Eternal Existence

Chapter 5385 Changes

Just when Chen Feng was worried, the Spear of All Evil and the Spear of Judgment suddenly rushed over. After just a few shuttles back and forth, several Hunyuan Above were pierced through their bodies.

The situation finally stabilized, but before Chen Feng could breathe a sigh of relief, another group of Hunyuan Above also received the blessing of Guixu, and their combat effectiveness soared again. The magic circle operated by the Second Generation and others began to shake again, and this time it was somewhat unsuppressible.

This is the disadvantage of fighting in Guixu. As long as Guixu is willing, it can continue to use some means to suppress foreign invaders.

Sure enough, even those Hunyuan Aboves who originated the war were blessed by Guixu. Chen Feng understood that Guixu wanted to seize the opportunity to destroy his side.

Even if the Second Generation burst out all his strength, he could not stabilize the collapsing magic circle. If he could not turn the tables, then the people would be slaughtered next.

Even if it was not a massacre, there would be heavy casualties.

Chen Feng was a little anxious, but his opponent did not relax at all, and Chen Feng saw mockery in his opponent's eyes.

"It's a big trouble." Chen Feng burst out again and again, but he couldn't get rid of the emperor's entanglement at all.

"It's useless, we have already used all our strength." The God of Nothingness had no choice at this time.

However, at this time, the Long River of Time appeared, and even the Gate of Time and Space left its original formation.

Then I saw the Long River of Time and the Gate of Time and Space joined forces to collect the Second World and others in one breath.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, but soon realized that things were not that simple.

The Long River of Time and the Gate of Time and Space intervened. Although they collected these Hunyuan Above, they had to bear the next attack.

The power of the Long River of Time was dispersed, and several Hunyuan Above fell out. Then the Gate of Time and Space also cracked. Although no Hunyuan Above appeared, the old man Taixuan who had suppressed it before took the opportunity to escape some power.

This made Chen Feng frown. He had already solved the emperor. It would only take some time to completely refine the other party. Who knew that the other party would rush out a little power now.

Although these powers are nothing, the opponent can use them to revive, and then there will be another enemy of the emperor level.

So Chen Feng was anxious. As soon as he thought about it, the avenues floated and the avenue clones flew out, trying to wipe out the power of the old man Taixuan.

But before Chen Feng's avenue clone arrived at the place, it was penetrated by a bunch of light that came out of thin air, and then the body began to collapse.

You should know that although Chen Feng's clone is far inferior to himself, it is not so easy to kill.

"Someone intervened again." Chen Feng was shocked. The person who took action just now was not anyone present.

Since the means were blocked, the last part of the power of the old man Taixuan also took the opportunity to escape and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What a pity."

Chen Feng still thought that the energy in the battlefield could wipe out the opponent completely, but he was still thinking too well.

"Even if the opponent escapes, it's impossible to recover his strength in a short time." Chen Feng could only think so.

The gate's formation is no longer perfect, indicating that the situation is out of control. Fortunately, the long river of time has increased its strength, otherwise the gate of time and space alone cannot stop the opponent's explosion, and it may be broken on the spot.

The gate of time and space came with its main body. If it fell here, it might really fall. Even if it left a mark in the gate of origin, when can it recover to its peak?

However, since the main body was chosen to come here, it also shows the determination of the gate of time and space, so it is decisive to take action at this time.

At least no matter how hard you try, you can't defeat the opponent out of thin air. With the continuous blessing of Guixu, the combat power erupted by these Hunyuan is getting stronger and stronger, causing the power of time to be unable to gather for a long time. The cracks on the gate of time and space have not disappeared, but more cracks have appeared. Fortunately, the Hunyuan above the gate of time and space have jointly exploded to block part of the power, otherwise the gate of time and space will really explode.

"It won't work if it goes on like this. Is there any help?" Chen Feng hurriedly asked the gate of time and space.

"All forces have been mobilized, unless the Gate of Origin appears." The Gate of Time and Space responded. Seeing that it could not resist, the Gate of Time and Space also began to dodge. Only the shadow of the portal appeared in the layers of time and space.

It looks good, and it can really dodge some attacks. Who knows that the previous beam of light appears again and hits the Gate of Time and Space directly.

Groups of flames exploded, and holes appeared in the Gate of Time and Space. It seemed to be pierced, but the power entered the Gate of Time and Space and raged.

"Who is it? Is there an emperor hiding in the dark?" Chen Feng was surprised, and then he felt that he was being stared at. Although he could not see the other party, the threat that condensed into substance affected Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness and heart.

"Stared at me."

"Okay, I want to see who it is."




The beating of the heart was like a war drum covered with dust for billions of years, and it was like giant stars colliding. Just the beating sound gave people a sense of endless power.

Create the world, suppress the avenue.

Just when Chen Feng was ready to give it a try, the old man in the spiritual realm seized the opportunity, and a storm formed by the power of obstruction enveloped Chen Feng.

The God of Nothingness frowned, forced back the mutant life, and then disappeared in an instant, leaving only the clone to persevere.

Although the Void God has been fighting with his opponent, he has also been paying attention to the situation outside, especially the existence hidden in the dark, which is a big threat.

When the opponent attacked just now, the Void God locked the opponent's position, so he took the risk to find the opponent.

Otherwise, it would be too dangerous to let the opponent hide in the dark and continue to attack.

Anyway, they are all opponents, so it is better to expose the opponent.

Of course, the idea is good, but the Void God is not sure whether it can be done.

Although the Gate of Space and Time and the River of Time have left the camp, the remaining three gates can still form a blockade, and with the cooperation of killing weapons, the emperor of the origin of war still cannot counterattack.

This scene also made Chen Feng breathe a sigh of relief.

At present, it seems that the situation is not so bad. Next, it depends on how much Guixu can bless it. If Guixu keeps participating in it regardless of anything, his side will definitely not be able to bear it.

Chen Feng has tried his best, but his own strength is here, and he can't suppress the emperor at all. Even if he releases some clones, he may not be able to do anything to his opponent.

However, despite this, Chen Feng still sent the battle puppet to help the second generation. Although he was under stronger pressure, he had some means such as the copy law, and Chen Feng believed that he could still hold on.

So the current situation can only be entangled.

But not long after the battle puppet left, the old man in the spirit realm broke out again. This time, there was no obstruction from the God of Nothingness, and Chen Feng immediately fell into the magical power of the old man in the spirit realm.

However, Chen Feng was able to forcibly disperse the power of the old man in the spirit realm with his powerful strength.

This scene surprised the old man in the spirit realm. He didn't expect Chen Feng to have such a powerful pure power.

This kind of power can really crush everything when it reaches an extreme.

But Chen Feng didn't take the opportunity to kill him, but rushed directly to the position where the old man in the spirit realm was.

The old man in the spirit realm didn't dare to resist, and the combat power shown by Chen Feng now could completely hurt the old man in the spirit realm.

Therefore, the old man in the spiritual realm could only use special means to stop Chen Feng.

The momentum that Chen Feng burst out was indeed unstoppable, and his strength was unprecedentedly strong. Chen Feng was confident that even if an origin was in front of him, he could forcibly blast a path, but under the continuous deception of the old man in the spiritual realm, a large part of his strength was useless.

Chen Feng knew this, but there was nothing he could do. Finally, when his strength was somewhat exhausted, the power of the old man in the spiritual realm entangled again, and the deception was pervasive.

Chen Feng could not dodge and was finally contaminated by the deception, and then Chen Feng lost all perception of the outside world.

It was like entering an empty area with no time, no space, and nothing.

Here, only his consciousness was still active, and there was no other feeling.

If Chen Feng did not have other helpers, it would be really difficult to crack the situation in front of him, after all, the gap between the two sides was still very large.

However, although other companions had opponents, Chen Feng still believed in his companions, and Chen Feng did not sit idly by.

It's not the first or second time that I've dealt with the old man in the spiritual realm. With all kinds of attempts, I'm not completely helpless against this blinding power.

So all kinds of means were used, and the blinding power around me was constantly dissipating, but the amount was too much, and Chen Feng's power itself was not as good as the other party in quality, so it seemed a bit slow.

However, when Chen Feng used the power beyond the origin, he could protect himself. Even if no one came to help him, he could persist in this state for a long time.

However, when a beam of time came through, he was immediately caught by Chen Feng and rushed out along this beam of time.

Chen Feng thought it was the God of Nothingness who came to help him, but he didn't expect it to be the River of Time.

"The power of the River of Time is stronger, stronger than I thought before." Chen Feng said in his heart.

After all, the power of time is somewhat special. Wherever it passes can be turned into its own territory, and after leaving the Gate of Origin, it has gone to many areas. Chen Feng can't be sure how strong the River of Time is now.

Chen Feng naturally hopes that the River of Time will be as strong as possible, so that it will be beneficial to him.

After following the power of time, he saw the turbulent flow of time spraying everywhere in the battlefield. This scene made Chen Feng a little confused. What happened in such a short time? How could the long river of time make such a commotion? This was not the style of the long river of time.

"The long river of time has erupted, seize the opportunity." At this time, the will of the God of Nothingness came out.

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