Eternal Existence

Chapter 5515: Fishing in Troubled Waters

"I didn't expect to have such a good opportunity. I really didn't think of it before I came here. Daoist, we two cooperated really well." The practitioner sighed and stabbed the Yangjie practitioner fiercely with the manual halberd, but Chen Feng did not use the Spear of Destiny, because Chen Feng used all his strength to perform the Devouring Technique.

Every time the practitioner swung the Spear of Destiny, he would smash a small part of the opponent's body, while Chen Feng swallowed all who came.

Seeing that the Yangjie patrolman was only left with half of his body, he was really hit hard.

The other people in the Yangjie were naturally very anxious. They wanted to come to rescue desperately, but it was useless, because everyone had an opponent. How could they rescue when they couldn't protect themselves?

However, some people still tried their best to release some means, but these means did not play a big role.

So the final result was that the body of the Yangjie patrolman was completely shattered, and then swallowed up by Chen Feng, and only one weapon fell on the practitioner holding the halberd.

"Daoyou swallowed the opponent's whole body, do you have any objection to me taking this weapon?" said the practitioner.

"Of course I have no objection." Chen Feng said very satisfied.

In comparison, Chen Feng naturally gained more benefits. Although they fought together and had a common enemy, Chen Feng still owed the other party a favor.

"We are all family members. Maybe we don't need to worry about trivial matters. I see that the cultivation method of Daoyou is very special. In this case, let's kill another emperor. I just don't know if Daoyou can handle it." The practitioner asked.

"The more the better! I'm afraid it won't be so easy to kill next time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The practitioner who stepped on the Chaos River and held a halberd was called Changhe Emperor. He had never killed an emperor. This time, he and Chen Feng achieved such a result together. He was very happy in his heart. On the surface, he pretended to be so-so, but he still wanted to continue to attack. Since he could do it just now, he might be able to succeed next time.

The opponent was already in a losing position. Now that a Yangjie patroller was killed, the overall strength was further hit.

So Changhe Emperor was full of confidence and quickly locked another Yangjie patroller.

This Yangjie inspector already had an opponent, and with Chen Feng and Changhe Emperor, the outcome can be imagined.

"Good opportunity!"

Chen Feng had never thought that he could really kill the opponent from the beginning, but now he really did it, so Chen Feng was also very excited, and he did not absorb and digest the previous gains at all, and rushed directly to this Yangjie inspector.

Chen Feng was also worried about something going wrong, so he released his will attack before he rushed to the opponent.

Changhe Emperor's Chaos River seemed huge, but who knew that it could crush time and space when it flowed, and it was not much slower than Chen Feng's will.

"It's bitter!"

This Yangjie inspector began to fight desperately. In fact, he had already felt fear when his companion was killed.

No matter how high his cultivation was, he could not face death calmly, and he would even be more afraid of death than ordinary people.

If he didn't escape at the first time, it would be troublesome. If no one came to help, he would follow the fate of his previous companions.

Neither of these two things existed, so this Yang Realm Patrolman fought desperately, directly burning the Pure Yang Origin. The whole person was like a huge star that was expanding, and the dangerous aura he exuded made Chen Feng and others feel shocked.

"The other party is going to fight desperately."

"It's normal to fight desperately. If you don't fight desperately, the other party will die."

The three of them blocked the other party's way tightly, and let the other party explode, even if they paid some price, they couldn't let the other party leave.


Chen Feng's enlarged body collided with the other party. After all, he was a great emperor who was fighting desperately, and Chen Feng was really a little overwhelmed. However, although Chen Feng was retreating, the momentum of the Yang Realm Patrolman's impact also slowed down, and he was successfully blocked by the two Origin God Mountains.


The Chaos River hit hard, and the surging power formed a natural moat, and the other person also locked the other party firmly.

The Yang Realm Patrolman was doomed.

In this situation, the other party could not turn the tables even if he tried his best, and was soon severely injured. Chen Feng still used the Devouring Technique to plunder the other party's body.

The two emperors took good care of Chen Feng. After injuring their opponents, their collapsed bodies were all Chen Feng's fault.

However, the situation changed again this time. He thought he could deal with the opponent like before. After all, it was true according to the development of the situation. But when the Lord of Power came, Chen Feng sighed.

The Lord of Power was too strong. He directly blasted a path. With three consecutive punches, Chen Feng and his three companions were beaten back.

The Yang Realm patrolman naturally got rid of the situation of certain death, and the Lord of Power did not come alone.

There were also two masters from the Yang Realm, all of whom were one against two. Although the addition of three powerful masters could not be said to be a victory, it could also change the situation.

At least Chen Feng and his companions could not kill the opponent like before.

"What a pity!"

If the opponent came a little later, he could get another Yang Realm patrolman.

Although the Yang Realm was very powerful, every loss of a patrolman was also a huge loss for the Yang Realm.

So this time, when the opponent saw that the situation was not right, he immediately mobilized powerful reinforcements.

Chen Feng has already figured out what will happen next. It will just be a melee, and then everyone will leave.

The fact proves that this is how things develop. Since you can't kill the opponent, the opponent can't do anything to you and others.

So after a fight, everyone retreated. After this process, Chen Feng also experienced a fight with the Lord of Power. The opponent was still so powerful that even if several people joined forces, they couldn't do anything to the opponent.

Chen Feng knew that he couldn't do anything to the opponent with his current strength, even if all his means were useless.

The opponent could smash everything with pure power.

"In comparison, I have cultivated so many powers and opened up so many avenues, but I am a little bit inferior to the stage." Compared with the Lord of Power, Chen Feng was a little hit, but soon laughed again. After all, the Lord of Power's situation is just an exception. He is on this path. If he simply cultivates one kind of power, he will never reach this point.

But from another perspective, although Chen Feng has cultivated many avenues and has many means, he likes this kind of pure power means the most.

"If I can master the law structure of the Lord of Power." Chen Feng was a little excited when he thought of this.

If his body can really merge with the law of power, then there will definitely be earth-shaking changes.

Unfortunately, this is Chen Feng's idea, but he is far from being the opponent of the Lord of Power, unless it is an existence like the True Yuan Emperor who takes action.

Everyone gathered together, and Chen Feng took a look. At this time, the Yin Realm can be said to be strong in soldiers and horses.

The Yin Yue Emperor and others are a considerable force in themselves, and the helpers who come now directly double the strength.

It's a pity that the Yang Realm also has forces to arrive, otherwise the fight just now would have gone in another direction.

However, although this is a very strong force, everyone is a little embarrassed now, because the fight just now was anticlimactic. To be honest, everyone did not take advantage. Except for Chen Feng and Changhe Emperor who jointly killed a Yang Realm inspector, the others did not achieve much results. At most, they injured the opponent, and the opponent was above Hunyuan.

When Changhe Emperor thought of this, he felt more and more regretful. He should have solved the two emperors. He has not achieved such a great result since his cultivation.

So what should he do next?

It stands to reason that everyone has gone from making trouble at the beginning to making a big fuss now. The origin of chaos has begun to be chaotic. It is time for everyone to start plundering benefits, but the battle just now has dampened the enthusiasm of some people.

Everyone greeted each other on the surface and communicated secretly, but soon took action again.

The situation just now was just an accident. Everyone joined forces to say that they could not leave no matter what. Not only these people in the underworld, but also Chen Feng and Canglang Zhenjun were unwilling to leave.

"I didn't expect it to be so exciting here." Canglang Zhenjun secretly communicated with Chen Feng. Although he had been here for a while, he was still shocked to see the endless masters.

"But it is also very dangerous." Chen Feng responded.

"It is indeed very dangerous. There are many people who are stronger than me. I am really worried that I will die here if I am not careful."

"Daoyou want to leave?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Reason tells me that I should leave, but I have never encountered such an exciting opportunity, so I will not leave unless..." Canglang Zhenjun paused when he said this.

Chen Feng understood what the other party meant. Unless his camp was defeated, he could only leave this origin.

"The situation is chaotic, so it's a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng was confident that he should have gained the most among the crowd. In addition to gaining power of various attributes, he just suppressed a Yangjie patroller, who was a powerful emperor.

"There are enough resources." Chen Feng thought to himself. After this wave is over, he will have some time to settle down. However, no matter where he goes, he will encounter some things. I am afraid that he will not have time to rest for the time being.

For example, at the moment, Chen Feng has a hunch that the next action will still have some gains.

"No one will come to trouble me, so I can kill the other party and get the reward of the origin of chaos." After thinking of this, Chen Feng's heart moved, so he asked Canglang Zhenjun.

"I really haven't received the call of the origin of chaos, but I don't know about others, but even if I have received it, what's the use? Could it be that I will help the other party?" Canglang Zhenjun asked with a smile.

"Sometimes you can be flexible." Chen Feng said meaningfully.

Canglang Zhenjun was about to ask, when suddenly a gorgeous ocean of light flowed from a distance, and everyone felt some pressure from the intoxicated light.

"Be careful, they are not friendly." Emperor Yinyue said in a deep voice.

"It may not be coming for us, it looks like they are outsiders from other places." Emperor Xuebo said.

"The picture looks familiar, let me think about it." Emperor Changhe showed a thoughtful look in his eyes.

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