Eternal Existence

Chapter 5415 Demon Seed

"These are the three emperors, but it's definitely not enough." Chen Feng felt that his will had been cultivated to such a level. Although he was at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the emperor, he was not as vulnerable as other Hunyuan.

Soon Chen Feng saw a transparent silk net coming out of thin air, trying to cover him. Chen Feng was a little confused. What kind of attack was this?

It didn't seem to come from will, nor from other power attacks. It looked a little illusory, but he knew that it would be very troublesome once he was covered.

So a flame emerged from Chen Feng's head, and a monster with fangs and claws wanted to tear the transparent stockings into pieces.

Who knew that the transparent silk net suddenly shrank and actually covered the flame monster in it. With a sizzling sound, the flame monster turned into energy and dissipated.

This silk net covered Chen Feng again, so Chen Feng was a little passive, and the opponent's will took the opportunity to suppress him.

Seeing that the silk net was in front of him, Chen Feng had no choice but to swing his fist and wanted to blow up the opponent.

Who knew that this time the silk screen became very illusory and directly drilled into Chen Feng's body, so Chen Feng felt the all-pervasive binding force trying to bind his own power.

"This attack is really special." Chen Feng carefully experienced it, and then his heart burst out vigorously, and the powerful force collided back and forth in his body, affecting Chen Feng's binding force, and was instantly cleared away.

Although this special method was solved, Chen Feng had to admit that this method was indeed useful, especially in the process of fighting with the opponent, suddenly saying this, it is really possible to change the whole battle.

For example, Chen Feng was suppressed by the opponent's will, and almost injured Chen Feng.

Similarly, the opponent did not expect Chen Feng to resolve the attack of the silk screen so quickly, but the opponent's attack was still lingering, trying to cover Chen Feng from the will, and at the same time the transparent silk screen appeared again.

On the other side, the second generation also encountered the same situation as Chen Feng. Sure enough, the second generation's breath fluctuated violently, but fortunately, it also resisted.

Just as Chen Feng and the Second World were fighting each other, the space of Guixu suddenly exploded, and rolling energy began to collide and crowd the Heavenly God area.

This was like the direct invasion of the Origin. Now Guixu also began to use its power to cover this area.

"Sure enough, Guixu intervened, and it seemed to be a big deal, so the remaining forces obviously reached an agreement with Guixu." Chen Feng could feel that Guixu was not just taking advantage of the situation this time.

The other party obviously had a plan in advance, but Chen Feng tried his best to stop a great emperor. After Chen Feng came down, he had fulfilled his responsibility, and the Second World could also entangle a great emperor of the other side.

Moreover, with the hundreds of Hunyuan under his command, plus the Gate of Time and Space, even if there were two more great emperors, they could still stop them.

Besides, there were the Void God and the Soul Earth, who could deal with two opponents of the same level, or even multiple great emperors.

So Chen Feng was a little curious. If his side could withstand so many forces, plus the stronger Heavenly God area, how strong would the opponent be this time?

After thinking about it, Chen Feng became more cautious, and at the same time he notified others not to rush to the front so early.

Chen Feng was still secretly communicating with the Gate of Origin, wanting to ask for its opinion.

There was such a big commotion here, the Gate of Origin must know about it, maybe the Gate of Origin will make some calculations behind the scenes, and may get some benefits.

But the Gate of Origin did not respond, and Chen Feng did not have too much energy to communicate.

The will of Chen Feng in front of him became stronger and stronger. Under the endless attacks, Chen Feng was exhausted, not to mention the special means of death that the other party had to deal with.

Although Chen Feng's party came here as a guest, they have now become the vanguard, which also shows Chen Feng's general sincerity.

However, the portal and the killing weapon are indeed looming, and they did not rush to the front, because they are looking for a better opportunity to give Chen Feng a fatal blow.

The Void God and the Soul Emperor also did not take action. The reason is very simple. The emperor in the opponent has not appeared yet, and the emperor in the God area has not been dispatched, so it is better to wait a little longer.

As expected, the development of the matter was the same as Chen Feng's guess. Attacks broke out in other places in the God of Heaven area, and this time the aura of the Great Emperor rose. The Great Emperor took the initiative to join the battle at the beginning.

Then the second area and the third direction all broke out attacks.

The two sides soon started fighting.

Some of the Great Emperors who were still in charge in the God of Heaven area began to show their figures.

The pressure on Chen Feng's side did not weaken, but became more difficult because of the influx of Guixu power.

When these forces reached a certain level, hundreds of Hunyuan on the other side began to charge.

Then there was a collision with the Hunyuan on Chen Feng's side, and dozens of Hunyuan on the God of Heaven area not far away fought with a group of combat puppets that suddenly appeared.

These combat puppets looked different, but there was a person behind them controlling them, which gave Chen Feng a familiar taste, but there was no time to explore, and suddenly the Great Emperor who had been fighting with him suddenly rushed in front of him.

The other party didn't want to tangle with Chen Feng anymore and wanted to deal with Chen Feng in close combat. This scene almost made Chen Feng laugh out loud.

To be honest, his willpower was weak. Since the other party was willing to fight in close combat, it was just what Chen Feng wanted.

After the two sides had fought, Chen Feng found that the emperor's body was very strong, and the other party was also very good at close combat.

"No wonder he chose close combat. It turns out that he has such strength, or he didn't take me seriously at all." Chen Feng thought so, and then a dazzling golden light burst out. The whole person's momentum became stronger and stronger. Coupled with the Spear of Destiny in his hand, Chen Feng was not at all inferior.

"I didn't expect that I could fight a great emperor head-on so soon." Chen Feng was a little emotional. In fact, Chen Feng could do this before, but he was beaten back by the opponent after a few moves. Now Chen Feng can even get the upper hand.

And now it's not to the point of desperately fighting. Chen Feng also wants to see how strong the opponent is and wants to get some benefits from the opponent.

And Chen Feng is not without a killer move, which requires the right opportunity to use.

Soon, a strong battle wave broke out from the Second Emperor, and the opponent also rushed to the front.

However, fighting here is not good for the Heavenly God Area, because it will cause the Heavenly God Area to collapse continuously.

Perhaps some other Hunyuan above entering these areas will be suppressed, but for the Great Emperor, this is not a problem at all.

"The other party has dispatched eight Chen Fengs, and this is just the beginning. I think there will be the same number of Chen Fengs in the middle." The Second Emperor suddenly sent a message to Chen Feng.

"It sounds a bit scary, but even with so many Chen Fengs, I am afraid that they can't take down the Heavenly God Area." Chen Feng quickly calculated again and said.

"Maybe it's just a conventional attack, maybe the opponent will retreat soon. Of course, this is just one of the possibilities. The greater possibility is that the opponent has a more powerful force hidden in the dark." The Second Emperor said.

Chen Feng and the Second Emperor were communicating, and suddenly the two of them gathered together. The Second Emperor used a special magical power to entangle the two opponents in a short period of time, while Chen Feng swung the Spear of Destiny and stabbed a Great Emperor fiercely.

The Spear of Destiny was originally a killing weapon of the origin level, which was a fatal threat to Chen Feng.

Moreover, Chen Feng also stored some of the power of the Real and Virtual Emperor in the Spear of Destiny.

On the one hand, Chen Feng could not completely transform and absorb the power in a short period of time, and on the other hand, Chen Feng also wanted to keep some of the power and use it at a critical moment.

At this time, the opportunity came.

It could have caused three points of injury, but with the outbreak of the power of the Real and Virtual Emperor, the damage caused was directly doubled.

The emperor was pierced through the body.

Chen Feng's sudden outbreak was shocking, and it also attracted a bunch of eyes.

And Chen Feng also immediately realized that there were still masters in the other party who had not appeared, because of his outbreak, the other party had fluctuated.

"What a pity." Chen Feng wanted to continue attacking, but was dodged by the other party. He thought that if his power was stronger and could entangle the other party, then he would swing the Spear of Destiny and hit the other party a few more times, but it was really possible to kill the other party, or at least severely injure him.

Although he had penetrated the other party's body just now, it did not achieve the effect that Chen Feng expected.

"It's not bad actually. The opponent's fighting power has been affected." The Second Emperor was somewhat satisfied.

I didn't expect to severely injure the opponent in the first place, and the result now is already very good.

The two cooperated, and the Second Emperor once again used various magical powers to create opportunities for Chen Feng, but the opponent also quickly adjusted, playing to his strengths and avoiding his weaknesses, and did not give Chen Feng any chance to stab with the Spear of Destiny.

"What a pity!"

This was Chen Feng's trump card. He thought he could seize the opportunity to severely injure the opponent, but now it seems that he thought too well.

"But it also has the power to protect himself." Chen Feng also noticed that although it was difficult to stab the opponent again, the opponent did not dare to get too close to Chen Feng, for fear of being stabbed by Chen Feng.

"If the real body of the Real and Virtual Emperor appeared, wouldn't it be easy to sweep these emperors." Chen Feng had this idea again, and felt that the Real and Virtual Emperor was more and more powerful and could not be resisted.

"Could it be that he used some kind of trick on me during the previous battle, something like the Demonic Heart Seed? Otherwise, why do I always have such thoughts?" As Chen Feng thought about it, a sword emerged from the depths of his mind. With a sweep of the sword, part of his thoughts were torn into pieces.

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