Eternal Existence

Chapter 5500: Space War

"Sure enough, he has opened up the Great Dao of Space, and his attainments are very high." After seeing Chen Feng's performance, Canglang Zhenjun hesitated a little, wondering if he should also open up other great roads.

After all, Chen Feng showed great strength, maybe he could take this path.

Chen Feng saw Canglang Zhenjun's thoughts and said, "Daoyou, my situation is different from other practitioners. If you want to understand the power of other attributes, you can condense the laws, or just understand them simply. Even if you want to open up the great road, don't practice too much. My suggestion is that you should concentrate on practicing the real great road. The strength of the real emperor is ten times stronger than mine."

"Thank you for telling me, Daoyou." At the level of Canglang Zhenjun, he naturally has his own persistence and judgment, but he still thanks Chen Feng for his advice.

The laws of space are like tentacles born from life, which can condense space into one, and have powerful attack power. Practitioners with insufficient strength will be cut into pieces by these tentacles if they break in.

But these tentacles are great things for Chen Feng. Chen Feng tried his best to activate the Great Dao of Space. It seemed to be very powerful, but the effect was not very good. The space laws here were even invading Chen Feng's Great Dao in reverse.

So Chen Feng released several more Origin God Mountains. With the suppression of the Origin God Mountains, the Great Dao of Space was very stable. Chen Feng's mana cultivation began to grow. Countless space laws extended from the Great Dao and began to plunder frantically.

This was not enough. Chen Feng activated the power of the volcanic origin and the vortex origin. These two powers were used alternately. While blessing the Great Dao of Space, they also attacked themselves.

So Chen Feng's current Great Dao of Space has reached a special extreme. As the surrounding space laws multiplied more and more, countless solid multi-layered spaces began to collapse, and the resulting fragments were also integrated into the Great Dao of Space.

Except for Chen Feng, everyone present was plundering here. Even the practitioners who did not practice the Great Dao of Space were also destroying frantically.

Because Emperor Music had worked together with Chen Feng before, the friendship between the two of them had been sublimated. Seeing that Chen Feng had also cultivated the Great Dao of Space, Emperor Silver Moon sent all the shattered space laws to Chen Feng.

"The origin of space here is actually very strong, but there is no powerful existence sitting in charge. Xiao Ming's opportunity to come this time is just right." Emperor Silver Moon said so.

But as soon as the voice fell, a powerful will-power enveloped it.

That was the will-power from the origin of chaos. After the first wave, the second and third waves came.

What surprised everyone was that the subsequent waves of will-power were not from the origin of chaos, but they were equally powerful. Everyone present was a little overwhelmed by the repeated attacks, and there was no extra power to carry out large-scale destruction here.

Then the broken space was reconstructed, and in a very short time, a multi-layer space like a nine-square grid was formed to separate everyone.

Everyone was panicked. They didn't expect that they still underestimated the opponent. The opponent actually had such means.

Some of the space fragments that Chen Feng had collected in the avenue before had not been refined or suppressed, and they were already restless in the avenue, wanting to fly out.

"If I hadn't made a prompt decision to release the Origin God Mountain before, these fragments would have been pulled back again this time, and I'm afraid even my air force avenue would have shown signs of breaking."

Even so, Chen Feng's space avenue began to become unstable, and some cracks appeared. Just as Chen Feng hurriedly collected the space avenue, a space crack appeared and stood fiercely on the space avenue.

It was like a boulder thrown into the calm water, causing a storm, and the main laws of the space avenue condensed by Chen Feng himself were cut off.

Chen Feng no longer had the intention of fighting with the other party, and directly used the power of several origins, either to cover up, or to erupt, or to collide with the other party, and then he collected the space avenue.

Afterwards, Chen Feng felt that the space barriers around him were constantly thickening and becoming extremely stable, and one after another of the space cracks seemed to appear out of thin air and fell in the direction of Chen Feng.

If you can't resist in this situation, you will be cut into pieces. Chen Feng waved his hand and the sword energy exploded. These sword energies intertwined to form a sword energy storm, and fought with the opponent.

After a fierce collision, the surrounding space lightning protection was riddled with holes. Chen Feng stepped forward and blasted a passage with a sword, entering another independent space, only to see that the real Taoist was besieged by the power of space, and the field formed by the surrounding real power was about to fail.

Chen Feng came at the right time and quickly helped the real Taoist to resolve the crisis, but the next moment a layer of space barrier appeared between the two.

However, Chen Feng reacted quickly this time. Almost at the moment when the space barrier appeared, Chen Feng also disappeared, and then he still stood with the real Taoist.

Then the two of them attacked together, broke the layers of obstacles in front of them, and began to look for other people.

It is obvious that the other party wants to separate everyone to attack, so we must not let the other party succeed, and if you want to escape, you need to follow the Shadow Emperor to hide.

However, the first thing Chen Feng sensed was the breath of Emperor Silver Moon. On the other side, Emperor Silver Moon also felt the approach of Chen Feng and the True Taoist.

After all, he was a powerful emperor. Although he was caught off guard, he could still protect himself. It was not very realistic for him to change the current situation by his own strength.

Emperor Yinyue chose a direction and began to blast away the obstacles. As a result, he completely lost contact with Chen Feng as soon as he broke through a layer of space lightning.

This is the magic of space art. Maybe the two were still standing face to face the moment before, but in a moment, the two could be separated by countless spaces.

However, Emperor Yinyue joined others.

"Either find Emperor Shadow quickly, or find a way to leave here." Chen Feng suddenly used the copy law.

The copy law locked multiple directions as soon as it appeared, which made Chen Feng unable to determine the correct direction to move forward.

Chen Feng had no choice but to choose one of the directions, but he met a cultivator on his side.

The other party was not an emperor. Although he was strong, he was still a little overwhelmed in the current situation. If Chen Feng hadn't appeared, the other party would not have lasted long.

Although he was a little disappointed, Chen Feng still chose to take the other party with him, after all, he was an ally on his side.

Then Chen Feng kept urging the replication law, and combined with the magic of walking, he shuttled several times and found several companions, all of whom were above Hunyuan.

"It seems that those emperors are being taken care of." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"The situation here is too weird, why don't we leave first?" One of the practitioners suggested.

"Without the magical power of the Shadow Emperor, we will not be safe unless we leave this origin." Someone retorted.

"It's better to go out than to be unsafe."

"Okay, I won't say more. Next, should we stay here or fight out? I'm not sure, I can only rely on luck. Of course, if you can cooperate with me to fight to the death, no matter where we are, we can increase our hope of survival." Chen Feng stopped the argument between everyone, suddenly opened a passage, and took everyone to break through the shield.

This time Chen Feng was lucky, and he actually led everyone to leave this space area directly.

Not long after coming out, he felt the overwhelming suppression of the condensed will.

"The will of the Chaos Origin is stronger. It seems that the other party has found a helper. This is a bit troublesome." Chen Feng said.

In fact, everyone here has been disturbed by the Origin Area one after another. It is already good to make such a commotion.

After all, it is in the opponent's territory, and it is such a powerful Origin. It is normal for the opponent to have various reactions and coping methods. Even if the opponent's means are fierce, they will not be surprised.

But now for their own safety, they need to use various means to deal with it. Under the cover of this overwhelming will, they can't dodge at all. Even if they dodge this time, as long as they don't leave the Chaos Origin, the opponent's attack can re-lock themselves and others.

So Chen Feng urged the replication law to lead everyone to the previous position again, that is, to return to the origin of space.

This surprised everyone, but they soon understood that Chen Feng's approach was correct.

Chen Feng actually smiled bitterly in secret, but then he sensed the breath of the Shadow Emperor. Before he could act, the Shadow Emperor appeared in front of everyone silently, and then the shadow power covered everyone.

Next, Chen Feng activated the copy law and left the space area again. This time, the will from the origin of chaos did not lock on everyone.

However, in the shadow area, everyone could feel the will outside sweeping back and forth, searching carefully bit by bit.

"The other party has found a helper, I don't know if it can be hidden from the other party." Some people were worried.

But now there is no good way, no one dares to show their heads, they can only hide here and wait for the judgment of fate.

Fortunately, the Shadow Emperor's means are indeed reliable, and he can move slowly with everyone.

He was not found by the other party.

"Your magical power is good, now let's go find other people." The Shadow Emperor communicated with Chen Feng.

This time, everyone is only a small part of the power. I don't know where the rest of the emperors went?

However, the Shadow Emperor has some means and quickly determined the direction. Chen Feng used the copy law to lead people there.

First, he found the Silver Moon Emperor, and then found the Blood Pool Emperor.

"Something is wrong this time. I suggest leaving the Chaos Origin first. I don't know who the helpers the other party has found are. They said that the will they exude shows that we are not their opponents. So far, we have played a role. We should leave first and figure out the situation before we take action." Emperor Silver Moon said.

Everyone naturally agreed, and then Emperor Shadow quietly sneaked out. After reaching a certain distance, Chen Feng used the replication law to directly leave the Chaos Origin.

Although they entered the void space without up and down, everyone was relieved. They were too depressed in the Chaos Origin before.

"I have been to many other origins before, but I have never felt this way. It seems that the Chaos Origin is more powerful than I imagined before. No wonder our Yin Realm did not gain an advantage in the confrontation with the other party." Someone said with emotion.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. I don't know what the other Taoists are like now? Without the means of Emperor Shadow, I am afraid they can't escape the search of the other party." Someone said worriedly.

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