Eternal Existence

Chapter 5517 News from the Netherworld

"Spread the news, saying that the change in the origin of chaos is a trap designed by itself, attracting outsiders to enter the origin and hunt them one by one."

Soon the emperor present used his will to spread the news, regardless of whether the news was true or not, as long as those outsiders were careful.

Chen Feng was also using the art of cause and effect to explore with the law of time, and he did see some secrets in the vagueness.

But as I said before, even if we understand the situation of the other party, what can we do? We still can't find chaos.

"The origin of chaos is stronger than most of the origins I have encountered, but even if the other party is constantly hunting outsiders, under the continuous shock, this origin will always have some trauma, maybe not as good as it looks on the surface. Since the other party does this, we can do the same." Chen Feng had such an idea.

As a result, some people coincided with Chen Feng's idea. Some people used the art of calculation to find the opponent, and then the shadow emperor led people to attack.

The first operation achieved results. An emperor was hunted by the Shadow Emperor. Although it made some noise, it was easy to hide with the Shadow Emperor's magical powers, and everyone really hoped to attract some masters, so as to save the trouble of searching.

Then the second operation encountered twists and turns.

The Shadow Emperor still led the team, and the two families sent two emperors each.

It was originally an assassination operation, and it was enough to send out a few masters. Under normal circumstances, even if they encountered a powerful chaos, they could kill it.

In fact, Chaos was really hit hard at the beginning. When they were about to make up for it, three Chaos jumped out from all sides.

The two sides fought a big battle, and the Shadow Emperor and others suffered a little loss. They quickly passed the news back, and sent out two more emperors to pick them up.

As a result, before the Shadow Emperor and others came back, Chen Feng and others were attacked.

"So this is the method. The reaction is quite fast. Although some emperors were sent out, the remaining ones are still a very powerful force. It is not so easy to deal with." Chen Feng said.

Others also thought so, so they did not panic and joined forces to deal with it.

Four chaos came out in a row, which made everyone frown.

"Why are there so many chaos clones?" In addition to doubts, some people began to worry, will there be other masters next?

These four chaos clones alone are extremely powerful, so the emperors present all took action and fought with the chaos clones, and naturally passed the news to the Shadow Emperor and others.

Originally, everyone was working together, but now they were separated, but fortunately, the Yin Realm and the Dazzling Origin joined forces, and they are still a very powerful force.

It's just that the four chaos can't suppress it together.

"Everyone must stay calm, don't be chaotic." The Blood Emperor said so.

Needless to say, everyone naturally understood what to say. No one is a match for chaos in a one-on-one fight, so they can only join forces.

Chen Feng also faced a chaos. This time Chen Feng released the origin of the volcano and accommodated some of the Hunyuan above to sit in front of him, so that he could confront the chaos in front of him.

"Since the other party has made a plan, I'm afraid there will be more tricks next. We won't lose, right?" Canglang Zhenjun secretly communicated with Chen Feng.

Just now, they were strong and full of security. Who knew that the situation would change in the blink of an eye, which made people feel uneasy.

"Who knows? This is the situation of chaos. There will be various changes, but now we can only do our best to fight this opponent." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng certainly wanted to suppress the chaos in front of him, so that he would gain more than the Yangjie patrollers he had solved before.

However, the helpers around him were all above Hunyuan. Without the help of the emperor, it was impossible to solve the chaos.

"You should have continued to cooperate with us before, so that you could also get enough attribute energy. Now your choice is wrong." This chaos said to Chen Feng.

"Cooperate with you and kill my companions. I really don't know what you think." Chen Feng sneered.

Just when the two sides were fighting, the Zerg army suddenly appeared from another direction.

This caused the warring parties to pause slightly.

Under normal circumstances, everyone should stop and fight the Zerg army together, but everyone was fighting so fiercely just now, it was a bit unrealistic to stop and join forces to fight the enemy.

Chen Feng did not stop from the beginning. Chen Feng's goal was very clear, that is, not to be the first leader to make a choice.

"It depends on what these Zerg armies do next." Chen Feng thought that if the Zerg army continued to move forward, it would definitely suffer a loss, even if it was the emperor-level Zerg that they had encountered before, because now whether it was their own side or these chaos, they were not something the Zerg army could deal with.

But in the end, they still underestimated the other side. There were indeed several emperors in the Zerg army, and a group of alien beasts came from another direction. The sense of oppression brought by these two waves of power was still very strong.

"If the two sides really fight, although the Zerg army will suffer many casualties, their number is originally large, and they can afford it. The death of one of us is a huge loss." Chen Feng said in his heart.

The change of things did not change with the transfer of will. The sufficient army and the one beast army still killed them.

The other side launched an indiscriminate attack, and a melee ensued.

At first, Chen Feng and Chaos would fight each other while killing Zergs, but later they gradually used their strength on the Zerg army.

In this case, Chen Feng also kept killing these Zerg armies, but this time he did not get the reward of Chaos Origin.

Chen Feng's heart moved, so he released his spiritual power, and indeed established a connection with the Queen Mother.

"I'm afraid it's a bit irrational for you to do this." Chen Feng said with some curiosity.

"Once the war starts, it must continue, and this is only part of our Zerg's strength. I know you are involved with our Zerg, so I give you a chance to leave." The Queen Mother said.

"How can I leave in this situation? We were fighting fiercely with Chaos, but you just got involved. Are you sure you can deal with both of us at the same time?" Chen Feng was actually a little confused.

The normal choice is to wait until both sides are defeated before taking action, but these Zergs have to get involved in this tragic way.

If they have enough power to crush everything, then it is understandable, but the other party did not do this.

There are still a large number of Zerg armies being slaughtered constantly, and those emperor-level Zergs are also entangled by masters, and even one emperor-level sub-Zerg is smashed to pieces by Chaos.

In a one-on-one situation, none of the masters among these Zergs are opponents of Chaos.

This time the Queen Mother did not respond, but Chen Feng soon found out what was going on.

Because there was another Zerg tide in another direction, among which there were also several emperors.

"So they wanted to use absolute power to encircle and suppress us." Chen Feng finally understood.

"Fellow Daoists, I think we should leave. There is no need to stay here and fight hard." Chen Feng suggested.

Originally, everyone was fighting against the origin of chaos, but who knew that things had changed again.

But Chen Feng's proposal made all the practitioners present hesitate. Some wanted to leave, some did not agree, and some simply wanted to kill these Zerg armies.

Since there was no consensus, the next thing would be difficult to deal with. If the practitioners who were willing to leave left, wouldn't the remaining people be in more danger?

"It's still safe for the emperor to stay and he can leave at any time, but the Hunyuan will become cannon fodder." Chen Feng sent a message to all the Hunyuan present, asking them to come to the volcanic origin he controlled.

The Yin Realm naturally did not hesitate. They chose to believe Chen Feng, so they gathered behind Chen Feng.

Seeing Chen Feng's actions, the Dazzling Origin also used the same method, and their speed was faster. They gathered together and turned into a sea of ​​light, constantly clashing quickly in the Zerg army, and were about to kill.

"Let's go."

Chen Feng's speed was not slow either. He used the magic of walking to lead everyone to rush from time to time, and sometimes he directly used the transcendence technique.

Later, the Zerg army in front of him actually took the initiative to make way. After being surprised, Chen Feng quickly understood that this was the Queen Mother letting him leave.

"It's interesting. It was a cooperative relationship before, but now I have to owe the Queen Mother a favor." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Regarding this situation, the others were naturally surprised secretly, and they had guessed that Chen Feng and the Queen Mother were probably connected, but no one would say much about this matter. Even if Chen Feng and the Queen Mother joined forces, what would happen? It was just everyone's own choice.

"Are we leaving?" Someone asked after rushing out of the Zerg army.

As for whether the remaining emperors could stop the Zerg army, everyone did not consider it. To be honest, everyone was still in danger under this situation, because without the emperor sitting in charge, if they really encountered danger, everyone seemed to have a large number of people, but it was also dangerous to join forces.

Chen Feng hesitated a little: "Let's see the situation first. If we leave now, we will just wait outside the origin."

Everyone nodded. Just as Chen Feng said, the purpose of everyone coming here has not been achieved, so how could they really leave.

"Although we are not emperors, we are not much different. If we unite, we can kill the emperor even if we meet him, and the greater the risk, the greater the reward. It is also a rare opportunity for us to participate in such a large-scale chaos." Someone said.

"That's right. We have seen all kinds of situations since we started practicing. We are no match for the emperor if we fight alone, but it is not so easy for the emperor to kill us. Fellow Daoist Changtian killed a Yangjie patrolman before, and we are also very excited."

Everyone talked about it, encouraged each other, and waited for the Shadow Emperor and his men to end the war.




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