Eternal Existence

Chapter 5404 Super Master

"Finally we left. These undead spirits are still very difficult to deal with." The White Mirror Swordsman couldn't help but say.

"In fact, these undead spirits are all above the power of Hunyuan. Killing them is also a great force. Even if you don't absorb them, you can exchange them with others." Chen Feng said.

"Yes, that's right." The Second Generation took over the conversation. Speaking of which, the Second Generation had suppressed some undead spirits before.

"Should we continue to move forward?" Someone asked Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at everyone's situation and was in good condition, so he nodded and said, "I believe everyone has seen that this area is quite special. There are benefits and risks, but since we have finally come here, we can't leave even if we are just watching the fun."

Everyone continued to move forward and finally encountered real resources.

A life area similar to the universe appeared in front of everyone, without undead spirits and no danger.

All they could see was rich energy, as well as towering trees, ancient wood spiritual roots, fairy mushrooms and spiritual medicines, and flower and grass elves.

As Lin Feng's eyes continued to go deeper, he also saw giant mineral veins of various attributes and special spiritual roots.

It was like a mortal breaking into the fairyland.

If everyone present were above Hunyuan, they would not look down on this life area in front of them. However, everyone who came in was touched and saw some things of law type that were mixed with reality.

"Although I didn't notice any danger, this area is even more strange. Everyone, be careful." Chen Feng said.

So everyone separated and acted in twos and threes.

Although they said they looked down on it, this life area was really good, especially since these were all different lives in Guixu, which was still useful to everyone.

In addition, some people saw some special laws between reality and reality here, which showed that this life area was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

But did the Soul Emperor and the Void God not find this place, or did they look down on this life area?

In Chen Feng's opinion, it might be the latter, or the other party was looking for an existence like the Emperor.

Chen Feng did not act rashly, but was still exploring carefully. In fact, this area seemed to be large in scale, but in fact, for Chen Feng and others, their perception could sweep all areas.

Chen Feng was now exploring the situation under the earth.

Passing through the spirit veins, ignoring the thick earth, the rocks could not block Chen Feng's sight.

Finally, Chen Feng found the source of this life zone.


More than one corpse.

It was because of these corpses that this life zone prospered.

"So that's how it is. It shouldn't be the Great Emperor level, and it even barely reached above the Hunyuan level. There are actually some Hunyuan Golden Immortals. It's interesting. Is this a cemetery?" After Chen Feng found the source of this place, he thought it would bring him some surprises, but who knew it was not the case.

Chen Feng was just a little surprised. If the Great Emperor was buried under this land, then it would be a surprise.

But these corpses, no matter how many there are, even if they can give birth to undead spirits, they are just ants, and Chen Feng can solve them with a wave of his hand.

"It's the law here." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and there were also virtual and real lines under the land. According to Chen Feng's calculations, someone should have deliberately arranged it.

It's still a presence that is good at virtual and real power, but it's not sure whether it has reached the level of the Great Emperor, which makes Chen Feng a little confused.

According to Chen Feng's eyes, he should be able to see that if he is not the Great Emperor, he should be above the top Hunyuan, but this level of people should not be hidden from Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's eyes kept sweeping, and then a beam of light shot out from his eyebrows. This beam of light swept across the void, and indeed touched some virtual and real laws.

"It is a little different from the power of the Great Emperor Xuzhen." Chen Feng secretly made a comparison, and at the same time Chen Feng divided some of his will to pay attention to other people.

Chen Feng was also worried that someone would be in danger.

"The situation here is a little strange." At this time, the will of the Second World came into contact with Chen Feng.

"What do you mean?" Chen Feng knew that the Second World was a Great Emperor before, and he must have seen a lot of things, and maybe he saw something.

"This life area looks normal, but I have a familiar feeling, as if I have seen this environment before." The Second World was also a little strange. Could it be that the memory of the previous life was not complete? Even so, since he had noticed this, he should have recovered the lost memory.

"It seems that this area is indeed not simple. This should be arranged by a practitioner who cultivates the power of reality and illusion. I am just not sure how strong the other party is." Chen Feng said.

"I also felt the power of reality and illusion. This is not the point. I just had a strange feeling." The will of the Second World became a little fluctuating.

"Is that so? Then did you feel the existence of crisis?" Chen Feng asked.

"No." The Second World shook his head.

"Since there is no crisis, then there is nothing to worry about." Chen Feng did not think about it any more. He thought that everything here had been explored clearly. Even if there was a danger, it would not come from here.

Chen Feng did not look down on the resources here. Chen Feng was interested in some unfamiliar attribute powers here, as well as the law of reality and illusion.

The power of the Real Emperor and the power of the Spirit Realm Elder made Chen Feng very interested in the power of reality and illusion. He wanted to master these two powers and then cultivate to the peak level.

In fact, everyone did not waste much time in this area. Others acted separately and quickly found useful resources, and most of the resources were retained.

It seemed that no one was causing any damage. The biggest news was that someone extracted a spiritual vein.

"Let's go." Chen Feng's will rippled out for everyone to hear.

Everyone left one after another, but Chen Feng stayed at the end. After Chen Feng left, he felt a little more relaxed.

"Something weird." Chen Feng turned around and frowned.

There is definitely something wrong with that life area, but he and others were deceived. In the final analysis, he and others were not strong enough.

You know, the danger you don't feel is the most dangerous.

Chen Feng almost couldn't feel the slightest hint of relief just now. It was only because of Chen Feng's heaven-defying body that he could feel that slightest sensation.

"I remembered." At this time, II suddenly said.

Chen Feng noticed a trace of extreme fear flashing in the eyes of the Second Emperor, even a little afraid.

"It seems that you know the existence behind this life area." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's not necessarily the other party, I just remembered some things from back then." II shook his head.

"The other person is really similar, especially the feeling that he is an extremely powerful being. Even if I became the emperor, I could only look up to him." The second generation's expression was a bit complicated.

"There is such a powerful emperor. How is it compared to the Spiritual Emperor?" Chen Feng asked.

"Powerful than the Mind Emperor." II said this without even thinking about it.

"How does it compare to the Real Emperor and the Gate of Origin?" Chen Feng asked again.

"That one should be stronger." The second's tone changed a little, but Chen Feng felt that the second's heart was still very firm.

"Is that so?" Chen Feng asked no more questions.

Since the second generation said this, it should be true. The other party has no reason to lie. What's more, the second generation was an emperor-level existence before, so he naturally has a good sense.

The Gate of Origin, the Mind Emperor, and the Real Emperor are also the most powerful existences that Chen Feng has ever seen. If there are existences stronger than them, Chen Feng believes it, so he got such news from the mouth of the second generation, Chen Feng was just shocked, but not unable to accept it.

Furthermore, based on his previous feelings, Chen Feng also had a rough idea in his mind.

"Can you tell me more about the other party's situation?" Chen Feng asked curiously. Such a master would naturally want to know more about it, and maybe we will deal with him in the future.

"Powerful, he likes to designate a life area for research. He is good at the art of reality and reality, and is proficient in the art of life and death. In addition, he also masters some powerful magical powers, and most of these magical powers were created by the other party. The biggest skill of the other party is to use Do research on the origin of one side," said the second while searching for memories.

Chen Feng noticed that the second son looked a little confused when he told the news, as if he was affected by some power and was constantly digging out something from the depths of his memory.

With a thought, Chen Feng arranged layers of barriers around him. In addition to these special powers, including creation, destiny, and reincarnation, there was also the power of origin.

Then the second's expression gradually became clear, and then he quickly told more information about the other party.

"Emperor Virtual Reality, yes, the other party has used this identity. The reason why I say this is because the other party has more than one name, but this name is the most resounding, or in other words, the one I have come into contact with."

"It's amazing. No wonder I just had a special feeling before and didn't even remember it. It turned out that the power of opposition was affecting me. This is simply unbelievable." A look of fear flashed through the eyes of the second generation again.

"That's because fellow Taoist has not returned to his peak state yet." Chen Feng comforted him. Chen Feng was also very shocked when he said it. What kind of method was this? He simply couldn't think of the other party.

But now that the second person has mentioned the other party's name, he doesn't know if the other party will notice it.

"But the second generation has returned to normal. It should be the result of my methods. This also shows that my methods can interfere with the other party. I don't know if the other party will notice it, but it also shows that the other party is not as aware as I am. Invincible." Chen Feng felt that he was not affected for the time being, otherwise he would become confused like the second generation.

"Then where does the other party come from, where did it originate, and where did it appear recently." Chen Feng then asked.

"I don't know this either, and it was too long ago. This happened in my last life." The second generation shook his head.

"I have a hunch that we will encounter you in the future. Let's go. If this area is really reserved by the other party, we may have been sensed by the other party when we have been here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

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