Eternal Existence

Chapter 5421 It’s hard to describe

Because the outbreak of the portal and the others just now helped Chen Feng deal with his opponent, so Chen Feng planned to help the second generation before the new opponent appeared.

The chosen target is naturally the undead.

"It's a pity that I can't suppress an undead now." Chen Feng still felt a little regretful. He knew his own situation, so there was no need to take risks.

But anyway, he has had many confrontations with the undead, and Chen Feng knows the undead very well.

There was originally a sword array to help, but now that Chen Feng is here again, the second generation has truly returned to his previous state, and there is still no problem in dealing with an opponent.

Even the second generation had some ambitions, and maybe he could really take this opportunity to suppress a great emperor.

Of course Chen Feng also had such thoughts.

So Chen Feng communicated with others, and then the God of Nothingness, the Emperor of Mind, and the major portals each allocated a part of their strength, targeting the second generation's opponents.

In just this moment, the great emperor was severely injured. The second generation tried his best to suppress the opponent, but failed.

The great emperor also saw the second son's intention. After being startled, he still sneered: "It's just a dream for you to want to suppress me."

Having said that, the emperor still chose to ask for help. Although there were some undead around him, these undead were not up to the level of the emperor.

Not to mention, as soon as the emperor asked for help, helpers arrived. There were only two of them. Although they were not the emperor, they had the strength close to the emperor. They turned the situation around as soon as they arrived.

"It's a bit troublesome." Chen Feng has been observing. The other party comes from Guixu. According to Chen Feng's calculation, he is hiding and watching in secret.

"What are you waiting for? Why don't we take action together when we have the strength? Only in this way can we level the area of ​​the gods." Chen Feng thought to himself.

In fact, looking at the entire battlefield, Chen Feng's side is only a corner of it. Even so, it has contained five or six great emperors and several origin-level beings. Even the undead and other practitioners, coupled with the surge of returning ruins, are also a big problem. Not a small force.


With the fluctuating power of Chen Feng's avenue, Chen Feng's eyes lit up slightly, and he made a breakthrough in this avenue in one go.

Although it was only one of many avenues, the breakthrough still had a chain reaction, and even the shackles of several avenues with similar attributes began to loosen.

Chen Feng's mana increased rapidly and his strength became stronger. Chen Feng quickly absorbed a large amount of energy from his heart.

These are the energies refined by the Origin Furnace, and Chen Feng can use them as soon as they are taken.

"This treasure is really great." Chen Feng felt more and more the help that the Origin Furnace brought to him.

After absorbing enough energy, Chen Feng had another avenue to break through, and then Chen Feng absorbed some energy from the origin furnace.




Every time Chen Feng's heart beats, it will resonate with the origin furnace. It has to be said that Chen Feng has been refining for a long time, but the origin furnace still has not completely integrated with his heart.

Firstly, the level of this treasure is too high, secondly, Chen Feng's physical body is still not strong enough, and thirdly, Chen Feng does not have enough time.

Of course, the degree of fusion is now very high, almost the same as a real heart. After all, the heart has been integrated with many treasures and high-level substances before, laying the foundation early.

In this way, Chen Feng made three breakthroughs in succession. While improving physically, he also absorbed a large amount of abilities from the origin furnace.

Energy, okay. In the end, Chen Feng used the Devouring Technique to devour large tracts of energy from the Guixu that swept over in front of him. Most of the energy entered the origin furnace, and a small part was refined by Chen Feng on the spot.

Perhaps to Guixu, Chen Feng devouring these energies is nothing, but in front of his eyes it can relieve some pressure on the God area.

After all, Chen Feng's Devouring Technique is too overbearing. If the origin he mastered had not suppressed so many beings, then the power caused by Chen Feng's full use of the Devouring Technique would be hundreds of times greater than what he is seeing, even in places like the God of Heaven area. It can also be swallowed cleanly.

After all, Chen Feng made his fortune by relying on the art of devouring.

However, Chen Feng in front of him was just improvising. Feeling that his state had reached a saturation point, he rushed towards one of his opponents.

This time the opponent is one of the people who besieged the Second World. He is not the Great Emperor but has a combat power close to that of the Great Emperor. He is a good opponent for Chen Feng.

The two sides clashed. As soon as Chen Feng came up, he used his heavy hands to firmly suppress the opponent and severely injured the opponent in one breath.

"The strength is not bad, but you are not my opponent. I don't know how you will deal with it next?" Chen Feng held the Spear of Destiny, and each time it was a simple thrust. Because the move is simple, the attack power is stronger, and the opponent cannot catch it at all. Come down.

Moreover, this weapon also contains the power left by Emperor Xu Shi. The opponent can feel it. Once he is stabbed, he may die here.

This feeling is much stronger than facing the second generation.

Under the threat of death, this practitioner naturally mobilized all means to fight Chen Feng, because he knew that if he didn't fight, he would die soon.

Fortunately, this cultivator also has other helpers, such as the undead spirits flying around, who are not afraid of death and look for opportunities to pounce on Chen Feng. They will be killed even if they get close to Chen Feng. These dead spirits are not afraid of death. The spirit is like a moth flying into the flame, one after another.

This is also an important reason why Chen Feng only severely damaged the opponent and did not kill the opponent in one go.

"These undeads are so annoying. Even the emperor-level undeads have been suppressed by me. You guys still want to die. This is just your temporary ally. Is it necessary to fight so hard?" Chen Feng sneered.

These undeads have their own thoughts and intelligence. Of course, they can hear the meaning of Chen Feng's words clearly, but they still did not choose to retreat.

"It's really annoying." Chen Feng suddenly released a road. This road did not have too strong attack power, but it emitted a sticky force to stop these undeads that rushed over.

Chen Feng stepped forward and attacked continuously, and finally a spear pierced through the opponent's body.

Next, the body of this powerful Hunyuan was torn into pieces, and the powerful force emitted was like a rainstorm. Attacked Chen Feng.

Chen Feng waved the Spear of Destiny to dissolve these attacks, but the opponent re-condensed his body not far away.

But the next moment Chen Feng killed in front of the opponent, and almost at the moment when the opponent repeated his body, a spear was stabbed out, this time piercing the opponent's head.

"I want to see how many times you can recover." Chen Feng was neither impatient nor impatient. He watched the other party repeat his body again, and at the same time released a powerful force to try to stop Chen Feng.

The result was still useless. Chen Feng easily broke through the other party's obstruction with the Spear of Destiny in his hand and stabbed the other party again.

However, this time Chen Feng's attack was blocked, not by this practitioner, but by someone else.

The two weapons collided, and the Spear of Destiny burst out the power of the virtual and real earth, directly knocking the opponent's weapon away.

Chen Feng had time to look at the other party. It was another Hunyuan. The other party came without any signs, as if he appeared out of thin air.

"It's just an extra helper, it doesn't matter." Chen Feng said and disappeared on the spot, and the Spear of Destiny went straight to the other party.

The other party hurriedly waved his weapon to resist. Through the traffic just now, it can be determined that this suddenly appearing practitioner is not Chen Feng's opponent.

However, the two-on-one opponent must be sure to stop Chen Feng, so the three of them fought in a group, and Chen Feng looked for an opportunity to stab the other party with a spear again.

It was still the same opponent as before.

Chen Feng made up his mind to focus all his attacks on the opponent and deal with one opponent first.

However, this person who appeared later naturally saw Chen Feng's intention and kept holding a weapon to entangle Chen Feng tightly, sometimes with weapons colliding, and sometimes fighting in close combat.

Chen Feng also admired the opponent's fighting skills. In addition, the opponent's physical body was also very strong. Of course, it could not stop the Spear of Destiny, but the strong physical body also meant that the opponent was more difficult to deal with, and Chen Feng was not sure if the opponent had any helpers.

During the fight, Chen Feng suddenly performed the Devouring Technique, and the power generated by the battle between the three was swallowed up completely in an instant.

This created a vacuum zone, and Chen Feng took the opportunity to release the reincarnation field. The power of reincarnation drove the actions of the two. Chen Feng took the opportunity to release a force, which condensed into chains as soon as it appeared, and tied up the opponent who appeared later.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng's method would not be able to do anything to the opponent, but now this cultivator could not break free from the chains on his body in a short time, which surprised him.

Because this chain was not made of any material, but was condensed by real energy, and it was just condensed by Chen Feng.

This shows that in addition to Chen Feng's method, this energy is not simple.

Moreover, in the eyes of this Hunyuan Above, Chen Feng's method of condensing into chains is actually not special.

"This is a power beyond the origin. No wonder I can't break free all at once. This is a bit troublesome." The cultivator said in his heart.

Chen Feng used the power imprint. This power beyond the origin is not underestimated even by the emperor.

Chen Feng had been thinking of ways when he was fighting with the opponent. Now it seems that the method he came up with on a whim is quite effective.

Before the opponent broke free from the lock, Chen Feng beat the opponent to pieces again.

This time, the opponent did not repeat his body, and the broken body fled in all directions.

The Hunyuan Above finally felt the threat to his life. He knew that if he didn't leave, he might really die here.

So he didn't care about his companions.

Seeing the other party leave, Chen Feng didn't chase him, but turned around. At this time, the Hunyuan who was trapped by the chain had regained his freedom.

What's interesting is that there are strands of energy wrapped in the other party's hands, which is the mark of power.

The other party felt the power of this power, so he wanted to hold it in his hand and study it carefully.

Chen Feng certainly understood what the other party was thinking, because he would do the same if he were in his place.

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