Eternal Existence

Chapter 5391 Can handle

Chen Feng continued to explode, consuming a huge amount of mana in a short period of time, and the power of various attributes kept erupting.

It can be said that the power that Chen Feng exploded at this time was equivalent to that of multiple Hunyuan above fighting together.

But it still didn't work.

Although sometimes he could tear off some of the opponent's restraints, the opponent soon entangled him tightly again.

And Chen Feng noticed that the opponent's power has always been very strong and has not weakened at all, which is a bit troublesome.


Chen Feng concentrated his strength to open a gap and saw the situation on the side of the God of Nothingness.

The God of Nothingness and the opponent are evenly matched and can't come to rescue him at all.

Feeling more and more power eroding himself, and even beginning to invade his sea of ​​consciousness and the avenue.

Chen Feng finally decided.

"Then let it go. Even if it doesn't succeed, I can afford the price." Chen Feng gritted his teeth, and the whole person underwent a huge change.

A black hole appeared with Chen Feng as the center. This black hole instantly grew larger, wrapping Chen Feng and the surrounding area in it.

In this process, a fierce collision occurred, as if chaos exploded, and the origin of one side was brewing.

It didn't last long. The black hole shrank in circles and finally disappeared completely into Chen Feng's body.

Even the dead spirit that wrapped Chen Feng disappeared.

This scene surprised the God of Nothingness and his opponent, and even paused.

"What happened? Are you okay?" The God of Nothingness asked hurriedly.

Originally, the God of Nothingness was a little worried about Chen Feng, but now he was even more worried.

"I'm fine, no, I still need help from fellow Taoists." Chen Feng said this and rushed towards the God of Nothingness.

It turned out that Chen Feng had just taken the risk to use means to pull the dead spirit into the origin, but although it seemed successful, it did not increase the pressure on the other party.

At this time, the dead spirit was constantly colliding in the origin and could rush out at any time.

Even so, Chen Feng's achievement was already shocking.

Of course, the reason why Chen Feng could do this step was indeed a lot of luck. After all, the opponent was at the level of the emperor, and Chen Feng would not have succeeded under normal circumstances.

"If it were any other emperor, it would certainly not succeed. Who made this undead spirit in the wrong state? It's just a coincidence." Chen Feng felt the undead spirit roaring in the origin, constantly stirring the world, and it seemed that it could clash at any time.

"There is still some time."

Chen Feng showed a strange smile at the corner of his mouth, and then instantly arrived in front of the huge creature.

The Void God has cooperated with Chen Feng for a long time, and he had long guessed Chen Feng's next move, so he had been using means to entangle the other party.


Chen Feng's enlarged body collided heavily with the creature.

Chen Feng felt very aggrieved by being bound before, and the explosion after being suppressed was even more rapid, like a super huge star blooming with dazzling golden light, knocking this seemingly indestructible life back again and again.

This is not the power that should be above Hunyuan, and Chen Feng is not even above Hunyuan.

"The opponent's state is not right, seize the opportunity to deal with him." The Void God felt the changes in this giant creature.

The changes appeared when the undead spirit disappeared.

After all, this creature is just a body, and the reason why it can run out to fight is also because of the undead spirit.

Now that the dead spirit was pulled into the origin by Chen Feng, the connection between the two sides was naturally affected.

"It would be great if such a good body could be refined into a clone." The Void God said, releasing the Void Chains continuously.

These Void Chains were trying to bind the other party, and at the same time, countless filaments wanted to drill into the other party's body.

"Okay, I want the dead spirit, and this body belongs to you, but you have to be fast, I can't suppress it anymore." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The two of them had a simple exchange and divided the spoils.

Of course, the spoils have not been really obtained yet. Once they are obtained, the gains of the two will be too great.

But both Chen Feng and the Void God thought that the overall situation was settled, especially Chen Feng did not worry too much. The other party was already in his hands, and even if the other party was the emperor, he would not think of leaving.

The Void God also had a certain degree of confidence. Without the control of the dead spirit, the combat effectiveness of the body in front of him was also affected.

Especially after discussing with Chen Feng, the Void God went all out and began to invade the body continuously.

With the help of Chen Feng, the God of Nothingness has gained the upper hand little by little.

However, the two still have to be careful. This area is a bit strange. I don’t know if there are other special things besides here.

"Emperor Kongji also came in before." Chen Feng said.

"I felt the other party's breath, but it disappeared quickly. The other party will not hide in the dark and want to gain advantage, right?" said the God of Nothingness.

Although the two have joined forces with Emperor Kongji, there is no friendship between the two sides, so they don’t trust each other too much.

"But now our overall situation has been decided. Even if the other party appears, it is useless, and it has offended us for nothing. Of course, according to my calculations, the other party may fall into other situations." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he rushed forward again, and this time he directly knocked the huge creature to the ground.

The God of Nothingness took the opportunity to release more chains of nothingness, tightly binding the creature.

Although the other party was still struggling, his strength was constantly weakening, and finally he fell into a state of sleep.

Seeing this scene, the God of Nothingness and Chen Feng were truly relieved.

However, the God of Nothingness quickly collected the creature and helped Chen Feng suppress the undead.

It didn't take long for Chen Feng's origin to collapse due to the collision.

Although Chen Feng mastered multiple origins, the broken origin is also an origin. Chen Feng also put in a lot of effort and certainly didn't want the other party to collapse.

"Fortunately, this origin was almost completely contaminated by the undead." With the help of the God of Nothingness, the undead was gradually suppressed, but the poison and death energy that had been emitted before had merged with the origin. Next, Chen Feng needed to spend time refining it.

It can be extracted or integrated into the origin, but now is not the time for Chen Feng to think about these things. There are more important things to do.

"You have made a lot of money." Looking at the suppressed undead, even the God of Nothingness was a little envious. The life born from the body has cultivated to such a level, and even the God of Nothingness has seen it for the first time.

"Daoyou has gained a lot." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The Void God got the body and could refine it into an avatar, which would double the combat power of the Void God.

Hearing Chen Feng say this, the Void God also laughed: "It will take some time."

After saying this, the Void God released the body of the creature again. This time, Chen Feng could already feel the shock.

Just as Chen Feng was observing, the Void God had already begun to control the other party.

"So fast!"

When he saw the surrounding smoke drilling into the body of the creature, Chen Feng's eyes showed surprise.

After swallowing up the surrounding smoke, the Void God put away the body of the creature.

"The opponent has long lost his intelligence, but it is still very easy to control. The previous fight with us was also because of the dead spirit." The Void God said with a smile.

"In this case, it will be possible to refine it into an avatar soon." Chen Feng asked curiously.

The Void God nodded: "It still takes some time, but it is easier than expected."

The Void God was very happy. With this avatar, he could have the upper hand when he needed other emperors. If it worked well, he could also severely damage the opponent.

"Still can't establish contact with the Second World." Chen Feng was a little curious. The smoke disappeared, and the undead were solved, but the barrier was still there.

Only one barrier was still there. Can only one barrier block the connection between the two sides?

"There are other things here. Look for them. If you are worried, you can go back first. I will go to find the Emperor Kongji." The God of Nothingness said.

"Okay." Chen Feng agreed after a little hesitation. The return process was smooth and there was not much time. After passing through a barrier, Chen Feng immediately established contact with the Second World.

When the two sides met, Chen Feng and the Second World were relieved.

"What's ahead?" The Second World asked curiously.

Chen Feng first communicated with the Time River and others, and then responded: "It's similar to the previous guess. The toxins produced by powerful life after death, but now it has been solved."

The God of Nothingness had already collected all the smoke, which disappointed some practitioners.

"Let's go and have a look."

Chen Feng decided to let everyone move forward together. After all, some people have been ready to move. If he suppresses everyone again, I am afraid that some people will be dissatisfied.

Everyone followed Chen Feng through the barrier and came to the place where they had encountered the dead spirit before.

But now the dead spirit was suppressed by Chen Feng, and even the body hidden in the dark fell into the hands of the God of Nothingness, and the thick smoke around was taken away.

Apart from touching the barrier once, there was nothing special about this area. Some people even thought that this was a good place for cultivation. Compared with other places in Guixu, it was indeed quite quiet.

"Where did the God of Nothingness go?" Chen Feng noticed that the God of Nothingness had left, but left a message indicating the route forward.

"After getting a huge benefit, you should stop and digest it well. Why are you still running around?" Chen Feng said with a smile, which was somewhat inconsistent with the character of the God of Nothingness before.

But now the God of Nothingness has become much stronger than before, and I think he is confident to explore more dangerous areas.

"Let's go." Chen Feng led people to follow, but soon lost the trace of the God of Nothingness.

It was as if he suddenly disappeared, without leaving any news.

"This is entering another isolated area again." Chen Feng guessed, although he was a little curious, but in fact Chen Feng was not too worried.

Think about it, even the emperor-level undead have been killed, so even if there are emperors ahead, we can deal with them.

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