Eternal Existence

Chapter 5523: Bewitching

It's a pity that the two sides didn't communicate for too long, and the huge chaos woke everyone up again.

The Origin of Chaos collapsed.

Two more Origins joined in, and the Yin Realm also had a large army attacking.

After receiving these news, everyone no longer had the mind to practice, and after gathering together, they participated in the chaos.

Chen Feng was still a little confused at this time. Originally, Chen Feng was communicating with the Taigu Zhendi. Both sides had their own views on the practice of the Chaos Body, and each had gained a lot. Originally, Chen Feng was planning to find an opportunity to retreat for a period of time, but who knew that something had changed now.

While moving forward and analyzing the news he got, Chen Feng was a little shocked.

Before, I thought that the Origin of Chaos was so stable, but who knew that it would collapse now. Could it be that the picture I saw before was already the limit?

"It's not a real collapse, but the Origin of Chaos really can't hold on this time. It depends on how long the other party can last?" Emperor Yinyue said.

"Even if it collapses, the best situation is that both of them will be injured." Chen Feng could only think of this when he thought of the strength of the Origin of Chaos.

More news came. In addition to the massive attack by the underworld, two powerful origins also participated in it, killing several attribute masters in succession. In addition, the number of Zerg armies was also increasing, and in a place that everyone had not known before, the Zerg army had occupied an area of ​​the Chaos Origin.

That is to say, the Zerg army is now madly plundering the resources of the Chaos Origin every moment.

Once the Chaos Origin cannot stabilize the current situation, the momentum of collapse will continue to spread until it completely collapses.

This is a good thing for the underworld. The two sides have been at war and hate to exterminate each other. Another opportunity has come, and the confidence of Emperor Yinyue and others has returned.

Since their own large army has come, they will be able to get enough benefits next.

The dazzling origin and the reinforcements that Chen Feng found also believed that their choice was correct.

Even Chen Feng became a little surprised, but then his expression was a little complicated.

Such a powerful origin is about to collapse, which is a big shock to himself.

Chen Feng has seen many origins covered in Guixu, and has personally participated in the destruction of one side's origin.

But it was the first time that such a special and powerful Chaos Origin collapsed in front of him.

However, Chen Feng quickly adjusted his mentality. The most important thing next was to plunder the benefits. Although he had already gained a lot of benefits before, once the Chaos Origin really collapsed, the benefits he would get next would double.

Feeling the emotional changes of others, Chen Feng instinctively felt a little uneasy.

Things didn't seem so simple.

However, the war between the origins was extremely dangerous. Even if one side had the upper hand, the other side's counterattack could kill many people. After all, this was a lose-lose outcome.

It was not realistic to take down the Chaos Origin without any damage.

The Soul Emperor was erratic, but he was communicating with Chen Feng secretly. It was obvious that the Soul Emperor also felt some depression.

The powerful soul power seemed to be a little dusty.

"This is the pressure brought to me by a being stronger than me." The Soul Emperor naturally made some judgments in his heart.

"It is safest to save your life next." The Soul Emperor warned Chen Feng like this, because he knew that Chen Feng had a strong spirit of adventure, so he didn't want Chen Feng to be confused at a critical moment.

"Of course I understand. I even feel that there are powerful masters who are targeting me, either because of me or because of what I have." Chen Feng said.

"In fact, in this situation, leaving is the most correct choice." The Soul Emperor said this, but it was just a talk, because the Soul Emperor knew that neither he nor Chen Feng would retreat in this situation.

On the other side, the True Dao Lord and the Canglang Zhenjun were also communicating with Chen Feng secretly. The two were also a little uneasy, so they naturally had to make some preparations for the next fight.

"It's best for the two Taoist friends not to separate. Although the Hunyuan is also very strong, it is very likely to become cannon fodder in this situation. Only by uniting can we deal with it." Chen Feng said.

There was no chance for everyone to think too much, because there was an origin area collapsed not far away. From a distance, Chen Feng saw that one side of the origin was invading, with a very fierce momentum, a large army charging, and some masters sitting in it.

Chen Feng was a little surprised that the other party actually pushed the origin directly to collide. Either he had a strong confidence in himself, or this side of the origin was opened up by a cultivator.

However, judging from the power of this origin, it seems not to be the latter. Of course, it is also possible that a cultivator has opened up a powerful origin. However, when it comes to the opponent's level, it will not be this style if it attacks again. It can completely crush all obstacles wherever it passes like the True Yuan Emperor.

However, everything is hard to say. Chen Feng just took a simple look and could not make an accurate judgment. He could only know that this was a very powerful and well-prepared force.

Dare to directly attack the origin of chaos, this alone explains everything.

At the same time, Chen Feng also felt the area where the Yin Realm was located. Although the Yin Realm was far away, it seemed to have mobilized the power of the Yin Realm and projected it directly. Looking from a distance, it seemed no weaker than the origin in front of him.

Chen Feng's eyes flickered, and he looked at another place, which was also an origin.

In fact, there are many forces invading the Origin of Chaos, but now Chen Feng is only interested in these three.

Because they are the three strongest.

Of course, there are also some powerful beings, but they fight alone. They cannot expand the results to the limit.

Chen Feng noticed that Emperor Yinyue and his men were discussing whether to join their own army or attack from both inside and outside to open up results from other places.

But soon they could not make a judgment, because a force took the initiative to find the door.

This force came to everyone's surprise. It was not the origin in front of them, nor was it the familiar forces such as Yangjie. The other party had a small number of people, but they gathered into a torrent. The space collapsed wherever they passed, and it looked very imposing.

Chen Feng and others were locked.

"It's coming for us." Chen Feng and the people around him looked at each other, unable to figure out the other party's routine.

Or is the other party confused?

Let's talk about the power on Chen Feng's side first, the alliance between Yinjie, Dazzling Origin and Chaos Origin.

This is a very powerful force. Even the origin that is violently invading in front of them dare not take the initiative to provoke them.

Although Emperor Yinyue and others suffered a little loss before, that was a special situation. Under normal circumstances, the power gathered by everyone can destroy an origin.

Besides, since it is an invader, it should deal with the origin of chaos. Their own forces are just passing by. What is the idea of ​​taking the initiative to cause trouble?

Curious, the other party actually took action, so Emperor Yinyue and others will not indulge the other party.

Everyone took action together, and the torrent rushing in front was defeated, and many practitioners were killed on the spot.

"Weird, I thought the other party was so powerful, but it turned out to be just like this." Emperor Xuebo sneered.

"Without sufficient strength, they came up to die, which is abnormal." Chen Feng said.

"They were bewitched." At this time, Emperor Xinling said.

"Bewitched?" Chen Feng was a little confused. He didn't see the specific abnormality of the other party. These were all normal practitioners who were not controlled by others.

"If they become puppets and are controlled, it's nothing, but being bewitched without knowing it is different, and such a powerful number of practitioners are bewitched, so the strength of the practitioner who came up with this method behind the scenes can be imagined." The Soul Emperor said.

"Let's not talk about the other party first, this method can show the impression of the other party. This is deliberately manipulating the war." Chen Feng said.

"Wake up!"

At this time, the Shura Emperor suddenly shouted, his will was constantly shaking, trying to get the other party out of the bewitching.

But the result was useless.

The other party seemed to regard everyone as an enemy, even though he knew he was not an opponent, he did not retreat.

However, Chen Feng could still see the other party's hesitation.

This shows that these people are indeed not puppets, but their three views and thinking have changed after being bewitched.

This is the most troublesome, but since the other party has retained a certain degree of autonomy, they also know the danger and fear, and may choose to retreat soon.

But no matter what, the two sides have already fought, and the other side has died, and the feud between the two sides cannot be resolved, so the next step is to kill the other side.

Without Chen Feng's explanation, Emperor Yin Yue and others naturally understood this point. Some people even didn't care about it at all, thinking that since the other party chose to attack them, it was normal to be killed.

Finally, several more people died on the other side, and the rest began to flee. As a result, some people died in the process of fleeing.

Chen Feng used the cause and effect technique to track, and Emperor Xinling was also using special means to find out the existence behind it.

But in the end, Emperor Xinling shook his head, and Chen Feng didn't get anything.

"There is such a thing, this is troublesome." Everyone gathered together, and Emperor Yin Yue took the lead in expressing his opinion.

This method is like a demon seed, which changes a person's thinking and ideas unconsciously, and this practitioner can't detect his own changes at all. This is the most terrifying.

"I just don't know if we are affected." Wucai Zhenjun said with some concern.

Everyone used various means to explore themselves, and the result felt that everything was normal.

The more normal it felt, the more uneasy everyone felt.

"I don't know where the other party came from. It must be a big name to have such a method. I wonder if you Taoist friends know a thing or two." Emperor Xuebo asked.

As a result, everyone shook their heads.

"It is still uncertain about the other party's position. Is it on the side of the origin of chaos, or is it a separate party? This time, they are just taking advantage of the chaos to stir up trouble." Someone also said this.

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