Eternal Existence

Chapter 5386: Various Strange Things

"The power of the River of Time is stronger, stronger than I imagined before." Chen Feng thought to himself.

After all, the power of time is somewhat special. Wherever it passes can be turned into its own territory. Moreover, after leaving the Gate of Origin, it has gone to many areas. Chen Feng cannot be sure how strong the River of Time is now.

Chen Feng naturally hopes that the River of Time will be as strong as possible, so that it will be beneficial to him.

After following the power of time, he saw the turbulence of time spraying everywhere in the battlefield. This scene made Chen Feng a little confused. What happened in such a short time? How did the River of Time make such a noise? This is not the style of the River of Time.

"The River of Time has erupted, seize the opportunity." At this time, the God of Nothingness sent a wave of will.

Although Chen Feng did not know why the River of Time became so powerful? Why did it erupt in this situation?

But as the God of Nothingness said, now is indeed a good opportunity.

The eruption of the power of time is directed at the opponent. Not only does it help Chen Feng get rid of the shackles, but it also has to keep attacking the opponents present.

Even the powerful earth has been affected.

Chen Feng's thoughts swept through, and all the situations were clear.

If there were no emperors present, then Chen Feng could completely deal with multiple Hunyuan in a short time.

Chen Feng did not hesitate and rushed directly to the mutant life.

It was normal for Chen Feng to have this choice. The strength of the old man in the spiritual realm was very strong. Not to mention that he was only affected a little bit, even if the long river of time and space really came here, he could not do anything to the old man in the spiritual realm.

So even if Chen Feng rushed to the other party, it would be useless. It would be better to take this opportunity to severely injure one of them first.

Then the mutant life is the best choice. After all, the mutant life is relatively weak among the emperors.

When Chen Feng pierced the other party's body with a sword, he felt a little incredible. He didn't expect to succeed so easily.

Chen Feng thought he was deceived, but this feeling and experience were real.

Since he hurt the other party, Chen Feng would naturally not stop. He made a series of moves to destroy all the vitality of the other party to a greater extent.

From the beginning, both sides were in a life-and-death position. If there were no various changes in the fight, Chen Feng would even think of taking this opportunity to pull the other party into the origin to suppress it.

However, the other party was at the level of the emperor after all, and he had been fighting for this period of time, and his strength had been advancing by leaps and bounds.

In addition to severely injuring the other party at the beginning, Chen Feng immediately got rid of the situation in front of him after the mutant life came to his senses, and even fought back.

Chen Feng sighed secretly, knowing that it was impossible, but still tried his best to entangle the other party.

When Chen Feng and the mutant life were fighting, other places also underwent earth-shaking changes.

A wisp of time power entered the four portals of the Gate of Time and Space, so the four portals burst out with more powerful power than before.

This did not seem to be a simple blessing, but the power of time helped the portals suppress the body of the old man Taixuan, allowing them to burst out with more powerful power.

Of course, there were also some power blessings from the Gate of Origin, but they were wrapped in the power of time and it was difficult to see.

The four portals kept changing their positions, and they actually trapped the old man in the spiritual realm.

As for the sword of the end, the killing weapons surrounded the Blood Sea Emperor and attacked continuously.

They entangled two emperors, which was equivalent to the majority of the combat power in the entire battlefield.

And Chen Feng entangled the mutant life, so the remaining ones were just some simple Hunyuan above.

The situation became somewhat clear. Whether it was the Hunyuan above where the war originated, or the practitioners from other places, although they were blessed by Guixu, they were now entangled by the power of time.

This gave the second generation and the others an opportunity. After rushing out of the portal, they madly released the means they had prepared long ago.

In the chaos, people were constantly hit hard. After the power of time gradually weakened, as many as forty or fifty Hunyuan above were injured, and even several people died.

The results of the battle looked brilliant, but Chen Feng was not satisfied. Chen Feng wanted to get rid of the opponent in one fell swoop.

Although the opponents seemed to be injured, they would recover quickly under the blessing of Guixu.

What's more, there are powerful beings in the dark, and it is unknown whether anyone can find them.

Suddenly, there was a violent collision, and groups of almost condensed forces exploded and swept around. Among them were the power of blinding, and some particularly powerful original forces such as time and space.

Only to see the old man in the spiritual realm rushing out from the encirclement, Chen Feng saw cracks flashing on several portals.

Sure enough, the gate of time and space could not always solve the emperor. The old man in the spiritual realm also knew the power of these portals, so he rushed out at the moment of being trapped.

Then the old man in the spiritual realm once again stared at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's heart was cold, and he was thinking about what means to use to deal with the situation in front of him. Suddenly, a force of time poured in, and Chen Feng's time avenue stretched out as if it was inflated. Then Chen Feng's mind moved, and several clones walked out of the time avenue and joined forces to block the mutant life.

In addition to the power of time, there was another force that was more pure and powerful, which directly caused all of Chen Feng's avenues to shake endlessly.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt that he was omnipotent and could even tear apart the old man in front of him.

Chen Feng knew that this was a special psychology that made him become stronger for a short time. Even if he was stronger, he would not be the opponent of the old man in the spiritual realm.

But it should not be a problem to treat him as the opponent now.

This is the power blessing from the Gate of Origin, or the most original power, which contains the will of the Gate of Origin.

As Chen Feng's thoughts flashed, dozens of clones walked out of the avenue.

The reason why it was so easy was because of the blessing from the Gate of Origin. Since it consumed the power of the Gate of Origin, Chen Feng would not hesitate to attack again.

Dozens of clones formed a magic circle and went forward to compete with the old man in the spiritual realm, while Chen Feng himself came to the war beast in a flash.

When Chen Feng was not facing the emperor, he felt that he was still very strong, so what Chen Feng had to do was to quickly clean up other opponents.

This war beast looked very big and its strength was also above the realm of Hunyuan, but in Chen Feng's opinion, he should be able to deal with it.


Chen Feng rushed out of a column of energy, looking at the war beast in front of him with a complex look in his eyes.

He underestimated the opponent.

This war beast is quite powerful. Because of the array and cultivators in its body, its attack power is also very strong.

Chen Feng just left a wound on the opponent with a sword, but was also hit by the opponent's attack.

Chen Feng knew that it would be difficult for him to deal with the opponent in a short time, and he was a little anxious. He didn't want to miss such a good opportunity. Once he gave the opponent time, everything would return to the previous state.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about whether to release the origin and let go, another beam of time force drilled into Chen Feng's body.

"It came in time." Chen Feng was happy in his heart, the avenue shook, and dozens of clones appeared.

Chen Feng got the help of the Gate of Origin, and the avenue clones he created were close to hundreds. This was a very powerful force. They rushed up and tore the war beast into pieces in the blink of an eye.

There was indeed another cave in the opponent's body, and there were indeed many arrays and some lives, but Chen Feng didn't pay attention to these. Whether these lives were dead or alive depended on their luck.

Chen Feng rolled up his wings and sent all the clones to other battlefields to help the second generation and others to solve the opponents.

In the process, he successfully noticed that the second generation's strength has always been close to the emperor, and he has a lot of stamina and is constantly replenished, which is completely different from the previous frivolous appearance.

This made Chen Feng a little strange, and he wondered what was going on. Could it be that the second generation and the previous generation have truly merged?

If this is the case, it is really a good thing, which means that there is another emperor on his side.

However, when Chen Feng saw a beam of time entering the second generation, he knew that it was the Gate of Origin that was helping him.

It is obvious that the Gate of Origin also values ​​the second generation, which is a good thing. If the second generation can last longer, it can solve more opponents.

"We still have to kill the emperor." Chen Feng wanted to communicate with the Gate of Origin, but gave up after thinking about it.

The Gate of Origin continued to deliver power, which meant that the original body would not come, but this time the power blessed by the Gate of Origin was unprecedentedly strong, which was somewhat beyond Chen Feng's expectations.

"These powers are enough to match a great emperor." Chen Feng slashed out with a sword and split an opponent in half. While the opponent was reshaping his body, he punched out again, directly blowing up the opponent's broken body.

The shadow of the origin of the corrosive energy appeared, covering the opponent's broken body.

Next, Chen Feng continued to attack other people. Every time he solved an opponent, an origin would appear to pull and suppress the opponent.

However, Chen Feng did not use a single origin. You must know that even the most powerful origin of corrosive energy is now suppressing many things.

But fortunately, Chen Feng had enough origins, and it didn't take long for Chen Feng to solve six opponents.

This is above the Hunyuan, and none of them escaped. They were all blown up by Chen Feng and received into the origin.

Although it is not as good as the great emperor, it is also a considerable force and a large resource. After being fully refined, it is not much less valuable than Chen Feng's broken origin.

To be honest, the most suppressed among Chen Feng's origins are the major Hunyuan.

Chen Feng did not intend to take the opponent, but Chen Feng still attacked, and another Hunyuan was blown up. The sword energy and fist force continued to cut and vibrate, trying to more thoroughly erase the opponent's life mark.

Although the opponent would escape part of his strength, it would be difficult for him to recover his strength.

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