Eternal Existence

Chapter 5493 Invitation

The scale of the underworld is so large that there is no extra power now. No wonder Sister Ying treats the two of us like this. I thought it was because I mastered the underworld area. I think this is just one of the reasons.

Chen Feng's thoughts flickered, but soon he stopped thinking about it and fought with his opponent wholeheartedly.

This state of improving strength is somewhat magical. Chen Feng can also experience this powerful strength in advance, which is more or less beneficial to his own practice.

What's more, fighting with such a powerful attribute master is a rare opportunity in itself.

If the opponent really enters the earth level, then Chen Feng will have to flee even if he gets the blessing of magical powers.

This situation is just right now.

It's just that Chen Feng's idea is good, and he only sees this period of time, because soon the opponent will kill another attribute master.

One magic circle collapsed directly, and the return of the upper tail of the original fell and fled, and one ran slowly and was killed by the opponent.

Then the opponent continued to attack another magic circle, but the magic circle did not resist for long and collapsed.

However, several practitioners in the group were quite powerful and courageous. They joined forces to fight against the other side and fought evenly.

Although they blocked the other side, the other side had one more attribute master, and the Yin Realm had collapsed two arrays.

So the balance of the war was tilted a little, and this might cause some chain reactions.

"I have tried my best. If I really lose, there is nothing I can do, but I think the Yin Realm also has means." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Who knew that the attribute master of the other side was very fierce, and he actually broke out some means regardless of the consequences, killing the several Huiyuans, and then he actually came out against Chen Feng.

This time the situation is different. If Chen Feng is defeated, then the three attribute masters of the north can form a powerful force, and no one can stop them wherever they go.

Sure enough, as soon as the two sides came into contact, Chengfeng was beaten out, and then the opponent's attack came again.

These three attribute masters also wanted to get rid of Chen Feng in one fell swoop. Even the long whip of the Three Thousand Gods could only barely restrain one person, and it couldn't even reach this point.

Under this circumstance, Chen Feng could only think of a way to escape and could not continue to entangle with the other party, otherwise he would be severely injured by the other party.

So Chen Feng used the power imprint.

Originally, Chen Feng's state had not ended, and now he used the power of transcending the origin and barely tore a loophole.

But Chengfeng had just come out, and the three attribute masters quickly followed him.

There were too many good things on Chen Feng, especially the power imprint that had just erupted, which made them greedy. Under this circumstance, these attributes had no other existence in their eyes, and only wanted to solve Chen Feng.

This Chen Feng was a little embarrassed.

Seeing the situation on Chen Feng's side, the True Stone Dao Army also came forward to help regardless of anything, but unfortunately, after a brief encounter, this life Dao Army was beaten back.

The Yin Realm also knew that Chen Feng could not lose, so two more soul origins rushed up with gritted teeth, and cooperated with the True Dao Lord to try to restrain an attribute master.

At least with some help, Chen Feng still felt very urgent and much stronger than before.

After taking a breath, Chen Feng released three clones drawn by the Origin God Mountain, and then he barely stabilized the situation.

But the opponent was still attacking frantically, and this situation would collapse soon.

After all, the combat effectiveness of these three clones was not as good as his own.

Although Chen Feng still had some clones, if he released them randomly without forming a magic circle, he would only be severely injured by the opponent.

What's more, when he fought against the Ocean World Patrol before, Chen Feng lost some clones, and he has not replenished them yet.

"I just came here to watch the fun, and now I have paid too much." The key is that at this time, Chen Feng's state was lifted, and his combat effectiveness returned to the previous level.


Chen Feng was hit by the opponent and a wound appeared on his body, but the opponent did not continue to attack along the wound, but performed a plundering technique to successfully extract the vitality in his body.

Although he was quickly controlled by Chen Feng, this showed that the opponent was using various methods to deal with him.

The situation was very unfavorable to him.

At this time, a wave of power came again, and Chen Feng was a little surprised, thinking that it was the same magical power as before.

It turned out not to be.

This time, the blessing of the Yin Realm came to replenish Chen Feng's consumption, so that Chen Feng could stay at his peak state, but his strength would not increase as before.




Even so, Chen Feng still took this opportunity to burst out continuously, using the strongest attack to fight against the opponent.

The fierce collision continued for a while, and the war finally came to an end.

And it was the opponent who retreated first, which made Chen Feng feel a little strange. There was no helper coming from his side, and there was no sign of victory on the surrounding battlefield, but the opponent chose to retreat, which might be the progress made in other parts of the battlefield.

In short, this war is still evenly matched.

Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. After retreating to the safe area, Chen Feng felt that this kind of person's attitude towards him had changed.

Before, it was an equal exchange, but now Chen Feng could only feel the other party's awe of him.

Then some powerful practitioners came to visit. After all, Chen Feng's previous outburst was a great achievement. If it hadn't been successful, this battlefield would have collapsed.

Then, according to the merits, Chen Feng naturally received more power. Even the highest leader of this war zone showed up in person and invited Chen Feng to other locations.

Chen Feng looked at the other party.

The Three Thousand Gods was the one who had swung the long whip before, a powerful emperor.

Chen Feng hesitated for a while and then refused the other party's invitation, but continued to stay in this area.

The other party did not force it. After a brief exchange with Chen Feng, he left.

"Daoyou should go to other locations." said the practitioner who had communicated with Chen Feng before.

"I feel this place is good. Going to other locations will directly face stronger opponents. In fact, I don't like fighting. I only like quiet practice." Chen Feng said somewhat insincerely.

No matter why Chen Feng chose to stay here, it also surprised and delighted everyone.

In this way, there is a master sitting here, and the safety is greatly increased.

But some people don't think so, just like when Chen Feng fought with the Attribute Lord before, not only could everyone not help, but it was even a little dangerous.

The rest time was quite long, and Chen Feng went into seclusion to practice in order to avoid being disturbed.

"The Origin of Chaos, it's a very good place." Through the previous confrontation, Chen Feng had some understanding of some of the attribute powers there. After all, it could give birth to an attribute Lord close to the level of the Great Emperor. If the power was given to him, his own avenue could be advanced to an extreme. Even if he didn't have so much time to practice one by one, he could still break through on the existing basis.

So Chen Feng had already planned to enter the Origin of Chaos in the future. Of course, if the Yin Realm was powerful, he could directly capture the Origin of Chaos, so that he could take advantage of the chaos.

Now it's still a situation of equal strength.

"We should concentrate our efforts to solve the Origin of Chaos first, and we don't know the specific situation of the Yin Realm." Although it was only a brief fight, Chen Feng had some understanding of the Origin of Chaos. In Chen Feng's opinion, the Origin of Chaos was very powerful and had great potential. It should be the top existence among all the origins. If the other party continued to develop, it would definitely threaten the Yin Realm.

"There are many masters in the Yin Realm. I think they can see more clearly than me, but they are not as crazy as I am." Chen Feng only practiced the avenues that were turbulent before. Although he only absorbed a small amount of the opponent's power, Chen Feng still gained something.

Not only the increase in energy, but the most important thing is the perception of the avenue and the sublimation of the spiritual realm.

Chen Feng did not end his practice until the war continued.


Chen Feng looked at the True Dao Lord in surprise. It was only a short time, and the strength of the True Dao Lord had changed.

"It's progressing faster than I thought." Chen Feng said in his heart. He had guessed that the True Dao Lord would break through after seeing the new world, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

However, there is still a distance from the Great Emperor.

Once you can become a Great Emperor, your combat power will not be comparable to now.

"If you want to become a Great Emperor, you still need opportunities and a long time." Chen Feng knew that the Great Emperor was not so easy to reach.

However, the True Dao Lord has this foundation, so it depends on his luck in the future.

"I can't wait to rush into the battlefield and fight now." Feeling Chen Feng's gaze, the True Dao Lord said with a smile.

"I advise you not to. How do you feel compared to the previous attribute master?" Chen Feng asked.

The True Dao Lord calmed down, thought for a while and said, "Not an opponent."

"That's good, there are more dangerous things on the battlefield." Chen Feng said.

It's still the same as before, the difference is that this method array is controlled by Chen Feng, so Chen Feng can understand the occupation more macroscopically.

Chen Feng actually wanted to release the array he mastered, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea.

The array of the Yin Realm is actually not bad, and there are no practitioners under his command, so the coordination of releasing the array is not good, unless he can give himself more Hunyuan Above.

"I wonder if there will be masters coming to charge this time." In fact, Chen Feng was still looking forward to it, but nothing happened after a battle.

A little disappointed, Chen Feng continued to practice in seclusion, and someone came to him again.

This time it was the Silver Moon Emperor who invited Chen Feng to form a team to raid the origin of chaos, which made Chen Feng hesitate.

If the next war is still like this, it will be really boring. If the other party says to raid the other side's camp, Chen Feng will refuse, but going directly to the origin of chaos will make Chen Feng tempted.

"I have another friend." Chen Feng said.

"You can bring him along." Emperor Yin Yue said.

"Well, when will we act?" Chen Feng agreed.

"Let's go now."

So Chen Feng and the True Dao Lord quietly left the station and came to a new area to gather.

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