Eternal Existence

Chapter 5501: The Origin of Yin

In a short time, the situation of the origin of this space became more complicated. Instead of weakening due to the previous melee, it became stronger and more elusive.

Those practitioners who did not rush out were still trapped in it. Because of the departure of the Shadow Emperor, it was difficult for these people to leave by their own strength. Besides, even if they left the origin of space, it would be useless. They would still be attacked by the origin of chaos. However, they were all powerful lives and had some defensive means. There would definitely be no problem in a short time. They might not be killed but be sealed and suppressed.

"In the normal origin, space and time are the strongest existences. Although this is the origin of chaos, as long as the origin exists, the space is strong. This time I came here and made some mistakes. However, if I can severely damage this origin, it will cause a violent shock to the entire origin." Chen Feng said.

"You stay outside and there is a chance. I will go in and bring people out." The Shadow Emperor glanced at Chen Feng, hesitated for a while but still said so.

Chen Feng knew that the other party wanted to use the power of the replication law, but it was more dangerous to go, so he was embarrassed to speak.

"I'll go with you." Chen Feng took the initiative to speak.

In fact, staying outside can also launch an attack on the origin of chaos, which may have a better effect.

Seeing Chen Feng leave, the True Daoist wanted to say something, but he still held back. His strength was still not enough. Going in would only cause trouble. It would be better to stay outside. He had gained something before, so he took the opportunity to digest it.

With only Chen Feng, the Shadow Emperor was very fast, but this time the two did not go to the origin area of ​​space.

"Daoyou, what is this?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I see that Daoyou is taking the Ten Thousand Dao Road, so let's go to other attribute origin areas first." Shadow Emperor said.

"Is that so!" Chen Feng nodded, but he was a little confused.

"There are only two of us, I'm afraid our strength is not enough, and those Daoists trapped in the space area may not last long."

"They can still hold on for a while, and the Silver Moon Emperor can also contain some of the power in the outer attack. Of course, this time going to other origin areas is also an attempt. If things don't work, we will leave again." Shadow Emperor said.

Chen Feng was just asking symbolically. In Chen Feng's opinion, since the Shadow Emperor had made up his mind, it should not be a reckless act. He must have his own calculations.

"Relying on the shadow magic power? This makes sense." Chen Feng thought to himself, but he was always very careful, because the next action could not be separated from the Shadow Emperor, otherwise he would be in trouble, but Chen Feng also knew that the other party also needed his strength.

After arriving at an attribute source, Chen Feng understood the Shadow Emperor's plan.

"It turned out to be the shadow source, no wonder, but there is something wrong with this area." Chen Feng said. Compared with the origin area he had been to before, this place is more secretive. Although it is related to the shadow attribute, it is still a bit wrong that the Shadow Emperor found it so quickly.

"The previous Shadow Lord has fallen, and the new Shadow Lord has not grown up yet. I have calculated for a long time to find this opportunity, and this time I finally grasped it." The Shadow Emperor said with a smile.

Chen Feng quickly looked around here. He did not encounter traps like before, and there was no strong obstruction. He was relieved, and then locked his eyes on another area.

"The Lord of Shadows is bred here, and he has reached the level of Hunyuan Jinxian. It's a pity that we met him. Daoist friend, you can collect the shadow energy here, and you can also extract the shadow law, but this unborn Lord of Shadows is mine." The Shadow Emperor released the Shadow Origin, and as the Origin expanded, it directly covered the core area of ​​this place.

"No problem, I agree!" Chen Feng responded, but he still had some doubts in his heart. Even if there was no Shadow Lord blocking here, the Origin would intervene, so he couldn't hesitate.

So Chen Feng began to take action, collecting the shadow power here and grabbing the shadow law from it.

To Chen Feng's surprise, it has been very smooth since he came here, much smoother than the previous few times.

Although there are only two people, they are plundering everything here quickly.

The speed of the Shadow Emperor is also very fast. The Shadow Origin has covered the core of this area. The Shadow Lord bred in it is also struggling violently, but it is useless. It falls into the Shadow Origin little by little.

After collecting the target this time, the Shadow Emperor breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Chen Feng.

At this time, Chen Feng also successfully stripped off the Shadow Law. It can be said that both of them gained a lot.

The Shadow Emperor suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and another Shadow Law was pulled out. During this process, although the Shadow Law emitted a powerful force to resist, it was still captured by the Shadow Emperor.

"It's time to go." The Shadow Emperor said.

Although Chen Feng was a little unwilling, he still left the area with the Shadow Emperor.

"It went unexpectedly smoothly." Chen Feng said with some curiosity.

"If it goes smoothly, it's naturally a good thing. I hope it will go smoothly next time." The Shadow Emperor said and began to choose a direction to move forward.

Chen Feng also understood at this time why the Shadow Emperor did not rescue others. Perhaps those practitioners from the underworld did have the means to protect themselves, but this was only one of the reasons. The Shadow Emperor took the opportunity to collect benefits, which was probably the most important reason.

This is also why the Shadow Emperor tried to win him over. After all, if the Silver Moon Emperor and the others knew about it, some things would no longer be done.

Chen Feng felt that he understood everything. Since the Shadow Emperor was not in a hurry, he was even less anxious. Anyway, he and the Yin Realm were only in a temporary cooperative relationship.

Besides, although it was a bit unkind to do this with the Shadow Emperor, the benefits made up for this guilt after they were obtained one after another.

In fact, Chen Feng and the Shadow Emperor probably did not feel guilty.

"So where are we going next?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It may be an origin area that will surprise you." The Shadow Emperor said with a smile.

Although he seemed to be sneaking slowly, the Shadow Emperor was actually very fast and successfully arrived at the destination this time without spending much time.

Before he entered, Chen Feng had already sensed the attribute origin he was going to face this time, and his eyes showed surprise.

"You are indeed a close causal relationship with our Yin Realm. You have already sensed the power attribute here before you even enter." The Shadow Emperor also said with some surprise.

"I really didn't expect it. You really surprised me." The two of them said as they entered the attribute origin in front of them.

Chen Feng seemed to have come to the core area of ​​the origin of the underworld for a moment. The attribute power here was almost exactly the same as the underworld origin.

Thinking about the shadow origin that he had plundered before, Chen Feng guessed the route of the Shadow Emperor.

"I'm afraid it's because of the Shadow Emperor himself that he was able to find these two treasures, but it's not so easy to get them here." Chen Feng felt the powerful auras of several people.

Although he is not yet at the level of the emperor, he is not much different. The most important thing is that this is the opponent's territory.

At this time, Chen Feng and the Shadow Emperor were still covered by the shadow magic. After breaking in, although he alarmed the opponent, he was unable to lock the two in the first time. This made Chen Feng more surprised at the magic of the shadow magic. He thought that if the Shadow Emperor acted alone, even a cultivator who was stronger than him would not be able to detect any abnormality.

"If you use this method to sneak attack, you will be invincible." Just thinking about it, you can know how dangerous the Shadow Emperor is.

In front of this kind of magical power, any assassination technique or invisibility technique seemed insignificant.

After the practitioners here noticed the abnormality, they immediately released their own sensing methods to explore. Even if they searched a little bit, they did not notice the existence of Shadow Emperor and Chen Feng until the two suddenly attacked.

Even if the opponent was prepared, they were caught off guard by the two. In addition, Chen Feng and the others were stronger than the practitioners here, so they severely injured the two opponents on the spot.

Then Shadow Emperor and Chen Feng made a full-scale attack, each releasing the power of the origin, and in a very short time, they covered nearly half of the origin area.

Here, they still devoured the origin of Yin and the law of Yin. Chen Feng himself mastered a part of the Yin world, and Shadow Emperor was a master of the Yin world, so the energy and laws here were of great benefit to the two, and the two plundered very smoothly.

However, the remaining practitioners would naturally not watch the two plundering, but joined forces to attack frantically, while starting to communicate with the origin of chaos and looking for helpers.

Sure enough, the will of the origin of chaos appeared. After Shadow Emperor and Chen Feng joined forces to fight once, they immediately chose to flee from here.

Just after leaving this area, they encountered two different wills crossing each other, but Shadow Emperor was fast enough to directly use Shadow Divine Power to cover the two people, and then began to sneak again.

Chen Feng noticed that this time Shadow Emperor was not as relaxed as before, and he also felt a faint crisis.

"The other party is trying to lock us." Shadow Emperor said.

"Strange, in addition to the will of the origin of chaos, where did the two powerful wills come from? If they are the helpers of the other party, are they really willing to let the will of other origins go deep into it?" Chen Feng felt a little unrealistic.

If the other party touches other powers, it is understandable. Letting the other party's will enter their own territory is itself a great risk.

"It is also possible that the other party has a very good relationship and is very confident in each other, but it is also possible that it is not the will of the origin, maybe it is two powerful practitioners." Shadow Emperor suddenly stopped and directly stimulated the shadow divine power to the extreme.

Chen Feng knew that things had reached a critical moment. After all, no matter how magical the Shadow Emperor's magical power was, once it was in action, there would be some clues that would attract the other party's attention. Only by stopping and staying still could the magical power be pushed to the extreme.

The faint sense of crisis became stronger and stronger, and Chen Feng was ready to take action at any time.

Suddenly, the sense of crisis intensified, and two powerful forces almost simultaneously tore open the field formed by the Shadow's magical power and went straight to the Shadow Emperor and Chen Feng.

The other party still found the two.

"Then let's fight. Willpower alone can't do anything to us." Chen Feng suddenly burst out with dazzling golden light, and the power that had been prepared long ago was suddenly released.

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