Eternal Existence

Chapter 5424 Great Breakthrough

Chen Feng was quite satisfied. After all, the fight lasted so long and the opponent was so strong. His side was not idle either. Although there was not much achievement, being able to protect themselves was the best result.

It must be said that these people were tempered after experiencing one fight after another.

To say that these people above the Hunyuan must have experienced too much to cultivate to such strength, but Chen Feng believed that they had never experienced such a level of scene before.

Everyone no longer stayed in this area, but returned to their previous residence to adjust their status. Chen Feng went to communicate with the emperor in the Tianshen area, and then Chen Feng learned that the opponent had only retreated temporarily and might launch an attack again.

As for why they retreated, it was indeed that there were some problems in Guixu.

Of course, this news was sent back by the King of Tianshen, so everyone believed it unswervingly.

Chen Feng thought of the Gate of Origin at the first time, and thought to himself that it might be related to the Gate of Origin.

With a little worry, Chen Feng hurried to contact the Gate of Origin. If the Gate of Origin really encountered trouble, he would help no matter what.

As a result, the Gate of Origin did not respond. Chen Feng had a bad idea, but when he saw that the Gate of Time and Space did not move, he was relieved.

If the Gate of Origin really encountered trouble, it would definitely ask for help. Not to mention the Gate of Time and Space, it could also ask the Soul Emperor for help.

"But then again, if it was really the Gate of Origin that caused the trouble, then it seems that there is a lot of noise. The Gate of Origin can only find some emperors to help. Can Guixu mobilize more forces to deal with it?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

But now the Gate of Origin did not respond, and he did not know what was going on. Although he could roughly determine the defense, he did not want to go rashly, for fear of causing some uncontrollable changes.

"Then wait." Chen Feng had no choice. He was attacked by the pupil before, and his mental will was a little traumatized, and he also needed to recover.

"But there are also gains. The power of the two top masters, although only a little, is enough to benefit me a lot."

Since he made up his mind, Chen Feng practiced with peace of mind. After all, according to the news just received, the opponent only retreated temporarily, and might come again soon.

So Chen Feng absorbed the plundered energy while recovering from his injuries.

Even though he had the experience of absorbing the power of the Real and Void Emperor before, it was still a little difficult this time.

A little power was like a spark falling into an oil pan. Chen Feng needed to go all out to refine and absorb it bit by bit, and he didn't dare to be careless at all.

"I'm going out for a while, you guys stay here well." Just when Chen Feng was practicing, the Soul Emperor sent a message.

"Where are you going, fellow Taoist?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It's too stuffy here, go out for a walk." The Soul Emperor left after saying that.

Chen Feng showed doubts in his eyes, guessing whether the Soul Emperor was really walking around casually or going to the Gate of Origin.

"Forget it, since the other party doesn't want to say, let's not pursue it." Chen Feng shook his head and continued to practice.

But soon the Void God also came.

"I have something to leave in advance." The Void God said.

"What happened." Chen Feng frowned, thinking that this time he shouldn't be bored.

"The Gate of Origin sent a message that I need to help. I was originally asked not to tell you." The Void God said.

"It seems that the situation at the Gate of Origin is a bit tricky, but they don't let us all go. Are they afraid that we can't help if we go?" Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"In this case, I am still willing to follow the arrangements of the Gate of Origin, so fellow Daoist, be careful." Chen Feng said.

"Don't worry, I am in danger now, and it is still no problem to escape." The God of Nothingness smiled and left.

The God of Nothingness also left.

Chen Feng understood that the Gate of Origin must be difficult, but the addition of two emperors should help the Gate of Origin.

Moreover, the Gate of Origin did not summon the Gate of Time and Space, and it is estimated that it is also confident of controlling the situation.

"In this case, maybe I should find a way to provide him with some help." Since Chen Feng has already invested, of course he does not want the Gate of Origin to fail, otherwise what he paid before will not be recovered.

So Chen Feng began to think about how to help the Gate of Origin.

Although he still has some broken origins in his hands, it is no longer suitable to take them out.

If he wants to take out some more resources, Chen Feng has them, but he is reluctant.

So Chen Feng set his sights on other practitioners.

If he could find his previous opponents, he could send them to the Gate of Origin again.

Chen Feng couldn't sit still when he thought of this, but it would be very dangerous to leave the Heavenly God area alone and enter Guixu.

This made Chen Feng hesitate again.

"I left some marks on that opponent before, maybe I can go find him. Although he is only above Hunyuan, he has the power beyond the origin." After thinking of this, Chen Feng's eyes were a little hesitant again.

He also needs the power beyond the origin, if he gives it to the Gate of Origin.

"No matter what, I'd better find him first. Even if I give him the Gate of Origin, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I have mastered many powers beyond the origin. At most, I can intercept some of them at that time." After making up his mind, Chen Feng left the Heavenly God area quietly without communicating with others.

In fact, Chen Feng wanted to bring the Second World with him, but he gave up the idea when he saw that the Second World was practicing.

Besides, Chen Feng didn't want to treat the other party as a coolie. Even if he didn't have this idea, the other party might have such an idea.

However, Chen Feng had just left the Tiancheng area, and the Second World actually took the initiative to catch up with him, which surprised Chen Feng a little.

"Daoyou went wherever you didn't call me." The Second World asked.

"I saw that Daoyou was practicing, so I didn't think of disturbing Daoyou, and I still had something to do this time. The Gate of Origin needs resources, so I can only help next." Chen Feng said this, which naturally told the Second World that the next action would not only be useless, but also dangerous.

As a result, the Second World didn't care at all, and seemed not to care about this. Instead, he smiled and said: "It's boring to practice in seclusion all the time. It's better to walk around. Besides, helping the Gate of Origin is also helping ourselves."

Since the Second World said so, Chen Feng would certainly not refuse. With such a high-end combat power around him, his actions would be more certain.

Chen Feng used his means to sense the mark he left behind, but found nothing. So he used the cause and effect technique, which gave him some clues. Later, with the help of the power of the Second World, he finally locked the opponent's position.

"It's quite troublesome." Chen Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

"It's already very smooth. We found the opponent's position as soon as we came out. I thought we would wander around in Guixu for a while." The Second World didn't understand Chen Feng's idea.

In any case, after determining the direction, they started to act, but when they were almost there, they slowed down.

"We actually found the opponent's lair." Chen Feng and the Second World looked at each other.

It was indeed a bit unexpected.

According to the previous idea, that is to find the opponent, and then the two of them quickly jumped up and joined forces to kill the opponent.

But now there are multiple opponents here, and there are layers of restrictions in the place where they are. It is obvious that this is the opponent's base camp.

Even if it is not a base camp, it is also a gathering place.

"There is no emperor, but there are two origin-level beings sitting in charge, and there are more than a dozen Hunyuan. How about we take action directly? With the help of the Gate of Origin, we should be able to solve them." The Second World secretly calculated.

"I think so too, but there are some risks. If we do this, we may make a big noise, and the opponent is not unprepared. These two origin-level beings make me feel threatened once, but since so many opponents have been discovered this time, if the Gate of Origin eats them all, it is equivalent to swallowing two emperors." Chen Feng said.

The reason why Chen Feng hesitated is that he didn't know the current situation of the Gate of Origin. If the Gate of Origin can exert enough power, then it is indeed not a problem to solve these opponents.

"Let's communicate first. If the Gate of Origin doesn't respond, then we have to re-plan whether to take action or not." Chen Feng said.

As a result, the Gate of Origin did not respond.

This made Chen Feng a little helpless.

He wanted to help the Gate of Origin with great enthusiasm, but when he arrived at the place, he couldn't contact the Gate of Origin.

Then the Gate of Origin is probably in a special state.

"It won't be dangerous." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"What should we do?" asked the Second World.

"We still have to take action. Let's do something and solve them one by one." Chen Feng and the Second World discussed for a while, and then began to act.

Soon, a strong power fluctuation spread in the distance, affecting this life area.

Sure enough, the practitioners here were alarmed, and some went out to explore.

"Unfortunately, that person didn't come out. It seems that we can only attack by force."

"It doesn't matter. We can solve the others first."

Chen Feng and the Second World targeted one of the practitioners who went out to explore, and found an opportunity to attack directly.

It was just an ordinary Hunyuan Above, and he acted alone. The two of them worked together to solve the other party without much splash.

"Continue, next one."

So the two took the opportunity to target another person, and after succeeding again, they finally attracted the attention of others.

But it doesn't matter even if they are discovered. The two origin-level beings didn't come out. If these Hunyuan Above met Chen Feng and the others, they would simply be looking for death.

So the two of them killed each other, some died on the spot, some were seriously injured and suppressed, and the rest fled desperately.

"I didn't expect to solve some of the opponents so easily. I have to say that the other party was a bit stupid." The second said with a smile.

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