Eternal Existence

Chapter 5408: Warning Signs in the Heart

It's not that Chen Feng didn't think of using the means of sealing, but he couldn't do it now. The opponent's spiritual power was indeed very strong, so Chen Feng could only use all his means to resist. If he wanted to seal the opponent, he had to release his strongest origin, but he couldn't use it.

Fortunately, the emperor from Guixu didn't rush over to him, otherwise, he could only flee.

However, since the opponent can seal the spiritual clone, he can continue to deal with other spiritual clones.

Moreover, although each clone condensed by spiritual power is not as good as the real emperor, it also has great benefits.

The spiritual power contained in it alone can greatly improve one's own cultivation if it is refined and absorbed.

However, even if it is a good resource, Chen Feng can only watch it. He can't even solve one opponent now, let alone look at others.

Just when Chen Feng divided part of his attention to observe other situations, the spiritual clone in front of him suddenly turned into a ball of light and dissipated, just like a ball of water bursting and merging into the sea, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

To Chen Feng's surprise, the other party integrated his power into the Zerg army.

However, Chen Feng also knew that the other party could condense it at any time.

The next moment, Chen Feng knew what was going on. The second generation appeared beside Chen Feng.

I don't know when the other party came, but he actually hid it from Chen Feng's attention.

"I originally wanted to sneak attack the other party, but who knew that the other party was so sensitive." The second generation said with some regret.

It turned out that the second generation also saw the preciousness of this kind of mental clone, but it was a pity that the other party was too alert, or the entire battlefield was not within the other party's detection, so it was still difficult to use sneak attacks.

"Have you locked the other party's position?" Chen Feng asked casually.

The second generation shook his head, or it could be said that the second generation did not do so at all.

"Even if the other party's position is locked, it may be difficult to get in front of the other party, but we still have to try." Chen Feng said.

"I will cooperate with you." The second generation also understood that the current situation needed to open a gap, otherwise, if the battle continued for a long time, his side would definitely not be able to bear it.

After all, after experiencing a self-explosion that destroyed everything, everyone's injuries have not been completely recovered, and their combat effectiveness has been affected. If they continue to fight with these endless insect tides, they will be wiped out bit by bit by the other side sooner or later.

Even now, some people have been seriously injured.

Not only Chen Feng was shocked, but even others did not expect that the Zerg army could be so powerful.

"We can only give it a try." Chen Feng performed the art of walking, and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

This time, Chen Feng did not take the initiative to take the Second World with him, but the Second World performed a special magical power and also followed Chen Feng to leave.

In addition to this magical power, the Second World did not need to exert too much strength, just follow Chen Feng.

It was just that the two were blocked not long after they moved forward, and it was still an attack from the aspect of spiritual power.

However, this time the Second World took the initiative to help Chen Feng resolve this attack, causing Chen Feng to continue to speed up.

Suddenly, Chen Feng made a full-strength move, and a beam of sword light fell out, turning into a rainstorm, and large areas of insects were cleared wherever he passed.

"She ran away." Chen Feng frowned. The queen mother was still in this area. He thought he could reach her with a large-scale attack, but he didn't expect her to run so fast.

Chen Feng still didn't stop. Although she ran away, Chen Feng shortened the distance between him and her. If there was no insect tide blocking her, Chen Feng would have been absolutely sure to catch up with her in a short time.

So Chen Feng chased her, but failed.

Chen Feng even saw the queen mother hiding in the insect tide. Just when Chen Feng wanted to launch an attack in one fell swoop, a total of three spiritual forces swept towards Chen Feng from different directions.

Other queen mothers blocked Chen Feng.

These three spiritual forces intertwined into a silk screen, preventing Chen Feng from moving forward.

After Chen Feng cut the silk screen into pieces, the surrounding area was densely packed with insect armies.

Unlike what he encountered before, this time, those who blocked Chen Feng were all carefully selected elites.

Although he had not reached the realm above Hunyuan, thinking about the hundreds of Hunyuan Jinxians could also bring some entanglement to Chen Feng.

Of course, this was just what Chen Feng could see at a glance, because Chen Feng understood that as long as he solved these opponents, there would be more sub-worms.

Sure enough, when Chen Feng's thoughts flashed, hundreds more sub-worms at the level of Hunyuan Jinxian appeared.

The opponent did not give Chen Feng time, but launched an attack.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the sword energy was everywhere, and the sub-worms that rushed up were cut into pieces.

And Chen Feng released a vortex, and dozens of sub-worms were swallowed up.

These sub-worms did not even reach the realm above Hunyuan, and Chen Feng could completely pull them into his origin.

Of course, Chen Feng was most interested in figuring out how these Zerg armies were transformed? This was a bit inspiring to Chen Feng, after all, Chen Feng himself also had a large number of Zerg armies, and he could also use this to understand the Emperor of Reality and Reality.

"What a pity!" Chen Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

If his origin had not suppressed so many things, he could have let go and devoured the surrounding insect hordes in large numbers, and perhaps resolved the current crisis.

Chen Feng had just thought of this, and suddenly he felt something in his heart, and hurriedly looked far away.

Someone really released an origin.

Chen Feng could not determine whether it was a complete origin or a broken one. He could only see the shadow of the origin emerge, and then a large number of insects were swallowed into it.

"Sure enough, this method is the most effective." Chen Feng's eyes flickered and he saw that the other party had swallowed hundreds of millions of Zerg troops. The surroundings had become empty, and the other party was still continuing.

"Strange, that person didn't appear before." Chen Feng was a little curious. Although the pursuers were a little confused and had never really fought before, Chen Feng could still make some judgments from the breath.

"It should be the follow-up force arranged by Guixu. It may have just come in. I didn't notice it before. The other party's methods are quite powerful, but they have not reached the level of the emperor." Chen Feng was concerned. Although the other party did not reach the level of the emperor, it did not mean that the other party was less threatening than the emperor.

Those who can master the origin of one side in the realm of Hunyuan are not simple people. No matter whether they have opened up by themselves or obtained from the outside world, as long as they can exert the power of one side of the origin, they can fight across levels and fight against the emperor.

Chen Feng himself is a good example.

"The other party has swallowed so many insect tides. The mother queen behind them should not stand idly by, right?" Chen Feng was not jealous. At this time, everyone's common enemy is the Zerg army. If someone can weaken the power of the Zerg army, he can also relieve some pressure.

Sure enough, the other party's behavior inspired others. Some people began to use means to seal and suppress the Zerg army, and some even released the power of the origin.

This time, it was the Hunyuan above of Chen Feng's side who did it. It did release the power of the origin, but it was a broken origin.

Before, everyone joined forces to divide some origin fragments. Besides, there are some masters among these Hunyuan above, and they have also gained some gains in the past.

At this time, they broke out together, and the origin fragments merged briefly, bursting out a stronger power of the origin.

They really solved a large number of Zerg troops, but they only took a short breath, and more Zergs rushed up again.

It was really endless.

After all, it was not the real origin, not even the broken origin, but just some fragments. It was good to be able to burst out with such power.

So everyone will have to fight hard next.

"Hey, I have to say that the fighting I experienced with Fellow Daoist Changtian is comparable to my first half of life, which is several kalpas." Someone said with emotion.

"Who said it wasn't? I used to practice in seclusion and cultivate my body and mind. Anyway, I have reached this level. It is the accumulation of long years. I thought that the years of cultivation in the future would be like this. Who knew that it would be so exciting since I followed Changtian." Someone else said.

"It's really exciting, but also very dangerous. I once lost half of my body, but fortunately I went back in time and recovered."

"You're already good. I also lost a lot of mana, but fortunately I gained something before, and I can replenish it by refining resources."

"It doesn't matter if the resources are gone forever. The most important thing is that our strength has improved. I have touched a boundary and it won't take long to break through. It's not easy to break through again at such a level."

"Congratulations to you, fellow Taoist. I have to say that the fighting during this period has indeed been very rewarding, but the danger is also very great. If you are not careful, you may fall. Think about those fellow Taoists who have fallen behind along the way."

"Haha, if you want to gain something, you naturally have to pay a certain price, otherwise there is no such good thing."

"The situation is not good this time. Do you think we can fight our way out?" Someone said worriedly.

"It should be fine. Don't forget that we have fought with the emperor before. We have encountered more dangerous things, not to mention now. It's just some Zerg, that's just a large number."

"I think it's not just the large number. I have seen Zerg before, but they are not so powerful."

"What are you afraid of? It's not a problem to fight your way out."

Although everyone was fighting hard, they were also communicating secretly. Some were optimistic, while others felt that they might not be able to escape this time.

However, most people still placed their hopes on Chen Feng and others. After all, they were the ones who changed the direction of this fight.

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