Eternal Existence

Chapter 5466: The True Yuan Emperor Appears

Chen Feng would not sit and wait for death. Even if he knew he was going to die, he would fight desperately and cause some damage to the opponent before he died.

The origin burned desperately, and some cracks appeared in Chen Feng's body.

You should know that Chen Feng's chaotic body is extremely powerful, but now it can't bear the power that erupted from his body.

But just when Chen Feng was fighting desperately, the Zhenyuan Emperor appeared. He didn't come from other places, but appeared out of thin air beside Chen Feng, as if the Zhenyuan Emperor had always been by Chen Feng's side.

The sudden appearance of the Zhenyuan Emperor surprised the Yuanyang Emperor. He didn't notice any danger at all. If the Zhenyuan Emperor was nearby, he would definitely notice it.

But now it was too late for the Yuanyang Emperor to think about anything. The Zhenyuan Emperor attacked with all his strength as soon as he appeared.

Chen Feng was not good enough in front of the Yuanyang Emperor. Similarly, the Yuanyang Emperor was not the opponent of the Zhenyuan Emperor. In addition, the Zhenyuan Emperor suddenly appeared and caught the opponent off guard.

So the three chains actually pierced the body of the Yuanyang Emperor.

Chen Feng's reaction was a little slow, because Chen Feng did not expect that things would change so much, but then Chen Feng immediately launched an attack.

He was not the opponent of Emperor Yuanyang before, but now it is different. Emperor Yuanyang has become a target, so he naturally wants to take advantage of the opportunity.

Chen Feng waved the Spear of Destiny in his hand and stabbed Emperor Yuanyang fiercely. The energy that was about to collapse the body brought by the burning origin was directly released from the Spear of Destiny.

Such a powerful force made Chen Feng a little frightened, but then he actually felt hollowed out.

This feeling should not appear in Chen Feng, or it can be said that life that has cultivated to the realm of immortality rarely has this situation.

Chen Feng knew that this was because he burned the origin. No matter what, this time he was considered to be seriously injured.

But now that Emperor Zhenyuan has appeared, he will not die here this time.

After a sigh of relief, he felt a little tired again. Even if Chen Feng's life avenue continued to release vitality, it did not make up for Chen Feng's state in a short time.

The Spear of Destiny pierced through the body of Emperor Yuanyang. Looking at this weapon, Emperor Yuanyang showed an incredible look in his eyes.

Such a little guy could actually hurt himself. If it weren't for the appearance of Emperor Zhenyuan, this little guy would never hurt himself no matter how strong he was.

But now the power of the Spear of Destiny also caused damage to Emperor Yuanyang's body.

But none of this is important. The most important thing is the threat from Emperor Zhenyuan.

"Daoyou, there is no need to be aggressive. I am not easy to mess with, and Daoyou's opponent should be Guixu." Emperor Yuanyang released the power of the Yang Realm all over his body. While suppressing his own injuries, he also urged his magical powers to fight against Emperor Zhenyuan.

Under the impact of the powerful force, Chen Feng had to pull out the Spear of Destiny and retreat repeatedly. Before Chen Feng could continue to move forward, the phantom of the long river of time appeared, and Emperor Taishi and the other two were teleported over.

After the three arrived, they saw Emperor Zhenyuan at first sight, and they were relieved.

Even if there is danger here, I am not afraid.

"Daoyou, this is a good opportunity." Chen Feng's body was constantly shaking. The treasures and weapons that suppressed his body emitted power to replenish Chen Feng's previous losses. In addition to the abnormality of the chaotic body itself, Chen Feng's combat power has almost recovered. As for the root of the damage caused by the burning origin, let's ignore it for now and slowly make up for it later.

"These chains can trap the Zhenyuan Emperor. I think the other party is not so easy to peek. The Yuanyang Emperor also understands this, so it is not suitable to escape now. Waiting for helpers to arrive is the right way." The second generation said.

"The other party's helpers are nothing more than Guixu." Chen Feng was also a little worried that Guixu would intervene.

The one who was faster than Chen Feng and his friends turned out to be the Gate of Origin.

Before Chen Feng came to the other party with a spear in his hand, the power projection of the Gate of Origin appeared in the shadow of the long river of time, emitting a beam of light and falling on the Yuanyang Emperor.

So the extreme yang power that emerged from the Yuanyang Emperor was like a burning flame being poured with a bucket of water, and it was obviously suppressed.

"I didn't expect that the Gate of Origin has such a method." Chen Feng felt the change in Emperor Yuanyang's breath, and the Spear of Destiny in his hand stabbed the opponent again. At the same time, Chen Feng used the Devouring Technique to plunder Emperor Yuanyang's power.

However, it did not succeed. Even in such a bad state, Emperor Yuanyang could still hold on to his own power and would not lose it at will. This made Chen Feng judge that the opponent's combat effectiveness was probably not affected too much.

Therefore, whether Emperor Yuanyang could be severely injured depends on the methods of Emperor Zhenyuan.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to take back the Devouring Technique, suddenly the power in Emperor Yuanyang's body became uncontrollably agitated. Chen Feng successfully devoured part of the opponent's power this time.

"I forgot the characteristics of the True Source Power." Chen Feng understood this. Under normal circumstances, it might be difficult to affect Emperor Yuanyang, but now the loss of control of the power in Emperor Yuanyang's body shows that he is at a disadvantage.

The two people in the second generation also hit Emperor Yuanyang, but Emperor Yuanyang now ignores these small existences at all, and puts most of his power on Emperor Zhenyuan.

"I'm looking down on you, but let's see how long you can hold on." Except for the first time Emperor Zhenyuan used violent methods, the rest of his methods were calm and gentle, but the more so Emperor Yuanyang The greater the pressure, because the power of true energy is constantly rushing into Emperor Yuanyang's body along the chains. At this time, the power provided by Emperor Yuanyang begins to lose control. Once he cannot suppress it, his body will explode. Cracked.

In other words, Emperor Zhenyuan used the most ruthless method, which was to directly and completely eliminate Emperor Yuanyang.

Although Emperor Yuanyang didn't seem to care about Chen Feng and others, the Spear of Destiny in Chen Feng's hand still made him fearful. In addition, Chen Feng's devouring technique also made Emperor Yuanyang feel uneasy. In addition, The special power released by the Gate of Origin is also constantly eroding Emperor Yuanyang.

In short, from all aspects, Emperor Yuanyang's situation was extremely bad.

"It seems it's time to leave."

Emperor Yuanyang planned to risk his way out, but before he could take action, a colorful ray of light swept over him.

Just like brooms, Chen Feng and the others rolled out in embarrassment, and then the colorful light kept brushing back and forth, dispersing the long river of time and the phantom of the Gate of Origin hidden in it.

At this point, the colorful light became a little dim, but it still swept hard at the chains that penetrated Emperor Yuanyang's body.

Gui Xu finally took action, and Emperor Zhenyuan was startled. It seemed that it was not because Gui Xu wanted to take action, but because of this colorful light.

The power of true energy exploded and destroyed the colorful light, but Emperor Yuanyang also took the opportunity to get rid of the shackles of the chains.

Then he turned around and ran away, only to be blocked by Chen Feng.

"It's true that the confrontation between us is not over yet, so we left in such a hurry." Chen Feng sneered.

With such a good opportunity, naturally the opponent cannot escape completely. The reason why Chen Feng was able to stop the opponent was naturally with the help of the power of the Copying Law. Now that he is not fighting Emperor Yuanyang alone, Chen Feng can better display his strength.

Although Emperor Yuanyang can drive Chen Feng back, it will take time, because the second generation and others will also arrive later. The most important thing is that the power of Emperor Zhenyuan has swept over.

After that piece of colorful light was shattered, it never appeared again. It seemed that it was simply helping Emperor Yuanyang escape from trouble.

I have to say that the colorful ray of light came very timely, otherwise, Emperor Yuanyang might really collapse.

Now that he is out of trouble, even if he is surrounded again, Emperor Yuanyang will have a certain degree of confidence in leaving.

So before Emperor Zhenyuan rushed in front of him, Emperor Yuanyang exploded with all his strength and directly forced Chen Feng and others to retreat, and then rushed in other directions.

Chen Feng, on the other hand, used the power of the Copy Law to catch up with the opponent in an instant. Seeing Chen Feng appear in front of him again, Emperor Yuanyang really had a headache, and he actually suffered a loss here.

Seeing Emperor Yuanyang trying to escape again and again, he finally angered Emperor Zhenyuan.

Emperor Zhenyuan threw out the chain, shattered time and space, and beat Emperor Yuanyang fiercely. While Emperor Yuanyang was dealing with it, Emperor Zhenyuan rushed in front of him. Under a series of crazy attacks, Emperor Yuanyang's body was shattered. Collapse, but was tightly bound by chains again.

When Chen Feng saw such a good opportunity, of course he would not miss it. He actually pulled part of the opponent's flesh and blood into the origin and suppressed it. This was much better than the energy he had swallowed just now.

Since I burned my source before, I naturally have to get some things to replenish my consumption this time.

After all, it is simply unrealistic for such a powerful being to take advantage of it by relying on its own strength.

Needless to say, the second generation and others are also doing the same, and they are all trying to snatch the flesh and blood of the collapsed Emperor Yuanyang.

This scene made the anger in Emperor Yuanyang's eyes almost turn into two burning stars. He had long held a grudge against Chen Feng and others in his heart. As long as he didn't die this time, he would definitely make them look good in the future.

Being injured, his combat effectiveness was naturally affected, especially as more and more of his true energy was eroded, causing Emperor Yuanyang's power to become more and more chaotic, and he actually felt out of control.

But at this time, the power of the Gate of Origin appeared again. First it was the projection of power, which was severely suppressed, and then the long river of time washed away.

At that time, the shadow of the Long River disappeared, and the part of flesh and blood that was submerged also disappeared.

The power of Guixu never appeared again. Emperor Yuanyang understood that although he and Guixu had reached cooperation before, to Guixu, he was also an external intruder, and he was the one who would die. In fact, for Guixu It's all the same. I used my strength once before, and I wanted the two sides to fight for a longer time.

After thinking about this, Emperor Yuanyang naturally could no longer count on Guixu, but asked Emperor Bahuang for help.

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