Eternal Existence

Chapter 5426: Sudden Appearance

"Are you sure?"

"I don't think it's a big problem."

"Okay, you just need to be responsible for entanglement with the other party."

Chen Feng and the Second Emperor communicated quickly. Although the Second Emperor has now reached the combat power of the Great Emperor, his attack power is still not as good as Chen Feng, so the Second Emperor used his strongest means of restraint, and Chen Feng waved the Spear of Destiny to attack again and again.


The Spear of Destiny pierced through the opponent's body, and then left a series of holes on the opponent's body.


Seeing that the opponent was about to be blown up, who knew that a raging fire was burning in the opponent's body, not only repairing the injury, but also restoring combat power.

But the look in the eyes of this Great Emperor was very complicated, and finally became murderous.

"He burned the origin and gained powerful power." The Second Emperor said.

"But this state can't last long, what a pity, these origins should be ours." Chen Feng said coldly, still stabbing with a spear.

The opponent resisted, and after the strength recovered, he should have been able to block Chen Feng's attack.

But this time, Chen Feng burst out the power hidden in the Spear of Destiny, so not only did he defeat the emperor's obstruction, but he also left a big hole in the opponent's body.

Chen Feng directly received and sent the power into the opponent's body.

Although this is a power beyond the origin, it is unrealistic to rely on this power to kill the opponent.

All Chen Feng has to do is to trigger the hidden dangers in the opponent's body.

Don't look at the opponent's current strength, it's just the dryness in the outer wall, causing the burning of the origin.

This state can't last long, and there are great risks, not to mention that the things left by the opponent before are only temporarily suppressed.

Now, under the induction of the power imprint sent by Chen Feng, these forces broke out, not only making the emperor's injuries more serious, but also this power has to invade the opponent's origin.

It must be said that this power is not only powerful, but also full of spirituality, containing the will of a great emperor.

In this way, the emperor's body began to collapse.

Seeing this scene, the second generation was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Chen Feng's attack this time would have such a great effect.

So this time, the Second World did not use the binding technique anymore, and also rushed his prepared power into the body of the Great Emperor.

So the earth collapsed, and his body was torn into pieces.

Chen Feng had been prepared, and at the moment when the other party's body was broken, he pressed one of the fragments into his own origin.

Then the Spear of Destiny in his hand created a black hole, and swallowed another broken body.

In comparison, the Second World's speed was a little slower, and he only suppressed one body.

But even so, it had weakened the opponent's strength by half.

Then the opponent's broken body fled in all directions, and Chen Feng punched out. The punch was not as hot as before, but became very sticky, directly covering part of the body.

Then Chen Feng stepped forward with the war spear and smashed the opponent to pieces.

"No, the opponent has two more bodies that have escaped, let's act separately." Chen Feng said and disappeared on the spot.

The Second World just solved another body, so he rushed in another direction.

After a while, the two reunited and nodded to each other.

In this way, a great emperor was solved by the two of them, and all the benefits were divided up by them.

So it was the right choice not to notify the Gate of Origin this time.

"Maybe the other party will escape with a little power, but it doesn't matter. Even if the other party can recover, it will take a very long time, and I believe that we have really solved the other party just now, unless the other party still leaves some clones. Unfortunately, my cultivation of the Great Dao of Cause and Effect and the Great Dao of Destiny is not enough, otherwise, I can find the other party's clone and kill it directly." Chen Feng said.

"This time the harvest is not small. I didn't expect that we worked together to solve a great earth. Hehe, even in my previous life, this kind of thing didn't happen." The second generation was naturally very happy.

I didn't expect that I could get such benefits in succession by following Chen Feng. If it goes on like this, it won't take long for my strength to enter a new realm, and then it will be considered to be truly beyond my previous life.

It's a pity that I didn't suppress a complete great emperor. If I can also have the body of a great emperor and refine it into a puppet, then I will be more secure no matter where I go in the future.

"Do you want to continue the action?" asked the second generation.

Unlike Chen Feng, the Second World could still store some resources, and he had not been injured before, so he was still in good condition.

"I'll check it out first."

Chen Feng first went to understand the situation in the Heavenly God area, and found that the war had not come, and then communicated with the Gate of Origin.

This time, the Gate of Origin did not respond, and the other party was in good condition, which made Chen Feng feel relieved.

Not only that, when Chen Feng wanted to end the call, the Gate of Origin sent some news again.

This made Chen Feng's expression become a little strange.

"What happened?" Second World asked curiously.

"The Gate of Rise gave me some locations, I think we don't have to search as hard as before." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"The Gate of Origin is still reliable, I think we should act quickly." Second World couldn't help but urge.

So Chen Feng found the nearest coordinates, and when he arrived, he found that there were no practitioners here, but a broken origin.

And this broken origin was about to collapse, with only the last bit of the origin core struggling to hold on.

"I didn't expect it to be this kind of thing. It's a little different from what I guessed before. I'm really curious. The Gate of Origin should not have come into contact with Guixu before. How could he detect so many things in such a short time?" Chen Feng was a little curious before, but since the Gate of Origin didn't say it, Chen Feng naturally didn't ask.

Anyway, it's enough for me to get the benefits. After all, the origin of an origin is an excellent thing. Although there is only a little left, it is equivalent to a great emperor.

"This is the benefit given to us by the Gate of Origin. Let's divide it up. After all, we can't work in vain before." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng is very familiar with this kind of thing. It's just the last bit of energy of the broken origin. Even Chen Feng can easily handle it, not to mention that there is the second generation by his side.

So the two of them divided it easily next.

Chen Feng thought about it and sent all these origins into his own origin.

Speaking of which, his own origin was originally opened up with the help of the Tianyuan Saint, and it was not Chen Feng's own origin.

At the beginning, in order to enhance strength and to see the power of the origin in advance, he opened up the origin, but Chen Feng always had his own plan, and when his strength was sufficient, he would open up the origin that truly belonged to him.

So the effort spent on this origin was not as good as those broken origins, but this time it was different. The entry of the origin expanded his own origin.

"Not bad, although the number is not large, the last bit of origin energy is still pure. This is the last bit of fire that has been preserved after a long fight with Guixu, but it is not a pity. If we hadn't met, these origin energies would have been swallowed up by Guixu." Chen Feng said.

"Without further delay, let's continue to act, and hope to have more gains next."

Soon the two came to another area, and Chen Feng and the Second World looked at each other before they got close.

"This breath is a little familiar." The Second World said.

"Of course it is familiar, I saw it on the emperor before." Chen Feng said.

"So that's how it is. It's interesting. Two emperors fought, and one of them was injured and we solved it. So what about this one?" The Second Emperor laughed.

Before, I was thinking of letting Chen Feng use the cause and effect technique to track down the emperor, but I didn't expect him to come to my doorstep. No, it should be that he came to my doorstep.

"Is the Gate of Origin so powerful?" The Second Emperor suddenly looked at Chen Feng.

If that's the case, why do we need two people to provide resources?

"Can't figure it out?" Chen Feng shook his head, but he actually had some guesses in his mind.

"Be careful, this one is stronger than the emperor we solved before, maybe he is in good condition."


Before the two of them could make a move, the space suddenly collapsed, and an unmatched force crushed them.

The other party took the lead.

And this emperor didn't let down his guard at all because Chen Feng and the other two were at a low level. He was a killer right away.

Chen Feng and the Second Emperor didn't expect such a change. They quickly tried to resist, but they were still beaten back.

The other party was in the upper hand and continued to attack, this time directly targeting Chen Feng.

In the eyes of the other party, Chen Feng was easier to deal with, so he killed one person first.

"Come on!"

Chen Feng took out the Spear of Destiny, and a little bit of starlight exploded, blocking the opponent's attack, and at the same time bought some time for the Second World.

When the Second World came up, the emperor realized that these two were not easy to mess with.

"Why did you come to my territory? I'll give you a chance. Leave quickly and you can still survive." The emperor scolded repeatedly, but he was not slow to attack.

It seemed that there was a deep hatred between the two sides. They fought desperately and fiercely.

However, Chen Feng and the Second World felt a little depressed. This person did not seem to be injured. Even if he was injured, it was not serious. At least his fighting power was very strong. The two of them were not sure to kill each other together.

"Sure enough, the complete emperor is not so easy to deal with." Chen Feng said in his heart.

But since the Gate of Origin told him the location here, would he take action?

Once the Gate of Origin intervened, the two of them might not get any benefits.

Chen Feng and the Second Emperor both understood this truth, and in a hurry they began to think of ways to deal with it. However, the opponent's strength was not important, and in the end, the most important thing was their own ability.

So the two of them made a slight adjustment in their fighting style, with the Second Emperor entangled and Chen Feng attacked. After all, the Spear of Destiny was unparalleled in killing, and if he could hit the opponent a few times, it would be enough for the opponent to bear.

However, the opponent's strength had always remained at its peak, and the magical powers that appeared from time to time also threatened Chen Feng and the others, so they did not find any opportunities after a fight.

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