Eternal Existence

Chapter 5406 Super Strong

Chen Feng did not step forward to snatch it. Although this sword light was also helpful to him, Chen Feng decided to give the benefit to the White Mirror Swordsman.

Chen Feng observed the surroundings carefully, and at the same time used the sealing method to imprison all directions to prevent the sword energy from leaving.

The next step is the collision between the White Mirror Swordsman and the opponent. Every collision will cause the void to tear, and later it will collapse on a large scale.

Through the void area created after the collapse, Chen Feng sensed the power of Wei Xu.

This also shows that this space is not as thick as previously imagined. Once it is broken to a certain extent, you can enter the ruins.

However, there was still no response from Guixu to such a big movement here. This made Chen Feng breathe a sigh of relief and at the same time began to have other speculations.

With so many of his people entering this special area, it was impossible for Guixu not to know.

At first, Guixu sent some men to kill his own people, but after entering this special area, Guixu was uncharacteristically different.

Are you unwilling to interfere in the situation in this special area, or do you have other plans?

Just when Chen Feng was thinking, Bai Jing Swordsman finally subdued this sword energy, and then a sky-high sword energy erupted from Bai Jing Swordsman's body like a volcanic eruption. Even Chen Feng's Sword Dao was Ready to move.

Chen Feng knew that the White Mirror Swordsman had made a breakthrough to a certain extent, but Chen Feng captured a crack in the collapsing void. His will penetrated deep into the crack, and he explored a large area of ​​Guixu space in the shortest possible time. I took my will back when I felt like I had nothing to gain.

The White Mirror Swordsman was so satisfied with this sword energy that he stayed where he was and started practicing, and stopped exploring other things.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng also nodded. Speaking of which, the White Mirror Swordsman is relatively pure. No wonder he can practice to such an extent.

"The attribute energy here is quite mixed. It seems that there are many masters buried here." Chen Feng no longer released the avenue.

Chen Feng also gained a lot from the several avenues that he just followed. Chen Feng also needs to practice next.

Therefore, Chen Feng allocated part of his mind to pay attention to the surrounding situation, and most of the rest of his energy was spent sorting out the avenue he had just broken through.

Although those great avenues just now are not too strong even if they are broken through, they are of huge benefit to Chen Feng as a whole.

After all, Chen Feng's training mode is somewhat special.

This makes one stay here a little longer because of the high quality of energy in this area.

After many practitioners have gained something, they find a place to practice peacefully. Later, this place becomes a perfect place for practice.

"That's okay. Just stay here for a while and absorb the previous gains. This will help you to achieve a breakthrough in your own strength and be better able to face the troubles that may arise next." Chen Feng made up his mind. Got the idea.

But things soon changed. A practitioner disappeared, alarming Chen Feng.

It would be normal if someone was injured, but the other person disappeared quietly.

When Chen Feng discovered that one person was missing, he couldn't even determine when the other person disappeared.

This made Chen Feng feel a strange feeling in his heart, but Chen Feng soon found the location of the other party.

Deep within the Great Emperor, the practitioner had turned into a corpse, just like the corpses of other creatures buried under the earth.

It's completely impossible to tell how the other party died.

Chen Feng entered the depths of the emperor and came to the opponent. It could be seen that the opponent's body was intact, but the mark of life was completely severed.

In other words, this practitioner has died, and the other party cannot be resurrected in this case.

However, Chen Feng still tried, and the law of the long river of time began to reverse time, trying to resurrect the opponent.

In the end, it still failed. Instead, the River of Time came into contact with a taboo existence, which caused the River of Time, which had just regained some strength, to almost collapse.

Chen Feng looked solemn, and the second generation also came to Chen Feng's side. Seeing that Chen Feng wanted to take action, he quickly stopped him.

"This should be the method of that existence. I suggest that we leave here. We should be satisfied if we can get some benefits here. I think the death of this fellow Taoist should be a warning to us." II Said so.

Chen Feng nodded and admitted that what the Second World War II said made sense, but he still didn't want to leave.

At least take away your dead companions.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng decided to take action. As a result, before Chen Feng's power could touch the dead cultivator, he fell into a special state.

It was as if a huge eye was staring at him. Under the other person's gaze, Chen Feng lost consciousness, and all his thinking and will stopped.

At this moment, there is no time, no space, no spirit, and no will.

He didn't know how much had happened in the past. Only when Chen Feng recovered did he realize that the second generation was staring at him nervously.

It was just that the second son was bleeding from all his orifices, and his eyes were a little frightened.

"What happened just now?" Although Chen Feng recovered, he was still a little dazed, as if he hadn't woken up and couldn't concentrate.

"You were attacked just now, and my attack was also affected. Fortunately, the other party only projected part of the power, or it may have been left over from before. Otherwise, we might not be able to escape." The second said.

"Something is wrong." Chen Feng's spirit gradually recovered, and the light in his eyes flickered from time to time.

When Chen Feng fully recovered, he really understood what had happened just now, so Chen Feng felt very incredible.

How could this be possible?

How could the other party be so powerful?

Just relying on the power that he didn't know what means to create, he almost fell a little bit, and even implicated the existence of the second generation who was infinitely close to the emperor.

I have fought with masters such as the Soul Emperor and the Real Emperor. There are many emperors I have seen, including the magical old man in the spiritual realm, the supreme emperor who practiced the cause and effect, and the elder brother Jiuyang who was good at fighting.

Chen Feng thought he was not an opponent, but he could also fight head-on. It was not easy for the other party to kill him, and he could completely escape.

But how could there be such a powerful existence now? Even the Gate of Origin could not do this.

"Or is this just a special magical power?" Chen Feng wanted to recall his previous state, but he felt that his memory and cognition were affected, just like before the second generation, and he could not recall the previous situation carefully.

Moreover, Chen Feng felt a little fear in his heart, and he dared not take the body of his companion in front of him.

In addition to fear, this made Chen Feng a little angry.

However, the gap between the two sides still allowed Chen Feng to look at the facts in front of him calmly.

"Let's go." Although he was unwilling, Chen Feng still chose to leave.

This feeling of life being out of control has not appeared in Chen Feng for a long time.

Putting life and death on luck and sustenance is unacceptable for all practitioners.

"Sure enough, our actions have angered the other party. I can only hope that this is a special means left by the other party. The other party himself should not be as powerful as I imagined." After coming out of the earth, Chen Feng comforted himself.

"Dear Taoist friends, leave this place quickly." No matter how unwilling he was, Chen Feng still chose to leave.

Everyone felt Chen Feng's emotions, and some people who did not dare to stay in seclusion also woke up.

Everyone left quickly.

But after leaving this area, Chen Feng found that another companion was missing.

In order to explore this special area, his side lost two companions. Chen Feng certainly knew the fate of the other party.

Completely fallen.

In comparison, this exploration was a failure.

"They all left life marks in the Gate of Origin. I wonder if they can recover in the future?" Chen Feng whispered. No matter what, at least there was a little hope.

Chen Feng could only hope that the Gate of Origin could revive them. If they could not be resurrected, they would really fall.

But that was not right. For a life that had cultivated to such a state, they must have left clones in other places.

It was just that the opponent this time was so powerful that if the original body fell, the clone would probably be affected.

Even if it was not affected, whether it was the clone or the resurrection of the Gate of Origin, it would be a major blow to a person above Hunyuan.

I'm afraid it would be difficult for them to reach the state of the original body again in the future.

This time, there was no open fight with the opponent, and two companions actually fell.

Not only Chen Feng, but also the others looked unhappy. They lost their previous carelessness and realized that the place where they were was still very dangerous.

So many people made up their minds not to act separately in the future, but it would be safer to gather together.

After Chen Feng left this area, the first thing he did was to communicate with the God of Nothingness and the Emperor of Mind.

The two of them responded quickly, but the God of Nothingness and the Emperor of Mind had encountered opponents, and they had no intention of communicating with Chen Feng.

"I actually encountered an opponent." Chen Feng was a little surprised. If he encountered an emperor-level undead or an emperor-level biological body like before, the God of Nothingness and the Emperor of Mind could completely deal with it.

Needless to say, the strength of the Emperor of Mind is naturally great. Even after the God of Nothingness obtained the emperor-level biological body, his combat power has also increased.

Now the two of them are entangled, and they don't even have time to talk to Chen Feng. From this, it can be seen that their opponents are very powerful, and some of them can't even be solved.

In this case, Chen Feng certainly doesn't need to go to these two emperors for help. Chen Feng even thought about mobilizing people to help them.

The strength on his side is also equivalent to the combat power of two or three emperors, which is a very powerful force.

It's just that Chen Feng wanted to help the God of Nothingness and others, but he and others encountered some twists and turns.

The reason why it is called twists and turns is that there has been no trouble for the time being.

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