Eternal Existence

Chapter 5452 Mixed Energy

When the power imprint wrapped Chen Feng's whole body, strands of power actively seeped out from all directions and then drilled into the power imprint.

"There is a feeling of the same origin." Chen Feng knew that there were still great differences between the two sides, but now the power imprint can actually devour this power.

Then it is of course a good thing for Chen Feng. After all, the power imprint has always been controlled by Chen Feng little by little. If it becomes stronger, there will be no worries about hidden dangers.

Although it is a good thing, Chen Feng is still more careful to avoid any changes in the power imprint.

When the power imprint devoured to a certain extent, Chen Feng still stopped, put away the power imprint, secretly checked it little by little, and made sure that there were no hidden dangers before he breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Feng mastered the power beyond the origin of more than just the power imprint. In addition, there are several other types, but the control of the power imprint is stronger.

After a short rest, Chen Feng went to look for other powers.

Maybe Chen Feng was lucky. Sure enough, he found a property power that was very similar to the special energy.

The result was the same as before, another kind of power was stripped out by Chen Feng and integrated into the special energy.

The speed of collecting energy in this way is relatively fast, and it is not dangerous, and it is also relatively easy for Chen Feng himself.

In this way, Chen Feng walked and stopped, stripping three different attributes of energy and components in succession, and felt that his gains were really great, not as good as the benefits he had previously obtained from the Zhenyuan Emperor.

In particular, these powers have been well integrated into the power of transcending the origin that he had mastered before.

So in a very short time, these energies have been transformed into their own combat power, and there is no need to collect the power like before, and find time to slowly change it later.

"Of course, this is also a killer, but it's a pity that I am still not proficient in controlling these powers, and this time I absorbed so much energy, and I also need to slowly sort it out and regulate it, but no matter what, this time the harvest is very great, I hope they can struggle outside for a while, and don't be so anxious to come in." Chen Feng could only pray like this.

Since the power he mastered can accelerate the stripping of the special power here, Chen Feng's mind has become active, and he regards all the energy here as his own resources.

Unfortunately, although the idea was good, it was difficult for Chen Feng to do it, and Chen Feng himself understood that it was impossible to take away all these resources.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about continuing to collect other attribute energies, he finally met a cultivator.

This was a powerful emperor. Although his armor was tattered, it also showed that the other party was not in any danger here.

The other party's armor was at the origin level. Chen Feng felt fortunate that he did not use the treasures of the origin level for defense, otherwise it would probably be damaged.

"Someone came in again. Daoyou's body is quite strong, but staying here for a long time, I think it's not easy to keep getting hurt." The cultivator whose name was unknown spoke.

"Hello, Daoyou. I wonder what you have gained here?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

The environment here is bad, and there is no conflict of interest between the two sides for the time being. Besides, Chen Feng does not want to fight with the other party.

"The biggest treasure here is these energies beyond the origin, but it is not so easy to collect them. I see that Daoyou has gained something. I wonder what means are used?" The cultivator asked with some curiosity.

Chen Feng shook his head: "How can I tell others about this method?"

"That's true, then I can exchange something with you." The cultivator was not angry.

"It depends on what you can bring out. I am also curious about what is worth more than the resources here?" Chen Feng said.

"Haha, I am also offering flowers to Buddha. After all, I came in earlier than you and explored more than you. I found a good area. There are some resources there that you will be interested in." The cultivator said.

Chen Feng's interest was really aroused. He didn't worry about whether the other party had set up a trap to calculate himself. He followed the other party in this area.

The journey was not far, and he arrived at the place soon.

Chen Feng noticed that the degree of energy mixing here was more serious. At first glance, he thought that these energies of different attributes were truly fused together, but if he really wanted to collect them, he found that he needed to peel them off a little bit. If he acted rashly, he might be injured if he was not careful.

If the previous area was just flowing water, then the swamp was rolling around at this time.

Chen Feng felt very uncomfortable. He felt that his body was squeezed and shrunk a little. Moreover, the wounds on his body were not just minor. If he could not bear it, his heart would be torn into pieces.

At this time, Chen Feng did not dare to be careless. He directly used the power imprint to transform his body into armor.

The practitioner looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

"This is my method." Chen Feng said, and strands of energy around him penetrated into the armor.

It turned out that the power imprint could not only accommodate energy with the same attributes, but also other energies with different attributes, but the amount was slightly less.

"I didn't expect that you had mastered such a level of power before. No wonder you can come here. It seems that I found the right person to cooperate with. I have taken advantage of you. Otherwise, with your ability, you will find this place sooner or later. But now, I still think it is better for us to cooperate. After all, we have seized the initiative. Maybe someone else will come in and snatch resources from us in the next moment." The cultivator said.

Chen Feng finally saw the resources he was looking for this time, a very majestic mountain range.

If he saw this situation in other places, it would be nothing, but it is different here.

Those energies that can tear the emperor into pieces bombarded this mountain range and turned into strong winds without much danger.

This shows how strong this mountain range is.

Chen Feng immediately compared it with his own origin mountain, and then shook his head.

"Perhaps the strongest mountain in the Tianshen area can be compared with the mountain in front of us, and it is far inferior in scale." After thinking about it, Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

In other words, if the mountains in front of us were taken away, wouldn't it be possible to memorialize them as mountains of origin?

Let's not talk about other aspects, just from the perspective of hardness, it surpasses the mountains of origin.

"Energy is energy, matter is matter, these are all existences that transcend the origin. I think you should have been to other origins, and I'm afraid you haven't seen this situation." The cultivator said.

"I am Chen Feng, what is your name?" Chen Feng did not answer, but asked the other party like this.

"Emperor Tianyun."

"Your luck is really good. You can find such a material. I have also been to some origins, and I really haven't seen such a magical material. I just don't know if it can be used to make weapons." Chen Feng nodded and said.

"If you want to make weapons, then you have to find a way to collect the materials in front of you. You can see the situation. Even these powerful energies can't do anything to this mountain. If we want to collect them, I think it will be difficult." Emperor Tianyun said.

"Indeed." Chen Feng nodded. If the mountain in front of him was easy to collect, the emperor in front of him would not wait to win him over, and he would have taken it in long ago.

Chen Feng saw the traces on the mountain, which should be left by Emperor Tianyun.

"Then think of a way quickly." Chen Feng took out the Spear of Destiny and stabbed it hard. The tip of the spear sank in, and a fist-sized substance fell into Chen Feng's hand. It looked easy, but Chen Feng frowned.

It was so heavy, heavier than the final substance Chen Feng had seen.

"Daoyou's weapon is really sharp." Emperor Tianyun praised.

"If this goes on, when will we be able to collect all the substances in front of us?" Chen Feng shook his head.

If it continues, not to mention that the Spear of Destiny can't bear it, those practitioners who appear at any time will not give him time.

"We don't need to dig a little bit. What we have to do is to cut this mountain into pieces." Emperor Tianyun said.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy." Chen Feng shook his head, wanting to see what the other party could do.

"Of course, we need to find the source of this mountain range, or disintegrate it from the inside." Emperor Tianyun had obviously studied this mountain range before. In this case, we just need to follow him and do our best.

Emperor Tianyun took Chen Feng into the mountain range. The whole mountain range was cold and solid, as if it was made of cast iron. In particular, the rolling energy kept hitting the mountain. It seemed that the mountain range was motionless, but Chen Feng knew that this force could tear the Hunyuan into pieces.

"There are cracks here!" Chen Feng was a little surprised. His first thought was whether it was made by Emperor Tianyun, but then he shook his head and did not see any artificial traces.

"Let's go down and take a look." Emperor Tianyun took the lead in entering it, and Chen Feng naturally followed.

The crack was not big, and it didn't take long to reach the bottom.

"It doesn't look like the source." Chen Feng said.

"Then break a hole and find the source." Emperor Tianyun said and took action. After the two opposing properties merged, they produced a powerful destructive force. Some cracks appeared on the road ahead. Although they were shallow, the effect was obvious.

"Maybe we can look for it somewhere else." Chen Feng suggested.

Emperor Tianyun shook his head: "Maybe there are cracks in other places, but it takes some time to explore. Since there are cracks here, I want to give it a try." Emperor Tianyun said and continued to attack.

"That makes sense." Chen Feng nodded and waved the Spear of Destiny to expand the crack.

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