Eternal Existence

Chapter 5524 Seven-Confused True Lord

A person who did not appear made everyone panic. Although they had not really come into contact, the opponent's strength and perverted means made everyone dare not be careless, and they were still very cautious, fearing that they would also be bewitched by the opponent.

After all, there were emperors among the practitioners who were just solved. Even the emperor did not know that something had happened to him, so he naturally could not notice it.

Some people even suspected that they had been tricked, so they could not act alone under this situation and could only gather with everyone.

"Since the opponent manipulated some practitioners to attack us, whether the opponent was intentional or unintentional, they have become our enemies, so fellow Taoists should use means to find the opponent." The Soul Emperor suggested.

"Not only that, but also spread the news about the opponent so that other practitioners can be prepared." The Silver Moon Emperor said.

Everyone took action. Although the news was spread, it was hard to say whether it would work.

And the actions of everyone were also a real declaration of war against the opponent.

"This kind of guy hiding in the dark is the most difficult to deal with. To be honest, the Real Emperor or the cultivators of the Yang Realm can restrain him. I hope that the two sides can fight." Chen Feng said.

"Maybe, I am curious about the other party's origin. I also want to meet such a person. It would be better if the two sides can communicate." The Soul Emperor has his own ideas.

Speaking of the other party's bewitching technique, it actually involves spiritual practice. The Soul Emperor is actually proficient in such means. This time he met a fellow practitioner and was naturally excited.

But the Soul Emperor has no idea whether he can find the other party.

The stronger the other party is, the more interested the Soul Emperor is. If he finds the other party's location all at once, it will be disappointing.

"The other party's purpose should be to disrupt the situation." The Soul Emperor said to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng nodded. He had already seen that everyone had their own plans, but now the plan was stranded. Although it seems that they are trying to find the other party, they are still affected by the lack of results.

"I do know that there is a cultivator who is good at bewitching, but the opponent's strength is far from that strong." Emperor Xuebo suddenly said.

After all, they are also emperor-level figures, and they are also well-informed. Even if they have not been to some places and have not seen some people, they have heard some rumors.

So Emperor Xuebo used means to condense the information he knew, so that everyone could understand and deduce.

"It seems that the power between the two sides is very similar, but it is like this after the bewitching technique. Maybe there is no relationship between the two sides. It's just a coincidence." Someone said so.

It is difficult to deduce something just by relying on some information. Seeing that everyone is using means, Chen Feng is naturally not idle, but soon Chen Feng shook his head.

"I have some feelings." The Soul Emperor had a harvest at this time.

"Did Daoyou deduce something?" Emperor Yinyue asked hurriedly.

"The existence that Daoyou said just now originated here after my deduction." The Soul Emperor said and quickly gave a coordinate.

So everyone became interested and quickly formed a team, and the Shadow Emperor still covered everyone.

However, this time Chen Feng also participated, naturally because of the copying law that Chen Feng mastered.

Although he was just a small figure below the emperor, he still did not take it lightly. The strength he gathered was similar to that when he dealt with the mother queen before. On the one hand, he wanted to quickly take down the other party, and on the other hand, he was also prepared to be ambushed by the other party.

"It's almost done, don't get close to the other party, so as not to be noticed by the other party." After reaching a certain distance, the Shadow Emperor looked at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng nodded, activated the copying law, and everyone instantly shuttled to the location they wanted to go.

Then they found a cave.

The Seven Mysterious Emperor waved his hand to break the cave. One of the practitioners looked at everyone in surprise, then turned and ran.

The other party's panic was very real, and it seemed that he didn't expect someone to kill him at the door.

This practitioner was not even an emperor, how could he escape, so he eventually fell into the hands of everyone.

"Seven Confusion True Lord!" Someone recognized the other party, who was indeed above Hunyuan.

Moreover, this person was also very shocked. He didn't understand why he was targeted by so many masters. Even if he died, he was very honored.

"The previous bewitching technique was your work." Emperor Yin Yue asked directly.

"I did bewitch some practitioners, but I shouldn't be able to offend you. I came here just to fish in troubled waters. Of course, I dare not provoke the Taoist friends in the underworld." Seven Delusion True Lord said sincerely.

Emperor Yin Yue and his men looked at each other. The other party didn't seem to lie. The person in front of him still had strength, or it was simply unrealistic to bewitch the practitioners before.

"Did you find the wrong person?"

The Soul Emperor laughed at this time: "Daoyou pretended well. Maybe you really have no grudges with us, but we are looking for the existence behind you, so you should tell us all the news if you are sensible. Otherwise, once someone uses other means, it will be too late for you to regret it."

The words of the Soul Emperor enlightened everyone. Yes, everyone came here to find the person behind the other party, or the powerful existence related to this person. How could they ignore this point?


The old Silver Moon Emperor immediately understood that everyone had been tricked. The other party's bewitching technique was amazing. If the Soul Emperor hadn't spoken to break it, everyone would really want to let the other party go.

So the powerful wills all locked onto the Seventh Bewitching Master, which brought great pressure to the Seventh Bewitching Master.

"Since fellow Taoists know that there is someone behind me, then you shouldn't use this method to deal with me. As long as fellow Taoists let it go, then this matter will be forgotten. We are all here for the origin of chaos, and we don't interfere with each other." Seventh Bewitching Master said so.

Hearing this, everyone laughed.

"How can it be so easy? Now this matter is not to be forgotten, but it depends on our attitude. Now I ask one last question. Tell us the news we want to know, otherwise don't blame us for taking action." The Silver Moon Emperor said so.

The Seven-Confused True Lord still looked calm, but a hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, the Seven-Confused True Lord's expression changed, a little light bloomed in front of him, and soon, a cultivator appeared in front of everyone.

Chen Feng and others were moved, and they had guessed the other party's origin.

Sure enough.

"The Emperor of Guhuo has seen you, I think you should be looking for me." The other party exuded a strange will fluctuation.

Although it was just a power projection, everyone instinctively felt a special taste.

"Will you be bewitched like this?" Someone thought to himself, and immediately resisted, but he couldn't detect whether he was bewitched.

"It's just a position projection, there shouldn't be such a big means." Chen Feng thought to himself, and then found that the Emperor of Mind was sweeping with the power of the mind over and over again.

"The other party is very powerful." The Emperor of Mind said to Chen Feng.

"I can feel it." Chen Feng nodded.

"Even if the power projection can affect some of the Hunyuan, it is difficult to affect the emperor. The other party did not use the means of bewitching. I don't know if he really doesn't want to be our enemy, or he has to do so in order to save people." The Soul Emperor said.

"If the other party is strong enough, he will definitely attack us, but no matter how strong the other party is, he is not a match for us." Chen Feng said.

The camp formed by himself and others can be surrounded and killed even by the True Yuan Emperor.

"Hehe, hiding your head and showing your tail, why don't you come out." The Silver Moon Emperor sneered.

"I don't want to be an enemy of you."

"It's really a joke. He bewitched some people to attack us before, and now he says this again. Do you think we are fools?"

The Bewitched Emperor was silent for a while, and still said: "Maybe it was a misunderstanding. I apologize to all Taoist friends here, and please let me go, even if I owe you a favor."

It is obvious that the Bewitched Emperor is giving in at this time, but the Silver Moon Emperor and others will not let it go.

"Again, if you are sincere, then come out and have a good chat with us."

"In that case, we will meet again." This time, Emperor Guhuo left very straightforwardly.

It was obvious that Emperor Guhuo could see the determination of the crowd, so he didn't want to waste any more words.

As soon as Emperor Guhuo left, the expression of the Seventh Master of Delusion finally changed.

"What should we do?"

"Kill him."

"No matter how strong the other party is, since he provoked us before, it is not so easy to give up and make peace." Emperor Yinyue sneered.

After all, he is from the underworld, so he is still arrogant, and the people of the Dazzling Origin have the same idea.

Emperor Guhuo is indeed very capable, but it is still impossible to compete with these two forces. Killing the other party's disciples is also a warning to him. If he still doesn't know what's good for him, the underworld and the Dazzling Origin are not without masters.

"How is it?" Chen Feng looked at the Soul Emperor.

"We have roughly locked onto the other party's position, but it is affected by the power of bewitching. This position may be deviated, and the other party has sensed my exploration and may change its position." The Soul Emperor said.

"Is that so? But we still have to give it a try. Maybe we can find the other party." Chen Feng said.

On the other side, the Seven Bewitching True Lords had been killed. During this process, Chen Feng wanted to speak, but he finally held back and did not ask for the power of bewitching.

"Everyone, take action." The Silver Moon Emperor said.

Chen Feng directly released the replication law and led everyone to shuttle according to the guidance of the Soul Emperor.

When they arrived at the place, everyone was disappointed. The Bewitching Emperor felt the danger and left in advance.

"The other party has just left, continue to track him." The Blood Pool Emperor said.

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