Eternal Existence

Chapter 5418: Hidden Power

Chen Feng saw these things clearly. They were not big, very fast, and had decent defense.

At this time, more cold rays flew out from the energy frenzy. They were all extremely poisonous insects, with slender bodies, sharp heads, and sharp scales on their bodies.

"They are just some poisonous insects. What effect can they have?" Chen Feng deliberately stopped and let these poisonous insects hit him, watching them bite his body with sharp teeth.

But they could not break Chen Feng's defense at all.

"The biting force is okay, but it can't break the defense of other Hunyuan." Chen Feng secretly estimated that in Chen Feng's opinion, even if the body above Hunyuan was weak, he would not care about these poisonous insects.

So this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and there should be changes next.

When the poisonous insects crawled all over Chen Feng's body, flames burned from Chen Feng's body, and these poisonous insects were instantly burned to ashes.

Chen Feng even regretted that the toxicity of these poisonous insects was not strong enough, otherwise he could strengthen his own poisonous avenue.

More poisonous insects appeared, and later turned into a tide of insects.

In addition to being highly toxic, these poisonous insects are far inferior to the Zerg army.

However, these poisonous insects soon overwhelmed Chen Feng, and then an unexpected scene appeared.

These poisonous insects exploded one after another, turning into rolling toxins. In a short time, Chen Feng seemed to be in a sea of ​​​​toxic condensation.

Then these energies changed again, constantly condensing into rune chains, which were densely packed and very complicated, and actually formed a formation to cover Chen Feng.

Before, Chen Feng didn't care about these poisonous insects, even if there were a lot of them, after all, the opponent couldn't break his defense.

But this time was different. These poisonous insects changed their fighting mode. Although they still couldn't do anything to Chen Feng, they could bring some restraint to Chen Feng.

So the real killer move hidden in the dark appeared, and it was also a poisonous insect, rushing in front of Chen Feng in the chaos.

At first, Chen Feng didn't care at all, and thought it was just one of the ordinary insects. When he saw the other party bite his skin, he realized that he was careless.

"The Great Emperor? Probably not." Chen Feng's thoughts turned, and a powerful force burst out from his body, knocking the poisonous insect out, but the other party was mixed into the chaos again.

The wound was slowly healing, and the poison was corroding Chen Feng's body. This time the poison was more than a hundred times stronger than before, and it could even affect Chen Feng's body.

However, when Chen Feng extracted the poison and integrated it into the Poison Avenue, the Poison Avenue began to boil.

"The quality is quite high, but it is a bit beyond my expectation. If I can swallow the other party, my Poison Avenue may break through one after another." Chen Feng felt the changes in the Poison Avenue, and directly extended the Avenue, and began to frantically devour the surrounding poisonous power.

And through the previous confrontation, Chen Feng also confirmed that the other party was not the Great Emperor, and his combat power was not too strong.

However, from the perspective of the poison, the opponent's strength is very strong. If an opponent cannot resolve this poison, even if his magic power is stronger than this poisonous insect, he will eventually suffer.

After all, if the other party bites you, the poison will continue to corrode your body, and the other party may drill into your body and cause some damage.

However, Chen Feng now thinks that he can deal with these two attacks from the other party. Although the other party can break Chen Feng's defense, it is only a little skin. If he wants to go deeper, he will be blocked by a harder block.

As for the other party's poison, that is exactly what Chen Feng needs.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng began to capture the other party's position. It must be said that the situation created by the other party is really hard to guard against. Chen Feng found it difficult to lock the other party's exact position for a while.

Of course, Chen Feng can completely solve the surrounding restraints, or swallow them, or dispel them, but in order to attract the other party, he did not do so, but showed signs of continuous struggle.

Finally, the poisonous insect found an opportunity again, and this time it actually bit Chen Feng's eyebrows.

It must be said that the other party's approach is actually very correct, and the attack is also intended to kill him with one blow.

But Chen Feng laughed. His head is very hard. Even if the other party can bite a little bit of skin, it can't drill through his skull.

Besides, the area between his eyebrows is very important, which cannot be compared with other places. The other party is simply sending it to the door.

The area between his eyebrows suddenly cracked, as if to welcome the other party in, but the next moment golden light spurted out, and the poisonous insect was submerged by the golden light. Not only could it not move forward, but its whole body was restrained.

This golden light merged Chen Feng's spirit and spirit, which was Chen Feng's most original power. The poisonous insect was not yet at the earth level, and was immediately dizzy and swollen. He could only struggle to rush out, but was pinched by Chen Feng's hand.

So the poisonous insect began to emit a strong poison, and soon Chen Feng's palm was dyed black.

But the next moment Chen Feng's palm returned to normal, not only that, but there was also a strong devouring power, which enveloped the poisonous insect this time.

This was the uncontrolled release of the poison in the poisonous insect.

"I was still thinking about how to find you, but I didn't expect you to be sent to my door like this. It was really smooth, a little beyond my expectations." Chen Feng said with a smile.


The poisonous avenue broke through, and Chen Feng's speed of swallowing the poison increased again, and Chen Feng's resistance to the poison became stronger.


The poisonous insect struggled to bite Chen Feng's palm and wanted to drill into the wound.

As Chen Feng had determined before, although the poisonous insect was drilling into the wound, it soon fell into a stronger bondage.

And as the toxicity in the body continued to weaken, the strength of the poisonous insect was also rapidly declining.

Until the end, all the poisons were plundered by Chen Feng, and the poisonous insect became transparent. Although its strength was still there, it naturally decreased greatly without the threat of toxicity, and then it was directly pinched to death by Chen Feng.

Next, Chen Feng's poisonous avenue was boiling and whirlpools appeared one by one. The special magic circle formed by the surrounding poisonous insects also began to collapse, and all were pulled into the whirlpool.

Until everything around was swallowed up, Chen Feng's poisonous avenue reached the limit of breakthrough again.

However, it was suppressed by Chen Feng. Although it can break through again, there are still some hidden dangers without thousands of tempers.

Chen Feng put away the poisonous avenue, and there seemed to be black air in his eyes.

The crazy swallowing just now still affected Chen Feng, but as the poison was suppressed in the avenue, Chen Feng quickly recovered as usual.

"Not bad, fortunately the opponent has not reached the level of the emperor, otherwise it would be a troublesome thing for me." Chen Feng said so. After all, it was still difficult for Chen Feng to deal with a great emperor in his current situation, not to mention that it was a very corrosive poison.

"So what other means are there next?" Chen Feng swept his eyes and saw some opponents.

In the previous battle with those poisonous insects, those opponents were also a little afraid of these poisonous powers, so they avoided them from a distance. Now that Chen Feng's surroundings have become empty, those opponents naturally stared at Chen Feng again.

"Why, you are afraid of those poisonous insects, but not afraid of me?" Chen Feng sneered.

Before, these lives were watching from a distance, and there was no interruption at all. It was because of this that Chen Feng was able to deal with the poisonous insect. Otherwise, if these Hunyuan rushed forward, Chen Feng really wouldn't get so many benefits.

As long as there is no emperor, Chen Feng knows what to do. Because of the previous swallowing of the emperor-level dead spirit, Chen Feng cannot use the power of origin, and even some magic weapons of the origin level cannot be used, so the opponent is changed to these above the Hunyuan, which is exactly what Chen Feng wants.

"Others should be fine." Although there is a melee now, and Chen Feng is indeed the first to take the lead, Chen Feng naturally does not want to see this area disintegrate, but when the real fight starts, Chen Feng still has to take care of his own strength first. As for the practitioners in the Tianshen area, Chen Feng can't take care of them, and they are stronger, so Chen Feng doesn't need to take care of them.

"This fight is probably more intense than before, so being able to survive is the first priority." Chen Feng said in a low voice.

One side of the sword formation, one side of the large formation, and the portals and killing weapons are interspersed back and forth. The overall look is that everyone is gathered together, which is also where Chen Feng is relieved. As long as everyone does not mess up, it means that they can compete with the opponent. Once they are dispersed, then they should consider what to do next.

The number of opponents is increasing, and new emperors are appearing from time to time. They attack the Tianshen area from all directions, and the Tianshen area finally realizes that the situation this time is different from the past, so the Tianshen area also begins to make some responses.

A space cracked, and a series of strong auras collided. Dozens of Hunyuan above appeared one after another. Although they did not form a magic circle, they also gathered into a torrent.

"It's not enough to just be above Hunyuan." Chen Feng frowned. The strength of these dozens of Hunyuan above is not bad. It seems that they have been practicing in seclusion. Now they rush out with murderous intent, which is also a great fighting force.

Suddenly, there was a violent collision, a loud noise, and a strong wave came from a distance in an instant, even Chen Feng was affected.

"What is this?"

Chen Feng was a little surprised, but soon figured it out. It turned out that a hidden emperor in the Tianshen area suddenly broke out and launched a sneak attack, which actually severely injured an invading emperor.

However, the invading emperor's means were also very good, and he had been prepared for a long time. After being injured, he fought back fiercely, and a collision occurred between the two sides.

"There is one more emperor. I hope this is just the beginning." In Chen Feng's opinion, there shouldn't be only these forces in the Heavenly God area.

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