Eternal Existence

Chapter 5518 Hunting the Queen Mother

"If Daoyou's guess is correct, then what are the plans next?" Chen Feng asked.

"Since I'm here, I naturally want to see it. Fighting with such a master is my purpose of coming here." The Soul Emperor said lightly.

Compared with other practitioners, the Soul Emperor was calmer. He remained calm on the surface, but was thinking secretly.

"If you can find a few emperors to help, maybe we can try to hunt the mother queen." The Soul Emperor suddenly said.

"Is that so." Chen Feng's heart moved. Since the Soul Emperor said so, there is really some room for operation.

However, when he thought of hunting the mother queen, Chen Feng hesitated again. No matter what, the other party showed goodwill from the beginning, even before he opened a way for him to take people away.

"Then make sure if there is another mother queen that I don't know." Chen Feng suddenly said.

The Soul Emperor looked at Chen Feng with some doubts. After Chen Feng explained the reason, he couldn't help shaking his head, but he didn't say much, but used the mind technique to find another mother queen.

As expected of the Soul Emperor, his spiritual power is not comparable to Chen Feng's. He can find the location of the Queen Mother through some Zerg armies.

In addition, he can also directly find the Queen Mother, which is a kind of spiritual perception.

To Chen Feng's surprise, the Soul Emperor quickly found the existence of the Queen Mother.

"Is there really another Queen Mother?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"How strong is she?"

"Very strong, where is Duoduo? I'm afraid I'm not the opponent, but I like such opponents." There was a light flashing in the eyes of the Soul Emperor.

"In this case, I will go to find helpers to hunt the Queen Mother. I think they should agree, but now they are still fighting with the Zerg army. I don't know if they are willing to retreat?" Chen Feng was actually very worried that the other party would directly hunt the Queen Mother who was connected to him, so Chen Feng used some excuses to call the other party back.

Finally, four emperors came, namely the Shadow Emperor, the Long River Emperor, and the two emperors of the origin of dazzling light.

Seeing that Chen Feng really called four emperors, the Soul Emperor was also surprised, but on the surface he remained calm. At the same time, he thought that since there was such a force, he should have a great chance of hunting the next Queen Mother.

Chen Feng introduced the Soul Emperor to everyone, and then told them his plan. Several people agreed, but they were a little surprised to hear that Chen Feng was going to hunt another Queen Mother.

"Ahem, to be honest with you, I had some deals with the previous Queen Mother, so I don't want to come out and kill her directly. Of course, they are all Zerg Queen Mothers anyway, killing any one of them is the same." Chen Feng told him frankly, which was also because he was worried that these people would think too much and fail to cooperate properly at the critical moment.

The Shadow Emperor and several others expressed their understanding. Just like Chen Feng said, it was to kill the Queen Mother anyway, and killing any one of them was the same.

"Then let's discuss the battle plan next." Chen Feng said.

The Shadow Emperor's hiding method is the most important. Only by bringing everyone closer to the other party can the Queen Mother be solved.

The Soul Emperor was responsible for locking the position of the Queen Mother, while Chen Feng and Changhe Emperor were only responsible for full output.

The other two emperors of the origin of dazzling light were Qixuan Emperor and Wucai Zhenjun. Since they could become emperors, they naturally had corresponding strength. After understanding the strength characteristics of these two, Chen Feng had a better idea in his mind.

"Let's take a short break and then take action." Chen Feng said.

The Soul Emperor said, "No need to rest, I have locked the opponent's position."

"In this case, let's take action." Shadow Emperor released a means to cover several people, and began to sneak slowly according to the instructions of the Soul Emperor.

Chen Feng and Changhe Emperor looked indifferent, but Soul Emperor and the other two were shocked in their hearts. They didn't expect that Shadow Emperor had such a means. Wouldn't it be invincible if it was used for assassination? So they were more confident about the next action.

The Soul Emperor's perception was very accurate, and he really found another area where the Zerg army was located.

The opponent was hiding very secretly in the chaos. If the Soul Emperor hadn't found this place, it would be really difficult for others to find it.

There are too many Zerg troops here, so it is not easy to sneak in.

However, the Shadow Emperor still has some means. Although he slowed down, he is still advancing. The ordinary Zerg army cannot find everyone.


At this time, the Soul Emperor suddenly called a halt, so the Shadow Emperor stopped silently.

"What's wrong?" Everyone looked at the Soul Emperor with puzzled eyes.

"I'm afraid there will be movement." The Soul Emperor said.

Sure enough, after an overwhelming spiritual force swept over, the Zerg tide rioted, and powerful auras conflicted. These are Zerg at the emperor level.

"This is going to be dispatched." Chen Feng saw the intention of the Zerg army.

This space mine exploded directly, and the overwhelming Zerg army rushed into the void of the origin of chaos like a flood, and quickly locked a direction under the leadership of the emperor.

"It shouldn't be going to our companions?" The Changhe Emperor was a little worried.

"We're already here, so let's put other things aside for now. Now that the Zerg army has taken action, it will be much more convenient for us next time." said the Mind Emperor.

Indeed, after the emperor-level worms left, a lot of resistance was indeed reduced, but the mother queen would definitely not send out all her forces, and there must be some powerful ones to protect herself.

At the beginning, everyone was full of confidence, but when they really arrived at the place, they began to become very cautious, and they were not as confident as before.

"Have you found out how many emperors are here?" Wucai Zhenjun suddenly asked.

"Give me some more time."

The Soul Emperor carefully used the mind technique to explore. After all, they had come to the mother queen's nest. The mother queen's mind power was even stronger than the Soul Emperor, so it was easy to alarm the other party here.

Everyone did not dare to disturb the Soul Emperor. Although everyone had some means of exploration, no one dared to use them here.

After a long time, the Soul Emperor finally found out that there were four emperor-level fighters besides the mother queen.

Four emperors!

Everyone looked at each other, which was a bit tricky.

It was still possible for everyone to kill the mother queen together, but with four more emperors, even a sneak attack would not work.

"First, use some means to entangle those emperors, and then solve the mother queen in the shortest time." The Soul Emperor said.

"I have two clones, which can entangle one emperor." At this time, the Five Colors True Lord said.

"Me too!" The Seven Mysterious Emperor said immediately.

"That's it for two emperors." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I also have a clone." The Shadow Emperor said.

"Add me." The Changhe Emperor said.

"I need to concentrate all my strength to fight the mother queen." The Soul Emperor said.

Chen Feng was secretly helpless, knowing that these guys were a little reserved, but it was normal, so he smiled and said: "I also have a few clones, but the strength is definitely not as good as you, plus a few combat puppets, it can barely play a role."

After the discussion, everyone took out their clones, and the Shadow Emperor covered them with magical powers. The Shadow Emperor glanced at Chen Feng, and Chen Feng nodded and directly released the copy law.

The law turned into a great way, directly overriding time and space. No matter what restrictions there were in this process, it could not be stopped.

In this way, Chen Feng brought everyone to the mother queen.

"There is such a method!" The two emperors of Changhe and Xuanguang Origin looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

Especially the two emperors of Xuanguang Origin, who thought Chen Feng was the weakest and looked down on him in their hearts, but Chen Feng's method stunned them. They thought to themselves that if they had such a method, they could just use it directly, which would save them a lot of trouble.

"Let's do it." Chen Feng put away the replication law lightly.

In the deepest part of the insect nest, the mother queen had been a little restless for a long time, but she couldn't find a way out. She was thinking about withdrawing the army she had sent out before, but she didn't expect that something unexpected would happen and an assassin would come to her.

This is simply incredible. You know, the mother queen didn't know how many restrictions she had set up inside and outside the insect nest with her spiritual power, plus countless sub-insects guarding her. Even if she was proficient in stealth, she couldn't rush in, and even if she could rush in, she would alarm herself.

However, the mother queen didn't have time to think too much, because all kinds of attacks were coming to kill her.

So the Queen Mother burst out with her strongest spiritual power. As long as she could stop these invaders, it would only take a short time, and her guards would arrive in an instant.

As a result, the Soul Emperor also burst out with a powerful spiritual power, confronting the power of the Queen Mother.

The spiritual storm appeared. This was just the aftermath of the battle, which affected Chen Feng and others. They felt their minds shaken and their wills collapsed. They were secretly shocked. They didn't expect that the aftermath of the battle could still be so powerful.

"This is the first time I have seen such a powerful spiritual power. If I was hit head-on, it would be terrible. Fortunately, there is this Taoist friend." At this time, everyone also knew how important it was to have the Soul Emperor follow.




The attacks of the crowd fell on the Queen Mother, directly beating her into pieces, but the Queen Mother's vitality was extremely strong. While reshaping her body, she continued to release her spiritual power crazily. With desperate efforts, her spiritual power became even stronger, and the Soul Emperor was a little overwhelmed.

At this time, four emperor-level guards also rushed over, but were then blocked by everyone's clones. The two sides started an equally fierce fight. There were not only emperors here, but also other sub-worms, so Chen Feng and others' clones could only resist for a short time.




The attacks of everyone fell again, and the mother queen's body collapsed more severely, but the power of the mind did not weaken, but continued to wreak havoc.




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