Eternal Existence

Chapter 5384: Struggling

This is the battle puppet given by Emperor Thunder. It is very powerful, but the number of puppets that have followed Chen Feng in the fight has also decreased. The remaining puppets are kept in the origin by Chen Feng, and they can also help Chen Feng suppress the origin.

The most important thing is that they can replace Chen Feng's clones, otherwise Chen Feng would release clones every time he fights, which would consume too much energy.

As soon as the battle puppets appeared, they joined forces to block the mutant life.

However, the old man in the spirit realm remained calm and let Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness use all kinds of means, and they all looked confident.


Chen Feng sneered at the old man in the spirit realm. This was not the first time they had fought. Chen Feng knew that the old man in the spirit realm was very powerful, but he was considered the top among the emperors he had met.

The old man in the spirit realm was also decisive in killing, and he was not soft-hearted in killing, but he did not have the intention to fight desperately. Perhaps it was not at that point, so the old man in the spirit realm seemed to be fierce, but he did not actually use his full strength.

Unlike Chen Feng and the emperor, no matter what kind of emperor he was, he would try his best.

Chen Feng had a good understanding of the other party, so he looked down on him in his heart. Once his strength reached the same level as the old man in the spirit realm, or broke through to the realm above the Hunyuan, he could severely injure the old man in the spirit realm.

Chen Feng suddenly released the power of truth, which actually affected the power of the old man in the spirit realm. Although it was only for a moment, Chen Feng also seized the opportunity to stab the old man in the spirit realm with a sword.

Chen Feng's sword, which he was determined to win, still fell into the air. The old man in the spirit realm did not disappear, but it seemed to have disappeared. This was the use of the power of deception.

"Haha, you think you are the real emperor, not to mention that this little power of truth is not yours." The old man in the spirit realm sneered.


Chen Feng smiled and pushed the real avenue with all his strength.

Although he got some of the real power, the real avenue was opened up not long after all, and Chen Feng also needed time to hone it.

And Chen Feng also had his own ideas. After integrating some power imprints, the power of the real power was raised to a higher level, and the speed at which the surrounding deception power dissipated accelerated.

As the wings of the gods behind Chen Feng vibrated, waves of domains were formed. The samsara domain rippled out, followed by the creation domain. The two domains alternated to dissolve part of the blinding power.

Chen Feng was fighting with all his strength, doing many things at the same time, and constantly honing himself.

"You can't stay."

The old man in the spirit realm had murderous intent in his eyes, and suddenly used a killing magic on Chen Feng, but was blocked by the God of Nothingness.

"Have you forgotten me?" The God of Nothingness said lightly.

"Void shock wave."

Seeing the God of Nothingness entangled the old man in the spirit realm, Chen Feng urged the power of the copy law, and only saw the shadow of the copy law probe into the void. The next moment, Chen Feng's clone appeared, and then he hit the old man in the spirit realm fiercely.

"Good stuff, come out for me."

The old man in the spirit realm did not move at all in the face of the attack. A halo appeared above his head, blocking the attack of Chen Feng's clone, and then firmly locked Chen Feng. Chen Feng immediately felt that the copy law was ready to move.

"Heh, you're not the first one who wants to snatch this law from me." Chen Feng smiled and suppressed the copy law, but in fact, Chen Feng was not as relaxed as he seemed.

Chen Feng expected that the other party would have such means, but it still made Chen Feng's mind full when it was really used.

If the copy law was snatched away by the other party, then Chen Feng could not make up for his losses even if he refined a great emperor.

So the copy law could not be used for the time being, which was equivalent to weakening Chen Feng's strength.

Although each used his own means, no one could do anything to the other in a short time, so they could only choose to fight.

But other battlefields changed.

The victory was not decided by the gate of time and space, but by the Hunyuan, which seemed to be fighting extremely fiercely.

Dozens of Hunyuan suddenly received the blessing of external power, and the aura of the whole person was greatly improved. The magic array they operated also became stronger. The battle array formed by the second generation and others was directly broken. If the second generation had not exploded at the critical moment, the battle array arranged by hundreds of people would have been smashed to pieces by the opponent.

Even so, many people were injured, and the situation could not be stabilized for a while.

"Guixu intervened." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, the most unwilling thing to see happened, and it was within his expectations.

Before, it was said that these Hunyuan above did not belong to Guixu. Now it seems that no matter whether the other party belongs to Guixu or not, he is equal to any opponent, and now he has been blessed by Guixu.

The situation is not good next.

Fortunately, the second generation broke out, and the strength close to the emperor barely stabilized the situation, but the opponent continued to attack, and Chen Feng knew that his side would soon collapse.

Just when Chen Feng was worried, the Spear of All Evil and the Spear of Judgment suddenly rushed over. After just a few shuttles back and forth, several Hunyuan above were pierced through the body.

The situation finally stabilized, but before Chen Feng could breathe a sigh of relief, another group of Hunyuan above also got the blessing of Guixu, and their combat effectiveness soared again. The magic circle operated by the second generation and others began to shake again, and this time it was a bit uncontrollable.

This is the disadvantage of fighting in Guixu. As long as Guixu is willing, it can continuously use some means to suppress foreign invaders.

Sure enough, even those Hunyuan Above who are the origin of the war have been blessed by Guixu. Now Chen Feng understands that Guixu wants to seize the opportunity to destroy his side.

Even if the Second World could not stabilize the collapsing magic circle with all its strength, if it could not turn the tables, then the people would be massacred next.

Even if it was not a massacre, there would be heavy casualties.

Chen Feng was a little anxious, but his opponent did not relax at all, and Chen Feng saw a mocking look in his opponent's eyes.

"It's a big trouble." Chen Feng burst out again and again, but he could not get rid of the entanglement of the emperor at all.

"It's useless, we have already used all our strength." The God of Nothingness had no way at this time.

However, at this time, the Long River of Time appeared, and even the Gate of Time and Space left its original formation.

Next, I only saw the Long River of Time and the Gate of Time and Space joined forces to collect the Second World and others in one breath.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, but soon realized that things were not that simple.

The Long River of Time and the Gate of Time and Space intervened, although they collected these Hunyuan above, but they themselves had to withstand the next attack.

The power of the long river of time was dispersed, and several people fell out of the Hunyuan. Then the gate of time and space also cracked. Although no Hunyuan appeared, the old man Taixuan who had suppressed it before took the opportunity to escape some power.

This made Chen Feng frown. He had already solved the emperor. It would only take some time to refine the other party completely. Who knew that the other party would rush out a little power now.

Although these powers are nothing, the other party can use them to revive again. Then there will be another enemy of the emperor level.

So Chen Feng was anxious. As soon as he thought about it, the avenues floated and the avenue clones flew out, trying to wipe out the power of the old man Taixuan.

However, before Chen Feng's avenue clone arrived at the place, it was penetrated by a bunch of light that came out of thin air, and then the body began to collapse.

You must know that although Chen Feng's clone is far inferior to himself, it is not so easy to kill.

"Someone intervened again." Chen Feng was shocked. The person who took action just now was not anyone present.

Since the means were blocked, the last part of the power of the old man Taixuan also took the opportunity to escape and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What a pity."

Chen Feng was still thinking that the energy in the battlefield could wipe out the opponent, but he was still thinking too well.

"Even if the opponent escapes, it's impossible to recover in a short time." Chen Feng could only think so.

The formation of the portal is no longer perfect, which means that the situation is not under control. Fortunately, the long river of time has increased its power, otherwise the gate of time and space alone cannot stop the opponent's burst, and it may be broken on the spot.

The gate of time and space came with the main body. If it fell here, it might really fall. Even if the mark was left in the gate of origin, when can it recover to its peak?

However, since the main body was chosen to come here, it also shows the determination of the gate of time and space, so it is decisive to take action at this time.

At least, no matter how hard they tried, they could not defeat their opponents out of thin air. With the continuous blessing of Guixu, the fighting power of these Hunyuans became stronger and stronger, causing the power of time to be unable to gather for a long time. The cracks on the Gate of Time and Space have not disappeared, but more cracks have appeared. Fortunately, the Hunyuans of the Gate of Time and Space worked together to block part of the power, otherwise the Gate of Time and Space would really explode.

"It won't work if it goes on like this. Is there any help?" Chen Feng asked the Gate of Time and Space hurriedly.

"All the power has been used, unless the Gate of Origin appears." The Gate of Time and Space responded. Seeing that it could not resist, the Gate of Time and Space also began to dodge, and only saw the shadow of the portal appearing in the layers of time and space.

It looks good, and it can really dodge some attacks in this way. Who knows that the previous beam of light appears again and hits the Gate of Time and Space directly.

Groups of fire exploded, and holes appeared in the Gate of Time and Space. It seemed to be pierced, but the power entered the Gate of Time and Space and raged.

"Who is it? Is there another emperor hiding in the dark?" Chen Feng was startled, and then felt that he was being watched. Although he could not see the other party, the threat that had condensed into substance affected Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness and heart.

"Watching me."

"Okay, I want to see who it is."




The beating of the heart was like a war drum that had been covered in dust for billions of years, and it was like giant stars colliding. Just the beating sound gave people a sense of endless power.

Opening up the world and suppressing the avenue.

Just when Chen Feng was ready to give it a try, the old man in the spiritual realm seized the opportunity, and a storm formed by the power of obstruction enveloped Chen Feng.

The God of Nothingness frowned, forced back the mutant life, and then disappeared in an instant, leaving only the clone to persist.

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