Eternal Existence

Chapter 5409 Sword Formation

"You should go deal with those lands, why did you come to me first?" Chen Feng didn't know if he was honored or not.

"But if that's all, I'm afraid you still can't trap me." Chen Feng said with a smile, the sword energy was everywhere. Although the attack encountered this time was relatively powerful, it was still cut into pieces. In comparison, the more difficult ones were the power of the mind and the power of destruction, but Chen Feng still took it hard.

Then Chen Feng locked a direction and the long sword in his hand flew out directly, turning into a long river of sword energy, rushing forward with great momentum, and forcibly tore a passage.

This sword contains enough powerful power, there is no need to worry that the stone will weaken in a short time, unless the opponent has a stronger power to block it.

The reason why Chen Feng threw the long sword in his hand was to burst out other powers, otherwise, Chen Feng would not be too sure with this sword alone.

Chen Feng took out the Spear of Destiny again, just a few simple thrusts, and the surroundings kept exploding. Those extremely sticky powers could not get close to Chen Feng at all and were dispersed all at once.

Chen Feng quickly chased after the long sword, and was about to rush out of the magic circle, when suddenly the eyeball he had encountered before appeared again.

For a moment, Chen Feng was shrouded in coldness and danger, but this time Chen Feng had some experience. He released his thoughts in the first time, and the next moment Chen Feng entered a state similar to being frozen.

Some of the thoughts that Chen Feng burst out entered the long sword in front of him, and the other part turned into Chen Feng's clones.

These clones are usually used to suppress their own magic weapons and weapons, and the spear of destiny in Fei's hand is also constantly vibrating.

Finally, the long sword returned, and the clones burst out, blocking the attacks from all sides, and successfully awakened Chen Feng.

The moment Chen Feng regained consciousness, sweat seemed to flow out of his body. It must be said that the scene just now scared Chen Feng.

Before, there was a second generation beside him to wake up Chen Feng, but this time there was no one, and he relied entirely on his own strength.

Fortunately, he acted decisively at the critical moment, otherwise, Chen Feng believed that he might be trapped here forever unless someone came to rescue him.

Even if he has recovered his consciousness now, his whole body is still in a state of being affected, and his aura is a little weak, so he naturally cannot burst out his peak combat power.

And because of awakening Chen Feng, both his clone and the two super-powerful weapons were also affected and became a little weak.

Fortunately, these two weapons are both at the origin level. They were held in Chen Feng's hands and quickly returned to normal, but the dense chains and criss-crossing realizations similar to laws have surrounded Chen Feng layer by layer.

He couldn't even break out of the formation before, and now it's like a mosquito trapped in a spider web, and it's even more difficult to break out.

Chen Feng doesn't even have much confidence.

"I didn't expect the will of the other party to leave someone behind would erupt again. Was it the other party's personal action or was it simply the will of the person left behind?" Chen Feng was a little puzzled. He had to say that this was the most powerful emperor Chen Feng had ever encountered. The other party's methods were too magical. He was also well-informed and experienced in many battles. He almost got hit twice in a row. If there was no one around him the first time, he would have been hit the first time.

Chen Feng felt a little uneasy. If the other party could use this method once or twice, then it was possible to use it three or four times. This was even when he was so powerful that he almost couldn't resist it. If it was replaced by other Hunyuan, he would probably die right away.

Chen Feng wanted to pass this message on to let everyone know that it was best not to act alone, but to leave this magic circle first.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and held the two original weapons and began to rush forward. He didn't care about the consumption of mana, but just wanted to kill first.

Just as Chen Feng was moving forward, reinforcements appeared.

The shadow of the Gate of Space and Time appeared, and the Second World came out with several Hunyuan Above. As soon as they came out, they suppressed the four directions, which greatly reduced Chen Feng's pressure.

"Why are you here?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that they could actually fight out of the layers of encirclement. Even with the help of the Gate of Space and Time, it might not be easy.

In addition to the Second World, there were eight Hunyuan Above, all of whom were the best. After arriving, they arranged a battle formation, and the Second World quickly joined Chen Feng.

"It was the Gate of Space and Time that brought us here. It seems that something is wrong with your situation here." The Second World said.

"Be careful, I was attacked by the Emperor of Reality and Reality again just now, and I was almost sealed up, so I need to tell other Taoist friends not to act separately." Chen Feng said.

The Second World was about to speak, but suddenly his face was stupid, and then he began to struggle, but it was useless. It was obvious that he was trapped in a special situation.

Chen Feng immediately knew that the Second World had also been attacked in that way.

"Wake up!"

Chen Feng shouted loudly, and his will struck the Second World like thunder. As a result, the Second World trembled, cracks appeared on his body, and blood flowed out of the cracks.

A strong force rebounded to Chen Feng. When Chen Feng and the Second World turned around before, the Second World bled from all seven orifices, but this time it was Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng's body was stronger than the Second World, so Chen Feng's injuries were slightly lighter and still within the tolerable range. In comparison, the Second World's injuries were more serious.

You have to know that the Second World is close to the level of the Great Emperor.

"What if it was another Hunyuan? What would happen? I can't even imagine it." Chen Feng was expecting the other party to continue to attack him, and not use this method on other companions.

"Leave this area immediately." Chen Feng said.

"So powerful, I finally understand what you felt before." The Second said.

"Although we are injured, and it seems that the opponent's methods are indeed amazing, but if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem too strong, otherwise it can completely solve us, that is to say, we can block the opponent's attack." Chen Feng comforted everyone like this.

The Second certainly understood that Chen Feng was comforting, and could only nod with a wry smile: "It's true. We can actually block the attack of such a powerful existence. It's also a great honor."

With the help of several people, Chen Feng launched another charge, and this time he successfully rushed out of the magic circle.

Looking at the dense sub-worms around him and the magic circle that continued to chase him, Chen Feng knew that the danger was not over.

"The will of that existence can't attack all the time. It didn't do anything to us twice in a row. It seems that it's not very good." Chen Feng sneered.

"Don't say that, lest you attract the other party's attention. I don't think we can get any advantage in this fight today, so let's find a way to leave." The Second said.

"So far, we outsiders have gained some advantage, but it's hard to say if it will last for a long time." Chen Feng said, still running out with the long sword, the sword energy was diffused, the sword curtain was shrouded, blocking all the surrounding Zerg armies.

"Come on, a few swordsmen!"

Chen Feng communicated with the gate of time and space, and soon several swordsmen were transmitted, including the White Mirror Swordsman.

In fact, the fortune formation diagram mastered by Chen Feng is more powerful, but now it is more suitable to kill the Zerg army.

The sword of the Cangsu is at the origin level, unparalleled in killing, and invincible. If it can exert its full power, even the emperor can be cut in two with one sword.

Without Chen Feng saying much, the White Mirror Swordsman immediately took charge of one side, and the power of the sword formation doubled directly.

This is not the end. The Sword of the End also came and became the second core of the sword formation. The momentum of the sword formation began to surge again.

This time it was really powerful. As the sword light surged, the surrounding insect tides disappeared in circles.

No matter what type of insect, it could not stop the sharpness of the sword formation. Even the magic formation that was looking for an opportunity was pierced with several large holes.

Seeing that the virtual emperor behind him did not make a move, Chen Feng and the second generation breathed a sigh of relief.

"It would be great if there were two more origin-level long swords." Chen Feng whispered, and then waved his hand and took out six more long swords.

Although these six swords were not at the origin level, they also surpassed the chaos level and reached the origin level. They were the weapons second only to the Sword of the End, and they were also the weapons used by most of the Hunyuan.

With the addition of these six long swords, Chen Feng did not stop, but took out another broken sword.

After getting the origin-level broken sword, Chen Feng did not think about looking for other fragments at all, but kept refining it, wanting to break the opponent and integrate it into other long swords.

At this time, in order to deal with the current situation, Chen Feng also became ruthless and threw the broken sword directly into the sword formation.

The Sword of the End and the Sword of the Stars worked together, and beams of sword light hit the half of the broken sword, which kept causing the opponent to collapse.

When the broken sword was integrated into the sword formation little by little, the power of the sword formation became more and more violent, at least it was full of stamina.

Although it was just a broken sword, it was of high grade after all, and some swordsmen present also benefited from it.

And seeing Chen Feng's actions, everyone also took out some magic swords to help, and the sword energy became more and more powerful for a while.




The sword energy was rampant, no matter how many insects rushed up, they were killed, unstoppable, and even Chen Feng did not expect such an effect.

However, Chen Feng still wanted to solve the magic formation, but seeing that the sword formation was powerful, the magic formation had already avoided it far away, while urging other insects to move forward, while hiding in the dark to launch an attack.

In short, it was also a huge hidden danger.

"I have a long sword of origin level." The Second Emperor suddenly said at this time.

Chen Feng looked at the Second Emperor with some surprise, not because the Second Emperor had this treasure, but because the Second Emperor was not a swordsman.

"I was an emperor in the past, so I still have some collections." The Second Emperor said with a smile, and a long sword appeared with a wave of his hand.

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