Eternal Existence

Chapter 5499: Origin of Space

Because they were afraid of being discovered, Chen Feng and Canglangjun moved very slowly, but Chen Feng used the causal technique to explore the location of the real Daojun and the others.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

This shows a problem. Everyone is still within the coverage of the Shadow Emperor.

Unless they choose to take action, Chen Feng can sense the direction they are in.

Then Chen Feng thought about it, and the causal line began to track the Silver Moon Emperor again, but this time he got something.

To Chen Feng's surprise, the Silver Moon Emperor was not far away from him and touched Chen Feng's causal line. The Silver Moon Emperor was also shocked.

Then the two sides met, and the two looked at each other first and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"I actually suffered some injuries before, and I hid and recovered and then came back quietly. I didn't expect that Daoyou could escape under the interception of the Holy Light." The Silver Moon Emperor said with some emotion.

"It's all thanks to this Daoyou for helping, otherwise I would be in trouble." Chen Feng said.

Emperor Silver Moon expressed his gratitude to Master Canglang. The three of them gathered together and were considered a force of considerable strength. They all felt somewhat relieved.

"Now Emperor Shadow and his men should have found a place to hide. I noticed that the will of the origin of chaos was constantly sweeping, and several attribute masters that I had never seen before also appeared. So after we meet up, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to move." Emperor Silver Moon said.

"Then you can choose to leave." Chen Feng said.

"Do you want to leave?" Emperor Silver Moon asked with a smile.

Chen Feng naturally shook his head. It was not easy to come to such an interesting origin, and some of the powerful forces in Fang Origin were not there. Although he had encountered some troubles before, he had to say that this time was indeed a good opportunity.

"Wait a little longer. I can only hope that they can lock their position when they attack. What I am worried about now is that after the two of us are gone, will they dare to continue to move? Or will they choose to leave this Fang Origin?" This is what Emperor Silver Moon is worried about.

Chen Feng nodded, and also thought of this possibility. If so, then it would be a bit troublesome, and then he and Emperor Yinyue would have no choice but to leave.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Chen Feng and Emperor Yinyue to lock on to a direction at the same time.

Chen Feng's causal line found the real Daojun, and Emperor Yinyue naturally had unique means.

"They're doing it again."

"Let's go!"

Then the three of them suddenly took action, this time not as slow as before, but directly exerted their speed to the extreme.

Fortunately, the distance was not too far, and soon they came to an origin area. The debate here was not over yet, and Chen Feng and the other two killed in.

A familiar breath came to his face, and Chen Feng was immediately excited.

"What an evil power, it's the territory of the Lord of Evil." Emperor Yinyue said so.

The pace of Canglang Zhenjun's advance stopped. With the same level of power, this kind of evil type is more fearful.

But this is a great tonic for Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's evil avenue is still very strong. He feels like a fish in water when he comes here. Before he can see the scene clearly, he directly performs the swallowing technique.

"Haha, you are finally here." The Blood Pool Emperor said excitedly. It turns out that they invaded this evil area this time to find Chen Feng and the Silver Moon Emperor. As for getting benefits, that is just by the way.

However, this area is not so easy to take, because the Lord of Evil is here, and the Origin of Chaos is a few masters who have moved here through power.

However, with the appearance of the Silver Moon Emperor and Chen Feng, the situation was opened up, and these opponents were severely injured one after another.

Chen Feng performed the swallowing technique while stripping off the evil law.

This time Chen Feng became very crazy, with a feeling of not caring about anything. To put it bluntly, it was all because of the changes in Chen Feng caused by the previous fight with the Holy Light Emperor.

Before being hunted down, he had no choice but to fight to the death, which caused Chen Feng to consume a lot of energy. Coupled with the suppression of his mental will, this outbreak made people see a different Chen Feng.

In the process of stripping the evil law, Chen Feng was attacked by the will of the origin of chaos. For a while, Chen Feng fell into a chaotic situation. After finally calming down, he found that the stripped evil law had returned to its previous position.

"I'll help you, fellow Taoist." At this time, Canglang Zhenjun was working beside Chen Feng.

Although these evil powers are very powerful, normal practitioners do not need them. Some practitioners need to spend a lot of effort to practice after obtaining this power, which is not worth the loss.

Canglang Zhenjun is like this, so naturally he has some other ideas. Since he came here, he can't just watch it, so he might as well help Chen Feng. In this way, there will be benefits in the future, and Chen Feng can also give it back to him.

With the help of Canglang Zhenjun, Chen Feng began to strip the evil law again, and then was attacked by the chaotic will again. This time Chen Feng resisted with all his strength. After recovering, he saw Canglang Zhenjun extracting part of the evil law.

This surprised Chen Feng a little. It seems that Canglang Zhenjun still has some means.

In this way, with the two of them working together, an almost complete evil law was extracted by Chen Feng and directly integrated into the Avenue of Evil.

"If the Evil Swamp sees the situation here, I don't know how excited it will be. Then I can extract some evil energy now. If I can't use it up, I can leave some for the Evil Swamp." No one has too much good things, not to mention that Chen Feng still has some friends.

When Chen Feng was still very weak, these friends helped Chen Feng. Now that Chen Feng has become stronger, if there is a chance, of course he wants to give some feedback.

For Chen Feng, a place like the origin of chaos is simply a perfect treasure. Even if there is no evil energy, there may be other origins. There will always be something suitable for him or his friends.

"Almost, it's time to leave." After Chen Feng swallowed some evil energy, he was thinking about stripping off other evil laws when he received a notice from the Shadow Emperor.

So everyone gathered around the Shadow Emperor and disappeared quickly.

This time, everyone did not separate. After leaving this origin area, they found a place to hide safely.

"I didn't expect there was such a method. No wonder they could come here for a surprise attack." Canglang Zhenjun said with some curiosity.

After all, everyone gathered together and it was a very strong force. I didn't expect that the Shadow Emperor could be deceived. After all, this was not a person hiding.

So Canglang Zhenjun was somewhat worried, but as time went by, seeing everyone so calm, Canglang Zhenjun also calmed down.

With the previous experience, Chen Feng practiced in the shadow area with peace of mind, wanting to make up for the previous consumption.

"Now the other party has long known that we are making trouble here, and they will definitely make corresponding preparations. Maybe they will draw some people to encircle us, and they may also set traps for us to enter, so we need to explore the news before we act." Emperor Yinyue said.

"In addition to exploring the news inside the Origin of Chaos, we also need to understand the situation outside and see how their war is going."

"It is obvious that the Origin of Chaos is not under much pressure, otherwise there would not be so many attribute masters still staying here. It seems that the invaders from the outside are not strong, but it is really disappointing."

Everyone talked a lot, but still used means to explore the situation outside.

Chen Feng didn't finish his practice until everyone had discussed and prepared to take action.

"It's a pity that I won't go to the real origin next time." The real Daojun said with some disappointment beside Chen Feng. Although he had gained certain benefits before, he was not very satisfied. However, compared with others, the benefits gained by the real Daojun were also very large, so the real Daojun only complained to Chen Feng in private.

"Digest what you have gained first, there will be opportunities in the future." Chen Feng comforted him like this. In fact, Chen Feng also wanted to completely devour the power in the real origin, but the power was united at this moment, and he was not the leader.

Although he was a little embarrassed when he was chased before, he really gained a lot during this period. In each origin area, Chen Feng had more or less gained something. Chen Feng secretly calculated that he had many avenues that could be broken through.

It's just that now he is in the opponent's territory, even if he is practicing, he must be cautious and dare not make too much noise.

The same is true for others. Even if they were injured before, they have to slowly recover their strength.

Everyone's plan is to get the benefits first, do some damage by the way, and then leave the chaos origin when the opportunity comes.

Although it looks like a small fight, to be honest, the role played by everyone is greater than on the battlefield.

Because if there is chaos here, the origin of chaos will be affected, which will then affect the external war.

"The place we are going to next has been found out. There is no attribute master sitting there, and it doesn't look like there are traps, so what we have to do is to make a quick decision, get some benefits and leave quickly." Shadow Emperor said.

Then Shadow Emperor brought everyone to the place, and with an order, everyone directly broke through the space barrier in front of them and entered an empty void.

At first, everyone thought they came to the wrong place, or entered a trap that the other party had set up long ago, but they soon came to their senses, and Chen Feng's eyes were shining.

This is actually the origin of space. There is no rich energy like other areas, but Chen Feng saw a different place in his eyes.

"The gate of time and space should come here." Chen Feng directly released the avenue of space, and directly stimulated it to the extreme state in a short time, and quickly spread it forward. Wherever it passed, the avenue of space extended dense laws, just like the roots of plants piercing into the void.

Chen Feng was plundering the spatial laws here, as well as the spatial origin energy hidden deep inside. If possible, Chen Feng would even devour the multi-layered spatial barriers here. In short, everything he gained would be transformed into his own power.

Seeing Chen Feng release the spatial avenue, the others were naturally a little surprised. They didn't expect Chen Feng to have mastered so many avenues, but then they came to their senses and used various means to dig out the benefits here.

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