Eternal Existence

Chapter 5389: Uneasy Factors

The interesting thing is that this time, when he returned to the void, he did not bless them, which was different from the opponent's previous state.


Chen Feng seized the opportunity to severely injure a Hunyuan, but this time Chen Feng did not pull the opponent into the origin. Instead, after injuring the opponent, he used the power of the origin to continuously erode the opponent's vitality.

Although the opponent got rid of Chen Feng's attack and reshaped his body not far away, his aura was much weaker, and his combat effectiveness was naturally affected.

What Chen Feng wanted was that the opponent's combat effectiveness would decline. If any of the Second Worlds had the ability to take the opponent, Chen Feng planned to give this benefit to the other party.



Chen Feng's boxing and sword skills exploded together. In order to win the battle quickly, he used a fighting method that was like an explosion that would hurt both sides. After resisting the opponent's attack, he also took the opportunity to hit the opponent with a punch. The strong punching force was not something that ordinary Hunyuan could withstand. Countless cracks appeared on his body on the spot, and he was about to explode. Then he was covered by the sword energy and his body was directly cut into pieces.

Before the opponent escaped, Chen Feng had already arrived in front of another opponent.

Chen Feng's plan was relatively smooth, but the opponent soon understood Chen Feng's plan, especially the Blood Sea Emperor, who was even more anxious in his heart, because the practitioners who were severely injured just now were all from his side.

If Chen Feng continued like this, the power of his side would be weakened, and he would still be in Guixu. At that time, even if he was protected by himself, it would not work.

However, even if the Blood Sea Emperor wanted to stop Chen Feng, he couldn't do it, because he was stopped by the Time and Space and others, and he was at a disadvantage. If he was not careful, he would be severely injured by the Sword of the End and others.

Because of the appearance of Emperor Kongji, Chen Feng completely dominated the situation and continuously dealt heavy blows to his opponent.

Chen Feng was also worried about whether Guixu would intervene, but the worry did not happen.

When several people on the other side of Hunyuan were injured, they finally began to collapse, and some chose to leave, and others no longer had the heart to resist.

After all, there was no reason to fight to the end.

After repelling these Hunyuan, Chen Feng immediately led people to besiege the emperor, but Chen Feng already knew the result.

Sure enough, before they could get forward, the emperors rushed out and disappeared in the vast Guixu in the blink of an eye.

Even if Hunyuan wanted to escape, they might not be stopped, let alone the more powerful emperor.

Although these opponents were repelled, Chen Feng still felt a little regretful.

What Chen Feng wanted was to get rid of them all. Now he only severely injured some Hunyuan. The power loss of these opponents has increased. Maybe one day they will reappear, and they may also find more helpers.

Some people chose to chase, but were rejected by Chen Feng.

Next, he took everyone to another area.

"It's a good thing that the other party can hone us. As a result of the fight just now, I think you fellow Taoists must have gained something. Although they may come again, it also gives us time to practice." Chen Feng comforted everyone.

But the plan is far less than the change, especially in this mysterious and unpredictable Guixu.

Trouble comes from Guixu.

There are many energy turbulence areas in Guixu, just like walking in chaos, but when the invisible smoke permeates, Chen Feng feels something is wrong and quickly informs everyone to be careful.

Before everyone has time to practice, they are awakened by the change and form a formation to be ready.

"It's poisonous."

Some people have already noticed the nature of these smokes and can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

All those present started from above Hunyuan, how could they care about these poisons, but when these poisons corroded everyone, formed a formation, and continued to invade, they knew that this poison was not simple.

One of the Hunyuan was even corroded by the poison, and felt that his mana was melting.

"This is the poison of the Great Dao, and there is also a smell of decay in it." The God of Nothingness said.

"It does feel like the Five Decays of Heaven and Man." Chen Feng also nodded, stretched out his hand to grab some toxins, and felt that these toxins were of high quality and extremely invasive, but they could not do anything to him.

Chen Feng waved his hand and released some true fire to burn these toxins clean, but looking at the smoke in front of him, he couldn't help but frowned.

Whether these toxins are strong or weak is only for people. His defense is very strong, of course he can resist it.

But these toxins can erode some of the Primordial, which means that these toxins are really not simple.

And Chen Feng noticed that the expression of the God of Nothingness was also a little solemn, which meant that the God of Nothingness saw something more.

"It's interesting. Under normal circumstances, this should be the death of a powerful life, or the destruction of an origin, which will produce toxins. Could it be that there is such a thing in front?" The God of Nothingness said.

"I have also encountered some broken origins in Guixu, but I really didn't notice them. Of course, even if it is the toxins produced before the fall, it has little effect on Guixu. Anyway, they will eventually be integrated into Guixu. What I am worried about is whether it is coming for us? Or did we just happen to come here?" Chen Feng said.

At this time, a cultivator who practiced the poisonous avenue used his means to plunder the smoke.

The other party dared to do this, of course, he had a certain degree of confidence.

Chen Feng could not see that after this cultivator collected some smoke, his own strength really changed.

"This is a good thing, or it is a good thing for those who practice this aspect and the cultivation of the Great Dao. This is simply a tonic." Chen Feng laughed.

However, Chen Feng did not promote his poisonous Great Dao, but thought about figuring it out first.

Some people took action to collect the smoke, and some people directly used the method of self-protection to prevent the smoke from getting close.

The reason why he did not dodge was that Chen Feng had not made up his mind, and the scale of the smoke was getting bigger and bigger, appearing from all directions, and had surrounded everyone.

"I'll go to the source to check it out." After saying this, the God of Nothingness took the initiative to enter the smoke.

At first, Chen Feng could still sense the existence of the God of Nothingness, but later, the God of Nothingness seemed to have entered another independent space, and the two sides lost contact.

"It's interesting." Chen Feng did not follow him, but thought about waiting for a while, waiting for the God of Nothingness to come back.

As a result, this wait lasted for a while, and the surrounding smoke completely enveloped the work.

Everyone worked together to operate the magic circle, and the thick energy shield enveloped everyone. Although these toxins can erode the energy shield, the speed is not fast, not to mention that everyone can continuously release power for blessing.

In this situation, many people are curious, and now some people are eager to try and rush in to explore.

For example, above the Hunyuan who practiced the poisonous avenue, there are several practitioners who practiced similar avenues. Although they did not come forward, they also practiced with the help of this power.

"For fellow Taoists who practice the poisonous avenue, this is a good opportunity." The second generation came to Chen Feng and said.

"What do you think, fellow Taoist?" Chen Feng asked.

"Maybe there is a powerful poisonous life in front of us, and these are the toxins produced by the other party's corpse." The second generation said.

Chen Feng nodded. He also guessed this, but the God of Nothingness has not come back, which is a bit confusing.

"Will there be any changes?" Chen Feng said.

"There is something strange here." At this time, the Emperor of Kongji suddenly appeared.

After repelling the opponent, the Emperor of Kongji left, who knew that he would appear again now.

"Has he been following us in secret?" Although the previous situation seemed to be a friend rather than an enemy, he was still an emperor after all. If he had bad intentions, it would cause great harm to his side.

Moreover, the God of Nothingness was not here now.

Fortunately, the Emperor of Emptiness was only outside the barrier, and after a few simple exchanges with Chen Feng, he actually rushed into the depths of the smoke.

Like the God of Nothingness before, the Emperor of Emptiness soon lost his trace.

"It's really a bit strange." It would have been fine if it was only the God of Nothingness who went to investigate before, but now there is another emperor, which means that the things ahead should not be so simple.

I want to investigate, but I'm afraid of something going wrong.

If we act separately, Chen Feng is not sure.

Just when Chen Feng was struggling in his heart, a beam of power shot out from the depths of the smoke.

Wherever this power passed, the smoke was banned and dispersed. Seeing that this power was about to fall on the barrier, Chen Feng broke this power.

This was not an attack by someone, but a power that burst out at will, and there was also the breath of the God of Nothingness.

This shows what the Void God is fighting with. Sure enough, some forces appeared in a scattered manner.

Some were strong and some were weak, and even when they landed on the barrier, they only produced a bunch of sparks.

"The Void God is in trouble, we should go and take a look." The Second World suggested.

"You wait here first, I will go and see the situation first. Remember, don't act separately." Chen Feng explained and then left the barrier.

The Second World also wanted to follow, but he still listened to Chen Feng's arrangement and stayed to take charge. Others did not dare to move.

Speaking of Hunyuan who practiced the Great Way of Poison, although he was a little eager to move, he was really unsure if he really went forward alone.

Unless everyone was together.

However, the current situation was not clear, and most people present were still willing to listen to Chen Feng's orders.

Just from the poisons in front of them, we can see something.

What's more, the Void God, as the emperor, has not come back, which makes everyone feel unsure.

"So you'd better stay here."

Although the Second World, who has become stronger, has the company of others here and the Gate of Time and Space in charge, he still feels uneasy. He can only concentrate his attention and constantly explore the surrounding situation, and be ready immediately if there is any danger.

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