Eternal Existence

Chapter 5520 Digestion

Without giving the other party time to react, everyone attacked. Even though Chaos was powerful, it could not stop everyone's joint attack. After a few rounds of stalemate, it was beaten by everyone.

Everyone attacked to divide the other party, and Chen Feng also got some Chaos Energy, which contained multiple attributes. Chen Feng was very satisfied.

Everyone was also very satisfied.

First, a powerful mother queen was hunted, and then a clone of the origin of Chaos was hunted. It was unimaginable before.

One-on-one may also be killed.

So although this kind of person was obtained, he was no longer quiet like before, but wanted to continue to act.

This time no one said much, but also looked at the Soul Emperor.

Knowing everyone's thoughts, the Soul Emperor nodded and immediately looked for other targets.

But soon, the Soul Emperor showed a strange look on his face: "It seems that we are lucky. Four emperors came from four directions at the same time, and one of them is the Chaos clone."

"I think it should be the people that Chaos summoned just now, but the other party came a little slower. Four emperors, one of them is Chaos, and we should not be able to deal with them with our strength." Five Colors True Lord said.

"Hide first, and then find an opportunity to sneak attack." Shadow Emperor said confidently.

"Okay, if you want to sneak attack, sneak attack the strongest one. If you really can't deal with the other party's hundred, just stay put." Soul Emperor nodded.

So everyone hid, and soon waited for four emperors. After these four emperors came, they knew they were too late.

"Someone actually sneak attacked Chaos, and it was successful. Who is the other party?"

"According to the feedback from the origin, it should be the Shadow Emperor from the underworld. The other party should still be here, and he must be looking for an opportunity to sneak attack us." Chaos said.

These emperors began to use means to search around, bit by bit and very carefully, and almost discovered the existence of several people several times.

"It's not sure to attack now. The other party has already doubted us. Once we show up, we will be in a fierce fight with them."

"Wait a little longer."

The other three emperors were fine, but the main thing was that the Chaos clone was very difficult to deal with.

While everyone was waiting, a group of outsiders suddenly came to this area. After the two sides exchanged photos, a conflict soon broke out.

"It's a good time to come." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"In that case, let's do it." Shadow Emperor also laughed.

Mind Emperor took the lead and swept the Chaos clone with his mind power, and everyone suddenly descended.

Although the other party had been prepared for a long time, the situation changed irreversibly because of the participation of a third party.

This Chaos clone was directly blown up by everyone.

After two consecutive hunts, everyone had experience and cooperated very well with each other, knowing how to maximize the results.

So even if other emperors came to rescue desperately, it did not change the fate of this Chaos's fall.

After dealing with this Chaos, everyone set their sights on the other three emperors.

Anyway, we are thinking about solving the power of the origin of chaos, and now it is just right to do it once and for all and expand the results of the war.

In the end, the three lands of the origin of chaos were solved by everyone, and one of the emperors was divided by another force.

After a few simple exchanges between the two sides, they left.

"It should be almost done." Wucai Zhenjun said so.

Originally, we chose to attack Chaos for the balance of power. Now we have solved two chaos and three emperors. Now the power of the origin of chaos has been restrained, so should we continue?

"The main purpose of our visit this time is to deal with the origin of chaos." Chen Feng said first.

Shadow Emperor and Changhe Emperor nodded. This is indeed everyone's first goal. Although the Zerg army also needs to be solved, they will naturally not come out to refute Chen Feng now.

"A powerful mother queen is too harmful. The other party can completely destroy the origin of one side by manipulating the army. Regardless of what deal there is between Taoist and the mother queen, even if the relationship is close, we must consider it rationally." Wucai Zhenjun said so.

"Thank you for your advice, I know what's going on. If you two are still interested, we can continue to look for the Chaos Clone. If you two are unwilling to act, then we will say goodbye and return to our own camps." Chen Feng said in a somewhat tough manner.

The expressions of the Five Colors True Lord and the Seven Mysterious Emperor changed slightly, and they calmed down after secretly communicating with each other.

"Okay, then continue to hunt the Chaos Clone." The Five Colors True Lord finally chose Chen Feng's arrangement.

"Then let's act." The Soul Emperor had already locked on the target.

However, this time, some accidents happened again, because the previous two sneak attacks did not need other Chaos Clone to sense it, and they had already left before everyone arrived.

"The other party didn't run far, and we can still chase them." The Soul Emperor said, and he actually used the power of the mind to attack from a distance.

Chen Feng released the copy law and led everyone to shuttle directly.

Just as they were about to catch up with the chaos, the Lord of Power appeared and directly collapsed the void with a punch, causing the momentum of the copy law to shuttle to be affected.

He had been escaping from the chaos before, but now he stopped and turned around, and chose to attack with the Lord of Strength one after the other.

Previously, they had dealt with four opponents in one go, but this time there were only two, so they were very confident.

But Chen Feng and Emperor Shadow looked solemn, because they knew the power of the Lord of Strength.

Everyone was originally hunting, but now, apart from the open fight, it can be said that this hunting operation has failed.

Chen Feng even thought that since the other party had noticed it just now, he should not continue to chase, but should hide and look for other targets.

I have never seen the existence of the Lord of Strength, and I felt the pressure as soon as I fought. I was very shocked by the power of the Lord of Strength, and I also felt the power of Chaos.

Before, everyone joined forces to kill Chaos, but I didn’t really feel how strong Chaos was. This time I experienced it personally.

The crowd was outnumbered and couldn’t take down the opponent for a while.

Five Colors True Lord and Seven Mysterious Emperor remembered what Chen Feng had said just now. The origin of chaos is indeed very dangerous, and the opponent has many such chaos clones.

Suddenly, the Soul Emperor burst out with a powerful mind attack, both the Lord of Strength and Chaos were affected, and then Chen Feng and his men took advantage of the situation to launch an attack, killing the two people step back.

"Okay, continue using this method." Seeing this scene, the Shadow Emperor quietly lurked and suddenly gave the Lord of Power a sneak attack.

Although the Lord of Power was injured, the Lord of Power quickly recovered, but the Shadow Emperor believed that his sneak attack was still effective.

Then the Soul Emperor continued to burst out the impact of the soul power, and everyone rushed to kill in coordination. According to this situation, the opponent can still be solved.

However, at this time, the Lord of Holy Light appeared. The opponent's speed was extremely fast. After arriving, he launched an attack on everyone present. Although it was only symbolic, it also made the Lord of Power and Chaos relieved.

In Chen Feng's view, this was also a meeting of acquaintances. Thinking back to the time when he almost couldn't escape, it was because of the existence of the Lord of Holy Light. Chen Feng had always wanted to devour the Lord of Holy Light, even if it was to deprive the opponent of the Holy Light Wings, but now it was not a good time for the two sides to meet.

Moreover, the appearance of the Lord of Holy Light also represented a bad omen, indicating that the opponent had reinforcements coming.

"It's impossible, let's leave quickly." Chen Feng said so. Although they might still have the upper hand if they continued to fight, they would not achieve any results.

Instead of waiting for the opponent to grow stronger, it is better to leave as soon as possible. At worst, they can look for opportunities again. After all, it is impossible for every action to succeed.

The Soul Emperor and others also agreed with Chen Feng's idea. The Soul Emperor still carried out the mind attack to buy some time for everyone.

But the Soul Emperor alone was still not enough. At this time, the Five Colors True Lord and the Seven Mysterious Emperor would burst out with brilliant light, blocking the opponent and escaping directly the next moment.

The speed was unexpected.

Chen Feng did not expect that the opponent had such a method, so Chen Feng used the copy law to shuttle with others.

But Chen Feng noticed that the Lord of Holy Light was chasing closely behind.

"If the other party really dares to catch up, then we can kill him." Chen Feng's heart moved, but he shook his head quickly. It must not be so easy. The Lord of Holy Light is too fast. Unless he lures the other party into a trap that has been set up long ago, or the other party really comes alone, otherwise, if he cannot kill the other party in a short time, then the other two opponents will catch up, and then there will be an endless battle.

So after the Soul Emperor launched a long-range attack, Chen Feng pushed the replication law again, and this time he led people to get rid of the Lord of Holy Light and others.

Then he joined the two of them, and then entered the secret cave arranged by the Shadow Emperor.

This time everyone planned to take a break and discuss the next action.

"The other party has prepared, and it may not be easy to hunt Chaos again."

"It's not easy to find Chaos alone, but I think Chaos is also very busy in this situation. Even if Chaos can't be found, we can hunt other attribute masters."

"Why not hunt the Queen Mother?"

"Are there any opponents of your dazzling origin among the practitioners who came this time? If so, maybe we can hunt them."

"I suggest we keep a low profile. Our previous actions may have angered this origin. Maybe they will use some special means. Don't forget the two powerful wills before." At this time, the Shadow Emperor suddenly said.

"Since the will of the origin of chaos no longer locks on us all the time, the two wills have not appeared. I think they should go to fight against others." Chen Feng said.




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