Eternal Existence

Chapter 5464 The Great Emperor of Eight Desolations Arrives

"I don't believe the other party is intact." Chen Feng naturally knows how strong the power he used is.

Maybe his strength is not as good as the other party, but these powers that surpass the origin cannot be safe and sound even for a powerful emperor.

Chen Feng believes that the other party is only safe and sound on the surface, and must be injured secretly, and is just enduring it now.

Of course, if the other party is really not injured, having such an idea is just comforting himself.

Emperor Yuanyang erupted again, still coming at Chen Feng. Although Chen Feng was prepared, the other party's power still successfully broke through Chen Feng's defense and drilled into his body.

This is also the most unsolvable part for Chen Feng. Under this level of attack, even the power branding protection he used could not resist it.

Helplessly, Chen Feng could only leave the battle for a short time. His heart was beating vigorously, the blood in his body was wandering wildly, and various avenues were also opening up for absorption. Some of the power was directly absorbed by Chen Feng into the origin.

This time, Chen Feng recovered much faster than the last time, but Chen Feng also understood that in the battle, such a moment of delay was enough to cause the opponent to seriously injure or kill him.

"What a strong power, maybe I should go to the Yang Realm." Chen Feng also opened up the Zhiyang Avenue, but just now he only absorbed a little power, which was not as much as the energy absorbed by the Yin-Yang Avenue.

This was also because Chen Feng opened up late, but this time Chen Feng felt that the Zhengyang Avenue could be broken through.

However, it needs to be after the battle is over. At this time, Chen Feng's spirit has been fully mobilized. There is no extra mind to practice. He just swallowed some energy and had no time to comprehend.

Seeing Chen Feng rushing up again, Emperor Yuanyang knew that his method could not do anything to Chen Feng. If he continued, he could only input energy into Chen Feng.

So Emperor Yuanyang changed his fighting method, divided a part of his power to entangle Chen Feng, and after another outbreak, the target became the second generation.

The second generation's physical body is not as good as Chen Feng, and it took a short time to recover to the emperor, so he was traumatized.

However, it was not as serious as imagined. After all, the second generation was a second generation cultivator and had some treasures of the origin level. Therefore, after paying some price, he still resolved the opponent's attack.

Emperor Yuanyang frowned a little. In fact, he was not at ease. Under the siege of the crowd, Emperor Yuanyang was also injured. He just suppressed it forcibly. He thought that he could suppress these opponents with his status. Now it seems that some calculations were wrong.

However, the appearance of Emperor Yuanyang still entangled these combat forces, which also added pressure to the God of Heaven area.

Moreover, Emperor Yuanyang did not come alone this time. There were also several emperors from the Yang Realm who started to attack from other directions.

If it was just this method, then the God of Heaven area could still resist. When Emperor Bahuang also appeared, the situation began to collapse again.

Feeling the breath of the Eight Desolate Land appearing in other directions, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief and became worried at the same time.

Fortunately, the other party did not come to him, otherwise, Emperor Yuanyang and Emperor Bahuang would join forces, and his people would be miserable.

However, although they are heading in other directions now, the final result is actually the same.

Someone in the Heavenly God Region has been severely injured, and this is just the beginning of the contact between the two sides.

It is obvious that a single emperor or a few emperors can't stop the pace of the Eight Desolate Emperor.

People have been severely injured one after another, not to say that everyone can't stop the Eight Desolate Emperor together, but in this way, people need to be withdrawn from other places, and then other areas will collapse.

In other words, because of the appearance of these two powerful masters, the strength of the Heavenly God Region is somewhat insufficient.

The Eight Desolate Emperor also has his own goals. He just severely injured the opponent in front of him, and did not kill him. He rushed forward step by step.

"Stop him, the opponent's goal is our foundation." Someone shouted loudly.

Although he knew the goal of the Eight Desolate Emperor, he could not spare the strength to stop him. He could only watch the Eight Desolate Emperor come to a mountain of origin. Eight strands of energy with different attributes condensed into chains, binding this mountain of origin. Seeing this scene, Chen Feng also sighed secretly. If the opponent took away this origin mountain, then the God of Heaven area would really collapse.

"Does the God of Heaven area still have the power to deal with it?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

However, the Eight Desolate Emperor did not take up this mountain so smoothly, because this mountain and other origin mountains were of the same origin, and their power was integrated. The Eight Desolate Emperor was not facing the weight of this origin mountain.

At this time, the God of Heaven area finally adjusted several emperors and came forward to entangle the Eight Desolate Emperor.

It seems that they can't hold on for too long. The emperors who rushed up were quickly beaten back.

"It still requires the same level of power. Ordinary emperors are still very dangerous." The second generation said.

Chen Feng and his men had to worry. Once the God of Heaven area was defeated, they would definitely suffer heavy losses.

"Is there any power coming?" Chen Feng went to communicate with the Gate of Origin, but there was a fight on the Gate of Origin. Under the situation that they could not protect themselves, there was no extra power to mobilize.

"Be prepared to fight out." Chen Feng informed the others. Once the Tianshen region collapses, his people will have to find a way to leave. There is no need to stay here to the end, not to mention that in the end, the people from the Tianshen region will The practitioners will also leave.

"It took a lot of effort to find a place to stay, but something like this happened." Chen Feng still felt a little regretful.

After all, it is still difficult to find a safe place to shelter from the wind and rain in Guixu, but we also understand that this kind of area is a cancer-like existence for Guixu, and Guixu must have long wanted to solve these problems. The cancerous thing is just mobilizing enough power now.

"It would be great if Emperor Zhenyuan came." Emperor Taishi said suddenly.

Chen Feng understood what the other party meant, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I can't establish contact with the True Yuan Emperor at all. Besides, even if I contact the True Yuan Emperor, the other party may not help me. Besides, it's really It’s hard to say where Emperor Yuan is now.”

"Now that you are still worried about this area, you should think about whether you can leave." Emperor Yuanyang suddenly exploded, and Emperor Jiuling was beaten and rolled out. Then Emperor Yuanyang exploded for the second time, and Taishi The emperor couldn't resist, and seeing his body about to collapse, Chen Feng quickly stepped forward to help, but was blocked by a power of the sun that could burn everything.

Although Chen Feng struggled to break through this power, it still took some time.

Just when Chen Feng was worried, he saw that the second generation used the power beyond the origin to carry out crazy attacks. Emperor Taishi was even burning with flames, bursting out with a power much more powerful than himself.

The power beyond the origin, coupled with Emperor Taishi's burning origin, actually temporarily blocked Emperor Yuanyang's explosion.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, then became angry, wearing a thick layer of armor on his body, and then rushed towards Emperor Yuanyang desperately.

The power of Zhiyang can burn everything, and Chen Feng's armor also shows some signs of melting, but Chen Feng can still block this power because it is a special substance he obtained before.

Although part of it was built into the Origin Sacred Mountain, there was still more material left. Chen Feng had long been on guard against such a situation, so he had already refined a relatively rough and crude armor without much else. Its function is to simply resist.

Even the sealing is not very good, and natural power penetrates through the gaps, but it is enough for Chen Feng. After all, Chen Feng's own defense is very strong. Now he has a layer of defense from the armor, plus Chen Feng's desperate mentality finally seized the opportunity.

His heart beat violently, and Chen Feng's strength was compressed to the extreme for a moment. The Spear of Destiny in his hand stabbed Emperor Yuanyang like lightning.

Then there was an explosion, Emperor Yuanyang's defense was torn open, and a piece of flesh and blood disappeared.

At this time, Chen Feng no longer cared about his nemesis. The power of the curse and the power of evil flowed crazily along the wound.

Seeing that Chen Feng had injured Emperor Yuanyang, Emperor Taishi and Emperor Jiuling, who were already injured, became crazy and desperately released the power beyond the origin that they had extracted before.

Although I haven't fully controlled this power yet, I don't care so much now, as long as I can hurt the other party.

Emperor Yuanyang did not expect that these opponents would go all out, but they still had several powers that he was afraid of. Just as they were thinking about erupting again, the hidden wounds accumulated in their bodies could no longer be suppressed and erupted one after another. There happened to be some evil forces that entered the body and took the opportunity to cause trouble. For a while, Emperor Yuanyang's power was a little out of control, and his combat effectiveness also became high and low.

Chen Feng and others naturally felt the change in their opponent, and they were overjoyed and burned their mana even more crazily. As long as they could kill the opponent in front of them, the price they had paid before would be nothing.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng and others had good ideas, but they underestimated their opponents. Emperor Yuanyang suddenly spurted out a burst of solar power, which condensed into the shape of the sun. With just one collision, Jiu Ling Zhenjun was defeated. Knocked back.

Another big sun appeared, knocking the second generation away, and then two more big suns appeared, and Chen Feng and Emperor Taishi were also knocked back.

In such a short period of time, the situation changed. Although Chen Feng and others quickly attacked again, Emperor Yuanyang's own condition seemed to be suppressed and his combat effectiveness returned to normal.

"I underestimated you." Emperor Yuanyang said calmly, and an energy ball appeared in his palm. Although it was the power of the Sun, there were flashes of thunder and lightning in it. In an instant, it was compressed into a short spear, and a flash He arrived in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng quickly waved the Spear of Destiny to stop him, and there was a collision between the two. The powerful force of the explosion made Chen Feng retreat involuntarily.

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