Eternal Existence

Chapter 5423 Pause

As soon as they came back, they were once again stared at by a beam of eyes.

This time it was from the pupil of the Great Emperor Xu Shi. Before the two of them could figure out why this pupil was staring at them, they were already attacked.

In this situation, no one came to help, and Chen Feng and the Second Generation could only resist with all their strength.

As a result, the two were injured.

When the pupil was about to launch a second attack, the giant appeared and then collided with the pupil.

Both collapsed and dissipated together.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng immediately used the Devouring Technique.

The Second Generation's reaction was a little slower than Chen Feng's, but he also ignored his injuries to collect the overflowing power.

As a result, the two only collected a little bit, and these powers dissipated completely.

"But it's enough to make up for the injuries." Chen Feng smiled.

It's not normal to be injured, and you can recover quickly. The strength of these two masters is the most important.

"But the other party attacked us before dissipating. It seems that our previous actions angered the other party." The Second Generation said.

"It may be so, but the opponent has a little more power, and it seems to be a little stronger than the giant." Chen Feng came to such a conclusion.

Although it may not be correct, don't forget that the pupil had already attacked other people when it appeared before.

It must be said that Chen Feng really has a deep impression of the Emperor of Reality and Falsehood. After all, after many fights, Chen Feng felt the power of the opponent early.

Now the top masters of both sides have returned after fighting hard. Even if they will use their means again, they may have to wait for a while, which means that they don't have to face the threat of these two top masters at the moment.

Originally, this was a good thing, but the opponent launched an attack on him at the last minute, which made Chen Feng very depressed.

Although the injury can be recovered quickly, it is only relative, especially the injury is the soul will, and the opponent also has a warning meaning.

So Chen Feng does not need to be honest for a while.

However, Chen Feng was naturally dissatisfied in his heart, thinking whether there will be a good opportunity next time. If there is, continue to send them to the Gate of Origin.

"What will happen if the Real and Virtual Emperor goes to deal with the Gate of Origin?" Chen Feng suddenly had such an idea, and couldn't help but worry about the Gate of Origin. If that were the case, the Gate of Origin would probably not be the opponent of the emperor.

And now I and the Gate of Origin share the same fate, but I don't want this to happen.

"However, the Gate of Origin is also hidden very deeply, and there are several clones. The fighting power it burst out before can kill other emperors. I think it can deal with the Real and Virtual Earth. However, the Gate of Origin seems to be taking risks during this period. It also borrowed the cruel origin from me. I guess it also feels the crisis and wants to improve its own strength in a short time." Chen Feng thought so, and the second generation had already fought with his opponent again.

The second generation saw that Chen Feng was distracted, and thought that Chen Feng was severely injured under the attack just now, so he blocked all the passing from the surroundings.

Although there is no emperor, there are many above Hunyuan, plus the existence of the origin level, which is still very difficult.

The previous origin existence was calculated by Chen Feng and the Second World, and has become the nutrient of the Gate of Origin.

The remaining one was not afraid, but began to avenge his partner. He fought hard as soon as he came up, which made Chen Feng feel a little threatened.

After all, Chen Feng's current state has not yet recovered to the peak.

"Don't rush to entangle with the other party first, find an opportunity to send the other party to the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng said with a smile. The Spear of Destiny in his hand was no longer as fierce as before, but drew some defensive runes and released a defensive field at the same time. In this way, even if it is not the opponent's opponent, it can last for a long time.

The Second World naturally defended without Chen Feng saying much, which seemed not as fierce as before.

However, as the two of them defended, they attracted more opponents.

Those opponents hiding in the dark thought that Chen Feng and the others were going to die, so they all wanted to take advantage of the fire and wanted to get rid of Chen Feng and the others in one fell swoop.

It must be said that the previous actions of the two were too much, and they also brought threats to many people. It is normal to be targeted.

"This war has been going on for a while. I wonder how long it will last?" Chen Feng felt that the fight between the two sides was very fierce from the beginning. Maybe it was not long for other people, but Chen Feng himself had come into contact with many opponents and made some conspiracies. His confidence was also fluctuating. It felt that it was quite long.

"Even if it slows down now, I am afraid it will not really end. I have a hunch that this fight will continue for a while. However, although the battle seems to be evenly matched, the opponent is still at a disadvantage." The second generation said.

"Of course, the other side has killed some emperors, and only some people on our side are injured, so the other side will not retreat. If they retreat now, it means that the other side has lost." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But the other side has even dispatched the virtual and real emperors. What other means are there? Rely on the number of consumption? If so, it will be a bit troublesome." The second generation said.

After all, if it is to compete with Guixu in consumption, it is definitely not comparable. However, Guixu has not mobilized too much power so far. In addition to the vast and endless energy, there are not many practitioners dispatched.

So if the consumption continues, the God of Heaven area can't afford it.

However, it would be different if they could continuously solve some opponents. In fact, the biggest victory so far is actually achieved by Chen Feng's side, or Chen Feng.

Of course, the God of Heaven area faces more and stronger opponents, but they have not really solved a great emperor.

The end of the war came without any sign. The invaders seemed to have received an order, and the invaders from all directions all retreated together.

In a short time, they disappeared in Guixu, and even the crazy squeezing power of Guixu returned to calm.

If there were no residual energy fluctuations, it would be as if nothing had happened before.

"What happened?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

"Maybe there was something wrong with Guixu, otherwise these invaders would not have left all, and they must have discussed it." The second generation said.

At this time, the two thought that the war was over.

"Clean up the battlefield!"

Chen Feng did not rest, and immediately went to understand the situation of his companions.

Fortunately, no one died.

Chen Feng was quite satisfied. After all, the fight lasted so long and the opponent was so strong. His side was not idle either. Although there was not much achievement, being able to protect themselves was the best result.

It must be said that these people were tempered after experiencing one fight after another.

To say that these above the Hunyuan must have experienced too much to cultivate to such strength, but Chen Feng believed that they had never experienced such a level of scene before.

Everyone no longer stayed in this area, but returned to their previous residence to adjust their status. Chen Feng went to communicate with the emperor in the Tianshen area, and then Chen Feng learned that the opponent had only retreated temporarily and might launch an attack again.

As for why they retreated, it was indeed that there were some problems in Guixu.

Of course, this news was sent back by the King of Tianshen, so everyone believed it unswervingly.

Chen Feng thought of the Gate of Origin at the first time, and secretly thought that it might be related to the Gate of Origin.

With a little worry, Chen Feng hurried to contact the Gate of Origin. If the Gate of Origin really encountered trouble, he would help no matter what.

As a result, the Gate of Origin did not respond. Chen Feng had a bad idea, but when he saw that the Gate of Time and Space did not move, he was relieved.

If the Gate of Origin really encountered trouble, it would definitely ask for help. Not to mention the Gate of Time and Space, it could also ask the Soul Emperor for help.

"But then again, if it was really the Gate of Origin that caused the trouble, then it seems that there is a lot of noise. The Gate of Origin can only find some emperors to help. Can Guixu mobilize more forces to deal with it?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

But now the Gate of Origin did not respond, and he did not know what was going on. Although he could roughly determine the defense, he did not want to go rashly, for fear of causing some uncontrollable changes.

"Then wait." Chen Feng had no choice. He was attacked by the pupil before, and his mental will was a little traumatized, and he also needed to recover.

"But there are also gains. The power of the two top masters, although only a little, is enough to benefit me a lot."

Since he made up his mind, Chen Feng practiced with peace of mind. After all, according to the news just received, the opponent only retreated temporarily, and might come again soon.

So Chen Feng absorbed the plundered energy while recovering from his injuries.

Even though he had the experience of absorbing the power of the Real and Void Emperor before, it was still a little difficult this time.

A little power was like a spark falling into an oil pan. Chen Feng needed to go all out to refine and absorb it bit by bit, and he didn't dare to be careless at all.

"I'm going out for a while, you guys stay here well." Just when Chen Feng was practicing, the Soul Emperor sent a message.

"Where are you going, fellow Taoist?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It's too stuffy here, go out for a walk." The Soul Emperor left after saying that.

Chen Feng showed doubts in his eyes, guessing whether the Soul Emperor was really walking around casually or going to the Gate of Origin.

"Forget it, since the other party doesn't want to say, let's not pursue it." Chen Feng shook his head and continued to practice.

But soon the Void God also came.

"I have something to leave in advance." The Void God said.

"What happened." Chen Feng frowned, thinking that this time he shouldn't be bored.

"The Gate of Origin sent a message that I need to help. I was originally asked not to tell you." The Void God said.

"It seems that the situation at the Gate of Origin is a bit tricky, but they don't let us all go. Are they afraid that we can't help even if we go?" Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"In this case, I am still willing to follow the arrangements of the Gate of Origin. Then fellow Taoist, be careful." Chen Feng said.

"Don't worry, I am in danger now, and it is still no problem to escape." The God of Nothingness smiled and left.

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