Eternal Existence

Chapter 5422: The King of Gods

Ten origin mountains appeared at once, one of which even broke through the origin level. Ten origin mountains were connected together and firmly sat in the God of Heaven area.

However, this was only to block the invasion of Guixu, not to resolve the crisis at hand.

And no one was sure that these origin mountains would remain stable under the constant scouring of Guixu.

But at least it stabilized the current situation.

"It turned out to be a counterattack." Chen Feng smiled and shook his head, but the next moment he felt a strong sense of crisis.

Chen Feng thought someone was going to sneak attack him, but when he saw an eye pupil appear, he knew that it was the Emperor Xushi who took action.

"Sure enough, it's coming." Chen Feng was startled and almost lost his mind. This was not something he could deal with, not even other emperors could deal with.

The strength of the Emperor Xushi was too strong. Even if the emperor encountered it, he would be severely injured, and this was only when the Emperor Xushi only used part of his strength.

However, there are so many masters on my side, and there is also the existence of the Soul Emperor, so I think I can deal with it, right?

But in this way, the strength of the Heavenly God Area will be weakened, and since the Real and False Emperor has taken action, will Guixu trigger a stronger means?

And the strongest means of the Heavenly God Area should also be used.

In the blink of an eye, the pupil ignored everything and entered the Heavenly God Area, and the defense formed by the Origin God Mountain was useless.

Seeing that the pupil was about to rush to the Origin God Mountain in the middle, finally an emperor freed his hands to meet it head-on.

"Be careful, the opponent is very strong." Chen Feng reminded hurriedly.

But in such a situation, even if you know that the opponent is very strong, you can't retreat.

Just seeing the pupil emitting a beam of light, the emperor who was blocking in front of him was shocked.

The difference between the two sides was immediately judged.

The emperor really couldn't stop the pupil's attack.

This scene was too familiar to Chen Feng.

The strength of the Soul Emperor present should be the strongest, but he was also entangled and could not help forward.

Seeing that the pupil emitted another beam of light, the strongest mountain also emitted a wave of power, blocking this beam of light.

This was a collision of wills, and the will fluctuations produced affected many people present. Those who were not strong enough screamed directly, and even Chen Feng felt that his sea of ​​consciousness was shaken.

"Is there still the will of masters hidden in the Origin Mountain? Just like the Real and False Emperor, no wonder this mountain is so powerful." Chen Feng was a little curious, thinking that this is the strongest power hidden in the God area.

But soon Chen Feng dispelled this idea, because a giant appeared. This giant came from Guixu, and it seemed that he only took one step to a great emperor. A punch fell, and no matter what means the great emperor used to resist, the great emperor was shattered.

During this process, the giant did not stop at all, but continued to walk forward, and still punched out, and another great emperor was torn into pieces.

Then the giant opened his mouth and roared, and dozens of Hunyuan hidden in the dark exploded directly, turning into a ball of blood mist.

Then the giant walked directly to the pupil, stretched out his palm and grabbed it fiercely.

"So strong!"

This scene shocked Chen Feng. Apart from the Emperor Xu Shi, this giant should be the strongest emperor.

At the same time, Chen Feng also understood that this should be the real reason why the God area can exist.

Facing the attack of the big hand, the pupil did not retreat at all, and still emitted beams of light, hitting the big hand and blooming a dazzling divine light.

The giant who seemed invincible at the beginning did not take down the pupil like before, which also made Chen Feng a little disappointed. He thought that the Emperor Xu Shi was indeed powerful. At the same time, Chen Feng also understood that the giant who came should not be the real body. Sure enough, Chen Feng carefully observed that the giant became a little illusory after the passage of time and repeated confrontations. He knew that this was condensed by power and it might not last long.

However, the power of the pupil is not inexhaustible, and both sides should fight to the point of mutual loss.

After figuring this out, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. If the Heavenly God Region had no way to deal with it, then they could only concentrate the power of multiple emperors to fight against the opponent, and the stalemate would be unbalanced.

"It's impossible that it was always a stalemate before. This time, we have an additional force. However, since even such a strong emperor has appeared, I think there is no way." Chen Feng believed that the Heavenly God Region should do its best. It seems that its strength is indeed very strong and it is qualified to fight against Guixu.

However, there are too many opponents this time, especially the joining of the Real and Real Emperor, which must be beyond the expectations of the Heavenly God Region.

"Do you know who that master is?" Chen Feng secretly asked the Soul Emperor.

"How should I know? You might as well ask directly." The Soul Emperor seemed to be in a bad mood.

Chen Feng smiled. In Chen Feng's opinion, the Soul Emperor should be stimulated by the appearance of the master.

However, Chen Feng really asked, and soon Chen Feng got the news from the Giant Emperor.

It turns out that the one who was fighting against Emperor Xushi was the king among the giants, named the King of Gods. He was extremely powerful and invincible among the emperors. This time, he was fighting against Emperor Xushi, which also surprised these giants.

However, what Chen Feng had guessed before was correct. The King of Gods came only as a clone. In other words, it was not even a clone, but a projection of power.

"King of the Gods! His name is quite domineering. I didn't expect there to be such a master among the giants. I don't know how he cultivated it. I don't believe it if it is accumulated over a long period of time." Chen Feng secretly said.

If we really want to talk about accumulation, wouldn't it be stronger if the origin of the Great Spirit is mutated, because the origin of one party may exist for countless tribulations.

However, Chen Feng also came to a conclusion, that is, the King of Gods is not in this area, maybe in Guixu, maybe not. After all, Chen Feng cannot understand the magical power of an existence of this level.

However, since it is a projection of power, it shows that this deity is very powerful and should be on the same level as the Great Emperor of Virtual Reality. He probably has his own calculations and arrangements.

"Then let's gain as much benefit as possible from this war." Chen Feng swayed and blocked all surrounding attacks.

The Second Emperor seized the opportunity and exploded with all his strength, severely injuring several opponents one after another, and was about to kill them, although a magic circle appeared out of thin air, blocking their way.


Chen Feng still used the power of copying the law, and disappeared from the spot with the second generation.

However, the two did not leave as everyone imagined, but appeared in front of an origin-level existence.

This original existence was in the shape of a sphere, controlling a large formation and cooperating with others to besiege Chen Feng.

At this time, Chen Feng was killed directly in front of him. He was a little surprised, but the next moment he was involved in the power of the copying law and wanted to leave this area.

Speaking of which, the law of replication is indeed very strong. In the past, it was not a problem to take Chen Feng to escape from the emperor's pursuit, and it was not a problem to travel to one's origin, but now it is not an easy task to take away an origin-level existence. Besides, There is also a magic circle here, as well as other powerful existences.

But Chen Feng still tried, and he really caught the opponent off guard. Although he didn't run very far, he pulled the opponent out of the magic circle, and was struggled out not far from the God's area.

"What a powerful source treasure." Chen Feng guessed at the other party's origin and thought about how he should use it if he got it.

And this time the river of time appeared.

According to the previous plan, Chen Feng needed to lead the opponent some distance away before taking action, but now Time Changhe had to show up early because the opponent struggled out and the situation was out of control.

"That's fine, just expose it if it's exposed. This is also something you have to consider." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Seeing the long river of time and feeling the dangerous aura coming from it, this original being finally understood what had happened and began to run away frantically for his life.

But it's too late.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng and Er Er would be able to join forces to suppress each other. Now with the power of the River of Time and the Gate of Origin, the other party cannot escape at all.

So this original existence was quickly swept away and fell into the Gate of Origin.

"What a treasure, what a pity." Chen Feng sighed. If the Gate of Secret Origin did not give him enough benefits afterwards, he would not agree to anything he said.

"One more success, go back." Chen Feng shook his head.

"It's interesting." Although the second generation was an emperor in his previous life, he still feels that he has gained experience following Chen Feng.

"No, it's dangerous."

Unexpectedly, the two of them suddenly stopped before taking a few steps.

"I feel it too, as if someone is spying on us." The second said, his eyes swept back and forth, trying to find the other person.


Chen Feng thrust out a spear, and a small passage extended infinitely.

Then the space split open, and a beam of gaze traveled through time and space. Chen Feng and Er Er's expressions changed drastically, and they released their strongest defense at the same time.

As a result, the gaze on the two people only paused for a moment and then disappeared.

"It shouldn't be Emperor Xu Shi just now." After waiting for a while, the two of them spoke.

"I originally thought it was the Virtual and Real Emperor, but later I found that the aura was wrong, but I can be sure that the opponent is very strong. Even if it is not as good as the Virtual and Real Emperor, it is probably not far behind." Chen Feng said.

"How come masters of this level appear one after another recently? It's really terrifying." said the second generation.

"You are the Great Emperor, and you feel terrified. Think about how I feel." Chen Feng said helplessly.

"The other party doesn't seem to have any ill intentions, otherwise he won't let us go easily, so we'd better leave quickly."

"That's right, hurry up and leave."

Chen Feng and Er Er did not dare to stay, so they used their speed to the extreme and quickly returned to the God area.

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