Eternal Existence

Chapter 5407: Shuttle Back and Forth

This shows that the coming people are heavy and not so easy to deal with.

Besides, whether to fight with the other party or not, we must first figure out the other party's strengths and weaknesses. At least the number of the other party we saw just now is not small.

Chen Feng and others speeded up, thinking that since they had to mobilize manpower this time, they must be well prepared.

Even if they were to fight, they had to find a place to prepare.

But soon Chen Feng felt that the pursuers behind him appeared, and the other party easily broke through the barrier and bit everyone tightly.

The speed of the other party was very fast, and Chen Feng had already felt the breath of hundreds of Hunyuan.

But in this case, Chen Feng felt that the problem was not big and he could still deal with it, but Chen Feng believed that it should not be so simple, and the other party must have more powerful power.

"Now the God of Nothingness and the Great Emperor of the Heart are not here, otherwise, even if there are more opponents, they can stop and fight." Chen Feng said in his heart, and continued to communicate with the God of Nothingness and the Great Emperor of the Heart.

"I felt the existence of the emperor, and there is more than one. The other party did not appear, but was hidden in the pursuers behind." The second generation said so.

"It's quite insidious. I knew it wasn't that simple. It seems that we will definitely win this time." Chen Feng said.

Soon, another barrier appeared in front of him. The second generation stepped forward and quickly blasted a passage. Everyone rushed in quickly. Chen Feng stayed at the end and waved his hand to set up layers of seals.

Or the next moment, those seals were also shattered quickly. Two strong wills seemed to be monitoring Chen Feng, trying to wipe out Chen Feng's will directly.

Chen Feng knew that it was the two emperors hiding in the dark who took action. They attacked fiercely at the beginning. If it were someone else, they would really fall on the spot.

This time, Chen Feng did not fight with the opponent, but left quickly, and the two wills chased after him.

Chen Feng chose to deal with it because he couldn't dodge it.

This caused Chen Feng to slow down. The opponent's attack was not so easy to resolve. Even Chen Feng suffered a loss. Two big holes were pierced in his sea of ​​consciousness, but fortunately, there was a magic weapon to suppress it, so there would be no problem for the time being.

Chen Feng didn't mind staying at the end. Originally, Chen Feng wanted to stay and delay some time. After all, Chen Feng was very confident in his magic.

However, Chen Feng still underestimated his opponent. The opponent also had people who were proficient in the magic.

He actually caught up with Chen Feng quickly. Chen Feng knew that as long as he was delayed by the opponent, the pursuers behind him would rush up and tear him into pieces.

"How can it be so easy?"

Chen Feng sneered and threw out two pieces of origin fragments in succession. These were refined by Chen Feng early.

The outer periphery of these two pieces of origin fragments burned, and the inside collapsed, emitting two powerful devouring forces, first bound the figures of the two pursuers, and then erupted like a volcano.

Seeing that the two pursuers who were proficient in the magic were about to be torn into pieces, a figure appeared out of thin air, stretched out his hand and pressed, and the erupting origin fragments actually slowed down the speed of the explosion.

It seemed like a feeling of time going back.

The two practitioners who were proficient in the magic took the opportunity to escape.

Although Chen Feng had left, he could still clearly detect this scene. When he was surprised, he found that the origin fragment he had thrown away before appeared in front of him.

This is a method of relocation, and a strong sense of crisis surged in his heart.

Fortunately, the gate of time and space appeared in front of Chen Feng at a critical moment. Chen Feng went in and saw the origin fragments that exploded outside in the gate of time and space.

The power was very strong, which could tear the Hunyuan into pieces and cause some trouble to the emperor.

Fortunately, the gate of time and space shuttled away at the moment of the explosion.

But soon Chen Feng felt the lock of two wills in the gate of time and space. The other party ignored time and space and quickly locked Chen Feng's position.

"It's worthy of being the emperor. It's not so easy to deal with. However, with the power shown by the other party now, I'm afraid it can't solve us. Is there another master hiding in the dark?" Chen Feng thought in his heart.

The momentum of the large army slowed down a little bit, because there was another thick barrier blocking the way. This time, even the second generation did not break it in the first time.

It was the Sword of the End who shattered the barrier in front of them.

At this time, the pursuers behind had arrived.

Chen Feng stayed at the back and fought hand-to-hand with the other party, and then both sides rushed into this mysterious space together.

In fact, after Chen Feng saw that the barrier in front of him was so thick, he had guessed that the space in front was not that simple.

In fact, it was true.

This area was very dangerous, and several large portals and original weapons stood on all sides, forming a defensive formation.

On the one hand, it was to deal with the pursuers behind, and on the other hand, it was to deal with the dangers in front.

The dense Zerg army swept in like an overwhelming force, and everyone was caught in the wave in the blink of an eye.

And the pursuers who caught up also followed suit.

Seeing that these Zerg armies were also attacking the pursuers, Chen Feng was relieved.

This shows that the two sides are not allies, and the situation of himself and others is not too bad.

Chen Feng and his opponent had a fierce collision, and the powerful force made Chen Feng retreat again and again, and he kept smashing several soldier insects before stopping.

Chen Feng also noticed that these Zerg armies were somewhat different from what he had control over and what he knew.

They were more ferocious and powerful. Although they were well integrated, Chen Feng could still see some changes in them.

After all, Chen Feng knew the Zerg very well.

The Zerg army in front of them does not seem to be a simple transformation, but some changes have taken place from the bloodline and the root.

"It seems that this is the work of that kind of being. I don't know where these Zerg armies came from? I wonder if the Mother Queen is behind it?" Chen Feng guessed.

It can be said that Chen Feng is too familiar with the Zerg race. You must know that Chen Feng has received the memory of the Zerg mother queen, and even transformed into the mother queen.

So Chen Feng is very interested now, and at the same time, because of his understanding of the Zerg, Chen Feng is prompted to look for the possible Queen Mother.

Not to mention, Chen Feng really confirmed the existence of the Queen Mother, but he was unable to pinpoint the exact location of the Queen Mother.

Besides, under such circumstances, even if we can determine the location of the Queen Mother, we still have to find a way out.

Chen Feng has mastered several Mother Queens, and his armies number in the hundreds of billions, with various types of worms. The largest number are naturally the soldier worms.

However, it is familiar, but the surrounding Zerg army has been carefully cultivated by masters. It has long surpassed the scope of the Zerg itself and has become more powerful and perfect.

Otherwise, no matter how large the Zerg army is, it will only end up being wiped out if its level cannot be improved.

But the Zerg army in front of them posed a threat to Chen Feng and the pursuers behind him.

Think about it, Chen Feng and others are the weakest in the realm above Hunyuan. Even an army of hundreds of millions of Zerg can capture them with a wave of their hands.

The strength of these Zerg armies was ten thousand times more powerful than what Chen Feng controlled.

"How many resources are needed to cultivate it to such an extent? I'm afraid it will cost one origin, and even one origin is not enough." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Because these Zerg armies were too powerful, the pursuers from Guixu no longer entangled Chen Feng and others, because they themselves could not protect themselves.

The initial fighting ended quickly and turned into an all-out effort to deal with the Zerg army.

In the chaos, Chen Feng also saw how strong Guixu's power was.

On top of the nearly two hundred Hunyuan, there were two exposed emperors, as well as several origin-level beings.

No matter in terms of numbers or individual combat effectiveness, they surpassed his own side, and Chen Feng had a vague feeling that this should not be the entire strength of the opponent.

The other party has some special hiding methods, or some of the other party's power has not come in.

But no matter what, even such a powerful part of the force was still trapped in the insect tide, and some people even started to get injured.

Even though the two great emperors seemed to be charging very fiercely, they couldn't really open a way to leave.

Sometimes a large number of worms will be killed in one blow, but more worms will rush up soon.

Moreover, these Zerg armies are better at coordination, which can better unleash their power.

Moreover, these Zerg armies have another power, which is the power of the soul.

Normally, it is the Queen Mother who possesses powerful psychic power, but these psychic powers are gathered bit by bit from all directions, and can even have some influence on the emperor.

This is what Chen Feng saw. In fact, Chen Feng himself also suffered from this pressure.

"There may be more than one Mother Queen secretly, and the other party's control over the power of the soul is simply arbitrary and superb. It is beyond my knowledge. If this is the case, today's situation will be troublesome." Chen Feng Know the terror of the Zerg.

Unless you can use powerful force to carve a way out, the situation will get worse and worse the more you entangle yourself with the other party.

First of all, the number of these Zerg armies is endless, and then the opponent can increase its own strength by devouring the power of the outside world.

What's more, this is the opponent's chassis.

The most important thing is, does the outbreak of these Zerg armies have anything to do with the Void Emperor behind it?

Did he and others break into this place by chance, or was all this arranged by the Great Emperor of Virtual Reality?

If it's the former, that's fine. If it's the latter, someone on our side will definitely die next, and there may be heavy losses.

After all, just for some exploration before, two Hunyuans were lost.

"The God of Nothingness and the Great Mind Emperor are also in trouble, so is there any connection between the two? Or is it just a coincidence?" Chen Feng used the magic of divine movement to shuttle back and forth among the insect waves.

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