Eternal Existence

Chapter 5465 Fatal Crisis

Then Emperor Yuanyang compressed a bunch of short spears, and Chen Feng and his men barely managed to resist them with all their might.

Then Emperor Yuanyang came to Chen Feng again, and stabbed Chen Feng with a bigger spear in his hand.

Chen Feng had no time to swing the Spear of Destiny, so he had to punch it out.

Then Chen Feng's fist exploded, and the powerful force penetrated through it, spreading along his arm until it stopped at Chen Feng's shoulder.


After being injured, Chen Feng roared, and energy balls spewed out of his mouth.

This was the energy ball compressed with energy beyond the origin in that special area before.

Under normal circumstances, it can threaten the emperor, but it is still difficult to hurt Emperor Yuanyang.

So Chen Feng used more than a dozen energy balls this time, and such desperate means scared them back again and again.

Even Emperor Yuanyang showed a hint of hesitation in his eyes, and the space around him collapsed a little, and Emperor Yuanyang left along the cracks in it.

These energy balls did not explode, but floated around Chen Feng. Even so, it was still frightening. In this case, if these energy balls exploded, Chen Feng might be blown to pieces.

Emperor Yuanyang appeared not far away. Seeing this scene, he showed a hint of murderous intent in his eyes, and he was frightened.

Then, with a flash, Emperor Yuanyang came to him again and pointed his finger at the energy balls in front of Chen Feng.

This was to detonate these energy balls.

Chen Feng also had his own calculations. These energy balls floating around him suddenly expanded their range and once again enveloped Emperor Yuanyang.

And this time the range of the envelope was very wide, which was a process of expansion and contraction. Obviously, this was also aimed at some changes made by Emperor Yuanyang before he left the means.

This time, Emperor Yuanyang did not escape like before. In such a dangerous situation, he still compressed several short spears, which were firmly locked on Chen Feng.

So this is a lose-lose style of play. No matter who is attacked, he will be severely injured.

However, Chen Feng had already made preparations. The wings behind him were shaking violently, and there were flames burning. The shadow of the copy law was like a dragon wandering in it.

Before the war spear arrived, Chen Feng disappeared on the spot.

The reason why Chen Feng was confident was because he used the power of the copy law, and it was also a special way of using it.

This would be faster. Although it could not reach the strongest state, it would still be no problem to shuttle in a short distance.

In fact, if the opponent was not too strong, Chen Feng would not use such a risky method.

Chen Feng dodged the opponent's attack, but the energy ball he released also exploded.

Even though there were some masters present, they also experienced what it meant to be earth-shattering.

The source of these energy balls was originally beyond the level of origin, and it was a destructive force that could tear the emperor into pieces. What's more, Chen Feng released so many at once. Even if Emperor Yuanyang was powerful and had some means, he was still drowned in the chaotic self-explosion energy.

The powerful energy divided this special space into empty areas, and the emptiness collapsed again, giving birth to an even more empty area.

Except for the chaotic energy, everything here no longer exists. The powerful energy swept around, even affecting the existence of other battlefields.

The explosion of these energies is even more powerful than the energy generated by the previous confrontation.

The second generation and others retreated far away and still needed to use means to resist. They thought to themselves how many energy balls Chen Feng had thrown. If Chen Feng himself could not leave under this situation, wouldn’t it be a lose-lose situation.

This is simply desperate.

However, at this time, everyone still expected Emperor Yuanyang to be severely injured in this explosion, because they knew that a master like Emperor Yuanyang could not be killed by the strength of a few people.

As long as they could severely injure the opponent, it would be enough.

So more than 20 people were ready to take action at any time, but there was only chaos in front of them. Emperor Yuanyang did not appear, and several people did not catch Emperor Yuanyang’s aura.

"Could it be that the other party has left this area?" It is impossible to say that the other party was blown to pieces. As long as the other party has a little bit of power left, it will be sensed. But if the other party left, it just happened that no trace of the other party was captured before.

"Be careful! I always feel something is wrong."

As Chen Feng said this, he came in front of several people. The divine wings behind him were still burning with flames. In the perception of the second generation, Chen Feng seemed to be not in this area.

"Where did the other party go?" Chen Feng was a little curious, but more cautious and alert.

Because the invisible opponent is more dangerous.

"We suspect that Emperor Yuanyang has left this area." Emperor Taishi said.

"It seems that the other party also has some special means." Chen Feng nodded. After all, he has a special treasure like the copy law. It is normal for such a powerful existence as Emperor Yuanyang to have some similar means.

Emperor Yuanyang appeared out of thin air, and Chen Feng and others could not grasp the clues of the other party at all.

Before Chen Feng and others could make a move, Emperor Yuanyang disappeared again, and Chen Feng disappeared with him.

"Not good." The expressions of the second generation and others changed greatly. They did not expect that such a situation would happen. If Chen Feng faced Emperor Yuanyang alone, wouldn't it be to die? However, the three of them had no good way to catch up, because It is impossible to determine where Emperor Yuanyang is.

The second generation quickly went to communicate with the huge eyeball, hoping to ask the other party to help find Chen Feng, but the eyeball did not respond.

The two of them are also using their own methods to explore Chen Feng's existence. After all, there is a causal relationship between them.

Sure enough, he sensed the area where Chen Feng was.

This was also perceived suddenly. If Chen Feng hadn't burst out with powerful power, the three of them would not have had this perception so easily.

"Let's go, I hope Chen Feng can hold on until we arrive." The second generation rushed out quickly. At this time, rescuing Chen Feng is the most important thing. There is no need to stay here and continue to fight.

"I'm afraid we will fall into a trap." Emperor Taishi said.

"Even if it's a trap, we still have to go there." Emperor Jiuling said as he entered the shadow of the long river of time.

It was obvious that the Gate of Origin also sensed that something was wrong with Chen Feng, so they came to help.

But this still takes time, and Emperor Yuanyang is so powerful that Chen Feng may not be able to withstand him even if he comes face to face with him.

If you don't worry, it's impossible. You can only pray that Chen Feng has other means.

Chen Feng has indeed encountered the strongest crisis in history, because the opponent has absolute strength to obliterate Chen Feng.

Even though Emperor Yuanyang was injured in the explosion just now, the injury was not as serious as Chen Feng imagined. Besides, even if he was severely injured, Emperor Yuanyang's strength was not something Chen Feng could deal with.

"Boy, I was careless, so what other methods do you have now?" Emperor Yuanyang looked at Chen Feng in front of him and sneered.

At this time, Emperor Yuanyang's body was in some tatters, and he was even very slow to recover. However, in Chen Feng's opinion, Emperor Yuanyang's strength had not been affected much. He had used the art of divine movement to the extreme, even if he used the law of replication. Even the power cannot leave this area.

Chen Feng knew that this area was constructed by Emperor Yuanyang. Under the lock of the opponent, he had no way to escape unless his strength reached the level of Emperor Yuanyang.

"This time we are really in trouble." Chen Feng had made all kinds of preparations before, but he didn't expect that Emperor Yuanyang was staring at him, and he had such a method. I'm afraid that the second generation and the others wouldn't be able to find it for a while. Go to yourself.

"I won't really die here, will I?" A strong sense of crisis came to my heart.

However, after Chen Feng felt that he could not leave, he did not take any risks except asking for help from the Gate of Origin.

The longer you leave it at this time, the better.

However, Emperor Yuanyang didn't give Chen Feng much time. He didn't even control his own injuries before he chose to take action against Chen Feng.

Chen Feng burned the origin at the first moment, and his whole body began to burn with flames. This stimulated all the power, his heart beat vigorously, and the origin furnace was also outputting energy crazily. Some of the strongest avenues were also in Chen Feng's. Appearing all over the body, in addition to the power of the source of complementary food energy.

This is all the power Chen Feng can mobilize in his desperate efforts.

Emperor Yuanyang was a little surprised by Chen Feng's accumulation and background, but as soon as Chen Feng took action, all his methods began to collapse and disintegrate.

It's obvious that the gap between the two is too big.

However, Chen Feng was not beaten to death on the spot, so he felt a little relieved.

The energy generated by the collision of the two tore open the surrounding solidified area, and a beam of time power penetrated in, shining directly on Chen Feng. The next moment, Chen Feng returned to the peak state when the two sides fought.

The collapsed avenue has also been repaired, and the origin of the shock has been regained control by Chen Feng.

This is the method of looking back in time.

Once again, Chen Feng felt the power of the River of Time. It was able to participate in such a situation. Although there was support from the Gate of Origin behind it, Chen Feng was still shocked that it could reach this point.

But this is a good thing. Now that the Gate of Origin has found him, he is not fighting alone.

Maybe other helpers will be brought in next moment.

Emperor Yuanyang also thought of this, frowned and then took action again. A big sun directly crushed it. Wherever the powerful power of Zhiyang passed, no matter what Chen Feng's means, it would fall apart.

This is Emperor Yuanyang's method of using force to suppress others.

Seeing that Chen Feng himself began to shake, and cracks appeared one after another, the power of time shined again, but this time it had no effect. A force of nature swept through and burned, and the power of time disappeared directly.

The Spear of Destiny in Chen Feng's hand was thrown away, his arm was broken, and the power of the Sun invaded Chen Feng's body.

Although Chen Feng can resolve this power, Emperor Yuanyang will not give Chen Feng this chance.

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to be crushed into pieces by the opponent, the shadow of the Gate of Origin finally appeared and stood in front of Chen Feng.

The next moment the phantom of the Gate of Origin collapsed, Chen Feng quickly retreated, trying to escape from this place through the loophole opened by the River of Time, but then he was caught up by Emperor Yuanyang, and the simple attack leader Chen Feng gave birth to a disaster. Feel.

I couldn't resist it, the gap between the two was too big, and I couldn't even run away.

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