Eternal Existence

Chapter 5451 No Problem

"So it is the most correct choice to join forces to deal with the strongest first. It's just that there is chaos in front of us, and it is not realistic to integrate all the forces." The wings of the god behind Chen Feng flashed, and he avoided the sneak attack of a cultivator.

Chen Feng looked at the other party with some surprise. This is a person above Hunyuan. The other party dared to participate in this situation. Obviously, his own strength is extraordinary. This is an existence that can fight with the emperor, but why did he choose to sneak attack him? Could it be that he thought he was easy to bully?

Chen Feng's eyes were fearless. Wherever he passed, the space began to burn. After the cultivator's sneak attack failed, he wanted to dodge, but under Chen Feng's insight, he had nowhere to hide.

The next moment, Chen Feng arrived in front of the other party and smashed down with a huge fist.

Chen Feng wanted to smash the other party into a pulp with one punch, showing his strength and intimidating the opponent, so that no one would dare to provoke him casually.

As a result, Chen Feng still underestimated the other party. Facing Chen Feng's fist that could break everything, the other party actually chose to resist.

The two sides clashed head-on. Although the cultivator retreated repeatedly, he successfully blocked Chen Feng's attack.

"The flesh is quite strong." Chen Feng was a little surprised. Such a powerful force could not be erupted by an ordinary flesh. There was not even a crack on the opponent's body during the collision just now. It was known that the opponent's cultivation in the flesh was not much weaker than his.

Chen Feng was sure that he would gain the upper hand if the two sides continued to clash head-on, but he did not want to tangle with the opponent for so long.

So Chen Feng used the Spear of Destiny. Just a simple stab broke through the opponent's defense and pierced a blood hole in the opponent's body, even if the opponent had a layer of solid defense hidden under the skin.

The Spear of Destiny in Chen Feng's hand was no longer as simple as being sharp, but contained a particularly powerful force, which could bring a fatal threat even to the emperor.

"With this little strength, you still want to sneak attack me, it's simply nonsense." Chen Feng laughed, and wanted to get rid of the opponent in one breath after gaining the upper hand.

Although the opponent's body was very strong, it could not stop the attack of the Spear of Destiny, even if the opponent also took out a high-level defensive treasure.

Seeing Chen Feng leaving one blood hole after another on the opponent, someone finally intervened.

It can't be considered as deliberately targeting Chen Feng. It can only be said that it is normal for Chen Feng to change new helpers in such a chaotic situation.

But Chen Feng was a little dissatisfied that he didn't kill this opponent in one breath, but Chen Feng also knew that since someone ran in front of him, it meant that the second generation and the others had their own opponents, otherwise, they would help him stop it.

One against two, Chen Feng was not as calm as before. At the same time, Chen Feng also saw that the second generation and the others had their own opponents, fighting non-stop.

Because of the joining of Chen Feng and the second generation, some attention was attracted here, and it was normal for someone to stare at the new power.

The first to explode was the second generation. When he took out the power of the curse, everyone present was surprised. Even those who were stronger than the second generation felt a little uneasy.

This power has exceeded the scope of what he can control, but fortunately, the second generation is not proficient in the power of curse, and he just uses this power for comparison. Even so, he successfully drives the opponent away and then comes to help Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's two opponents have begun to choose to retreat.

"It's not so easy to leave now."

Chen Feng said lightly, and the Spear of Destiny in his hand released a curse power at the same time as stabbing the opponent.

The curse power released by Chen Feng is more than that of the second generation. This opponent who seems to be as strong as Chen Feng is directly invaded by the curse power.

The opponent does not have a treasure like the Origin Furnace, nor does he practice multiple avenues, nor does he have an origin like Chen Feng to accommodate, not to mention that it is still during the confrontation.

So under the continuous invasion of the curse power, this practitioner felt his own state, which was very bad, so this practitioner burned his origin at the first time, consuming enough mana cultivation for a while, and gained powerful strength to suppress the invading curse power.

But it can only slow down the situation, so it still can't stop Chen Feng's next attack.

The Spear of Destiny penetrated the body of this practitioner, and this time it was the power of the Real and False Emperor that erupted.

The body of this strong practitioner began to collapse, and his eyes showed a dead gray color, but then there was a flame burning violently from the shadow.

No matter how chaotic the situation is, the opponent will not surrender, as long as there is a glimmer of life, he will fight to the end.

But when the opponent fought desperately, a phantom emanated from Chen Feng, directly wrapping the practitioner in it.

The opponent wanted to struggle, but felt a beam of light penetrated his body, as if a huge nail blocked his own power. If he wanted to struggle again, he felt that the power in his body was rapidly lost, and then the power of the mountain acted on his body, completely suppressing the practitioner.

Chen Feng suppressed the opponent in the origin. The reason why it was so smooth was that in addition to using powerful power, it was also because of the expansion of the origin he mastered.

After solving the opponent, Chen Feng felt that it was a trivial matter. He turned around and wanted to deal with others, but found that his other opponent had escaped.

The Second Emperor was a little embarrassed because he didn't keep the other party.

"Then go find someone else."

Chen Feng's eyes were on the opponent of the Great Emperor Tai Shi. That was a real Great Emperor. The opponent actually killed the Great Emperor Tai Shi and retreated again and again. Even when he saw the arrival of Chen Feng and the Second Emperor, the opponent did not panic. It was obvious that he had absolute confidence.

However, when Chen Feng and the Second Emperor released the power of the curse, the opponent experienced it personally, and then he had a bad feeling.

"This is the power of the curse that suppresses the Great Emperor Zhen Yuan. You didn't say how you got it?" The Great Emperor asked sternly.

"Stupid!" Chen Feng laughed. It seems that the other party didn't know what happened in the Zhen Yuan Dojo before.

However, in the face of the siege of three people, the other party can still remain undefeated, which also shows the strength of the other party.

"Then it depends on whether you can resist this power." Although the other party recognized the power of the curse, Chen Feng still did not change his means, just to see what the other party had to deal with.

As a result, Chen Feng was a little disappointed. The other party's means of dealing with it were just conventional, and there was no special method as he imagined.

After a chaotic battle, the emperor finally fell into a disadvantage, but soon the opponent also came with a helper, and the situation between the two sides became deadlocked again, which made Chen Feng a little impatient. You thought that you could continue to deal with your opponent by using this killer move, but now it seems that you can only look for another opportunity.

Still haven't really mastered these powerful powers, after all, they are not cultivated by yourself, but sometimes they can still play a role.

Whether it is the power of curse or the power of evil, or the power of the virtual emperor suppressed by the spear of destiny, those opponents dare not touch it, so that Chen Feng can take a big advantage in the fight.

"No one has obtained that kind of power so far?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

Everyone is just fighting, even if someone collapses the void, only some powerful aura is released, and every time the opponent goes to plunder, he will be stopped by others.

"There is really one person who broke in, but the other party has not appeared since he entered. I am afraid that the other party is in danger." Tai Shi Emperor said so.

"Maybe the other party has gained some benefits. Maybe we are fighting here and the other party has left from other directions." Chen Feng said.

"If that's the case, we are unlucky. It's also a kind of luck that we can't see so many powerful practitioners here." Tai Shi Emperor said.

"I want to rush in and try." Chen Feng's eyes swept across and sensed a special breath from a space crack. It was indeed a power beyond the origin.

Chen Feng wanted to rush in, but he also knew that he would definitely be blocked. Maybe he would suffer a great loss if many people joined forces.

However, Tai Shi Emperor supported the idea of ​​success: "If you have this idea, we can stop others."

In this way, Chen Feng was actually a little tempted. Maybe the unknown ahead would be dangerous, but it was also attractive.

After all, Chen Feng could see that if there was a chance, everyone present would definitely be willing to rush in.

Isn't it just an adventure? To be honest, staying here to fight is also very dangerous.

After thinking about this, Chen Feng nodded in agreement, and the next moment he used the magic of walking, and began to change directions constantly.

No one cared about Chen Feng's behavior, and Chen Feng was fighting with his opponent.

Suddenly Chen Feng came to the space crack that was about to heal. At this time, other people noticed Chen Feng's true thoughts. Immediately, two emperors wanted to stop Chen Feng, but they were desperately stopped by Tai Shi Emperor.

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to rush in, a magical power suddenly descended, and Chen Feng's magic of walking was actually affected, and Chen Feng was about to be moved away.

The next moment Chen Feng used the power of the copy law to get rid of the opponent's magical power.

In an instant, Chen Feng disappeared in the crack, and almost at the same time the crack was completely healed.

Seeing Chen Feng disappear, the expressions of Tai Shi Emperor and the other two were a little complicated.

"It shouldn't be a problem." The second generation asked with some concern.

"It's hard to say." Tai Shi Emperor shook his head.

The second generation's face changed, thinking that Chen Feng might have been tricked. He wanted to ask more questions, but the opponent attacked closely, so he couldn't ask any more questions for a while.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Feng has many tricks, so there shouldn't be any problems." The second generation actually still believed in Chen Feng. In his opinion, even if Chen Feng encountered a danger that he couldn't solve, he would still have no problem protecting himself.

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