Eternal Existence

Chapter 5414: Grit your teeth

So Chen Feng also went through constant adjustments and repaired the impact from his will. The most important thing for Chen Feng was to comprehend the Great Dao. So Chen Feng didn't care too much about your cultivation and the growth of his magic power.

Because as time goes by, he has to keep getting stronger in this aspect.

Chen Feng returned to his residence, and before he had time to sit down, the Second World came to him.

It turned out that the Second World knew that Chen Feng had been here before, but he had reached a critical moment in his cultivation, so he didn't come out. Seeing Chen Feng coming back, he naturally came to ask.

"It's nothing, just a casual walk to see how far the Taoists have cultivated." Chen Feng said.

In fact, Chen Feng could see without Second World saying more that Second World still hadn't reached the level of the Great Emperor, but his previous injuries had recovered.

"It's actually possible to break through, but it's a bit reluctant, and it still takes some time to accumulate." Second World said.

"Don't worry, the years of cultivation are endless." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I have some questions I want to ask you."

"I don't deserve your advice, let's communicate with each other."

While Chen Feng was communicating with the Second World, the God of Nothingness and the Emperor of Soul were fighting against each other.

Whether it was the Emperor of Soul or the current God of Nothingness, neither of them was weak among the emperors, and they could even be called masters, but in this battle of emperors, neither of them had gained an advantage from the beginning to now.

When Chen Feng couldn't contact them, the two entered a special area and met several emperors.

If they were really emperors, the two didn't care, after all, the God of Nothingness now had an emperor's clone, and the Emperor of Soul relied on his soul to be invincible.

But the two encountered the same situation as Chen Feng and the others before, that is, the continuous attack from the Emperor of Void and Reality.

Such a powerful existence can severely damage the emperor with its will alone. Even the stronger God of Nothingness and the Emperor of Soul suffered a lot when they encountered it, after all, the two were still in the battle of emperors.

Therefore, the fight between the two sides lasted for a long time, until Chen Feng and others left this special area and entered the area opened up by the giants to recuperate, the fight between the two sides still did not stop.

During this process, the two people can be said to have used various means and magical powers, and even thought about leaving this place, but they did not succeed. Even the always confident Soul Emperor became less confident.

Since cultivating into a life, the Soul Emperor has always been full of confidence. No matter where he goes, he has a transcendent attitude.

But this time he met a real master, or a master that the Soul Emperor had never imagined.

The other party is not strong if he does not even show his sincerity. The Soul Emperor admitted with some frustration that if the other party's carefulness appears, he is not an opponent at all, even if he joins hands with the God of Nothingness.

"I wonder if we can fight against the opponent if we join hands with the Gate of Origin? But how is it possible? Why is there such a powerful existence? The Great Emperor level should be the highest level, and the opponent should also be in this category, or has the opponent reached this level after a long period of accumulation? Since the opponent can become so powerful, can I also cultivate to this level in the future?" The Soul Emperor thought about this question secretly while fighting.

It has to be said that at this level, in addition to being shocked by the opponent's strength, he never underestimated himself and thought about how to make himself stronger?

However, although he had this idea, the Soul Emperor knew that it would be difficult for him to become so strong. Even if he experienced the same long years before, he would not reach this level.

The gap between the two sides is too obvious.

"It's not a good idea to fight like this. My mana cultivation is consumed too quickly." The God of Nothingness couldn't bear it.

After all, there is a certain gap between the God of Nothingness and the Soul Emperor, and the external force of the Emperor's clone was even more consumed.

"The opponent is entangled tightly, and it is in this special area. It is not so easy to leave here." The Soul Emperor said.

Before, the Soul Emperor used the soul exploration technique to find the way out, but after breaking through the layers of obstacles, he was still stopped by the opponent, or he did not leave the area created by the opponent at all.

However, the Soul Emperor is powerful after all, and he is not as anxious as the God of Nothingness. If it really comes to an irreversible critical moment, the Soul Emperor is confident that he can still fight his way out. Now he is entangled with the opponent just because he does not want to pay too much price.

"Hey, I'm afraid I can't hold on for long." The God of Nothingness sighed.

The Soul Emperor frowned: "In this case, it seems that some price needs to be paid."

Just when the two wanted to use means to kill out, two breaths burst out in the distance, directly breaking the barrier here, and then the space began to collapse.

When the God of Nothingness and the Soul Emperor first felt the two breaths, they were still a little worried, but then they knew that their helpers had come.

"Strange breath, where did this helper come from?" The God of Nothingness and the Soul Emperor felt a little strange.

"Let's fight our way out first."

"It's not that easy to fight our way out now. We have two more helpers. Maybe we can defeat the enemy in one fell swoop."

As expected, they were two great emperors. They came very quickly and rushed into the battlefield in the blink of an eye. With a joint attack, one of the great emperors collapsed along with the surrounding space.


The God of Nothingness finally felt relieved, and the injuries on his body began to heal quickly.

"The breath of the Gate of Origin?" The Great Emperor of the Heart sensed something and immediately understood that these were the helpers found by the Gate of Origin, but these two great emperors seemed to be from the Gate of Origin, which was a bit interesting.

"It is not advisable to entangle, two Taoist friends, let's leave here first." One of the great emperors shouted.

The God of Nothingness and the Great Emperor of the Heart were a little disappointed, but since the other party said so, there must be a reason.

"Then let's leave."

The four of them joined forces and finally killed their way out of this area and entered the Guixu, and those opponents did not chase them.

"I am the God of Nothingness, thank you for your help." The God of Nothingness expressed his gratitude.

"We are also entrusted by others." One of the great emperors said with a smile.

Through a simple exchange, the God of Nothingness knew the details of the two great emperors.

Emperor Taishi, Emperor Jiuling.

They are indeed from the Gate of Origin.

If Chen Feng were here, he would know more.

"Changtian and others are in the Heavenly God area. You can go there to have a look. We have something else to do, so we will leave first."

The two sides did not communicate much, and Emperor Taishi and Emperor Jiuling chose to leave.

Emperor Xinling looked calm, but the God of Nothingness was thoughtful.

Although the help of the two saved them from danger, the God of Nothingness still secretly understood the strength of the two emperors.

Of course, they are not as strong as Emperor Xinling, and may be stronger than himself, but not necessarily.

The God of Nothingness did not feel threatened by them.

"It seems that the Gate of Origin also has its own ideas, so where should we go next, and should we continue to venture?" The God of Nothingness asked after thinking.

The Soul Emperor pondered for a moment, then said: "Let's go to the Heavenly God area. We have been wandering in this special area for a while, and it's time to take a break. I have a hunch that if we continue, we may encounter more dangerous things."

The Void God remembered the previous fight against the will of the mysterious existence, and nodded, and the Void God was also a little strange about the current situation of Chen Feng and others.

"Could it be that they were also rescued by someone?"

The Great Emperor Taishi and his companions left a route when they left, so the Soul Emperor and the Void God did not go the wrong way.

It's just that walking in Guixu will encounter such incredible things.

The two happened to meet the group of practitioners in Guixu, but now there are much fewer people. It is obvious that Chen Feng and others were not dealt with before, and then everyone went their separate ways and went home.

"The practitioners in Guixu, they fought before." Void God said.

"Yes, there is indeed the breath of Changtian and others, but there are four emperors here, which is not easy to deal with." The Soul Emperor looked dim.

In addition to the four emperors, there are also some above Hunyuan, which is a considerable force, but the Soul Emperor is not afraid. In comparison, the opponent he met before is stronger.

After seeing the strength of the Real and Real Emperor, ordinary emperors are no longer so powerful.


The opponent naturally saw the strength of the Soul Emperor and the God of Nothingness, and even guessed where the two came from.

However, these emperors were also a little depressed. Before, their side was strong, but just part of the force was gone, otherwise the six emperors could completely deal with the two in front of them.

However, although they were sure to gain the upper hand, they were not sure to kill the opponent, especially since there were so many above Hunyuan on their side. If they cooperated well, they would be a powerful force, otherwise they would be a burden.

"Do it."

The Soul Emperor has already released the mind technique. In this regard, the Soul Emperor is still relatively advantageous. Sure enough, dealing with four emperors at the same time made the opponent feel pressure.

"It turned out to be a master." The four emperors were also shocked. They did not expect the strength of the Soul Emperor to be beyond imagination.


The Void God also stepped forward, and soon the two sides fought each other.

"It would be better if Emperor Taishi and the others hadn't left." The Void God thought so.

The two sides didn't fight for long. When Emperor Xinling felt something was wrong, he burst out his mind skills with all his strength, and then left quickly with the Void God.

Sure enough, not long after the two left, the two emperors who had separated before came back. The other side gathered together to discuss and decided not to chase.

"They didn't catch up. It seems that the other side is also on guard." Emperor Xinling and the Void God slowed down a little.

"They should have gathered together under the control of Guixu's will, but it is also destined that they will not fight us under Guixu's order." The Emperor Xinling said.

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