Eternal Existence

Chapter 5522: Encountering a Chaos Body

Chen Feng had met a practitioner with the same physique as himself before, but he was not as strong as he is now.

Especially after reaching this point, Chen Feng also believed that other Chaos Bodies were definitely not as strong as himself.

However, since he could participate in the war in front of him, it meant that the other party had also reached a level above the Primordial Realm, and even surpassed Chen Feng in terms of realm alone. This made Chen Feng look forward to it and wanted to see the other party's origin.

When he arrived at the place, he found that the two sides were fighting very fiercely. Chen Feng saw the Chaos Body at a glance.

Although it was a little different from what he practiced, Chen Feng could still see that it was indeed the same physique as himself.

However, the same physique also produced different results due to the practice of different people, just like Chen Feng's Chaos Body had already broken through again and again.

Chen Feng was curious about the other party since he had such a physique, so what was the avenue he practiced? Did he absorb various energies like himself.

After Chen Feng watched, he soon had a certain understanding of this Chaos Body.

"It turns out that it absorbs the power of various attributes and practices the power of chaos." Chen Feng nodded secretly.

To be honest, the other party's development of the Chaos Body is more authentic than mine. However, even if the other party's realm is stronger than mine, his strength is still not as good as mine, and even his physical body is not as good as mine.

Chen Feng has absorbed the power beyond the origin, as well as the origin power of all parties. In addition, there is a magic weapon of the origin level in Chen Feng's body to suppress it, and Chen Feng has been tempered again and again, so Chen Feng's physical body has become so powerful.

Not to mention that because the two have the same physique, Chen Feng is observing the other party. The Chaos Body in the fight also felt Chen Feng's presence, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Chen Feng, with surprise in his eyes. It is obvious that the other party also saw that Chen Feng has the same physique as himself.

"Then solve the chaos side." Chen Feng looked at it. The two sides were evenly matched, but if his people took action, the situation would be different.

Chen Feng nodded to the Soul Emperor first, and then went straight into the battlefield.

The Soul Emperor stood still, but took action before Chen Feng.

Under the sweep of the power of the mind, the practitioners of the Chaos Origin were seriously affected, and then they were beaten back by Chen Feng with one punch.

With the participation of Chen Feng and the Emperor of the Mind, the battle situation immediately changed. The Chaos Origin side actually began to choose to retreat, but in the end several practitioners were killed on the spot.

"Thank you for your help, fellow Taoist." Before the battlefield was cleaned up, the Chaos Body came to Chen Feng.

It must be said that meeting a practitioner of the same physique, the mood of both of them was a little complicated, but then there was a surprise.

"It must be said that it is really a coincidence." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Indeed, I didn't expect that in addition to our Chaos Origin, I could see Chaos Body in other places. This is the first time." Taigu Zhendi said so.

After a simple exchange between the two sides, Chen Feng knew that they came from the Chaos Origin, and he could roughly judge some things from the name.

What surprised Chen Feng was that there was more than one Chaos Body in the Chaos Origin, but Chen Feng soon calmed down because he had also encountered other Chaos Bodies, so it was normal to have some Chaos Bodies in such a special life area as the Chaos Origin.

However, if they all cultivated to such a level, it would still be a bit surprising.

"Daoyou, are you here for the different attributes of the power here?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

The Ancient True Emperor nodded: "These are just incidental. We also heard about the chaos here and wanted to take this opportunity to come in and grab some benefits. Although other people are not Chaos Bodies, they also need these powers."

"Now is not the time to communicate. The other party is looking for helpers, and there is chaos among them." At this time, the Soul Emperor said.

"Why not change places."

The two sides gathered together and left quickly.

The power where the Ancient True Emperor was located was not actually strong, far less than the Yin Realm and the Dazzling Origin, but among the many outsiders, it was also a good power. At least there was a Great Emperor, and Chen Feng was also very interested in the Chaos Origin. In addition, because of the Ancient True Emperor, his attitude was very enthusiastic.

When the other party heard that Chen Feng came from the underworld, they were all shocked.

Even the practitioners in the distant areas had heard of the name of the underworld.

"There are also chaotic bodies in the underworld? But it's normal." Taigu Zhendi said.

Chen Feng smiled and did not refute. He himself came from the underworld, and there were practitioners in the underworld around him, so there was no need to force an explanation.

"I thought we had enough power, but who knew that we still underestimated the origin of chaos, and we also have opponents. There is also a force in the Yang world. We just had a fight before. In addition, the Zerg also has extremely powerful power here." Chen Feng briefly talked about the situation of the origin of chaos, which was also a manifestation of his sincerity.

Taigu Zhendi and his friends have not been here for a long time, so their understanding of the origin of chaos is naturally not as good as Chen Feng.

In addition to the name of the underworld, Taigu Zhendi decided to hug his thighs.

Chen Feng would certainly not refuse.

"Let's meet up with others first." The Soul Emperor said to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng nodded, and at the same time he was a little worried. He and the Soul Emperor had rushed out before, and he didn't know if the others had escaped unscathed. If someone died, the price would be high.

The first person to establish contact with Chen Feng was the Silver Moon Emperor. After hearing the news, Chen Feng looked solemn.

"One person died in the Dazzling Origin, and the Silver Moon Emperor and the Changhe Emperor were seriously injured and have not recovered for a while." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

This is the emperor. When he and others hunted others, they were naturally in high spirits, but when someone on his side died, he really felt the shock.

"The masters from the Yang Realm this time were beyond everyone's expectations. It is obvious that the other party came prepared and chose to severely damage the Yin Realm here, and they also sent troops directly to the Yin Realm." Chen Feng said.

"These things are far away for the time being, so let's go back and take a look." The Soul Emperor was not really concerned. The purpose of this time was to come to the Mother Queen.

If the two Mother Queens could be successfully dealt with, then the Soul Emperor would be satisfied.

Although it succeeded once at first, it was previously plotted against by the Queen Mother and others. In the final analysis, the Soul Emperor was unwilling to accept it.

"I thought that the Chaos Origin would collapse in this chaos, but who knew that it would remain stable until now." Chen Feng felt a little incredible.

We had invaded many attribute origin areas before, and also went to the real Chaos Origin area, killing some attribute masters and clones of the Chaos Origin. This was only done by our side. The number of other outsiders added up to more, plus the war in which the real Origin participated. No matter how you look at it, the Chaos Origin will not be able to escape this time.

As a result, the Chaos Origin not only persisted until now, but also had powerful allies who were constantly hunting outsiders, and even the Yin Realm was hunted by the other side.

In order to prevent any accidents, after locking the position, Chen Feng directly used the replication law. This time he was not blocked and successfully found the Silver Moon Emperor and others.

However, some people were still besieged by the Zerg army and the alien beast army. The injured, such as the Silver Moon Emperor, were recovering, and those in good condition had gone to meet them.

"I am relieved that you are fine." The Silver Moon Emperor said.

Chen Feng is not representing himself. All the Hunyuan above the Yin Realm are following Chen Feng. Although they are not emperors yet, they are all emperors' reserve troops. If something happens, it will be a huge loss for the Yin Realm.

Moreover, since coming to the origin of chaos, they have experienced many battles, and they have gained something.

Even if they cannot become emperors, they can narrow the distance.

"There are too many people from the Yang Realm. Do we have any helpers?" Chen Feng asked.

"The news has been sent back. I am not sure whether there will be helpers coming. After all, the war is still going on and it is still expanding." Emperor Yinyue said.

"Is that so? It seems that the next situation is not favorable for us." Chen Feng said.

"Let's see the situation first. Daoyou brought some helpers this time, which can be regarded as relieving our pressure." Emperor Yinyue said.

Chen Feng knew that the Yin Realm might not send masters here.

"It doesn't matter. We can leave at any time when we encounter danger." Emperor Xinling didn't care.

In the eyes of Emperor Xinling, this origin is indeed powerful. It is unlikely to collapse this time, so we can come again in the future.

With so many origins, is it possible that every one of them must be destroyed? I don’t have that strength, and it is also interesting to have such a powerful and special origin.

The Soul Emperor even thought that if the Chaos Origin could suppress all outsiders, wouldn’t that scene be more exciting?

But then the Soul Emperor thought of the Yin Realm again. The Yin Realm has a great reputation, and the force it dispatched this time is also very strong, but in the battle with the Chaos Origin and the Yang Realm, it seems to be a little depressed, which is a little disappointing.

"It may also be that I didn’t see the situation in other battlefields. After all, it is powerful to be able to draw out so many practitioners in the situation of multiple parties starting a war." The Soul Emperor said secretly.

"Daoyou, we can communicate." At this time, Chen Feng received a message from the Taikoo True Emperor.

Chen Feng’s heart moved. This is a good thing. He also has this idea. Since everyone is a chaotic body, there are many places to communicate.

So Chen Feng stopped thinking about other things, and opened up a cave with the Taikoo True Emperor.

In fact, it's not just the two of them, other people are also communicating with each other. Different origins of life have different paths of practice, and the collision of different civilizations will bring new inspiration and gains to both sides.

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