes.

At this time, the Changsheng Tower trembled slightly, as if it had arrived in another time and space. Sure enough, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the black-armored boy. Although he could sense that there were other things in Chen Feng's body, he could not see everything specifically.

The existence that could make him unable to see through must be stronger and nobler than himself. At this moment, the black-armored boy, who was originally just interested in the idea, became a little hopeful.

"Are you the demon fairy suppressed here?" Since the other party could see everything in his body, Chen Feng stopped pretending to be stupid and asked tentatively.

"Yes, this is my external incarnation. My real body is still suppressed. Can you tell me about the situation outside?" The black-armored boy seemed to have not talked to anyone for a long time. He wanted to know the situation outside after just a few words.

"You are so powerful, can't you leave here?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"My external body cannot leave my main body too far. The seal here is so strong that the skills you practice are a bit strange. They should not be from this world. I am afraid that even the immortal arts cannot compare to them." The black-armored boy looked at Chen Feng with his eyes shining.

"Hehe, I wonder how long the senior has been suppressed here?" Chen Feng felt a little uncomfortable under the other party's gaze, so he immediately changed the subject.

"I don't know how long it has been, maybe tens of thousands of years." The black-armored boy said with emotion.

"Tens of thousands of years!" Chen Feng was shocked.

Next, Chen Feng took out all the wine and food that he had stored. Without Chen Feng's invitation, the black-armored boy waved his hand, and a jar of wine was smashed directly, and the wine melted into a ball and went directly into the black-armored boy's mouth.

"Good guy." Chen Feng was surprised. He didn't expect the other party's drinking action to be so alternative.

Pah pah pah pah!

The wine jars were constantly broken, and soon the wine that Chen Feng took out was cleaned up by the two.

"Not good enough." The black-armored boy frowned a little.

"Eat some fruit." Chen Feng waved his hand, and there was a pile of spiritual fruits in front of him, at least a hundred, with spiritual energy permeating, and the fresh breath made people feel refreshed, and the rolling medicinal power was rotating in the fruit.

"Spiritual fruit!" This time the black-armored boy was finally surprised.

"I didn't expect you to be so generous." The black-armored boy was also a little surprised, and picked up a blue wood fruit and ate it.

"This kind of spiritual fruit should be considered a good thing in this big world." Although the black-armored boy was talking, he was eating very fast. Maybe it was because he hadn't eaten for a long time. Before Chen Feng could react, the pile of spiritual fruits in front of him was eaten up.

Chen Feng smiled and waved his hand to take out another pile. This time there were more than 200, including some Zhoutian spiritual fruits.

"Hey, Zhoutian fruit." The black-armored boy stood up suddenly, and this time he was really surprised.

"No, is there a Zhoutian tree in this world? It's impossible." The black-armored boy shook his head, a little unbelievable.

Seeing the other party's expression, Chen Feng was more certain that the Zhoutian tree was a rare good thing.

"You are a good kid. I won't eat these things for nothing today." The black-armored boy nodded.

Then Chen Feng told the other party some things about the outside world, including some of his own things. During this period, the black-armored boy only occasionally interrupted a few words, but most of the time he was listening to Chen Feng's story silently, constantly thinking and silent.

"It's been so long. Some sects have declined. According to the time, the plane battlefield should be opened." The black-armored boy whispered.

"Plane battlefield?" Chen Feng was a little confused, but he didn't say anything.

"Hey, it's just the war between the major worlds. The winner will get rewards from the immortal world. It's just a game for those people in the immortal world." Ta replied.

"The war between the major worlds, you mean the eternal world and other extraterritorial worlds." Chen Feng was shocked.

"Good! Boy, keep practicing. According to my calculations, the plane battlefield is about to open." Ta laughed.

"Boy, concentrate, I will teach you a spell." The black-armored boy stretched out his finger and tapped Chen Feng's forehead. Chen Feng only felt a chill on his forehead, and then a black light entered his sea of ​​consciousness. With a bang, the black light exploded and turned into countless handwritings. Each of these handwritings exuded a black jade-like luster, circling and dancing constantly, and soon connected together to form a line of text.

"Dark Scripture! This is an immortal art." Chen Feng opened his eyes wide.

"Yes, this is a complete immortal art, which records some killing techniques. You can comprehend and practice it yourself in the future." The black-armored boy said.

After passing the scripture, the black-armored boy still did not take away his finger. Just when Chen Feng was confused, a pure dark power poured into his body from the tip of his finger. At first it was like a stream, and later it turned into a rolling river.

Chen Feng was shocked: "Ta, what's going on? This much energy is not going to burst me."

"Of course not, your blessing has come. This is the other party using his own magic power to help you open up the dark cave in your body. Hey! This is like a revelation. This saves you decades or even hundreds of years of hard work." Ta shook his head and said.

"There is such a good thing." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"The other party must have something to ask you for help, otherwise why would they help you for no reason? Don't you have the aura of a king?" Ta laughed.

"You would follow me without the aura of a king." Chen Feng retorted.

"Humph, I had no choice at that time." Ta couldn't help but say.

At this time, the rolling dark power continued to pour into Chen Feng's body, which surprised Chen Feng to the extreme, because the energy that entered his body at this time was comparable to the energy in all the acupoints opened in his body.

"How is this possible? Is the dark cave stronger than other acupoints?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"This is the result of the other party's control, otherwise you would have burst long ago." Ta said.


At this time, the black-armored boy shouted, and a powerful force exploded in a mysterious place in Chen Feng's body, as if a black hole opened in the empty universe, and then the black hole emitted a strong suction force and began to devour all the energy and matter around it.

The Dark Cave was opened.

"I was right. This young man is not simple. He has a powerful divine treasure in his body. He must have a great background." The black-armored boy said in his heart.

All the dark power entered the dark cave, and then these dark powers that were almost viscous like liquid condensed at a distance, and finally formed a black talisman without any patterns.

Chen Feng saw this scene clearly, and couldn't help but be a little surprised at the other party's means. It seemed that this talisman was nothing, but Chen Feng could feel the powerful power contained in it, and he could mobilize and control these powers.

"Hurry up and practice!"

The black-armored boy put away his fingers, and Chen Feng sat on the ground and began to practice. A dark power enveloped Chen Feng, making Chen Feng's figure gradually blurred.

At this time, the face of the black-armored boy turned pale, but he returned to normal after taking a deep breath.

Chen Feng practiced for a whole month. During this month, Chen Feng was immersed in the magic formula of the Dark Sutra. Chen Feng gained a lot from this fairy art, and the tower surprisingly did not make any sarcastic remarks, as if the tower saw this magic formula.

"Hey! The Dark Cave can actually connect with the Void Cave." Chen Feng, who was practicing, discovered a strange phenomenon, and then his mind moved, and the whole person disappeared. After mastering the dark power and the void power, Chen Feng seemed to float in another space, without a trace of aura, and without a trace of ripples, which was much higher than other concealment techniques.

"There are so many acupoints opened up in the body, and so many magic weapons are suppressed in them. I don't believe this guy did it alone. Well, since I have made a move, I will do it to the end. The stronger this guy is, the more hope I have of escaping." The young man in black armor said as he made another move, stretching out his fingers and tapping Chen Feng's body repeatedly. With each tap, a powerful force would enter Chen Feng's body, drill into the opened acupoints, and then help Chen Feng to temper the magic weapons suppressed in the acupoints.

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