Eternal Existence

Chapter 5405: Unexpected

Everyone left one after another, and Chen Feng stayed at the end. After Chen Feng left, he felt a little more relaxed.

"It's a bit weird." Chen Feng turned around and frowned.

There is definitely something wrong with that life area, but he and others were deceived. In the final analysis, they are not strong enough.

You know, the danger that you don't feel is the most dangerous.

Chen Feng almost couldn't feel the slight relief just now, and it was only because of Chen Feng's extraordinary body that he could feel it a little bit.

"I remember it." At this time, the Second Emperor suddenly said.

Chen Feng noticed that there was a trace of extreme fear in the eyes of the Second Emperor, and even a little fear.

"It seems that you know the existence behind this life area." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It may not be the other party, I just remembered some things at the beginning." The Second Emperor shook his head.

"Speaking of it, the other party is really similar, especially the feeling that he is an extremely powerful existence. Even if I became an emperor back then, I could only look up to him." The Second Emperor's expression was a little complicated.

"There is such a powerful emperor. How is it compared to the Soul Emperor?" Chen Feng asked.

"Stronger than the Emperor of the Heart." The Second World said without much thought.

"How about the Emperor of Reality and the Gate of Origin?" Chen Feng asked again.

"That one should be stronger." The tone of the Second World changed a little, but Chen Feng felt that the Second World was still very determined.

"Is that so." Chen Feng did not ask any more questions.

Since the Second World said so, it should be true. The other party had no reason to lie. Moreover, the Second World was also an emperor-level existence before, so he naturally had a good vision.

The Gate of Origin, the Emperor of the Heart, and the Emperor of Reality were also the strongest existences that Chen Feng had ever seen. If there were stronger existences than them, Chen Feng believed it. Therefore, when he heard such news from the Second World, Chen Feng was just shocked, but not unacceptable.

In addition, combined with his previous feelings, Chen Feng also had a general idea in his mind.

"Can you tell me more about the other party's situation?" Chen Feng asked curiously. He naturally wanted to understand such a master, and maybe he would deal with him in the future.

"Powerful, likes to mark out a life area for research, is good at the way of virtuality and reality, is proficient in the art of life and death, and has mastered some powerful magical powers, most of which were created by the other party. The other party's greatest achievement is to use the origin of one side for research." The second generation said while searching his memory.

Chen Feng noticed that the second generation looked a little confused when he said these news, as if he was affected by some power and was constantly digging something out from the depths of his memory.

Chen Feng thought about it and arranged layers of barriers around him. In addition to these special powers, there is also the power of origin, such as fate, fate, reincarnation.

So the second generation's expression gradually became clear, and then quickly said more about the other party.

"Emperor Virtual Reality, yes, the other party has used this identity. The reason for saying this is that the other party has more than one name, but this name is the most famous, or the one I have come into contact with."

"So powerful, no wonder I just had a special feeling before, and I didn't even have any memory. It turned out that the opposite power was affecting me. This is incredible." A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the second generation again.

"That's because fellow Daoist hasn't returned to his peak state." Chen Feng comforted him. Speaking of this, Chen Feng was also very shocked. What kind of method is this? It's simply that he can't remember the other party.

However, the second generation now mentioned the other party's name, and he didn't know if the other party would sense it.

"But the second generation has returned to normal. It should be the effect of my method. This also shows that my method can interfere with the other party. I don't know if the other party will notice it, but it also shows that the other party is not invincible as I know it." Chen Feng felt that he was not affected for the time being, otherwise he would become like the second generation, and his cognition would become vague.

"So where does the other party come from, where did it originate, and where did it appear recently." Chen Feng asked.

"I don't know this either, and it's too long ago. This is something from my last life." The second generation shook his head.

"I have a hunch that we will meet in the future. Let's go. If this area is really left by the other party, we have been here, and we may be sensed by the other party." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After listening to the information said by the second generation, Chen Feng has determined that this area is left by the virtual emperor.

Even if such a master is dealt with in the future, it is better not to confront him now.

Chen Feng would not overestimate himself. Since the other party was afraid of even the Great Emperor, it would not be a big deal if he wanted to wipe him out.

"Then the other party created such a life area in Guixu, and I think it was also for research. If the other party really has such a strong strength, then I am afraid that Guixu will find it difficult to do anything to the other party." Chen Feng thought so in his heart.

Since he left, Chen Feng did not choose to go back, but he still kept this matter in mind.

In order to prevent himself from forgetting this matter, Chen Feng also did some things, and then imprinted this news in the Gate of Time and Space and the Long River of Time and Space.

Chen Feng did this for a reason. You must know that the second generation was at the level of the Great Emperor before, and he even forgot about the situation of the Real and Real Great Emperor. You can imagine what level the other party's strength has reached.

"Although there was no destruction there, some people collected some resources. I hope it won't cause any trouble. Such a high-level existence will not care about such things." The second generation was a little worried.

But there was no point in worrying now. Everyone continued to move forward and explore this strange area.

As they continued to move forward, Chen Feng became more and more curious. There was such a large area in Guixu. If he didn't go back, he would definitely know. Since it was not covered by Guixu, it meant that Guixu might not be able to do this.

Of course, this is not absolute. Maybe Guixu has other reasons.

"This special area, could it be caused by Emperor Xushi?" Chen Feng suddenly had such an idea.

If it is really the work of Emperor Xushi, then everything can be explained. The bodies left by the dead emperors before, and some dead spirits were born the day after tomorrow, because it was impossible to guess why there was such an environment before.

But now it seems to be explained.

"If that's the case, we have gained enough benefits here, so we have offended the other party. However, the other party has not made a move, which shows that the Great Emperor Xu Shi is not here. But no matter whether this is the work of the Great Emperor Xu Shi, since we have come here, we naturally cannot let go of these benefits." Chen Feng naturally understood this in his heart.

Not to mention himself, even if this news was told to everyone present, they would make the same choice.

"There is another life area here." A message from a Hunyuan above made Chen Feng's heart move.

"Go in and take a look."

Although there was a barrier in front of them, it could not stop the invasion of everyone at all, and a passage was easily opened.

Everyone entered one after another. It seemed that this was another life area, but it was different from the previous life area.

The previous life area tended to be thriving and had a fairy style. The area in front of them was gloomy and dense, and even the creatures here were very bloodthirsty and hideous, but the energy here was quite abundant.

Regardless of good and evil, peace or killing, their common point is that there is life.

As Chen Feng's eyes flickered, he really caught some laws between reality and illusion.

Then Chen Feng looked at the Second World: "Do you feel familiar?"

After the Second World experienced it, he nodded: "It should be the other party's hand."

"Is that so." Chen Feng nodded and continued to explore. Sure enough, under the emperor of this world, he also found some dead bodies.

Speaking of this area, it is quite strange, but it can only go so far. Except for some attribute energies that have never been seen, Chen Feng did not collect anything here.

In Chen Feng's view, the value here is not really great. The only thing that interests him is the existence behind this life area.

As for what the other party wants to do by opening up this life area, Chen Feng has not investigated it, or Chen Feng can't see the purpose of the other party to protect this life area.

With the previous judgment, after a little verification at this time, Chen Feng and the Second World both believe that this is the territory of the Real and False Emperor.

However, things have come to this point, and the two did not stop them, allowing everyone to collect useful resources here.

Chen Feng also collected some power of different attributes.

However, this time Chen Feng observed more carefully here, trying to find some traces left by that powerful existence.

In the end, there was no harvest.

As mentioned before, if the Second Generation had not felt this way, and if he did know the Real and False Emperor, he would not have noticed that something was wrong here.

"According to the situation along the way, that powerful existence should not be here." Chen Feng could only comfort himself in this way.

However, Chen Feng was not as worried as the Second Generation. In Chen Feng's opinion, maybe the other party was really as powerful as the Second Generation said, but even if he met the other party here, he would not be afraid of the other party with his own strength.

In any case, with the top master, the Soul Emperor, he could fight with the other party.

There was also the Void God, and he had the Gate of Origin behind him. If a conflict really occurred, he could find other emperor-level helpers.

He and his people were rampaging in Guixu, and they were not suppressed by Guixu. Could it be that a Real and False Emperor suddenly appeared and could easily solve his people?

Chen Feng admitted that the other party was powerful, but he still didn't take it seriously. This was also an important reason why Chen Feng chose to move forward.

Besides, since the Second Emperor knew that this was the territory of Emperor Xu Shi, didn’t he choose to move on? And if there were really any benefits, the Second Emperor would not refuse to take them.

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