Eternal Existence

Chapter 5413 Helper

"Why did you change positions?" Second World asked curiously.

"The pursuers came very quickly." Chen Feng said.

"We are at a disadvantage in the opponent's field, not to mention that there are many emperors in the opponent. Hey, the opponent did not use the will to attack remotely. He wanted to find us and catch us all in one fell swoop. He didn't want to alert the enemy so early."

"How many emperors are there on the other side? Are there more helpers?" Second World did not communicate with the Gate of Origin, so he naturally didn't know the specific situation.

But Chen Feng could learn some news about the opponent through the Gate of Origin.

"I don't know the details, but according to the news from the Gate of Origin, it can be shown that the opponent's strength is far greater than ours. Otherwise, we don't have to run around now." Chen Feng said.

"That's right. It seems that our situation is a bit bad next." Although Second World is much stronger than before, he has no confidence.

"The opponent has firmly targeted us. In this case, even with the help of the long river of time, I am afraid we can't escape, so we can only move forward and enter the area mentioned by the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng said.

"It can only be like this." The Second World sighed, but the next moment a beam of light came through time and space and directly reached the top of the Second World's head.

This scene scared Chen Feng and the Second World, and they thought they were attacked, but then they knew what happened.

It turned out to be the power transmitted by the Gate of Origin. The Second World hesitated for a moment but chose to accept it.

Then Chen Feng found that the aura of the Second World was rising steadily, directly entering the level of the Great Emperor.

"Okay!" Chen Feng nodded. The Second World's strength was raised to the level of the Great Emperor, and he could better deal with the next danger.

But it was still not enough, and he still couldn't stop the opponent's Great Emperor.

So he needed to keep moving forward.

In this way, the direction was constantly changed, and the pursuers behind seemed to be unable to bear it, and two wills came in an overwhelming manner.

For the Great Emperor, he could have attacked long ago, but he just needed a good opportunity. Now the other party was unwilling to delay any longer.

The two Great Emperors who took action were the last ones transferred by Guixu. The other party had never fought with Chen Feng and the others, and did not know the strength of Chen Feng and the others, so they had wanted to take action a long time ago, but they waited until now because they saw that the others did not move.

Chen Feng and the Second World attacked together and defeated the opponent's overwhelming will, but the opponent followed closely and continued to attack.

Chen Feng and the Second World could only stay at the end to fight the opponent.

After fighting for several rounds, they finally came to the area mentioned by the Gate of Origin.

Without time to think, everyone rushed in.

Because the pursuers behind were getting closer and closer, and the number of emperors who attacked had also increased to four, Chen Feng and the Second World were somewhat unable to resist.

"Don't be the same as before." It must be said that Chen Feng had a shadow on this insect tide, or a shadow on the Real and Real Emperor behind the insect tide.

So Chen Feng meant that this area should not be opened up by the Real and Real Emperor.

But then again, if you can open up an area in Guixu and not be completely covered by Guixu, then this method can be imagined, and ordinary people can't do it.

As the thought flashed, Chen Feng had begun to explore the area in front of him. There was another cave here, with a power different from Guixu, which also made Chen Feng feel a little relieved.

In short, this time is better than the special area we went to before. Everyone did not encounter danger right away, but once the pursuers behind arrived, the result was still the same.

So the situation in front of us is very entangled.

However, Chen Feng thought that this area should not be as simple as he saw. After all, it can resist the invasion of Guixu, and since the Gate of Origin asked him to come here, there must be a reason.

To put it bluntly, Chen Feng still believes in the Gate of Origin.

"You can set up traps here and wait for the other party to arrive." At this time, he received news from the Gate of Origin again.

"Set up traps and fight the other party?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. He had just arrived here and had not explored it clearly, and he had to start preparing to deal with the pursuers behind.

Is it because the pursuers behind came too fast, or is there another reason.

"Will there be our helpers here?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

But now Chen Feng can only choose to believe in the Gate of Origin, so Chen Feng gave an order, and everyone stopped and began to set up the magic circle.

It is impossible to set up traps, and there is no time, so we can only prepare for the battle.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's speed was not as fast as expected, and Chen Feng and others really made some preparations.

Countless magic arrays were hidden in the void, and some Hunyuan above who were good at sneak attacks also disappeared.

Although Chen Feng knew that he might not be able to sneak attack the opponent, it would be helpful to be better.

The pursuers finally arrived, and there were six emperors in the front. This force alone was enough to wipe out everything.

Chen Feng and the Second World looked at each other, and they could see the solemnity and guilt in each other's eyes.

Can't deal with it.

It's impossible to deal with it!

"Several major portals can deal with one, the Sword of the End can deal with one, and the Second World and I can deal with one emperor each. In this way, the opponent has two more emperors, not to mention hundreds of Hunyuan above, and several origin-level existences. Haha, this is basically the configuration of the origin war." Chen Feng calculated secretly.

Even some origin wars did not have so many emperors.

"When did the Great Emperor become worthless?" said the Second World.

"Didn't Daoyou encounter this situation in your previous life?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"I must have encountered so many Great Emperors, but I haven't faced so many Great Emperors. Are you sure we have a chance here, or are the Great Emperor of the Heart lying in ambush in the dark?" asked the Second World.

"Ahem, if the God of Nothingness and the Great Emperor of the Heart were here, I wouldn't be so worried, but I still believe in the Gate of Origin, maybe the situation will change next." Chen Feng forced a smile.

"Change? Don't tell me that we have helpers here." The Second World couldn't help but say that he had just received the blessing of the Gate of Origin and entered the level of the Great Emperor. He thought he was full of confidence, but now he was extremely calm, even his heart was cold.

There was no danger in this area, but no helpers were seen, and the opponent was already in front of him.

"Everything is ready, it's too late to leave now." Chen Feng said, taking the initiative to stand in the front, and at the same time, the Dao clones and combat puppets that could be used were released.

It can be said that the picture is very impactful.

One person represents a battle formation.

However, the Second Emperor sighed, but still stretched out his hand and grabbed a sword from the void.

Like the long sword before, it is also an origin-level weapon. After the emperor's fighting power is restored, some sealed weapons can also be taken out to show their power.

The door is looming, and the killing weapons are shuttling back and forth secretly. It seems that everyone is waiting for it.

But when the emperor really kills, the pressure that almost condenses into substance makes everyone on Chen Feng's side tremble in their hearts, worrying whether they can block the opponent's attack.

And it was only two emperors who took action.

It was the two emperors who came later. They didn't seem to take Chen Feng's side seriously, and they seemed to have made a deal with Guixu, so they took the lead.

Chi Chi Chi!

The Wheel of Destruction, the Spear of All Evil, and the Spear of Judgment instantly tore through the space and launched a crazy attack on one of the emperors.

The White Mirror Swordsman and other swordsmen urged the sword formation to block another emperor.

With three origin-level swords as the core and many swordsmen, the power of the sword formation is still very strong.

Chen Feng and the Second Emperor looked at the other opponents with serious eyes.

These two emperors were just appetizers, and the main event was coming.

"Two Taoist friends, we meet again." One of the emperors greeted.

"It seems that you are going to fight to the death?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"There is no way. We take money from others to help them eliminate disasters. What's more, we are originally practitioners in Guixu. If it were before, there would be no conflict. Who made you offend the will of Guixu this time?" The emperor said.

Although everyone had a short-term common enemy before, they did not give up their original goal.

That is to deal with Chen Feng, an outsider.

Everyone didn't have any friendship, so there was no psychological burden to take action.

Especially after some more helpers, the power comparison between the two sides changed.

So, let's continue the previous task and kill these outsiders.

There was nothing to say between the two sides. Chen Feng and the Second Emperor each faced an emperor.

The four portals went to deal with the remaining two emperors, and they were completely at a disadvantage as soon as they came into contact.

"What a treasure." One of the emperors wanted to suppress the Gate of Time and Space directly, and the Gate of Time and Space tried its best to resolve the seemingly simple attack of the opponent.

Hundreds of the opponent's Hunyuan Above also rushed up, and the practitioners on Chen Feng's side could not resist at all, not to mention that the opponent also had the origin level.

"Is the Gate of Origin not going to take action?" Chen Feng had the Dao clone and the battle puppet around him, and he fought back and forth with the emperor, and it even seemed that Chen Feng was more active.

However, Chen Feng was also observing other situations on the battlefield. Seeing that his side was defeated, Chen Feng had to send out the battle puppet, so that he could also block some Hunyuan Above.

But that was all. Without the battle puppet, Chen Feng and the Dao clone alone would be under pressure to fight against a great emperor.

Fortunately, Chen Feng had experience in this area, so he could still withstand it. As for besieging and killing the opponent like before, it was a bit difficult, because the great emperor in front of him was quite powerful, and Chen Feng's previous injuries had not fully recovered, so his combat power had not recovered to the peak.

"It would be good even if we could get the blessing of the Gate of Origin, but the opponent can also get the blessing of Guixu, so what exactly does the Gate of Origin rely on to let us come here?" Chen Feng was also very curious at this time.

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