Eternal Existence

Chapter 5416 Killing

The will of Chen Feng in front of him became stronger and stronger. Under the endless attacks, Chen Feng was exhausted, not to mention the special means of death that were similar to those of the other party.

Although Chen Feng's party came here as a guest, they have now become the vanguard, which also shows Chen Feng's general sincerity.

However, the portal and the killing weapon were indeed looming, and they did not rush to the front, because they were looking for a better opportunity to give Chen Feng a fatal blow.

The Void God and the Soul Emperor also did not make a move. The reason was very simple. The emperor in the opponent had not appeared yet, and the emperor in the God area had not been dispatched, so it was better to wait a little longer.

Sure enough, the development of things was the same as Chen Feng's guess. Attacks broke out in other places in the God area, and this time it was the emperor's breath that rose. At the beginning, the emperor took the initiative to join the battle.

Then the second area and the third direction all broke out.

The two sides soon fought.

Some emperors who were still in charge in the God area began to show their figures.

The pressure on Chen Feng's side not only did not weaken, but became more difficult because of the influx of Guixu power.

When these forces reach a certain level, hundreds of Hunyuan on the other side will start to charge.

Then there was a collision with the Hunyuan on Chen Feng's side, and dozens of Hunyuan on the Tianshen area not far away fought with a group of combat puppets that suddenly appeared.

These combat puppets look different, but there is a person behind them controlling them, which makes Chen Feng feel familiar, but there is no time to explore, and suddenly the emperor who has been fighting with him suddenly rushed in front of him.

The other party didn't want to entangle with Chen Feng anymore, and wanted to solve Chen Feng in close combat. This scene made Chen Feng almost laugh out loud.

To be honest, his will is a weak point. Since the other party is willing to fight in close combat, it is just what Chen Feng wants.

After the two sides fought, Chen Feng found that the emperor's body was very strong, and the other party was also good at close combat.

"No wonder he chose close combat. He has such strength, or he simply doesn't take me seriously." Chen Feng thought so, and then a dazzling golden light burst out. The whole person's momentum became stronger and stronger. With the Spear of Destiny in his hand, Chen Feng was not at a disadvantage at all.

"I didn't expect that I could fight a great emperor head-on so soon." Chen Feng was a little emotional. In fact, Chen Feng could do this before, but he was beaten back by the opponent after a few moves. Now Chen Feng can even get the upper hand.

And now it's not to the point of desperately fighting. Chen Feng also wants to see how strong the opponent is and want to get some benefits from the opponent.

And Chen Feng is not without a killer move, which requires the right opportunity to use.

Soon, a strong battle wave broke out on the side of the Second World, and the opponent also killed in front of him.

However, fighting here is a bit disadvantageous for the Heavenly God Area, because it will cause the Heavenly God Area to collapse continuously.

Perhaps some other Hunyuan above entering these areas will be suppressed, but for the emperor, this is not a problem at all.

"The other side has already sent out eight Chen Fengs. This is just the beginning. I think there will be the same number of Chen Fengs in the middle." The Second Emperor suddenly sent a message to Chen Feng.

"It sounds a bit scary, but even with so many Chen Fengs, I'm afraid they won't be able to take down the Heavenly God Area." Chen Feng quickly calculated again and said.

"Maybe it's just a conventional attack, maybe the other side will retreat soon. Of course, this is just one of the possibilities. The greater possibility is that the other side has a more powerful force hidden in the dark." The Second Emperor said.

Chen Feng and the Second Emperor were communicating, and suddenly the two of them came together. The Second Emperor used a special magical power to entangle the two opponents in a short period of time, while Chen Feng swung the Spear of Destiny and stabbed a great emperor fiercely.

The Spear of Destiny was originally an origin-level killing weapon, which was a fatal threat to Chen Feng.

What's more, Chen Feng also stored some of the power of the virtual and real emperors in the Spear of Destiny.

On the one hand, Chen Feng could not completely transform and absorb the power in a short period of time, and on the other hand, Chen Feng also wanted to keep some of the power and use it at a critical moment.

At this time, this opportunity has arrived.

It could have caused three points of injury, but with the explosion of the power of the Real and Virtual Emperor, the damage caused was doubled.

The emperor was pierced through the body.

Chen Feng's sudden explosion was shocking, and it also attracted a lot of attention.

And Chen Feng also immediately realized that there were still masters in the dark who had not appeared, because of his explosion, the opponent had fluctuated.

"What a pity." Chen Feng wanted to continue attacking, but was dodged by the opponent. He thought that if his power was stronger and could entangle the opponent, then he would swing the Spear of Destiny and hit the opponent a few more times, but it was possible to kill the opponent, or at least severely injure the opponent.

Although the opponent's body was penetrated just now, it did not achieve the effect that Chen Feng expected.

"Actually, it's not bad. The opponent's combat effectiveness has been affected." The Second World was somewhat satisfied.

I didn't expect to severely injure the opponent, and the result now is already very good.

The two cooperated, and the Second World once again used various magical powers to create opportunities for Chen Feng, but the opponent quickly adjusted, playing to his strengths and avoiding his weaknesses, and did not give Chen Feng the opportunity to be stabbed by the Spear of Destiny.


This is Chen Feng's trump card. He thought he could seize the opportunity to injure his opponent, but now it seems that he thought too well.

"But I also have the power to protect myself." Chen Feng also noticed that although it was difficult to stab the opponent again, the opponent did not dare to get too close to Chen Feng, for fear of being stabbed by Chen Feng.

"If the real body of the Real and Virtual Emperor appears, wouldn't it be easy to sweep away these emperors?" Chen Feng had this idea again, and felt that the Real and Virtual Emperor was more and more powerful and could not be resisted.

"Could it be that he used some means on me during the previous confrontation, something like the Heart Demon Dao Seed, otherwise why do I always have such thoughts." Chen Feng thought, and a sword emerged from the depths of his mind. With a sword sweeping across, part of the thoughts were torn into pieces.

In fact, this is just a simple little trick. When Chen Feng just started practicing, he knew this method. At that time, he used it to kill some heart demons so that he could practice better.

What is being killed now is the influence of the Real and Virtual Emperor.

Chen Feng dare not underestimate the opponent at all. You must know that the second generation was affected at the beginning and even forgot the existence of the Real and Virtual Emperor.

After killing these thoughts, Chen Feng seemed to feel that his thinking became more flexible. Although it was just a gap similar to an illusion, Chen Feng still clearly sensed it. At the same time as the strength changed, Chen Feng also understood that his calculation was correct, and the opponent did affect him.

"But even so, I am not a match for a great emperor. Being able to fight to this extent has made me a great progress in this period of time." Chen Feng said secretly.

Chen Feng's cultivation speed has always been very fast. After fusing several second-generation clones, the whole person has also undergone some changes, resulting in subtle changes in the process of cultivation, but also becoming more powerful.

The only regret for Chen Feng is that his second-generation clones are still not strong enough compared to his original body, but fortunately Chen Feng has many clones, and there is still time in the future.

The second generation suddenly broke out, providing Chen Feng with an opportunity again. Chen Feng hurried forward to seize the opportunity to severely injure the opponent. Who knew that he fell into the opponent's trap. Although he successfully killed out, he was separated from the second generation, and it became a one-on-one situation as before.

"I thought you had some other means, but it turns out it's just this." Chen Feng laughed, and at the same time felt that the Heavenly God Area was shaking more violently. He knew that the fighting between the two warring parties was getting more intense, and the number of participants was also increasing.

Although the giants' cultivators said that this was often the case before, Chen Feng still had no idea. Could this area really handle such a big commotion? Would it be torn apart?

"Actually, it's okay to be torn apart. As long as people are still there, we can open up a new area. What we are afraid of is being completely defeated by the other party." Chen Feng felt the strength of his opponent and had to worry about the Heavenly God Area.

The space cracked, and a group of undead suddenly appeared and rushed straight to Chen Feng.

"The undead also joined the battle. Isn't this the special area? Could it be that the Real and the False Emperor is also going to join the battle?" Chen Feng's heart trembled. This was not good.

There were Dao runes evolving in Chen Feng's eyes. The previous breakthrough made Chen Feng's pupil technique stronger. It seemed that all the undead were covered, but in fact, he was not sure in his heart. He was not sure whether there were undead of the emperor level hiding in the dark.

"How many dead spirits has the Emperor Xu Shi cultivated?" Chen Feng sighed. This is also an old opponent. However, Chen Feng is not afraid of these dead spirits. He is even confident that he can get rid of all of them, unless there are dead spirits of the emperor level hiding in the dark.

But he couldn't even deal with the emperor, and this new force is really tricky.

However, to Chen Feng's surprise, the emperor chose to leave when Chen Feng was entangled by the dead spirits. Chen Feng saw clearly that the other party rushed directly into the God area.

"Ah, it turned out to be like this." Chen Feng shook his head. Compared with his opponent, the other party was more anxious to kill into the God area. Could it be that there was something more important in the God area, or did the other party want to completely put the battlefield in the God area.

However, no matter how much Chen Feng thought, the most important thing at the moment was to get rid of these dead spirits.

"More and more opponents, this is not a good thing." Every time the Spear of Destiny in Chen Feng's hand stabbed out, a dead spirit would be killed.

Compared with the Great Emperor, these undead spirits are indeed a little weaker. Whether it is the Spear of Destiny itself or the power of the Great Emperor of Reality and Fakeness contained in it, they can bring fatal blows to these undead spirits.

"This is the gap after comparing with the masters." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand and grabbed. The scattered undead spirits drilled into the vortex in Chen Feng's palm.

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