Eternal Existence

Chapter 5516: Incident

Soon the other party arrived, slowing down. The ocean of light was churning. Some people wanted to investigate but were blocked by the ocean of light. It was difficult to see the situation clearly. They could only vaguely feel the light balls, which were obviously practitioners.

Soon, one of the light balls flew out, and as the light converged, a human-shaped practitioner was revealed.

"Hello, fellow Taoists." The other party greeted first.

The Silver Moon Emperor walked forward, exchanged with the other party, and then returned.

"The other party has no ill intentions. Our meeting is just a coincidence. However, since we all came to the origin of chaos to adventure, we naturally want to take advantage of the chaos to grab some benefits. The other party wants to cooperate with us." The Silver Moon Emperor said to everyone.

"You can cooperate as long as the other party is qualified." The Blood Pool Emperor said.

The two sides did not communicate further. It was just a simple agreement to say that they cooperated.

However, the two forces gathered together to act, which changed everyone's mind. If they met the previous opponents again this time, they could completely crush the other party in one fell swoop.

"Speaking of which, we are lucky. If the other party chooses to cooperate with Yangjie first, I'm afraid we will be unlucky."

"So to show sincerity, take them to plunder some resources."

Everyone chose a direction, and the Dazzling Origin party did not refuse and chose to follow directly.

Soon they came to the origin area of ​​the origin of chaos, and after arriving, they rushed in together and rushed into the chaotic energy turbulence.

"There is a cultivator here, it seems to be the chaos that has been there before." Chen Feng's heart moved, and he felt something.

"It's chaos, but it's not chaos. I didn't expect that the previous speculation was confirmed. There is another clone cultivated by the origin of chaos here. I think the previous difficulties are also the same. I just don't know how many such situations there are in the entire origin." The Silver Moon Emperor looked a little solemn.

Although everyone was in large numbers and felt only one chaos, they could have gone forward to kill the other party, but when they thought of the situation represented by the other party, and extended it, they had to think more.

At the core of this origin area, the Chaos clone actually took the initiative to kill. Not only that, this chaos area suddenly burned with raging flames, and all the origin energy here exploded for a while.

All the practitioners present no longer had time to deal with the other party, but had to deal with these violent energies first.

After solving these violent energies, the other party had disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the chaotic energy that burned clean in front of them, everyone looked at each other in surprise. They didn't expect that the other party would run away under such circumstances, and everyone got nothing.

However, Chen Feng looked calm, because Chen Feng had just used the Devouring Technique to devour the burning flames together.

Maybe it still has a little effect.

"This is the second chaos. The strength of this pair of origins is stronger than we imagined. Since the other party has created two clones, it is possible that other places are also the same. In any case, our arrival caused the other party to destroy this origin area, which is also a gain." Emperor Silver Moon comforted everyone.

"Then go to other origin areas to see, it is impossible that all places are like this." The practitioner of the Dazzling Origin said.

"That's the only way." Emperor Yin Yue nodded.

The Yin Realm had made sufficient preparations, and Chen Feng had received some information from the Queen Mother before, so it was relatively simple to find the attribute area or the origin area.

Unfortunately, the next action changed again.

Because after finding the origin area, it was too late because the overwhelming Zerg army was rushing out of the origin area.

The origin area here was not burning, indicating that there was no Chaos Clone sitting here.

"It turned out to be Zerg, fellow Taoists, come together to kill these lives that are destroying everywhere." The Dazzling Origin proposed.

After the Dazzling Origin proposed, it had already chosen to take action. Seeing the other party take action, the Yin Realm was a little hesitant, but then rushed up.

Compared to getting benefits from the Chaos Origin, the higher level is to deal with these Zerg or destructive things.

Chen Feng had guessed that they would have this choice, and there was no way. If he were alone, he would definitely not do this.

But since everyone had taken action, he couldn't just watch and walk forward slowly in the area arranged around him.

Soon, the Chaos Origin had another reward, which made Chen Feng somewhat satisfied. After all, it was not in vain.

Chen Feng noticed that other practitioners who killed the Zerg army also received rewards. Like himself, they received energy of different attributes.

"In fact, even if there is no reward, they will still attack the Zerg army. The will of this origin is still not humane enough." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Although Chen Feng took action, this time he did not do it like before, but killed the Zerg army slowly and not aggressively at all.

Anyway, the rewards given by this origin are also energies of various attributes, and the difference between them is not big. It's a pity that most of the rewards obtained this time are repeated energies, and there are only a few unfamiliar ones, but it is still a bit surprising for Chen Feng.

The power of both sides is too strong. These Zerg armies were slaughtered from the beginning, and even the emperor-level sub-insects could not resist.

In the end, the remaining Zerg army chose to flee, and everyone did not pursue them, but chose to go elsewhere.

As a result, they met the Lord of Power and the others again.

After the previous fight, neither side spread out as they were wary of each other.

But this time is different. After getting helpers, the underworld side can be said to be stronger and stronger, and it has far surpassed the other side in terms of the number of masters.

After noticing the existence of the Lord of Power and others, Emperor Silver Moon took the lead in launching an attack, in order to pull the origin of the glare onto the chariot.

It's a pity that the Lord of Power and the others did not choose to fight hard, but chose to run away as soon as they saw something was wrong.

Although the goal was not achieved, the fighting spirit of the underworld side was high. Since even such a force could not stop their side, wouldn't they be able to go on a rampage next?

As a result, everyone's action style became more bold, and they once again went to a property area that was relatively close.

In comparison, the number of attribute areas was relatively large, but when we arrived, we found that the attribute area was just an empty shell.

Most of the attribute masters and law energy have been drained away.

"Even if it is an empty shell, it must be destroyed. This will also weaken the strength of the Origin of Chaos." The Shadow Emperor ordered.

Everyone took action and quickly destroyed this empty shell.

But Chen Feng carefully felt the changes in Chaos Origin, and wanted to see if Chaos Origin was really on the verge of collapse under such a situation?

As a result, Chen Feng discovered that although the entire origin was very chaotic, it was still stable and showed no signs of collapse as previously imagined.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. Even if there were so many powerful beings in Gui Xu who were constantly fighting and fighting, the small Gui Xu area would collapse.

The origin of chaos is not as simple as being stronger than imagined.

"There must be other things that we don't know about yet." Chen Feng knew that there was definitely a reason for this, but he couldn't think of it.

"Fellow Taoist, you don't have to think so much. The Origin of Chaos is doomed this time because the other side faces too many opponents. Although some invaders have been killed, stronger and more outsiders are still arriving here in a steady stream. ." Emperor Yinyue seemed to have seen what Chen Feng was thinking, so he spoke.

When Chen Feng heard this, his heart moved.

"Since we can plunder the power of Chaos Origin, can Chaos Origin also absorb the power of outsiders? Even if we can't actively absorb it, some outsiders have fallen directly due to the energy fluctuations generated by the battle between the two sides. The origin of this party and the other party’s essence must have been integrated into the origin of chaos.”

Chen Feng had to think that since the origin of this place was Chaos, it could accommodate energy of various attributes.

Maybe the Origin of Chaos becoming so powerful has something to do with the constant devouring of outsiders.

However, Chen Feng only passed these thoughts in a flash and did not pursue them, and there was no way to delve into them.

"Maybe it will collapse in the next moment." Chen Feng has participated in wars in many origins. Although the origin of chaos is relatively strange, it is only one origin. It is not that Chen Feng has never seen more powerful origins. He said that he had been there before The yang and yin realms that have passed are more powerful than the origin of chaos.

Everyone continued to act, but they didn't know that something happened elsewhere.

A small group of five practitioners formed a temporary group and took advantage of the chaos to sneak into the Origin of Chaos. Although these few were not great emperors, their strength above Hunyuan was enough to make their way into the major Origins.

Of course, they entered the origin of chaos this time with the intention of taking advantage of the chaos. As a result, they were really lucky and quickly found a resource-rich life area.

But just when they were about to take action, chaos arose.

When they got here, their luck could be said to be extremely bad.

As soon as Chaos took action, he blew up one person on the spot, and several others turned around and ran away when they saw something bad happened. As a result, Chaos stretched out a few palms to hold down all of them, crushed them one by one, and threw them into the vortex that appeared in the void.

The will screamed, and the vortex wiped out these Hunyuan masters, and finally integrated into the origin.

There is a cave in the tiniest dust in the void, and a great emperor is healing his wounds.

This was also an outsider. He thought that the emperor's strength was invincible. Who knew that when he encountered the turmoil of the origin of chaos, even the emperor could not stand alone and was seriously injured.




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