Eternal Existence

Chapter 5492: Lord of Slaughter

What interested Chen Feng the most was a vague power, which was the breath of a powerful master in the other camp. He was holding a weapon and charging alone in the battlefield.

Chen Feng guessed that this might be the attribute master in the chaos camp.

"Even if he is not as powerful as the emperor, he is almost the same. He is indeed very powerful. I don't know how many such masters there are in the origin of chaos." Chen Feng tried to absorb the power of the other party, but failed.

Chen Feng even expected the other party to kill him, but he knew that once the other party rushed over, the magic circle he was in would probably not be able to resist it, and someone might get hurt.

Including the power held by the other party, it was really tempting for Chen Feng. Chen Feng had already felt that the several avenues he mastered were ready to move. Once he devoured enough of the other party's power, these avenues would break through, and there would be a chain reaction, causing some changes in other avenues.

Seeing the other party disappear, Chen Feng could only feel regretful. Although he remembered the other party's breath, it was hard to say whether he could meet him in the future. If he really met him and fought alone, he would not be able to take him down.

Masters of this level can only be injured or die in the war.

The whole war lasted for a while, but the opponent never appeared again, and Chen Feng and others returned with the formation.

For everyone, this war came to an end, and everyone survived, which also made everyone excited.

Soon the power of the underworld came down, and everyone's previous consumption was replenished, and soon they returned to the state of waiting before.

"It is indeed a bit dangerous. Maybe the formation we are in will be broken next time." The real Taoist expressed his opinion.

Because in the eyes of the real Taoist, there were several times when the place where he was was almost involved.

There were also powerful beings that were blown up, cannon fodder on the battlefield, the collision between weapons and magic weapons, and the collision between the torrents of war, all stimulating and provoking the nerves of the real Taoist. Even if he returned to the safe area, the real Taoist did not calm down.

Chen Feng did not chat with the other party, because he also had things to do. Although he only witnessed a war, Chen Feng captured some useful forces for him and began to calculate the impact of these forces on his avenue. When others had not yet calmed down, Chen Feng was already looking forward to the next war. Chen Feng even thought about finding an opportunity to leave the magic circle and directly capture those useful forces for him.

As if sensing Chen Feng's thoughts, everyone was sent to the battlefield again before they had rested for long.

"Is the situation of the war changed?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"This situation has happened before. It is possible that the other party wants to catch us off guard. It is just a fighting method. We will also send some people to raid the other party." Someone answered.

However, this time when entering the battlefield, everyone felt stronger pressure than before, and Chen Feng even felt the faint flash of crisis.

"Fellow Daoists, be careful. I feel that this time is a bit bad." Before Chen Feng reminded him, someone spoke up.

"There are dangers everywhere in the field, but fellow Daoists' magical powers are very good. Since we have been alerted, it seems that we should be prepared for the bottom line." Someone said so.

No one dared to be careless on the battlefield, and some people secretly discussed escaping in groups when encountering danger.

Chen Feng also received the news from the two people, and Chen Feng naturally agreed to this.

Although he was participating in the war, his own life was more important. If his own safety was really threatened, then saving his life was the most important thing, and he would not care whether the battlefield would collapse.

After all, this was a war between practitioners, which was completely different from a war between ordinary lives.

"I want to see what changes will happen next." Chen Feng was on high alert.

It was still the same as before, but this time everyone's luck was not so good. Two strong men rushed out of the opponent's camp and began to charge, just like two indestructible sharp knives, easily tearing a hole wherever they passed.

One of the directions was heading towards the legal formation where Chen Feng and others were. The opponent's speed was very fast. After everyone had only flashed a few thoughts, the opponent waved his weapon to break the formation, and one of the formation eyes exploded directly, and the practitioner sitting here turned into a ball of snow mist.

The opponent's strength was fully demonstrated. The aura on his body condensed into substance and continuously impacted the surroundings. The magic circle was cut into pieces wherever it passed, and some of the power naturally impacted Chen Feng.

Feeling the power contained in the opponent's attack, Chen Feng was also judging the opponent's strength.

In the situation just now, Chen Feng actually had no time to stop it. Besides, even if he tried to stop it, the fate of the magic circle being shattered could not be reversed.

Although everyone said that they would run away if they couldn't resist, they were still attacking the opponent together at this time. Seeing that another person was being targeted, Chen Feng finally took action.

"Not good, I should have run away at the beginning." The face of the practitioner who was targeted changed. With such a delay, the opponent was in front of him. He was definitely unable to resist, but he could only try his best to resist.

At this moment, there was a flower in front of him, and someone actually blocked him.

Before he could see who it was, the two sides fought. It was just a collision, and the powerful energy fluctuations generated made the practitioner fly backwards.

Not only that, even the formation was collapsing rapidly.

This is clearly the power fluctuation that can only be generated by the confrontation between the emperors.

Since someone has stopped the opponent, even if the formation collapses, everyone is not in a hurry to leave.

Only then did they see that it was Chen Feng who made the move.

"How can he be so strong?"

"How can he be so strong? Is he the emperor?"

Everyone was puzzled, and then they realized that they had underestimated Chen Feng before. It turned out that there was another master beside them. At this time, someone remembered that Chen Feng had said before that he would fight the emperor of the Yang Realm. It turned out that this was all true, not bragging.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and join forces." At this time, the True Dao Lord shouted, and secretly despised him.

He said that he had experienced hundreds of battles, but he was so scared by a little thing. Since he was not afraid, why not join the battle quickly.

Everyone came to their senses and quickly formed a magic circle to look for opportunities to attack the opponent.

However, Chen Feng and the opponent fought fiercely, and everyone could not find any opportunities at all. Moreover, because the noise of the two fighting was too loud, the magic circle might be torn, so they had to choose to retreat again.

Later, even the True Dao Lord stayed away from the battlefield.

"It should be fine." The True Daoist was still a little worried.

"There is actually a master hidden here. You Yin Realm are always so insidious." The cultivator taunted.

At this time, Chen Feng had already tried his best, but he could only barely compete with the opponent. If he continued, Chen Feng would definitely lose.

And the opponent was not the emperor.

The reason why Chen Feng was entangled with the opponent was, on the one hand, because he had rescued people before, and on the other hand, Chen Feng was very interested in this person's power.

Every time there was a collision, the several avenues that Chen Feng mastered were boiling.

This was exactly the power Chen Feng needed.

So he tried his best to fight with the opponent. Since he was not sure of defeating the opponent, he could only absorb the opponent's power little by little. As long as he could change the avenue, it would be enough.

"It's a pity. If I could defeat the opponent, I could break through several avenues in one breath." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Chen Feng only wanted to improve his own strength, and he didn't know how shocked others were.



There was a collision between the two sides, and blood holes appeared on their bodies, but they soon healed.

"What a sharp weapon, worthy of the Lord of Killing." Chen Feng received the news from his side at this time, knowing that the other party was the attribute master in the origin of chaos, and the master of killing was naturally the Lord of Killing.

And the several avenues that Chen Feng was eager to use were naturally the Avenue of Killing, the Avenue of Ten Thousand Tribulations, the Avenue of Ending, etc.

However, the other party was not in a good mood either, and the Spear of Destiny contained not only the power of the weapon itself.

"Who are you? Where did you get these powers from?" The Lord of Killing asked coldly.

"Want to know? Sure, then the origin of killing will be exchanged." Chen Feng said with a smile.


"Since you don't want to, then fight."

The two continued to fight, and Chen Feng suddenly used a fighting style that hurt both sides, and each was injured again.

The reason why Chen Feng did this was that his defense was still stronger than the other party.

The Lord of Killing also understood this, so he immediately changed the battle mode, so he quickly suppressed Chen Feng.

"Is this the combat power erupted by pure power? In this way, the other attribute masters are also equally powerful." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Seeing that he couldn't resist and he had no help, Chen Feng could only use some special means.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about whether to use the power of the magic weapon or the power beyond the origin, things changed again.

A long whip appeared from a distance and whipped the two people fighting fiercely.

Because the two people were fighting fiercely, it was difficult for those who were not strong enough to intervene. Although Chen Feng knew that the long whip was aimed at the opponent, he still had to feel uneasy under this situation.

Fortunately, the person who made the move had a good control of the power, and the long whip was extremely flexible, firmly locking the Lord of Killing.

"This is an origin-level weapon, it looks good." Chen Feng remembered that it seemed that he didn't have this type of weapon of this level in his hand, but at a certain level, weapons can also be ever-changing.


The Lord of Killing was accidentally hit by the long whip, and a strong murderous intent suddenly bloomed in his eyes.

But Chen Feng had a new idea, waved his hand, and threw out a chain to wrap around the Lord of Killing.

This is the chain that bound the True Yuan Emperor. Even weapons of the origin level would find it difficult to break it.

Chen Feng took out this chain not only to catch the opponent off guard, but also to keep him here.

Now that he has helpers, the situation is naturally different from before.

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