Eternal Existence

Chapter 5425 Hunting the Emperor

Finally, only the two origins were left at the scene, which was the biggest gain, provided that the other party could be eliminated.

The power of time kept washing and covering the four directions, making it impossible for the other party to escape. The Gate of Origin even firmly fixed the other party and suppressed the other party's strength.

Chen Feng and the Second World continued to attack, colliding with the other party again and again, and finally broke one of the origin-level beings.

It must be said that the opponent's defense is indeed very strong, and it can persist for so long under the suppression of all parties.

You must know that the weapons in the hands of Chen Feng and the Second World are of the same level as them, and they are also weapons that are good at attacking.

After the opponent was broken, it was absorbed by the Gate of Origin.

The remaining origin-level existence did not persist for long and was also broken.

However, this time the Gate of Origin did not collect it, but left it to Chen Feng and the others.

This also made Chen Feng and the others feel a little more comfortable. Although it is a bit regrettable that the origin-level existence was broken, the fragments falling into the hands of the two people can also play a big role.

The simplest way is to integrate these broken fragments into the origin-level weapons you have mastered.

"Not bad, I finally gained something." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Then he and the Second World left the area quickly. The two had to leave quickly because they had a hunch that if they continued, they would be targeted by Guixu.

In addition, the speed at which the long river of time disappeared was also very fast.

It was obvious that the other party also needed to go back quickly.

"But since they can be entangled to this point, I think the gap between the two sides will not be too big. I wonder how many helpers the Gate of Origin has found?" Chen Feng certainly did not believe that the Gate of Origin could fight against Guixu on its own, so it must have helped, and they were all masters.

However, Chen Feng could still roughly sense the existence of his broken origin, so Chen Feng was slightly relieved. No matter what, his things were still good, which meant that the Gate of Origin had not lost.

Chen Feng and the Second World kept shuttling back and forth in Guixu, changing positions. Later, although they only slowed down a little, they still did not really stop, in order to avoid being locked by the opponent.

Although the opponent has not appeared yet, it still needs to be careful.

In addition, during the journey, the two also absorbed the harvest this time, naturally integrating the fragments of the broken origin into their own weapons and magic weapons, and even absorbed some of them themselves.

In short, the two did not lose in the previous action, and they also took advantage.

"Can we still look for other opponents?" After tasting the sweetness, the second generation naturally encouraged Chen Feng to continue.

"I'm afraid that we have already alerted the enemy before, and other people have also received the news. Maybe they don't know that the trap is waiting for us. But since we are out this time, of course we can't just go back. I don't believe that all the opponents are gathered together. In any case, we have to try it." Chen Feng said.

The previous action was still successful. Some above Hunyuan were killed and two existences at the origin level were solved. The two were intact and gained certain benefits. It can be said that they won a great victory.

So Chen Feng and the others were full of confidence and used their means to find other people.

"If I had known this, I should have left some marks on my opponents before." The second generation was a little regretful.

I have fought with several emperors before. Although I can recognize their aura, if they are hiding, it is still difficult to find them if they are at the same level.

"It's not that easy. Maybe they have already noticed the mark I left." Chen Feng will not underestimate his opponents. In fact, his previous opponents are all higher than Chen Feng in terms of realm.

"Some avenues are easy to break through, while some avenues need to be slowly comprehended by yourself. For example, the avenue of cause and effect. Even if I swallow more energy, it will be useless unless I can strip off the avenue of cause and effect of the emperor of cause and effect. But even so, it will take a long time to comprehend." Although Chen Feng said this, he still performed the art of cause and effect.

If you want to improve a skill, you need to use it frequently in addition to comprehending and practicing, so Chen Feng will not miss this opportunity.

"How is it, is there any gain?" Seeing Chen Feng's changing expression, the second generation couldn't help asking.

"There should be some gains in this direction, but I am worried that it will not be gains, but gains of others." Although Chen Feng said this, he still pushed the art of cause and effect to the extreme, and later mixed it with the power of fate and creation.

Sure enough, the art of cause and effect has changed, and more things have been seen.

"Let's go, no matter what the opponent is, we have to see it, and the worst that can happen is to run away." Chen Feng said.

"That's right, adventure is like this, how can you get benefits easily." The second generation also said so.

Although the second generation is not as proficient in the art of cause and effect as Chen Feng, he also has some means of exploration, prediction and calculation. According to the calculation of the second generation, there will be gains next.

And the calculated results are clearer than before.


The second generation shook his head. If someone set up an ambush, then this method is too crude.

"It's really a bit weird!" Chen Feng took back some of the cause and effect threads, which were stained with some faint power.

"Familiar breath." The second generation said.

"That's right, it's the emperor who fought with us before. Strange, we found him so easily. Logically, with his strength, he should have sensed it long ago." Chen Feng said.

"Is he waiting for us to come?" The second generation looked a little serious.

After all, this time he was facing the emperor, and his behavior was indeed a bit like seeking death.

"It's so hard to find an opponent. If we give up like this, it would be a pity." Chen Feng continued to use the cause and effect technique to explore.

Then he found a second strange force.

"The second emperor, I haven't dealt with him before."

"Two emperors, let's go."

The two looked at each other and felt that this action might fail.

"But if there are two emperors, the other party can attack us now, there is no need to wait for us to come." Chen Feng said.

The two continued to use means to explore, but there was no other discovery. There was indeed only the breath of two emperors.

"Things don't seem to be what we imagined." Chen Feng thought.

"What do you mean?" The second generation was confused for a while.

"Take a chance and give it a try." Chen Feng made up his mind. Although it was a bit risky, he was still confident that he could escape.

"Well then." The Second World was unwilling to leave. Besides, even if there were two emperors, what could they do? They could just walk away if they were not opponents.

"Strange, the other party is changing their position. They know we are coming. No, why do I feel like they are running away?" Chen Feng suddenly said after approaching the other party.

"It may also be to lure us." The Second World said.

The two of them sped up as they talked, but this speed could not catch up with the emperor, so Chen Feng used the law of replication.

It was just that Chen Feng would not use the law of replication when he was in a hurry. This time was different. Chen Feng had a vague feeling that he seemed to have figured out the truth of the matter.

"Daoyou, long time no see." Chen Feng caught up with the other party.

It was indeed a great emperor, but there was only one.

Chen Feng and the Second World stared at each other closely and suddenly laughed.


The emperor looked calm, but suddenly he exploded, and a magical power of destruction enveloped the two of them. He looked very powerful, worthy of being an emperor.

Chen Feng stepped forward to take it, and there was a violent collision between the two. Chen Feng couldn't control himself and retreated again and again.

The second generation suddenly stepped forward and left a wound on the other person with a weapon.

"The other party was seriously injured, no wonder he ran away when he saw us." The second generation felt relieved.

After Chen Feng stabilized, he also killed him with the Spear of Destiny, and at the same time felt the power of two emperors from the other party again.

Only then did he understand that the man in front of him had fought with another emperor before. It was not visible on the surface, but in fact, the injury was very serious, and he couldn't even completely drive away the other party's power.

"Even so, it's enough to kill you." The emperor took out his weapon, and his blood and qi rose all over his body. Circles of flowing light wandered around his body, forming a unique field.

"The power of origin is difficult to deal with." Chen Feng sighed, but he was not slow to attack, and the Spear of Destiny in his hand attacked the other party again and again.

The second generation also showed his real ability. The two of them fought madly around the emperor. The fight between the two sides was extremely fierce.

At this time, Chen Feng did not notify the Gate of Origin, not because he forgot to fight, but because he had an idea in his mind.

Since the emperor was injured, it was a rare opportunity for the two of them. If they could take him down, they would not have to give the Gate of Origin a bargain.

It would be great if all the benefits belonged to me.

However, the emperor was still an emperor even if he was injured. It was not so easy to deal with him, especially when the other party wanted to escape or fight desperately.

Of course, if he really couldn't deal with him, then Chen Feng would still notify the Gate of Origin.

"Aren't you going to deal with us? Why did you run away?" Chen Feng chased after him with a smile. This time, Chen Feng did not use the law of replication, but used the art of walking to catch up with the other party.

The other party wanted to fight desperately, and Chen Feng didn't care about fighting head-on with the other party. It didn't necessarily mean that anyone would suffer.

The emperor initially thought that the spear in Chen Feng's hand was powerful, so he chose other ways of fighting. When he found that Chen Feng's body was stronger, it was too late. He was hit by Chen Feng's boxing, and then several fierce collisions, and the power in his body began to lose control.

If it was normal, it would be fine, but it was different now. Because of the fight, the injuries on his body broke out and his combat effectiveness was seriously affected.

Don't forget that Chen Feng is not alone, there is also the Second World, which is also the combat power of the emperor, so when he was knocked back by Chen Feng, he was hit by the Second World again, and his aura became more chaotic.

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