Eternal Existence

Chapter 5491: The Underworld

At this time, there were several Hunyuan Above from the Yin Realm in the outer area. They were originally fighting guerrilla warfare from a distance, but who knew that the Yang Realm Patrolman rushed in front of them.

Just as they were thinking about whether to dodge or block, the Yang Realm Patrolman attacked, and these Hunyuan Abovemen had no choice but to resist.

Then he was defeated in one blow, and the Hunyuan Abovemen were beaten and rolled out.


Seeing this scene, Chen Feng almost cursed out loud.

Who knew that the Yang Realm Patrolman did not leave after breaking out of the encirclement, but turned around and opened another gap, and took his companions out.

Seeing that the two emperors were about to run away, Chen Feng took the lead to chase them, and the Spear of Destiny pulled out a crack and stabbed the emperor behind fiercely.

As long as the opponent made a move to parry, Chen Feng would be sure to entangle the opponent.

Who knew that the place didn't care, as if it didn't care about Chen Feng's attack. Only when the Spear of Destiny stabbed the opponent, layers of defensive shields appeared on the emperor's body.


The defensive shields exploded one by one, but the Spear of Destiny missed. The opponent used this thrust to speed up.

"Should we just let the other party run away like this?" Chen Feng felt a little regretful.

Who knew that the space would crack, and a long gully blocked the two emperors.

The pace of advancement stopped, but the breath on his body became stronger and stronger, and groups of flames flew out of his body, trying to build a bridge to the sun and cross the gully to leave this place.

Ordinary gullies naturally cannot stop the existence of the emperor. At most, they can leave by blasting the void.

However, this gully was caused by the Yin Realm, and it contains special things. Even a powerful emperor cannot leave by ordinary means.

The two emperors were still caught up by Chen Feng.

"You two, have you ever thought that this situation would happen? If you had known this, why did you do it in the first place?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Since the Yin Realm officially took action, Chen Feng was not in a hurry. After a few rounds of fighting, the others surrounded him again.

The blessing from the Yin Realm appeared from time to time, and everyone did not worry about consumption and could use various big moves without burden.

When they thought about being able to surround and kill the emperor, these above Hunyuan were still very excited.

However, Chen Feng muttered in his heart, something was wrong. Although the Yin Realm intervened, it was still difficult to kill the opponent in this way.

Where is the emperor.

What is needed is the powerful fighting power of the emperor.

Otherwise, we can only have some more above Hunyuan.

More than a dozen above Hunyuan came one after another.

Although helpers came, Chen Feng felt something was wrong. Why did he feel that the situation in the Yin Realm was similar to that of some other origins.

According to Chen Feng's understanding, the strength of the Yin Realm was similar to that of the Yang Realm. He met so many masters in the Yang Realm, and the emperors came out one after another. This was still the case that many emperors were not in the Yang Realm.

Although some above Hunyuan appeared in the Yin Realm now, it would be normal to put them in other origins, but now it is very abnormal.

Although Chen Feng felt a little strange, it was not the time to investigate. At least the Yin Realm was willing to take action directly, otherwise, this fight would not be able to continue.

The two emperors found an opportunity to fight their way out, but were blocked by the ravine again. Chen Feng led a group of people to surround them again.

During the battle, some Hunyuan above were seriously injured, but they also successfully left some injuries on the two emperors.

"It seems that this kind of wear and tear method can only be used." Chen Feng said in his heart.

It is not so easy to wear and tear the two emperors by means of siege. Next, the two emperors continued to fight their way out, and people on Chen Feng's side continued to be injured.

This made Chen Feng very disappointed with the fighting power of the Yin Realm.

It would be fine if the emperor did not take action, but at least a few powerful Hunyuan above should come.

Up to now, he is still the strongest output combat power, and there are even some Hunyuan above who only attack from a distance, and their combat power cannot be fully erupted.

Finally, the two emperors paid some price and built a bridge, successfully getting rid of the obstruction of the underworld.

When the ravine could no longer stop them, the two emperors successfully left the underworld.

Chen Feng also chased out, but did not continue to chase, just stopped in the outer area of ​​the underworld and watched the other party disappear.

"The other party still escaped, it's a pity!" Zhenren Daojun said with some regret.

Chen Feng nodded: "It's really a pity, such a good opportunity should be able to keep these two emperors, who knows that the other party can leave under such circumstances, but it's normal to think about it. Although we have more reinforcements, their strength is not enough, and they can only barely hurt the emperor. If you want to really wipe out the other party, you need a stronger existence."

Although Chen Feng said this, he didn't actually use desperate means, because Chen Feng knew that it was better not to fight desperately before things were clear. Besides, the two emperors also had desperate means that they didn't use.

The other party did pay some price, but it was nothing to the emperor, and the other party could recover in a short time.

It will be very difficult to find such a good opportunity in the future, and it might even be killed by the other party.

But if I really think about it, I have gotten rid of the trouble this time, so overall there is no need to feel too regretful.

"But can I still go to Yangjie to take risks now?" Chen Feng was actually a little depressed.

He had obtained the inheritance of Emperor Yiyang, so he could pretend to be a cultivator in Yangjie. He was safe before Emperor Yuanyang and the others came back. Who knew that he would provoke so many opponents in Yangjie in such a short time.

"So the contradiction between me and Yangjie is irreconcilable. It seems that the relationship with Yinjie is quite good. It's a pity that there are some changes in Yinjie?" Chen Feng thought about it and decided to ask someone.

The best way to ask is to go directly to Yinjie. After returning to Yinjie, there are still some Hunyuan above who have not left.

Chen Feng communicated with them, but it turned out that these Hunyuan above were not clear, and some people were even as curious as Chen Feng.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about how to communicate with Yinjie, the will came, and Chen Feng knew what happened.

It turned out that the war between the origins broke out in Yinjie, and the masters of the emperor level had been sent out. Not only that, even some powerful Hunyuan above were not in Yinjie.

Even the will of the underworld was fighting externally. This was also the will of the underworld. It simply blocked the two emperors without a direct attack.

This was also within Chen Feng's guess, so he was not too surprised. He was just a little curious about who the opponent of the underworld was.

As a result, before Chen Feng asked about these, the underworld sent Chen Feng a recruitment, wanting Chen Feng and the others to participate in one of the wars.

This made Chen Feng understand that the underworld was not a single battle.

"No wonder so many masters were sent out. For such a powerful existence in the underworld, there must be many masters, but now only some ordinary Hunyuan are left to guard. Even if there are many opponents, they are also very powerful." Chen Feng secretly communicated with the real Taoist Lord.

The real Taoist Lord was surprised and said that he would let Chen Feng make the decision.

"It's best to go and see it."

Chen Feng knew that the real Taoist Lord wanted to watch the excitement, so why not himself?

"But the war between the origins is very dangerous. It was enough to watch the excitement in the Yang Realm before. If you really participate in it, the situation will be very different." Chen Feng said.

However, Chen Feng decided to go and have a look first.

After seeing Chen Feng agreed, the Yin Realm told Chen Feng two battlefields for Chen Feng to choose from.

One was an invasion, and the other was evenly matched.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Chen Feng asked.

"There is another force on my side that has had some conflicts with the Yang Realm. I suggest you go here." The Yin Realm said.

Chen Feng felt a little funny. If that's the case, then why did they only say to go to the battlefield before?

The will of the Yin Realm is really a bit too humane.

"I don't know if it has evolved into a real life." Chen Feng guessed in his heart.

It's a pity that Chen Feng did not accept the other party's advice. Chen Feng didn't want to deal with the Yang Realm in a short time. It's not that he was afraid of the Yang Realm, but if he wanted to see a new origin.

After all, Chen Feng didn't know the situation in this area very well, and those who could fight with the Yin Realm were definitely not ordinary origins.

Maybe he could take the opportunity to get some benefits.

Besides, now that he has chosen one, he can't go to other families without a price.

So according to the guidance of the Yin Realm, Chen Feng and the True Daojun came to a battlefield.

Chen Feng had considered choosing a battlefield where both sides were evenly matched. Although Chen Feng was not afraid of trouble, he did not want to cause any trouble for no reason.

"The origin of chaos is interesting." Chen Feng thought. He had been to the origin of chaos and some chaotic areas before, but he did not expect that there was an origin of chaos here.

"Who is coming?" Before approaching the battlefield, Chen Feng and his partner were stopped by several intertwined wills.

"Our own people!" Chen Feng released the breath of the underworld. At the same time, the will of the underworld descended, not only blessing Chen Feng and his partner, but also condensing power into runes and falling on them.

This was considered as identity authentication, and it was of a very high level.

After all, being noticed by the underworld was enough to make people dare not underestimate it.

"The two Taoist friends came at the right time. We are short of manpower here." The obstruction in front of him disappeared.

Since it was a stalemate, as long as someone came, it would naturally attract the attention of both warring parties.

After all, the arrival of someone might affect the situation.

However, many people on the underworld side were disappointed soon. First, there were only two people, and second, the strength of Chen Feng and his partner was not too strong.

It's not that the two of them are not strong enough, but in this level of battlefield, those above Hunyuan can only be regarded as cannon fodder.

However, since they were specially sent by the underworld, even if someone despised them in their hearts, they didn't show it. Besides, it's good to have two more cannon fodder.

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