Eternal Existence

Chapter 5521: Different opinions

Chen Feng knew that he was really in trouble, but this situation was not temporary. After all, the entire origin of chaos could not mobilize too much power to deal with him. Maybe some changes would appear at any time.

Of course, this was just Chen Feng's expectation. If he could not cope with the current situation, he would be in great trouble.

"Where are you going this time?" The Lord of Holy Light kept pestering Chen Feng with his super speed.

Chen Feng wanted to deprive the Lord of Holy Light of his wings, and the Lord of Holy Light also set his sights on Chen Feng's wings.

Although Chen Feng was not as good as the Lord of Holy Light in the art of walking, the Lord of Holy Light also attached great importance to him, especially the taste of transcendence could also bring some help to the Lord of Holy Light.

After all, the Lord of Holy Light believed that his art of walking had reached a limit, and now it seemed that this limit was about to be broken.

The Lord of Power on the other side was in the same situation. Chen Feng needed his power structure, and he also needed Chen Feng's powerful body to go out twice.

It can be said that these two people were staring at Chen Feng, which was also an important reason why they could find Chen Feng so quickly.

The opportunity was rare, and the two decided to join forces to deal with Chen Feng, each getting the benefits they needed.

Chen Feng naturally felt that these two people were not just trying to kill him as an outsider, but wanted to clean himself up.

"What a pity, my strength is not enough, otherwise if I devour these two, I will become so powerful." Chen Feng felt a pity in his heart.

The Lord of Power took action, but Chen Feng did not choose to fight hard this time. He could not beat the opponent by fighting hard, and it would also create opportunities for the Lord of Holy Light.

Chen Feng wanted to dodge but was entangled by the Lord of Holy Light, which provided an opportunity for the Lord of Power.

The two sides collided and Chen Feng was beaten back.

The opponent did not give Chen Feng a chance to breathe, and continued to attack, killing Chen Feng, and he was in a mess.

In the past, when Chen Feng encountered an opponent stronger than himself, what he liked to do most was to resist with a strong defense, and then both sides would suffer losses.

But this time it didn't work at all.

After fighting several times in a row, Chen Feng knew that he couldn't continue, otherwise he would really die here.

But it was not so easy to leave. Chen Feng released several clones to entangle the opponent, but they failed.

The speed of the Lord of Holy Light was too fast, and the clones released just now were also solved by the Hand of Power.

Each of these two people was stronger than Chen Feng, not to mention that the two of them joined forces to completely suppress Chen Feng from the strongest side.

Chen Feng failed to rush out several times in a row and had to ask others for help. This was because the partners who had fought together before might not encounter a situation much stronger than himself.

Chen Feng could only have some expectations, and the most important thing was to rely on himself.

"No matter what tricks you have, if your own strength is not enough, you can only die here." The Foot of Power said lightly.

From the beginning, no special means were used, just a simple force attack, but this simple and pure attack was the most terrifying. No matter what kind of opponent could not resist it, Chen Feng was already surprised that he could fight the Lord of Power.

Chen Feng either used clones, magic weapons, or the power of origin, and he barely persisted until now.

But this situation did not last long. Just when Chen Feng was a little anxious, the Emperor of Mind appeared.

Unexpectedly, the attack of the power of mind had an unexpected effect on the Lord of Strength.

Although the Lord of Strength was still fierce, it was obvious that the attack power was weakened.

Chen Feng was surprised at first, but soon understood that it was because the power of the Emperor of Mind was too strong.

Although the Lord of Strength was pure in strength, had strong defense, and had a strong will, he was naturally not as good as the Emperor of Mind in terms of mind.

After thinking about these, Chen Feng asked the Emperor of Mind to attack the Lord of Holy Light.

Chen Feng naturally had his own ideas. In comparison, the Lord of Holy Light was easier to deal with.

It would be great if he could get some benefits. Even if he couldn't try it right now, what would happen?

The Emperor of Mind understood Chen Feng's thoughts, and he was also interested in the speed of the Lord of Holy Light.

So he suddenly mobilized the power of mind and rushed towards the Lord of Holy Light.

Sure enough, the Lord of Holy Light, who kept changing his position by speed, was like a bird hit by a sharp arrow, and the whole person became a little confused, and then was hit by Chen Feng's punch.

Then Chen Feng's clone tried to block the Lord of Holy Light.

It's a pity that Chen Feng's idea was good, but the Lord of Holy Light was a powerful emperor after all, and it was not these small tricks that could be dealt with.

So even with the addition of the Soul Emperor, Chen Feng and the Soul Emperor were still at a disadvantage.

"These two seem to be very interested in you, otherwise why would they snipe you here?" The Soul Emperor secretly asked Chen Feng.

"It's obvious. One of them is good at speed and the other is good at strength. They are interested in me, and I am interested in them too." Chen Feng responded.

"It's just that our strength is not enough now. If we continue to fight, we will probably suffer the most." The Soul Emperor can naturally feel the strength of these two opponents, and he is also a little emotional.

He is also a Lord of Origin after all, and these two opponents are just practitioners born in the Origin. This person has also cultivated to such a level.

After sighing, he was curious about the origin of chaos. These two attribute masters have cultivated their own attributes to a special extreme, which is also a bit inspiring for him.

"I wonder if there is a master of mind here." The Emperor of Mind thought.

"I haven't met him yet, and I haven't heard of him. Maybe I can find out. If there is one, I'm afraid he hasn't escaped the conspiracy of the mother queen." Chen Feng said.

You know, the mother queen's mind power is so strong. If she knew there was a master of mind here, she would definitely take action.

The appearance of the Emperor of Mind was to rescue Chen Feng. Now, even if he is not the opponent's opponent, Chen Feng is no longer worried about his life.

Since there is no helper on his side, it is not suitable to continue fighting with the opponent.

So the two found an opportunity this time, and Chen Feng released the copy law to shuttle away.

The two quickly returned to the base camp, and they were really relieved after meeting the Silver Moon Emperor and others.

The Emperor of Mind also saw the masters of the Yinjie and the origin of dazzling light. Even if he had seen big scenes in Guixu, he couldn't help but be a little surprised at this time.

I thought that Guixu was the gathering place for masters, but I didn't expect that there would be so many lands in such an origin.

When did the emperor become as common as cabbage?

Under normal circumstances, in an origin, above Hunyuan is already the highest level.

Now you can easily meet the emperor, especially some of them are stronger than you.

Originally, I left Guixu for the Queen Mother, but now the Soul Emperor feels that the trip is worthwhile.

Of course, I also got some of the Queen Mother's spiritual power, and the previous goal was achieved. Next, I will see the masters from all sides here.

The Silver Moon Emperor and others were very happy that Chen Feng brought in a master who was good at spiritual power. They were very happy and thought that it was no wonder that their Yin Realm valued Chen Feng so much. It turned out that there was a powerful force behind Chen Feng.

"Daoyou is good at spiritual power. As soon as he arrived, he hunted down several masters in succession. It really makes us feel ashamed." The Silver Moon Emperor said so.

Although it was done by everyone together, if it weren't for the Soul Emperor to find the exact location, the Shadow Emperor and others would not be able to succeed.

It's a pity that the other party is prepared, and it will be difficult to continue hunting. But no matter what, the appearance of the Soul Emperor has reduced the number of the other party's emperors, and there is some imbalance in the power between the two sides.

And in the following battle, the Soul Emperor also played a big role.

After the two sides exchanged greetings, the Silver Moon Emperor secretly found Chen Feng, and he wanted to hunt the mother queen.

In the eyes of the Silver Moon Emperor, this time everyone has the previous experience and preparation, and if two more masters are dispatched, then hunting the mother queen will definitely be a sure thing.

But Chen Feng refused.

It's just that the Dazzling Origin also had the same idea, so even if Chen Feng refused, they still planned to act together, and even the Soul Emperor agreed.

Chen Feng felt a little helpless about this, but he was powerless to change this. After all, he and everyone were just in a joint relationship, and his strength could not suppress everything.

The other party could ask for his opinion, which was already a face for him, so when they left to hunt the mother queen, Chen Feng could only sigh secretly.

According to Chen Feng, the Queen Mother should be doomed this time, because the power of Emperor Silver Moon and his men is even stronger than before.

Chen Feng wanted to persuade them, but he didn't say it.

Chen Feng thought that if even this Queen Mother was dealt with, the power of the Zerg would be greatly reduced. Although there are still a large number of Zerg armies, the threat to the origin of chaos is far less than before.

Chen Feng also understood that even if he gave this reason, he might not be able to persuade everyone, and Emperor Silver Moon and his men could not fail to think of this.

"Compared to this, the Zerg are more annoying." Chen Feng could only think so.

"The Queen Mother is probably doomed." Although there was no help from the copy law this time, Emperor Silver Moon and his men had their own means, and there should be no problem.

But after a period of time, Emperor Silver Moon and his men had not returned, which made Chen Feng mutter in his heart.

"It won't be an accident. Even if they are surrounded by the Zerg army, they can still kill it with their strength." Chen Feng said secretly.

Soon Chen Feng received the news that Emperor Yinyue and his men not only failed to hunt down the Queen Mother, but were also in a dangerous situation.




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