Eternal Existence

Chapter 5417: Poison

In fact, these thoughts were fleeting, and they didn't take any time at all. At the moment when the dead spirit enveloped Chen Feng, Chen Feng exerted the swallowing technique to the extreme, and even his heart, which was beating vigorously, burst out with the power of swallowing.

The next moment, the emperor-level dead spirit drilled into Chen Feng's body. Because the swallowing technique that Chen Feng burst out was too powerful, it swallowed up the surrounding void and several undead spirits above the level of Hunyuan.

There was a silence around.

This is not just swallowing, the next step is the most important. Chen Feng threw all these undead spirits into the origin, and he needed to suppress them to succeed.

So Chen Feng was very fast and took back the origin of the sacred mountain. Not only that, Chen Feng's avenue clones and combat puppets, and even the magic weapon incarnations all rushed into the origin.

"Depressed, some of the combat power that was finally released was all lost." Chen Feng shook his head helplessly, but then again, if he could successfully suppress the emperor-level undead spirit, then any effort would be worth it.

However, Chen Feng's combat effectiveness was greatly affected in the following battle.

"When the war is over, we can ask the Gate of Time and Space to help solve these undead spirits." Chen Feng's idea was also good.


Seeing Chen Feng swallowed up the emperor and floated in the void motionlessly, the second generation and his opponent were all stunned.

However, soon the emperor-level opponent sneered. In his opinion, Chen Feng was simply asking for trouble by using this method. It would not take long for the emperor-level undead spirit to rush out, and Chen Feng would be even more unlucky at that time.

However, as time went by, Chen Feng had not changed much, which made the emperor secretly drum in his heart.

After waiting to see Chen Feng coming over, the emperor secretly cried out that it was not good. Although he didn't know what method Chen Feng used, it was a fact that he solved a great emperor. If he could solve one great emperor, he could solve the second great emperor.

So the emperor no longer fought with the second generation, but used the method of escaping to leave. The second generation immediately chased him, but saw Chen Feng following behind him calmly.

The second generation's heart moved, and he also slowed down.

"Are you okay?" The second generation asked again.

"That's the emperor. Although I suppressed him, it also consumed a lot of my fighting power. Otherwise, I would not have the strength to deal with the second emperor now." Chen Feng said.

"Is that so." The second generation frowned a little, but was relieved. Is this reasonable? If Chen Feng can still suppress the second emperor, it would be incredible.

But even so, it is already shocking.

Chen Feng estimated his own state and stopped chasing the emperor. Instead, he flashed into the sword formation.

Not to sit in the sword formation, but to sort out his own situation first.

"Dear fellow Taoists, give me a hand." Chen Feng suddenly shouted.

The sword formation was extremely powerful. It was originally resisting the invasion of Guixu. At this time, when it heard Chen Feng's call, it immediately operated at full power, and a bunch of sword energy that could tear the emperor apart rushed towards Chen Feng.

As a result, these sword energies disappeared as soon as they approached Chen Feng.

Looking at the origin controlled by Chen Feng, the clones and combat puppets formed a formation, cooperating with the power of the origin to suppress the undead, but these undead were very difficult to deal with, especially the power of the undead was constantly spreading around, corroding everything. This was not simply to break the channel, but to seize the control of the origin, because these undead could see that this was a broken origin. Even if Chen Feng controlled it well, it was impossible to exert his full strength at this time.

In other words, on the surface, Chen Feng suppressed these undead, but the real situation was that the two sides were fighting.

However, everything changed when these sword qi descended.

Including the undead of the emperor level, all the undead were pierced by the sword qi into sieves.

As more sword qi descended, these undead were finally cut into pieces, and Chen Feng's clones and combat puppets took the opportunity to attack and suppress these undead.

Layer by layer of seal reinforcement, coupled with the power of this origin itself, finally sealed the other party temporarily.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, so he quickly stopped the sword formation from transmitting power.

In this short period of time, because the sword formation helped Chen Feng, the power of Guixu invaded, and the swordsmen were under great pressure and even injured.


Chen Feng took out a piece of origin fragment, first crushed it, and then burned it. The powerful original power permeated the sword formation. While strengthening the sword formation, the swordsmen present seemed to have taken a tonic. The previous consumption was quickly replenished, and they were full of energy and fighting spirit.

"This time the harvest is not small."

Chen Feng was a little proud. After solving the hidden danger of the undead, Chen Feng walked out of the sword formation and took the initiative to rush towards Guixu.

Chen Feng's target was above Hunyuan.

However, Chen Feng was not going for a massacre, because the target Chen Feng was targeting was also very strong. Besides, few people would act separately under such a situation.

"Fellow Daoists, I see that you are not the native cultivators of Guixu, so why do you want to get involved?" Chen Feng stepped forward with the Spear of Destiny in his hand and stabbed an opponent with earth. One of his opponents rolled over to dodge, and the other two were about to pounce on him but were blocked by the illusion cast by Chen Feng's flashing eyes.

"Everyone is taking risks in Guixu. As long as they don't make too much noise, Guixu won't take action. Why can't you be quieter? You just choose to go against Guixu. This is Guixu's territory. It's so powerful that you can't If you resist, aren't you looking for death?" one of the Hunyuan Shang said.

"Haha, you came to attack us, and now you are saying these things." Chen Feng laughed.

"I think you came here to make a deal with Guixu, but think about it for yourself, is this deal worth it? If my father stays here, he won't be able to enjoy even the best things." Chen Feng said Suddenly disappeared on the spot, dodging the opponent's sneak attack, but the Spear of Destiny in Chen Feng's hand emitted circles of power fluctuations.

The opponents present were affected one after another, and their actions were affected. Chen Feng quickly seized the opportunity and stepped forward, piercing the body of one opponent with a spear. Then, with a sweeping gaze, countless hairsprings appeared and tied up another person. .

"You are no match for me, so if you die here, will you regret it?" Chen Feng punched out, and a Hunyuan hidden in the dark also appeared. The opponent's sneak attack failed, but there were still The attack method ended up falling on Chen Feng, but he didn't even break through the defense.

"Aren't you surprised!"

Chen Feng said with a smile, and punched out again, causing the Hunyuan to roll out.

"Actually, I'm a little surprised. I didn't expect that this punch didn't kill you." Chen Feng said and suddenly turned into afterimages, each of which collided with his opponent again and again.

It has to be said that when the opponent is not the Great Emperor, Chen Feng feels like he is at ease.

However, this feeling did not last long. Rolling energy swept in. Chen Feng's hair stood up on his hair. He felt a hint of crisis, so his figure became more unpredictable. His eyes were faint, trying to penetrate into the mystery. As a result, countless cold lights flew from it. Shooting.


Chen Feng thrust out a spear, and a bit of the cold light exploded with a bang, turning into a cloud of poisonous mist, making a hissing sound.

"poisonous insect!"

Chen Feng saw these things clearly. They were small in size, extremely fast, and their defense was pretty good.

At this time, more cold lights flew out from the energy frenzy. They were all extremely poisonous insects, with slender bodies and sharp heads, and sharp scales on their bodies.

"It's just some poisonous insects, what use can they do?" Chen Feng deliberately stopped and allowed the poisonous insects to attack him, watching as the other party revealed its sharp teeth and bit into his body.

But it was impossible to break through Chen Feng's defense.

"The bite force is pretty good, but it can't break through the defenses of other Hunyuan masters." Chen Feng secretly estimated that in Chen Feng's opinion, no matter how weak the Hunyuan master's body was, he wouldn't care about these poisonous insects.

So this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and there should be changes next.

When the poisonous insects crawled all over Chen Feng's body, the flames burned from Chen Feng's body, and the poisonous insects were immediately burned to ashes.

Chen Feng even regretted that the toxicity of these poisonous insects was not strong enough, otherwise he could strengthen his poisonous avenue.

More poisonous insects appeared, and later turned into a swarm of insects.

In addition to being extremely poisonous, these poisonous insects are far inferior to the Zerg army.

But soon these poisonous insects swamped Chen Feng, and then an unexpected scene appeared.

These poisonous insects exploded one after another and turned into billowing toxins. In a short period of time, Chen Feng seemed to be in a sea of ​​poison.

Then these energies changed again, constantly condensing into rune chains, which were so dense and cumbersome that they actually formed a formation to envelope Chen Feng.

Chen Feng didn't care about these poisonous insects before, even if there were a lot of them, because after all, the other party couldn't break through his defense.

But this time is different. These poisonous insects have changed the fighting mode. Although they still can't do anything to Chen Feng, they can bring certain restraints to Chen Feng.

Then the real killer move hidden in the dark appeared, it was also a poisonous insect, mixed in the chaos and rushed in front of Chen Feng.

At first, Chen Feng didn't care at all, thinking it was just one of the ordinary bugs. Only when he saw the other party bit his skin did he realize that he was careless.

"Emperor? Probably not." Chen Feng's thoughts turned, and powerful power burst out from his body, knocking the poisonous insect out, but the other party got back into the chaos.

The wounds were healing slowly, and the poison was eroding Chen Feng's body. This time, the poison was more than a hundred times more powerful than before, and could even affect Chen Feng's body.

But when Chen Feng took away the poison and integrated it into the Poison Avenue, the Poison Avenue began to boil.

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