Eternal Existence

Chapter 5525 Tracking

"It's a bit irrational to offend such an opponent!" Chen Feng thought to himself.

But Chen Feng also understood that the other party had provoked him and others first. If he reconciled with the other party like this, he would look down on himself.

If it was just one person, then reconciling with the other party would be nothing, but with so many people on his side, who would lose face?

The Guhuo Emperor is indeed powerful, but as the Yinyue Emperor said, there are masters in the underworld.

Moreover, the Guhuo Emperor was hiding in the dark and making trouble, and it was not just the underworld that offended him. What's more, the news of the Guhuo Emperor had been spread before, and those practitioners who were not bewitched might also think that they were affected and participated in the war in front of them.

So the Guhuo Emperor might have offended everyone.

But it is better to find the other party and solve the Guhuo Emperor, so as to truly avoid the troubles that may arise in the future.

It's a pity that everyone failed to change positions several times in succession, but the Soul Emperor was still constantly calculating and exploring.

It was not easy to find the Seven-Confused True Lord before. If we give up such a good opportunity, it will be troublesome to find him when he really hides.

Someone calculated the position of the other party, and everyone rushed over immediately. This time, in order to prevent the other party from running away, Emperor Yinyue and his men only had a few positions. In this case, even if the other party escaped, they might be stopped.

As a result, after arriving at the place, everyone was stopped by a group of practitioners, and some conflicts occurred between the two sides.

It was obvious that these practitioners were bewitched by Emperor Guhuo. Although they successfully solved these practitioners, Emperor Guhuo still escaped.

"We can't continue. In this case, it's a waste of time." Five Colors True Lord said so.

Others thought so too. Although this is a hidden danger, there is no need to put all their energy on the other party.

Everyone has other things to do.

But if the other party is not solved, who knows what troubles will be brought to their own people?

Just when everyone was entangled, a practitioner came from the underworld.

After hearing about this, the other party volunteered to solve this matter.

Chen Feng was a little surprised, but it was obvious from the looks of Emperor Yin Yue and the others that they believed in the other party.

"It's Emperor Xinghuo. It's perfect for dealing with Emperor Guhuo. Fellow Taoists, don't worry. We can do other things next." Emperor Yin Yue said.

"Emperor Xinghuo!"

Although Chen Feng didn't know the other party's strength, since Emperor Yin Yue said so, it showed that Emperor Xinghuo did have unique skills.

At least the other party has the strength of an emperor, even if he just entangled Emperor Guhuo.

Besides, Chen Feng didn't have any good way, so he could only choose to believe the other party.

"It's the inspector."

However, Chen Feng got some information from other practitioners in the underworld and knew the identity of the other party.

It turned out to be an inspector of the underworld, so there is no need to say more about his strength, but no one knows the specific means of the other party.

"The territory of the origin of chaos is constantly being eroded, and we must speed up here. Once this origin completely collapses, things here should be over." Emperor Yin Yue said.

So everyone no longer looked for the origin area as before, but came to an area that was collapsing.

This was caused by the warring parties. In fact, it had already collapsed, and the area was recovering little by little.

But with the appearance of the Silver Moon Emperor, they plundered the energy here, extracted the laws here, and the area that was recovering collapsed again, and the speed of collapse was faster.

Chen Feng could see that the origin of this collapse could not be restored unless other areas were covered again.

"This is to fight the chaos origin head-on with great fanfare." Chen Feng nodded, and then saw a familiar scene.

At the beginning, everyone had to extract power, and later the Silver Moon Emperor and his men each released their own power field or their own origins to expand continuously, and began to continuously erode the territory covering the chaos origin.

This is the real means of destroying the origin of one side, and there are many practitioners present, and there are many emperors alone. If no one comes out to stop it, it is normal to truly replace this origin as time goes by.

Chen Feng himself used this method to invade the origin, but now seeing that other people are so active, he has no intention of using this method.

Although Chen Feng also wanted to plunder some origin fragments, after all, he also had some origins in his hands, and it was the time when he needed these things.

But not now.

Chen Feng was waiting for the chaos origin to really collapse, so that he could better snatch some fragments.

After all, it was above the great emperor and the powerful Hunyuan, and there were multiple of them. In a short period of time, it had expanded to a large area. Chen Feng even thought that it would soon occupy the entire chaos origin.

Of course, although the scale of the chaos origin was huge enough, if there was no powerful attribute master sitting in charge, it would really not take much time to be covered by power.

And this was just one corner that Chen Feng saw. There were many other invaders, and with the arrival of the army of the Yin Realm, the speed of covering other places would definitely be faster.

So in this case, if the Yang Realm also participated, then wouldn't it be possible to see the final result?

Or does the Yang Realm also want to take advantage of the chaos to plunder the territory of the Chaos Origin?

"And the Zerg army is also an extremely powerful force. Even if the Chaos Origin has helpers, it will not be able to escape this time." No matter how Chen Feng looked at it, he could not see a good ending for the Chaos Origin.

"It's a pity that the Gate of Origin did not seize such a good opportunity. If it participated, it would definitely get a share. This kind of origin with multiple attributes is still beneficial to the mystery of the origin." The Soul Emperor said so.

Chen Feng looked at the Soul Emperor with some curiosity, because Chen Feng knew that the Soul Emperor also had an origin, and it was reasonable to say that he also needed this kind of power, but it seemed that the Soul Emperor had no intention of taking action.

Although it felt a little strange, Chen Feng would not ask more questions. After all, everyone has their own unique way of cultivation. Perhaps the Soul Emperor did not take action now because there was no good opportunity.

Who knew that the Soul Emperor took the initiative to tell his secret.

"I'm not here as my real body, but as my spiritual clone."

"So that's it." Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, then he laughed. No wonder he felt something was wrong at the beginning. It turned out that the Spirit Emperor was not here as his real body, but even if it was a clone, he could collect some fragments of the origin for future use.

"That would be meaningless. If my real body came or as a clone transformed from the origin, then I could plunder here with great fanfare, but now I'm most interested in the Queen Mother. My purpose of coming here was to better strengthen my spiritual power. The purpose has been achieved, and whether I can gain anything next is actually not important to me." The Spirit Emperor understood what Chen Feng was thinking, so he said so.

After listening to what the Spirit Emperor said, Chen Feng's heart moved. He also mastered many powers and opened up many avenues. He didn't know when his avenue clone would reach the level of the Spirit Emperor.

If that was the case, then how powerful would he be? Just think about it, a clone has the strength of an emperor, while he has many disputes. Even the True Yuan Emperor is not his opponent.

However, this thought only flashed through his mind. Even if he could really reach this level in the future, it would take a long time. Now Chen Feng still needed to accumulate and practice hard. Moreover, he could not become stronger by plundering randomly. He needed to spend time to comprehend and sort out and make structural breakthroughs.

The crowd continued to expand their territory and frantically extracted the power and laws of the origin of chaos. As time went by, the speed of the expansion of the territory became faster and faster. At the same time, Chen Feng also felt the energy fluctuations coming from other directions.

Chen Feng could even tell the origin of the other party from these energy fluctuations. The power of the origin of chaos was resisting everywhere, but it was obvious that the origin of chaos was at a disadvantage.

Chen Feng felt the breath of multiple clones of the origin of chaos, as well as the Lord of Power, but even if they were powerful, they could not change all this.

At this time, a powerful will swept over.

This will was a little special. It seemed to attack at the same time, but all the practitioners attacked felt the strongest attack of the other party.

It was as if a series of wills that burst out with all their strength were piled up layer by layer, and then released all at once, and one of them even locked Chen Feng.

While Chen Feng was resisting with all his strength, he even felt a little honored. The other party treated him as the same level as other emperors.

"It's the Emperor of Riot. He has a close relationship with the Origin of Chaos. He has helped the Origin of Chaos fight from the beginning. His strength is very strong, but it is still a bit unrealistic to deal with us at the same time." Emperor Silver Moon sneered.

But soon, the scorching suns rose up. These were the masters of the Yang Realm. They suddenly burst out and rushed towards the Yin Realm camp.

The two sides were originally enemies, and here they just changed a new battlefield.

"There are also many masters in the Yang Realm, and their style of doing things is also very domineering, but this time coming here may not be worth the loss." Chen Feng said. If there were no other invaders, and it was just a simple battle with the Yin Realm, then the Yang Realm would not necessarily suffer, but in addition to the Yin Realm, it would have to face other opponents.

Chen Feng believed that the other party must have thought of this. Since he still chose to send troops, he must have his own intentions.

"In fact, for me, the more chaotic the scene, the better, and the more people involved, the better." Chen Feng smiled.

Although these powers are very chaotic and become more violent after containing some will, as long as they are plundered by oneself, there will be plenty of time to slowly peel them off in the future.

Familiar powers are directly integrated into the avenue, and unfamiliar powers can be slowly comprehended when there is time. Once there is a harvest, it is possible to open up a new avenue.

After thinking about this, Chen Feng looked at the Taikoo True Emperor, and indeed saw the light in the other's eyes. It is obvious that the Taikoo True Emperor with a chaotic body has the same idea as Chen Feng.

The other party also felt Chen Feng's gaze and turned his head to smile at Chen Feng.

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