Eternal Existence

Chapter 5388 Turmoil in Guixu

Chen Feng roughly understood the status of everyone present, and only sorted himself out after he felt that everything was fine.

Although the resources of the origin of mutation are relatively precious, Chen Feng is not like other Hunyuan above. Chen Feng himself has enough resources.

So he did not refine the origin of mutation like others. Besides, even if he wanted to refine and absorb, he had to absorb the energy drawn from the source of power first.

What's more, Chen Feng had suppressed several Hunyuan above in one breath before, and it would take time to deal with the opponent.

Although Chen Feng succeeded so easily at that time, it was not so easy to kill the opponent. Chen Feng needed to suppress the opponent and wear him down bit by bit.

Fortunately, Chen Feng has the origin and the origin furnace.

"The origin furnace has suffered with me." Chen Feng sighed.

Speaking of which, since I got the treasure of the origin furnace, I have never rested and have been working hard.

Of course, in this process, the origin furnace can also obtain some power.

"The Gate of Origin is unfathomable!" Chen Feng remembered that the battle was accelerated before.

At such a long distance, the Gate of Origin delivered so much energy so easily.

Chen Feng alone condensed so many Dao clones, and others also received blessings.

Chen Feng secretly calculated that in such a short period of time, the power consumed by the Gate of Origin was comparable to the broken origin he controlled.

"No wonder they dared to fight deep into Guixu." Chen Feng remembered the situation he had learned before. If there were not enough savings, the Gate of Origin would definitely not have multiple clones.

The most important thing is that it seems that it has not affected the free space, which means that the Gate of Origin must have obtained enough resources from other places.

These are Chen Feng's guesses. Anyway, he has enough resources now, and the previous consumption has been replenished.

In addition to sorting out the Dao, he will solve the suppressed Hunyuan. In order to face the possible dangers that may arise next, Chen Feng decided to open a larger hole and let the origin devour more power.

"Anyway, I don't need too many resources now." Chen Feng absorbed the energy obtained from the source of power bit by bit.

"I don't know what the end of the source of power is like?" Chen Feng had such a thought, but when he thought of the fate of Emperor Kongji, Chen Feng couldn't help shaking his head. He couldn't take risks with his current strength.

Even the emperor almost died in it. Although he had some means to do so, he was probably a narrow escape.

And in this situation, there is no need to do such a dangerous thing unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Let's talk about it later. Such a strange and powerful place, I think it will be difficult for Guixu to deal with it." Chen Feng said secretly.

This time's practice went unexpectedly smoothly. Chen Feng had made plans to face attacks at any time. As a result, as time passed, the crisis did not appear, and the opponents who had fought before had not caught up.

Worried, Chen Feng had a flash of inspiration. Perhaps this was a scene that Guixu was happy to see. He and others were a considerable force. It would be a good thing for Guixu to practice quietly at this time. In this way, Guixu could free up more power to deal with others.

"Is that the case?" After thinking about this, Chen Feng was a little worried. If that was the case, then he and others should continue to make some noise, otherwise the Gate of Origin would have to bear greater pressure.

Chen Feng thought about it and immediately devoted some of his attention to communicating with the God of Nothingness.

"It's possible, but don't worry too much. Our forces look very strong, but in fact, they are nothing in the entire Guixu. I'm not in danger now. I didn't come in the morning. It's possible that Guixu is mobilizing troops, or it's possible that there is not so much energy to deal with us." The God of Nothingness didn't care.

In the eyes of the God of Nothingness, the time for cultivation is not long at all, and he needs more time to improve his strength.

Although he has become stronger now, it is still not enough. Compared with other emperors, he doesn't have much confidence.

The God of Nothingness really doesn't care about Chen Feng's speculation, and the God of Nothingness thinks that what he said makes sense. His power looks very strong, but compared with Guixu and the fight between the emperors, it doesn't play a big role.

The most important thing next is to save his life besides obtaining resources.

Chen Feng also understood the idea of ​​the God of Nothingness, and he did not want to continue fighting. Even if he wanted to, before there was any news from the Gate of Origin, it would be better for his people to practice here honestly.

"Since the Gate of Origin did not ask us to do this, I think the other party has enough strength to fight against Guixu. Besides, if we really want to make some noise, the Gate of Origin will give us more power when we encounter it, which will consume the strength of the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng felt that thinking about the problem from another angle would solve his previous thoughts.

But it was not quiet for long, and the opponents who had fought before came again.

The first to arrive were the three emperors.

Mutated life, the old man in the spirit realm, and the Emperor of the Blood Sea.

At this time, these three people can bring great oppression to people. All the practitioners woke up at the first time, and then operated according to the law to block the opponent's attack.

"I was about to break through, but I didn't expect the other party to come at this time." Someone said dissatisfiedly.

"I've also learned something, but it's okay, you can also practice in battle."

Everyone was talking a lot, but they didn't dare to relax at all. But as soon as he took action, Chen Feng felt that everyone was stronger than before, and the formation they jointly arranged was even more powerful.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng felt relieved.

After the two sides encountered each other several times, the space split open, and Hunyuan appeared one after another.

But before the opponent could launch a charge, Time Changhe and several major sects began to take action, leading everyone to move in the ruins.

This is because he does not want to fight with the other party, but the other party has already come to the door, and it is not that easy to leave.

Although he moved his position several times, he was still chased by the other party.

"Forget it, don't waste any more strength. Since the opponent wants to fight, let's fight with him." Chen Feng stopped Shi Changhe and the others.

Obviously, there is no way to get rid of the other party in this situation, and after a short period of practice, one's own side is considered to be strong, so it is not necessarily afraid of the other party.

Chen Feng's idea is very good, and this is also a choice made out of desperation. If there is a choice, Chen Feng is not willing to fight with these people.

Since the other party is chasing after them, let's have another fight. It's hard to say who will win and who will lose.

The two sides constantly collided, and powerful forces swept around, destroying almost everything.

Even the powerful Gui Xu couldn't bear it. The area was constantly collapsing, its power became chaotic, and it was destroyed in the chaos.

"According to my previous calculations, Guixu is a huge origin. Now it seems that it is really the case." Chen Feng saw the broken Guixu and had an idea in his mind that had appeared before.

"It would be better if you just give me some more time." The second generation has become very powerful. This time it is different from the previous situation. He can completely maintain his strong state without using special means.

But it still hasn't reached the level of the Great Emperor. As the Second Emperor said, it will still take a certain amount of time.

Just as the two sides were fighting endlessly, external forces finally intervened.

After feeling a powerful aura coming nearby, Chen Feng's face became very ugly.

It was obvious that another Great Emperor was coming, and he was very likely to be his opponent.

However, before Chen Feng could lock onto the opponent's aura, the powerful being who came nearby suddenly accelerated his speed and went directly towards the mutated life.

When the two sides collided, Chen Feng knew who was coming.

"It turned out to be Emperor Kongji." It wasn't that Chen Feng had any friendship with the other party, but that the other party was also an enemy of mutant life forms.

If you change your opponent, the opponent will not take action, and may be waiting for the right opportunity to choose to gain benefits.

No matter how the appearance of Emperor Kongji was of great benefit to Chen Feng's side.

This was a great emperor, and he entangled the mutated life form from the moment he came up, even hurting the opponent.

In this case, the pressure on Chen Feng's side plummeted, and Chen Feng and others could even launch a counterattack. Although they were unable to do anything to the old man in the spiritual realm and the Blood Sea Emperor, they knocked the other Hunyuan superiors to pieces.

The previous anxious state has become the upper hand. Once all these Hunyuan are defeated, then they can start to surround and kill the emperor.

Chen Feng had a good idea, and things were indeed progressing in this direction.

What's interesting is that this time they returned to the void, but they were not blessed. In this case, it has two different meanings from the previous state of the opponent's body.


Chen Feng seized the opportunity to severely injure a Hunyuan above, but this time Chen Feng did not drag the opponent into the origin. Instead, after injuring the opponent, he used the power of the origin to continuously wipe out the opponent's vitality.

Although the opponent got rid of Chen Feng's attack and reshaped his body not far away, the aura on his body was much weaker, and his combat effectiveness was naturally affected.

What Chen Feng wants is for the other party's combat effectiveness to decrease. If either of the two of them has the ability to take over the other party, Chen Feng plans to give this benefit to the other party.



Chen Feng's boxing skills and swordsmanship exploded together. In order to quickly decide the battle, he used explosive fighting techniques that hurt both sides. After resisting the opponent's attack, he took the opportunity to hit the opponent with a punch. The strong punching power was not something that ordinary Hunyuan masters could withstand. Yes, countless cracks appeared on the body on the spot, and it was about to explode. Then it was enveloped by the sword energy, and the body was directly torn into pieces.

Before the opponent could escape, Chen Feng was already in front of another opponent.

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