Eternal Existence

Chapter 5390: Continuous shock

This opponent is not like the ordinary life that I have seen before. Sometimes the opponent condenses into a solid, and sometimes turns into a phantom. It constantly attacks the God of Nothingness, but the attacks of the God of Nothingness do not have much effect.

It seems that the God of Nothingness is at a disadvantage, but in fact, if you look closely, the God of Nothingness can do nothing or get rid of the opponent.

"Is this the source of this place? Are all the toxins before made by the opponent?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"This should be a dead spirit." The God of Nothingness replied.

"Dead spirit!" Chen Feng certainly knew about this existence, but is the opponent so powerful?

"According to the previous speculation, there should be a powerful life here that has died. This is a kind of dead spirit born from the opponent's body. There must be some strange changes in it. There is no need to go into the details." The God of Nothingness said.

In fact, the real situation is that the God of Nothingness wanted to go into it, but before he had time to explore it, he was stared at by this existence that suddenly appeared, and entangled tightly, making the God of Nothingness unable to get away.

"It does look a bit strange." Chen Feng nodded, but did not step forward to help at the first time.

Seeing Chen Feng appear, the Void God also had some confidence, so he used various means, and finally when he released the true fire, the dead spirit was finally affected.

Although it was not completely restrained, it could suppress some of the opponent's power to some extent.

These are some weaknesses of this kind of life. Even if the opponent has cultivated to such a level, he still has not completely gotten rid of this defect.

"This kind of existence, this kind of power can allow me to open up and perfect a road, and even affect other roads." Chen Feng carefully experienced the opponent's power attribute, and a light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

At this time, the Void God can be regarded as having the upper hand, but it is still difficult to really solve this opponent.

"This is a good thing." Chen Feng conveyed his thoughts to the Void God, and the Void God responded that Chen Feng could launch an attack.

It was a strong origin fire at the beginning, which was compressed and then exploded. The opponent immediately let out a painful cry.

"Be careful." Seeing Chen Feng directly step forward and confront head-on, the Void God hurriedly reminded, but it was too late. Chen Feng and this strange existence collided with each other.

Then Chen Feng exhibited the opponent's power.

The poison was corroding Chen Feng's body, and there was a strong death aura attacking Chen Feng's will.

However, the same dead spirit also turned into a ball of smoke under the collision of Chen Feng.

This was a state of nothingness. The God of Nothingness took the opportunity to launch an attack, but it did not cause much damage to the opponent.

Instead, countless tentacles stretched out from the smoke and blocked the attack of the God of Nothingness.

Chen Feng's situation did not look too good, but all this was within Chen Feng's calculations.

The poison that had been contaminated on his body had been completely collected by Chen Feng using the swallowing technique.

But that kind of special death aura required Chen Feng to deal with it with all his strength.

This was like an attack by the will of a master, but the opponent's will was a little special.

Fortunately, the God of Nothingness was entangled with the opponent, which gave Chen Feng some time.

After Chen Feng completely solved it, he stepped forward again to participate.

The two of them joined forces to finally suppress this dead spirit.

In this situation, Chen Feng was a little worried that the opponent would escape. Chen Feng didn't want to let go of such a good delicacy.


Chen Feng collided with the opponent again, and the dead spirit once again turned into an illusory state, but this time the God of Nothingness was prepared and used the art of nothingness to block and suppress the opponent.


Chen Feng also took the opportunity to plunder part of the opponent's power, but this time Chen Feng did not refine it, but suppressed it in the origin.

"Okay, the opportunity has come." The God of Nothingness laughed. It would not take long to get rid of the opponent by weakening the opponent little by little.

However, seeing that the opponent was getting weaker and weaker, after reaching a certain level, a force suddenly rose from a mysterious place.

With the emergence of this force, Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness both felt oppressed.

"What is this?"

Soon the two knew that this force had drilled into the body of the dead spirit, and the weak dead spirit was immediately full of blood, and became stronger than before. The attack like a sound wave made Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness retreat again and again.

"The opponent has been blessed, which is troublesome. There is someone behind the opponent. I don't know if it is a dead body." The God of Nothingness sighed.

"Every time I fight on the opponent's territory, this feeling is really unpleasant." Chen Feng said.

However, the situation here is roughly clear. Chen Feng even thought about asking the second generation to come over. With their help, he could easily deal with this dead spirit.

This is because he cannot establish contact with the second generation now, and even the long river of time has not responded.

The oppression reappeared, and it became stronger and stronger. Finally, the two saw a huge creature.

The whole body was cold, emitting a strong death aura, and the death aura was mixed with poison.

Compared with the death aura, the strong poison that felt very strong before was nothing.

"It is the body I guessed. Was the other party an emperor when he was alive?" Chen Feng observed the other party curiously.

A creature that he had never seen before, although it was huge, but Chen Feng had seen even bigger ones.

"Strange, the other party should not have reached the level of the emperor when he was alive, but the momentum he exuded at this time reached this level, and he can become the backing of the dead spirit, which shows that his foundation is very deep." The God of Nothingness said with some curiosity.

But the two soon ran out of time to communicate. After the body appeared, it locked onto Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness in a strange way. Chen Feng clearly felt that the other party was staring at him.

The body paused for a moment and made a choice, launching an attack on the God of Nothingness.

Two to two, no chance of winning.

Chen Feng faced the undead who had recovered his strength alone, and felt cold all over. His fighting power began to weaken under the pressure of the opponent. Even if he burned the fire of the origin, he could not stop the invasion of the opponent's death and poison.


Chen Feng's heart beat vigorously, the power of the origin furnace was stimulated, and the power entering Chen Feng's body was instantly absorbed.

"Well, it's worthy of being the origin furnace. It can refine any energy." Chen Feng was delighted and opened the mouth. The energy around him was swallowed up.

And Chen Feng seized the opportunity to arrange a sword formation, directly blocking all the ways of the undead.

"Try my sword formation." Chen Feng thought, and the sword energy spread, drowning the undead in it.

Only to see the dead spirit turned into an illusory state, and the indestructible sword energy seemed to have lost its effect.

Then the opponent ignored the sword formation, rushed out directly, and pounced on Chen Feng fiercely.

Chen Feng was unable to dodge and was directly wrapped by the opponent. He only felt that the opponent's corrosive power wrapped his body completely, and continued to invade, as if to seize Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng even had a feeling of suffocation, as if he had become an ordinary person under the erosion of the opponent's power.

The Void God has been entangled by the huge biological body, and now everything can only rely on himself.


The powerful force was released from Chen Feng like a volcanic eruption. This is the power from the origin of the volcano.

The dead spirit power that wrapped Chen Feng first bulged, and then it couldn't bear it and exploded a hole.

Chen Feng's eyes came out first, turned into flames and began to burn everything he saw, and Chen Feng's arms also stretched out, and the free palm pulled violently, and the power of the dead spirit was crackled and torn.

But soon these forces began to burn crazily on Chen Feng's arms again.

All-pervasive, perfect coverage.


Chen Feng's whole body burst out with golden light like a rain of arrows, but it was not as good as the eruption of the origin of the volcano, and it was simply unable to tear apart the power of the dead spirit.


Chen Feng's power continued to erupt, and each time it erupted with full force, it continued to erupt, but it still could not tear apart the restraints around his body.

Moreover, in this state, the power of the dead spirit continued to invade Chen Feng's body.

After all, there was a big gap between the two sides.

Before, when he joined forces with the God of Nothingness, Chen Feng had a bottom line in his heart even if he faced a stronger opponent. Even if it was an existence like the old man in the spiritual realm, with the God of Nothingness restraining him, Chen Feng could use all kinds of means, but this time was different. It was not just face-to-face, but a completely close fight.

In addition, the situation of this dead spirit was a bit weird, which led to Chen Feng's current situation.

"Should we try to fight?"

Seeing that he could not resist the invasion of the other party, Chen Feng suddenly had an idea.

This idea was very risky, but as soon as this idea appeared, it grew wildly like weeds.

The Void God still couldn't get away, and the Time River couldn't contact him.

Chen Feng continued to explode, consuming a huge amount of mana in a short time, and the power of various attributes kept erupting.

It can be said that the power that Chen Feng exploded at this time was equivalent to multiple Hunyuan above fighting together.

But it still didn't work.

Although sometimes he could tear off some of the opponent's restraints, the opponent soon entangled him tightly again.

And Chen Feng noticed that the opponent's power has always been very strong and has not weakened at all, which is a bit troublesome.


Chen Feng concentrated his strength to open a gap and saw the situation on the Void God's side.

The Void God and the opponent are evenly matched and can't come to rescue him at all.

Feeling more and more power eroding himself, and even began to invade his sea of ​​consciousness and the road.

Chen Feng finally decided.

"Then let's fight, even if it doesn't succeed, I can afford the price." Chen Feng gritted his teeth, and the whole person underwent a huge change.

A black hole appeared with Chen Feng as the center. This black hole instantly grew larger, wrapping Chen Feng and the surrounding area in it.

In this process, a fierce collision occurred, as if chaos exploded and an origin was brewing.

It didn't last long. Then the black hole shrank in circles, and finally disappeared completely into Chen Feng's body.

Even the undead that wrapped Chen Feng disappeared.

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