Eternal Existence

Chapter 5410: Blocker

Chen Feng knew that this was not good, so he fought harder, transcending everything, and his lawless will continued to burn.

Chen Feng turned around only after he felt that the gaze on him had melted away completely.

It seemed that he had resisted the opponent's attack, and the whole person was indeed safe and sound, but Chen Feng knew that he was now a little broken.

It was just a beam of light, and he was seriously injured.

Chen Feng looked at the Second World. Although he had burst out with the strength of the Great Emperor, the Second World's situation was also not good, and he ran farther than himself.

"But being able to survive is already the best result." Chen Feng thought so.

Then the Second World flashed and came to Chen Feng's side.

"As long as you can block the opponent's attack once, you can block the opponent's second and third attacks, unless the opponent increases his strength." The Second World sneered.

Chen Feng nodded, knowing that the Second World had eliminated the fear in his heart.

However, the gap in strength between the two sides was inevitable. Fortunately, the opponent's attacks no longer continued to fall on him, but split into two groups, with two beams of light locking on Guixu and Chen Feng's side respectively.

Although the Sword of the End was defeated, there were still several portals such as the Gate of Time and Space, and hundreds of Hunyuan. They joined forces and could not withstand the opponent's attack.

The same was true for Guixu.

However, under strong pressure, Guixu finally exposed the power hidden in the dark.

Two emperors appeared. As soon as the opponent appeared, they came to the vicinity of the pupil. One held a spear and the other held a long sword. They stabbed at the pupil fiercely. The power that erupted shocked Chen Feng. It was obvious that the opponent had been prepared for a long time.

"Sure enough, I knew that things were not that simple. The opponent was indeed very powerful in secret. I didn't expect that it was hidden so well. It was not exposed under the siege of the insect tide army. It was really insidious." Although Chen Feng had already speculated in this regard, he still took a breath of cold air.

If the Zerg army had not appeared, there would have been a fierce collision between the two sides. At that time, the two hidden earths could have completely caused a massacre on their side.

How many people on their side could survive the sweep of the four emperors?

"It's really dangerous." The Second World couldn't help but say.

Thanks to the Zerg army!

"No wonder the Gate of Origin told me to run quickly." Chen Feng remembered the reminder of the Gate of Origin before.

It seems that the Gate of Origin has noticed the emperors in the other camp, otherwise even if there are more Hunyuan, the Gate of Origin would not have reminded so simply and quickly.

"But can we repel the other side?" Chen Feng's thoughts at this time were also a bit complicated.

On the one hand, he didn't want them to block the attack of the pupil, and on the other hand, he liked them to resolve the crisis in front of them.

"It's best to lose both sides, which is in our interests." Chen Feng said.

The two weapons seemed to pierce the pupil, but Chen Feng caught the gap between them.

But even if they didn't really pierce, they could still cause some impact on the other side.


A violent burst of light exploded, and the two Hunyuan flew backwards, but a crack appeared on the pupil.


Chen Feng exclaimed in surprise, and the next moment he rushed towards the pupil.

The pressure weakened, and Chen Feng flashed in front of the pupil again.

Chen Feng knew that it was very risky to do this, but this opportunity was very rare, and it was worth the risk. If it didn't work, then he would be injured, and everything would be worth it.


Chen Feng's Spear of Destiny accurately pierced the pupil, and then countless cracks appeared, and the pupil began to collapse.


The opponent's will burst out, and Chen Feng was shrouded in death, just like a small boat struggling in a tsunami.

Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness was surging, and even if he had prepared several magic weapons in advance, he couldn't suppress it.

But Chen Feng still tried his best to swing the Spear of Destiny again.

After stabbing three times in a row, Chen Feng could no longer hold on, and the whole person was thrown out by the powerful force.

The two emperors from Guixu have come back to kill. One of them rushed towards the collapsing pupil, and the other rushed towards Chen Feng.

"Daoyou, this road is blocked." The second generation blocked the other party.

Chen Feng couldn't keep his balance for a while, and was finally drowned by the insect tide. Seeing this scene, the second generation didn't feel anxious for Chen Feng.

The biggest threat at the moment is the emperors from Guixu. Although they are also injured, their levels are there, and their numbers are scary.

Fortunately, through the previous confrontation, the second generation felt that the other party's injuries should be quite serious.

And as the insect tide flooded over, everyone couldn't really fight.


A beam of sword energy shot out, causing the emperor to choose to retreat, but did not continue to move forward.

The second generation breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to find Chen Feng, and saw Chen Feng holding a spear and constantly rushing in the insect tide.

Seeing this scene, the second generation breathed a sigh of relief.

"You were too risky just now." The second generation couldn't help but say.

"Although it's a bit risky, there are still gains, and the gains are huge." Chen Feng said.

"You are likely to be targeted by that being if you do this." The Second said.

"We have already offended the other party, or we have been targeted by the other party for a long time. We don't care about this matter. We might as well take this opportunity to gain benefits first. Now is not the time to talk about these things. I didn't expect that these practitioners in Guixu actually hide such powerful power. The other party wanted to attack me just now." Chen Feng said so.

"It is indeed a bit worrying. Now our strength is the weakest." The second generation also said so.

However, the two people's worries did not appear. The four emperors began to kill in the chaos, and soon killed a passage, concentrated their forces, and then began to choose a direction for conflict.

The other party also chose to leave this area and did not want to fight with the Zerg army anymore.

Just like what Chen Feng and his team did before, but now the four emperors joined forces and had a chance to kill out.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng's eyes lit up: "Let's follow it?"

The second generation looked at the distance. The pupil collapsed and never appeared again, but the second generation still felt a shadow and thought that he should leave here quickly.

Chen Feng and the Second Emperor led the way, followed by the sword formation. Because the four emperors opened the way, the pressure on Chen Feng's side was not as strong as expected.

"Can we get out like this?" Chen Feng had actually been paying attention to the situation in other places, guarding against the previous situation.

However, Chen Feng also understood that if the existence in the dark continued to attack, he would have no choice but to be forced to fight.

"Compared with the forces in Guixu, they are more threatening than us. We should deal with them first." Chen Feng could only look forward to it.

At the same time, Chen Feng also had some regrets. He had thought about finding the Queen Mother here before, and then taking action to solve the problem, and he could also get some benefits. Now he can only run away in a panic, and it is still a question whether he can escape.

"If we follow the other party like this, even if we escape, we will have to face new opponents again." The Second Emperor said.

"This is also a helpless thing. It is much better than being besieged by these Zerg armies. Moreover, although the other party has several emperors, they may not be able to defeat us." Chen Feng said.

"That's all we can do. We should take it one step at a time. It's better than staying here and waiting to die. Maybe there will be some changes." The Second Emperor also said.

"The other party has rushed to the barrier and will be able to get out soon. We should also be prepared." Chen Feng could see clearly and was happy. The direction was right. He only needed to make an effort to leave this area. As for whether these Zerg armies would catch up, it was not within the scope of consideration for the time being.

However, things changed again. Two Zerg queens really appeared and blocked the way of Guixu. There was only a portal in front of each of the two queens, and a large number of larvae rushed out of the portal.

These larvae were carefully cultivated by the queens. They were the elites among the elites and the masters among the masters. With the two queens attacking at the same time, it was a very powerful force.

The power of Guixu was blocked. Even with four emperors, they could not kill in a short time.

"Both sides will suffer losses, both sides will suffer losses." Chen Feng muttered in his mouth, but the momentum of moving forward did not stop.

Although he hoped that both sides would suffer losses, he also knew that it was everyone who was trapped here who was unlucky.

Soon the two sides met, and then Chen Feng's side also launched an attack on the Zerg.

"I have a sword that can cooperate with you." At this time, one of the emperors suddenly said.

In Chen Feng's surprised eyes, the other party threw out a long sword, which was exactly the origin level, and rushed straight to the sword formation.

Chen Feng hesitated a little, but still chose to accept the other party. Chen Feng was not worried that the other party would play tricks. The three origin-level long swords on his side could completely suppress the other party. Chen Feng even thought about whether to take this opportunity to collect the other party's long sword.

Although the four origin-level long swords are different in origin, they are of the same grade. The four cores and the four-sided array eyes, the power of the sword formation has been greatly improved again.

Under the cutting of the sword energy, even the swordsmen in the sword formation are a little overwhelmed, and their power is on the verge of losing control.

This is because the four origin long swords can control their power. Otherwise, at such a close distance, one burst can tear these swordsmen into pieces.

But it was fatal to the surrounding opponents. Even the elite among the elites, even the sub-insects who were good at defense, could not stop the attack of the sword formation, and everything they passed was cut into pieces.

"That direction!"

Chen Feng's eyes were shining, and he directed the sword formation to slightly change its direction, and his eyes were on one of the mother queens.

Seeing the power of the sword formation, the emperor of Guixu also nodded secretly and continued to join forces to deal with the opponent in front of them.

The most important thing now is not to solve these blockers in front of them, but to quickly break through a passage.

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