Eternal Existence

Chapter 5453 Making a Decision

"Forget it. We came here for these energies. Let's get some benefits first. As for what's there, we'll talk about it when we have enough people."

"Two to two, the other party is still preparing. There's no need to fight them head-on."

Seeing the other party leave, Chen Feng and Emperor Tianyun breathed a sigh of relief and were a little disappointed.

The two of them arranged the magic circle and had the upper hand. If the other party came, they would suffer a great loss. Maybe they could even kill the other party.

"Not good, these energies are fine, but I don't want to share these materials with others. Daoist friend, do you have a faster way?" Emperor Tianyun couldn't help saying.

Chen Feng shook his head. If he had a way, he wouldn't have waited until now.



The energy torrent was constantly washing, and the crack was almost at the bottom. There was no root cause as Emperor Tianyun said. In fact, Chen Feng also knew that there should be no root cause. It was just a pile of materials.

Maybe you can try it.

"Maybe we can try to release the origin directly, maybe we can collect this mountain range." Chen Feng said.

"I'm afraid it's difficult. The value of this mountain range has exceeded the origin of one side. But since you want to try, you can also cooperate. It's a pity that this mountain range is really mixed and integrated. If it can be separated, it may succeed." Emperor Tianyun did not think highly of Chen Feng's approach.

But there is no other good way now. Just like Chen Feng said, we can only try it.

However, when Chen Feng released the origin of corrosive energy, Emperor Tianyun's face changed.

"What a powerful origin, it's a pity that it is broken. How can you master such a powerful origin?" Emperor Tianyun asked curiously.

"It's just luck." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Because of the previous strength, and the fact that he got some origin mountains later, Chen Feng can use part of the power of the origin of corrosive energy.

It's a pity that he can't use his full strength, otherwise, Chen Feng would be more confident.

However, with the Origin Mountain in charge, and powerful laws running through it, coupled with the power of transcending the origin that he has mastered to restrain him, and the help of Emperor Tianyun in front of him, he can still give it a try.

As soon as he said it, the origin of the corrosive energy quickly covered the mountains in front of him completely.

This is actually not difficult, on the contrary, it is very easy, but taking away this mountain range is the most difficult.

This is not a magic weapon, nor a spiritual object, but some extremely solid materials that cannot be compressed at all, and it is difficult to refine in a short time.

It is so heavy that it is impossible to take this mountain range in.

This is the conclusion drawn by Chen Feng. Although there was such a speculation before, Chen Feng was still quite disappointed.

"Daoyou, don't worry, take your time, we have plenty of time." Emperor Tianyun comforted Chen Feng.

At the same time, after getting Chen Feng's consent, Emperor Tianyun also mastered part of the control of the origin of the corrosive energy. The mana was consumed as if it was not his life, and the origin of the corrosive energy released a more powerful power.

When this mountain range shook a little, Chen Feng and Emperor Tianyun smiled.

"It still works." Emperor Tianyun laughed, and then released more mana. Not only that, Emperor Tianyun actually released six magic weapons in one breath.

All of them are at the origin level. These magic weapons attacked the mountain in front of them desperately. For a time, the ground shook, as if the end of the world was coming, which made people feel a little terrified.

"As expected of Emperor Tianyun, he has a lot of treasures on him." Chen Feng thought to himself, which also shows that Emperor Tianyun is really working hard.

After a series of bombardments, Chen Feng was surprised to find cracks on the mountain.

"Yes, although these materials are hard, their toughness is a little insufficient. It seems that the value is lower than I thought before." Chen Feng was a little disappointed.

But at least it can be collected now. After the cracks reached a certain extent, it finally collapsed under the pressure of many parties. A mountain fell off the mountain and was collected by Emperor Tianyun.

Then there were more mountains of different sizes falling off, and they were all divided up by Chen Feng and Emperor Tianyun.

The whole mountain range shook even more violently.

"It's still not enough." Chen Feng said so. He had already pushed the origin of corrosive energy to the extreme, but he still couldn't uproot this mountain range.

Think about how big the entire origin is. No matter how big this mountain range is, it is really insignificant to the entire origin. It is as small as dust, but it is extremely heavy. It can only be knocked bit by bit by this method.

"Another person is coming." Emperor Tianyun said.

The two people made too much noise. If someone broke into this area, they would naturally be alarmed.

"I didn't expect there would be a piece of material here. This is really a good thing. Two Taoist friends, you can't eat these things alone. Let's stop them." The man said so, and then he was drowned by the rolling energy torrent.

But soon the other party rushed out again, this time there was one more person.

"Leave this place, otherwise you will only have a dead end. The energy here is enough for you to collect." Emperor Tianyun said.

It's useless to say anything at this time. Anyway, there is enough energy here, but the material is only this mountain range.

Therefore, these two practitioners who had just entered would naturally not listen to the threats from Chen Feng and the others and chose to step forward and launch an attack.

Not only that, more people came in one after another.

"It seems that the previous battlefield has moved here, so it will become more dangerous. Although everyone has cultivated to such a high level, this time it is really possible to die here." Chen Feng said.

The three Taishi Emperors appeared, and the two practitioners who came forward to stop them, Emperor Tianyun stopped attacking the mountain, and went forward to fight.

Not long after the fight, the two practitioners were severely injured and chose to leave in desperation.

"Daoyou, come quickly." Chen Feng opened a passage, and the three Taishi Emperors entered the origin of the corrosive energy and took charge.

With the addition of the three emperors, the mountain range shook more violently, and more cracks appeared, and from time to time some fragments collapsed and fell off.

Emperor Tianyun was still a little worried. At this time, Chen Feng's side had the upper hand, and Emperor Tianyun was naturally worried that he would be attacked.

But there was no reason to retreat now, and it seemed that Chen Feng and his team had no intention of taking action.

"Don't think too much, fellow Daoist. Since we have cooperated, I have never attacked my allies. Besides, we also need the power of reason." Chen Feng said at this time.

"This is the best. I am a little worried, but I also have one or two good friends. I wonder if they have come in?" Emperor Tianyun said.

"This mountain range is large enough for everyone to share. I think it won't be a big deal if there are a few more people." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The third person of Taishi not only sat in the origin, but also took out the magic weapon and bombarded the mountain in front of him like Emperor Tianyun.

Only by working hard can you be qualified to share the benefits.

Although everyone came for the energy beyond the origin, it is obvious that these materials are more scarce.

In this way, there are several more treasures of the origin level that keep bombarding, and the movement is getting louder and louder. If Chen Feng and Emperor Tianyun had not arranged some magic arrays here before, the few people would have to bear the more chaotic energy suppression.

As the mountain collapsed, fragments of different sizes were quickly divided by everyone.

But now, the materials that Chen Feng and others have solved are still just the tip of the iceberg for the entire mountain range.

Although this mountain range is still shaking, there is still no sign of falling into the source of corrosive energy.

This makes Chen Feng feel a little uncomfortable. He has tried his best, and this feeling of not being able to completely pick up things is really uncomfortable.

"We still have a chance. As long as this mountain range continues to collapse, the rest should be collected in one fell swoop." Emperor Tianyun said so.

In fact, everyone has gained a lot so far. Collecting these materials can completely refine treasures of the origin level.

But no one will complain about too many good things.

Finally, Emperor Tianyun's friends also came, a total of two people. After the other party came, they also took out weapons and began to attack the mountain in front of them frantically.

Although it is said that if there are more people, things will be divided up, but now strength is the most important.

The seven people joining forces are also a considerable force, but it is impossible to fight against everyone. Chen Feng can only pray that the practitioners who come in will collect those energies and not come here to make trouble.

It's a pity that the idea is good, and the changes in things will not change with one's own ideas.

Several emperors came at once. After they arrived, they did not confront Chen Feng and others head-on, but chose a corner in the distance, broke through the cover of the origin of corrosive energy, and came to the front of the mountain.

In this case, either push the power to deal with the other party, so that the two sides will fight, and they can no longer collect the mountain.

"Forget it, ignore the other party first. These materials are not so easy to get out. If the other party really has a way to collect them, then find a way to deal with them." Emperor Tianyun said.

"Indeed." There is no good way at the moment, so Chen Feng can only do this.

"Fellow Daoists, do you need allies?" Some people choose to fight, and naturally some people choose other paths.

If you don't want to fight, then join.

But even if you join, it doesn't mean you don't have to fight. Maybe it will be more intense.

Chen Feng glanced at the other party. A small group of three people stood outside the origin, seemingly waiting for the response of Chen Feng and others.

"What do you think, fellow Taoists?"

"It's hard to say whether it's good or bad, we can only gamble."

"If we refuse, the other party will still get involved."

"I'm afraid the other party has some conspiracy, and then they will attack from the inside, and we will be in trouble."

Everyone talked a lot, but then they still waited for Chen Feng and Emperor Tianyun to make a decision.

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